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/tech/ and /internet/ general - 2.0 मित्र 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:03:35 Id: 333e36 No. 5540
This is version 2.0 of the previous thread (>>380). Share new technology, websites, internet resources, guides, opsec techniques, your own tech problems etc etc etc.
>>6846 I know options are not good, but this is still lot of time sunk into a phone. I do miss the old Samsungs. For me anything after S10e/S9/Note 9 is unsable mess from Samsung.
>>6846 This reminds me to make more use of my phone. It is degoogled android, so I can use it without much worries. It is just I don't know what to use my phone for outside of clicking pictures and audio. I mostly use laptop to post or my notes.
Tech is fun and exciting, this I get. But a lot of tech work is just solutions looking for a problem. I feel this way about a lot of AI solutions. I am looking forward to having my own home lab computer again. It will most probably have one of those new CPU combinations with an NPU. I look forward to downloading Llama or some other model for tiny home tasks. But it still feels like a solution in search of a problem and not the other way around.
>>6872 >but this is still lot of time sunk into a phone. I know, im retarded, this is the last thing I need to be wasting my time on. >It is just I don't know what to use my phone for outside of clicking pictures and audio. I mostly use laptop to post or my notes. Nothing. When Im on the computer I am doing something even if the something is just wasting time. When I am on my phone I am doing "nothing in particular". No I don't "doomscroll", I don't have any app installed to do it on. >>6891 > a lot of tech work is just solutions looking for a problem yes it feels like product advertisement on naaptol where they show people doing absurd shit, having such problems as no one in the real world has. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA5otcoLT8w
>>6893 I know what you mean about your phone. Inspired by this post, I decided to connect my bluetooth keyboard to my phone and try posting. Typing with a keyboard is comfy. But changing language does not work on android. I need to touch the keyboard again and again. FOnt size is natrually small. With an swivel arm phone stand, I could actually keey the phone at fact level and use it better actually. But feels like lot of work honestly. I still enjoy a big memory card in my phone and using it as a portable hard drive of sorts, with all my music and video and notes on it. > Naaptol ad Ngl, this wrench looks pretty good. I don't work on my bike anymore though. But I know what you mean. There are lot of useless products out there.
any resource to deeply learn about linux?
>>6908 yeah, the source code and official documentation
>>6908 https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-linux/ And as said >>6910, the man pages for each command are usually enough.
>>5624 >>5623 Obsidian/logseq with a cloud service of your choice. I am currently using the built in note app for Nextcloud and it is pretty good as well.
>>5540 some partially leaked source code of VMProtect, which is used with denuvo https://anonymfile.com/50D6B/vmpsrc.zip
>>6898 I put in time into my phone because it's the only kind of computer I have unrestricted access to all day. If I had access to a desktop or laptop computer any time I wanted, maybe I would not have cared so much. And in dire situations, your phone is your only friend, and I'd like to keep it working as expected. It's a compromise till you find a real computer, even if you want to do the lightest of work >Ngl, this wrench looks pretty good Don't think so, as far as I can see it just hooks on to two corners of whatever fastener you're trying to unscrew The wrench looks thin and is likely of cheap quality. By cheap quality, I mean it's not hardened enough, doesn't have enough stiffness. These things actually bend under load, and give way. Repeat this a few times and you have metal powder around the fastener, and then you will have stripped it off Socket/T-wrench is best, if I can't fit it in there then I try to use a ring spanner, and if I can't, I use an open ended wrench (have stripped off a few using these too) Changing your working tool isn't a lot of effort and is definitely less effort than whatever you will have to do if you strip a nut by using a bad tool lol
> it's the only kind of computer I have unrestricted access to all day. I hope you get your own laptop/Desktop and some privacy anon. It is a human right in my opinion. >>6978 > By cheap quality, I mean it's not hardened enough, doesn't have enough stiffness. Very good point. > Socket Its a pain to carry them. They weigh A LOT. I travel regularly. For now I have a compromise where my furniture and vehicle can be worked with a smaller toolkit.
>>5540 https://yacy.searchlab.eu/index.html a community-driven, p2p search engine it sucks at its current state, but has the potential to become decent if enough people start using and puttting effort into it
>>6988 Actually looks promising The decline of public torrenting and p2p makes me sad.
>>5540 a programmer's worst nightmare
YouTube's war on adblock means I will have to reduce my dependence on YouTube. I am invested somewhat in alternate platforms, but some channels only exist on YouTube. I don't use YouTube for information consumption or comfy watching. I know many people do. This is ultimately good though. YouTube is brain rot. Not as bad as TikTok but brain rot is brain rot.
>>5540 https://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/sortname/windows_10_fixes.html one of the most useful websites out there, for winplebs
>>7043 I used.to download programs here and on filehippo ages ago
>>5540 https://prsindia.org/billtrack/the-telecommunication-bill-2023 This extremely privacy invasive law, which will give the government the right to spy on any citizen when it pleases, has been passed and will take effect from June 26,2024. There have been no protests from the citizens, and no one is talking about it online. I hate this anti-privacy nature of Indians(wHaT dO yOu hAvE To HidE brO?). But what can you expect from this joke of a country, which uses chinese cctvs on secret military complexes.
>>7048 Feels like Indians are sabotaging google from the inside lol. Simply based.
>>7045 People look at with suspicion when I tell them about the control govt has after IT act and telecommunication act. For some reason both right and left are busy in fighting over diversions govt. created, while both equally retard enough to ignor such big deals.
>>7054 Not so surprisingly Same shit happening in EU right now Question is how are they planning to do this ? Client side scan via big tech i.e. apple/android ?
>>7054 I read through it briefly, it seems bening. Your call records, internet history via ISP etc seem fair targets. I operate under the assumption that this already happens. Because it already happens (anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot). There is no mention of more advanced methods, the kind being employed in US/EU right now.
>>5540 https://lwn.net/Archives/ the best resource to learn about the linux kernel
>>5540 https://codeberg.org/sag/pancake-engine source code of the game engine used by selaco
>>7061 Thanks i will read about this someday
Forcing accounts Forcing one drive backups Treating the user like an idiot The age of windows is over. I will cheish my memories, from Win 95 to ME and then XP. 10 was the last version I used and 11 just made me quit hard. Killing explorer and other processes , renaming pwd files and calling myself a hackerman, reinstalling windows with cd's etc. Those were comfy times, the computer was my own with Windows. I could mould it to my use case. Outside of my office, where I am forced to use MS, I don't really use MS at all. Even in the office, there are rumours of the govt slowly switching to Linux with Gnome in coming years, which I welcome with open arms.
>>5540 https://www.reveddit.com/y/templeos_terry_davis/?showFilters=true&removal_status=all&keywords=temple great alternative to camas .unddit.com, to search for info on reddit(site-wide) and view removed content
>>7080 >from Win95 to ME and then XP how old are yuo sar
>>7085 >>7085 Older than people assume
>>5540 windows is garbage
>>5540 https://pastebin.com/LfKA8fji useful stuff for winfags

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