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How do I convince my gf to have a black baby? Anonymous 01/21/2022 (Fri) 00:09:39 Id: 711f4a No. 3164
This is more of a long term goal. My gf is white. She's already gotten into parts of the fetish with me helping her, and watches a lot of BBC porn and hypno. I think it is mostly the only porn she watches. She has sucked off a nigger before too. She's too scared for now to fuck one but I think that will change too. How should I approach her to try and convince her that she should have a baby? And that it should be black. She seems to like the idea but is scared to take anything meaningful out of larp and into irl. webm not related
>>4777 Cope
>>4827 Touch grass
>>4777 kek
>>4772 >genetic diversity is good for the child Enjoy those sickle cells, will be useful if they ever go to Africa.
Try and make her broody then watch hours of interracial porn with her.
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>>5364 Sickle cell is an autonomous recessive trait; meaning that a heterozygote (a perfect and clear example in this case would be a biracial child from a white female and black male) is literally guaranteed to NOT have sickle cell. It's funny that you use that point, because ironically that's exactly the genetic argument for hybrids being healthier--most disorders in human beings result from autonomous recessive genes. So, when you mix races you run a really good chance of eliminating the possibility of them showing up. In terms of gene mechanics, that's exactly why blue and green eyes will be bred out of existence, because that phenotype requires autonomous recessive traits that are quickly being 'watered down' in the human gene pool. Obviously different consequences since blue eyes are actually a DESIRED trait, but it still works the same way mechanically. TL;DR - Cope harder polcel
>>5408 1. No it's not. Heterozygotes show symptoms, they're merely not as extreme. 2. That argument only takes a single generation into account. What you're actually doing is making a shit load of carriers so that those traits will pop up at random in every subsequent generation. 3. Genetic diversity is an absolute meme and nobody who talks about it in relation to humans has any idea what it's actually about.
>>3351 /thread
Bump for black babies
>>3164 You don't have your wife give birth to a mutt unless you're stupid.
>>3164 mine had two.
>>6831 Storytime pleeeease
Step 1:Tie a rope Step 2: Kill yourself.
>>11139 He doesn't have to go that far, but he's got some serious soul searching to do if he's seriously considering this.
>>3164 I've got bad news for you. A white woman cannot birth a black baby.
>>11151 Black in the US has a huge tolerance window, much like white in South America.
>>3164 be asian male their women hate them
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>>3164 Based, I want the same thing. Last thing we need is more white pollution on this planet
>>11323 I don't know why didn't choose to show the face of the black woman. Probably to push your agenda but from what I can see the mulatto looks best. Also, who's to say the mulatto won't fuck an Asian, a Latino, or another white.
>>11330 >Also, who's to say the mulatto won't fuck an Asian, a Latino, or another white. good point. latinos are busy fucking whites tho. pic related is half mexican half czech.
>>11331 I can't take it anymore! I don't even care about making white kids anymore. I'm going to go find a mestiza and bust a nut in her brown cunt. I want more beauties like this in the world.
>>11335 as the son of a mestiza and white man, please do not unless you're prepared for mentally ill offspring. race mixing causes mental disturbance in nearly all cases
>>11347 cope
>>11347 It's amazing how the location of this post excellently demonstrates its point
>>11347 Mestizas are already half white. I don't think a castizo made from one is going to be unhinged on a genetic basis. It might even be better than the mestiza in that sense.
>>11347 Is your sister hot
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>>6832 oh I posted this forever ago and forgot, uh I could I guess.
>>11360 All three should breed black. Especially the one with wide hips
>>11592 well yeah come on
>>4804 Looks like good parenting to me.
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Gf's been working out and lost a little bit of weight and her tummy basically looks like this now (pic isn't her). It's toned, it's soft, it's perfect. I used to not be into this at all and obviously it's a horrible idea, but I can't stop fantasizing about some nigger impregnating her. Sometimes I kiss her belly thinking about it. Her tummy looks so perfect, leave it to some nigger to ruin her. And as the ultimate act of cuckolding, I want her to give birth and I want to help her raise it.
Fake your infertility or become infertile
This looks like it was posted a while ago and I have the same fetish on and off. Trust me this is a rabbit hole you don't want to go down...
>>24985 Lol why not go down the rabbit hole?
>>23999 either be a little more open about your fetishes or manipulate her into liking mixed babies, watch IR porn with her, etc. It can be ironically or unironically, you'll know the best option. Slowly but surely the idea will gain traction in her mind, and from this point on, it will be only a matter of having the chance of doing it.

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