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Social Media Pawgs in The Closet Anonymous 05/03/2022 (Tue) 06:40:26 Id: 5c8964 No. 5118
This thread is a kind of investigation into an undercurrent phenomenon that I have been feeling for a while but have only recently been finding receipts for, and that's hot social media girls that are taking bbc on the downlow. Especially pawgs and fitness models that are commuted to building their glutes. It seems that You have a bunch of pawg influencers that you never see with boyfriends because they know that if their white male fan base knew that they were into bbc they would lose their marketability because of the butthurt. So they keep it on the downlow and don't broadcast the obvious fact that they are with their expected preference to ease people's insecurities. The first example I list here is Nastassia Ponomarenko. She is an Instagram model that got famous for her ass transformation and started selling workout programs. She now is a "ceo" of a fitness apparel company, which is basically just her putting her name on generic clothing. But the big thing is that despite never showing herself with a black man or any boyfriend on social media, she has a leaked video of her sucking a bbc that she tries to scrub from the internet, it is here. She's one example of the closeted social media pawg.
>>24595 Find the porn telegram of your nation > search for the Interracial telegram within that one > niche QoS telegram groups are shared there You won't get inside without verification, get a hooker and do the verification video
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>>15491 >>15498 >>15506 Another confirmation
>>21885 >>21890 This is her gangbang video with 5 BBCs, which is very traditional of her https://bunkr.si/v/EgeTYBBbJQUCD What are the chances her brothers and father are unaware of her Onlyfans? Even if she uses fake name someone must have find her because her family is very rich
>>24648 Hot white women don't want white men anymore, all the white chads are dating non white women or white women below their league, white men cope by claiming those fertile women are "fat" but those are the women who used to birth Vikings, even the skinny fit girls such as Taylor Anderson get the BBC, only white men have to be tall, fit, rich and handsome to get a 5/10 white women It's the negro penis century and there's nothing you can do to stop it unless you destroy the Internet, women of all races and sub culture lust after it, since this is a hyper sexualized society, black men have it easier with their stereotype and their low IQ allows them to not care about being rejected
>>24653 >Taylor Anderson Who?
>>24652 >>21885 thats so hot, i need more of her
>>24652 Where are you finding these other videos of her? Socialmediagirls and simpcity didn't have anything besides the first one posted.
>>24648 Miami fashion week is basically a snowbunny parade.
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>>24476 Leonarda Jonie. The newest right wing comedian from New York. She's openly racist, homophobic and woke to the jews. But she got found out as a former coal burner recently. Pretty much any woman that's openly racist loves bbc. https://x.com/Leonarda_Jonie
>>24719 What’s her name is there more
>>24622 > Where would I start for the United States?
>>24720 Women hardly ever posses the incentive to hold and express strong political opinions, especially less-than-popular right wing perspectives.Their needs are meet regardless. Hence,when they do,it's either a financially motivated grift,or a rebound from a previously held position-such as college Marxists growing up to be staunch anti-marxists- or a past they now regret.
>>24671 I buy them and post them cuh
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>>24720 The plot thickens. Supposedly she follows the account of an (obstensibly) black twitter account that posts bmwf humiliation shit. And this video on a comedy podcast from a few weeks ago where the other people are teasing her about being into black guys. She also dodges the questions about her current boyfriend being black.
She liked BBC stuffs on her Twitter. WE can not see that anymore :'(
>>20916 >two men having sex = bad for society >transexuals = bad for society >trannies grooming kids = bad for society >lgbt indoctrination = bad for society >getting fucked by a 5'4 nigger on camera and praising BNWO to indoctrinate millions of males = good for society What's the thought processing of these girls? I also cannot understand girls like >>21243 why would they workout so hard when niggers would fuck anything, even white dudes with wigs? What are they self improving for? Look at the shit she posts and with whom she hangs with, that's exactly what Klaus Schab wants, dumb fucking whore lmao I've noticed that right wing girls tend to date niggers while left wing girls only date white men I think it has to do with right wing girls having to prove the world that they're not racist "I don't want immigrants but I'm not racist, I get fucked by an immigrant!!!" " I'm not racist my best friend is a nigger" While leftist girls don't need to do that, they're already leftist so anti racism and their boyfriend is also leftist so she has nothing to prove I'm sure her father would prefer her to date a girl or turn into a tranny than to get fucked by some midget mystery meat negro on camera
>>24805 >>24806 No source?
>>24811 b7427411 on Twitter. Fuck Elon for disabling the likes lmao
>>24810 You are expecting too much from a OF whore.
>>24810 This is Maga in 2024
>>24812 >>24806 >>24805 She’s got some sex tapes on her twitter, unfortunately it’s an asian guy. Maybe she’ll see the darkness soon enough, such a waste. You never see asian girls so perfectly built
>>24810 She’s literal wife material, dude. Imagine having a pawg like that willing to get pumped on the regular by bbc
>>24825 Yes indeed. She is an escort it seems so I hope with enough money she will make that video. But her subscription fee is triple digits lmao
>>24440 >>24653 It's hot because the nigger dumped her for a better ginger. They got a child and now she's suing him for domestic violence lmao. It's so hot when white women breed black but it's so hot when the pay the toll too.
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>>24554 They got twins and now are getting another one. So hot because her niglets don't look nothing like her, they look like niggers.
Lastest social media whore to go black is Marissa Ayerss, blonde hair blue-eyed American. Tylil James posts a TikTok featuring them dancing together, she's liking comments on her TikToks talking about Tylil.
>>24810 black men are closer to their male ideal than the average white man is right wing girl want strong, masculine, aggressive and prideful men that's the 1% of the white race so they often go with black men who aren't emasculated and take what they want
>>24955 This is true. People trying to link it to some kind of social issues are overcomplicating it and deluded. Especially when people link it to guilt based motives such as proving one isn't racist. As if women want to fuck men based on how pitiful they are. It' ridiculous. I also have a pet theory that part of the reason is that right wing women are less likely to be on birth control, or less diligent and regular about it than liberal women. The pill is known to affect women's hormones in a way that makes them prefer less masculine men. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/03/study-women-on-birth-control-pills-prefer-less-masculine-men/274464/ They basically are never in that peak ovulation phase that makes them crave the most aggressive and masculine men. Therefore, i think a lot of liberal women would be as attracted to black guys as right wing ones if they weren't on the pill.
>>24955 >>24956 i think i once typed this here,but there's no harm in reiterating. Women,unlike what men have been led to believe,are not particularly impressed with civilization and its aspects(peace,stability,prosperity...,) . they NEED stability,but they don't desire it. such contradictions are naturally antithetical to male logic,which leads men to simply project their value system on women. These assumptions are then reinforced by women's demands for commitment, stability and provision. but again,these are things they need,not desire. this issue is complicated further by white men's need to assign uncivilized characteristics to his disadvantaged enemies,only making more attractive from a female perspective.
>>24038 THE Georgia Ellenwood? I knew she got blacked, but seeing it makes me want to vomit, in a good way. >>24037
>>24036 That's wild, I always thought she was smoking hot but I had no idea...

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