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How do you develop this fetish? Anonymous 07/15/2021 (Thu) 19:54:12 Id: 8be4e0 No. 656
Early in my fapping career I remember being disgusted when I saw interacial videos pop up, Even the thumbnails was enough to turn me off. How could non black women enjoy sex with poo men I wondered. It wasnt until my last year in high school when I walked in on the hot teacher that most of the boys had a crush bouncing up and down on the only black kid in our years dick. He wasnt even popular or had swag, but he looked like he had a massive dick from the few seconds I saw. Ever since then ive been trapped on this fetish. Seeing a relative loser having a 8/10 little blonde stunner going wild on his illegal bbc twisted me
>>2816 >>2821 >>3213 Yeah for me IR has a similar taboo to zoo, but also appeals to my impreg kink - a dog can't knock a girl up with some sort of weird hybrid, but a nog can
>>2817 Idk, before I was fully racist, I didn't really care for it and would generally avoid IR stuff because I was self-inserting into porn (so a black dick was weird). Now that I am genuinely racist, the thought of some giant nigger cock pleasing a white women enrages me, but has a devilish trick of turning me on. WN propaganda unironically led me to watch this shit.
>>3116 >>3116 I honestly have no idea, I've tried looking it up before, but I've been unable to find it.
>>2812 >>2816 >>2821 >>3213 >>3381 Same for me guys. IR porn somehow resembles zoo. >beauty and the beast Interesting idea!
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>>656 I don't particularly like IR. I don't think its the best type of porn. its not even close to my favorite type of porn. I get why some compare it with zoo, it definitely has that vibe. I'm not into humiliation or cuck stuff. mostly because its just femdom with extra steps (IMO). I don't don't find dominant woman attractive, some bitch trying to insult me while she fucks some other guy doesn't excite me. infidelity or adultery doesn’t interest me. I’m not bi, gay, or trans. So I’m not physically attracted to black men. (I'm not attracted to any kind of masculinity). I think race play is dumb as fuck. I don’t think any race is superior (all of them kinda suck if you study history). I don’t blame myself or white people for the years of oppression that blacks suffered through (its irritating when they act like they are the only group of people that has ever suffered in that way). The black victim complex is a huge turn-off for me. Yeah, (some) black guys have huge dicks, but you can find other guys with huge dicks as well. black guys aren’t the only game in town. if I wanted to see a woman fuck a super massive dong I could just look up some zoo or (most likely) fucking machines to see a woman climax from getting railed by a horse sized cock (or something even bigger, they have some crazy shit nowadays). So, why the hell am I here? Eh, that Terasu MC comic somebody posted in the Hentai thread got me. the artwork/girls are hot. But the whole situation is completely fucked up. (and I can’t see how the author is going to end it in a satisfying way) its more like reading a horror comic then a porno. I just kept going to see how much more fucked up it was going to get. Once I was done with all the pages that are out so far I wanted to find more stuff like it. (right now the author is being slow as fucking George R. R. Martin to wring as many shekels as possible out of his fan base). The only other IR stuff I’ve found that’s even close to Hiroki’s story has been some of the caption videos/blacked family stuff. But most (all?) of the bnwo videos and things of that nature kinda suck. nowhere near as crazy or erection inducing as the completely fucked situation Terasu MC crafted. So that’s about it, if you anons could point to me to something that’s like Hiroki’s story (live action/2D/3D or whatever) I would appreciate that. (the 2D blacked board is mostly generic loli/cuck shit. couldn't find anything close to what I’m looking for)
I wasn't into IR until I had my first girlfriend. She was basically white nationalist (complained about Jews and the NWO and race mixing) and didn't fuck me the entire time we were together. I was jacking off one night and I saw an ingtld video about bmwf and I came harder than ever before. I brought it up to her and she said she'd be open to "doing whatever I needed to be happy" which seemed weird because she didn't fuck me. I chickened out and broke things off. I wish I hadn't.
>>5700 Is it that girl you mentioned on the pic?
Basically for me I like women with big ass and in a lot of BMWF videos WF have big ass. That's the only reason tbh
>>5757 Basically this science idea fucked me up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnT5xHwq_ww&ab_channel=SeriousScience The idea is that smaller males genitally are aroused by bigger males. Science seemed to make this up and it really messed up how I saw the world.
So basically, science says you should have sex with as many whores as possible and basically gangbangs or somethin' sorta. That's the gist of it
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_3P8yffABE&ab_channel=QueensrycheVEVO You and I long to live like wind upon the water If we close our eyes we'll maybe realize There's more to life than what we have known And I can't believe I've spent so long Living lies I knew were wrong inside I've just begun to see the light Long ago there was a dream, had to make a choice or two Leaving all I loved behind for what nobody knew Stepped out on the stage A life under lights and judging eyes Now the applause has died and I can dream again Is there anybody listening? Is there anyone that sees what's going on? Read between the lines, criticize the words they're selling Think for yourself and feel the walls Become sand beneath your feet
https://youtu.be/Dr98kf2nwmw?t=31 For a price I'd do about anything Except pull the trigger For that I'd need a pretty good cause Then I heard of Dr. X The man with the cure Just watch the television Yeah, you'll see there's something going on Got no love for politicians Or that crazy scene in D.C. It's just a power mad town But the time is ripe for changes There's a growing feeling That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due I used to trust the media To tell me the truth, tell us the truth But now I've seen the payoffs Everywhere I look Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?
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And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with plague, and with the beasts of the earth. https://youtu.be/Dy4HA3vUv2c?t=12
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Then the door was open and the wind appeared The candles blew and then disappeared The curtains flew and then he appeared Saying don't be afraid Come on, baby (and she had no fear) And she ran to him (then they started to fly) They looked backward and said goodbye (she had become like they are) She had taken his hand (she had become like they are) Come on, baby (don't fear the reaper) >And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, “Fear not; I am the First and the Last.
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I like my pale women and I like small boobies At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Yeah. I find it funny that for all her race hate, she had brown hair and brown eyes
>>5760 >>5761 most social science and the studies based on it are complete bullshit. for years so called science has been facing a "reproducibility crisis". researchers have discovered more than two-thirds of experiments fail to reproduce the same results. most of this shit is junk science produced by gaslighting grifters, and crackpots.
Basically i love the contrast, not a penis expert but they seem to be bigger, and the taboo is hot. I wrote this earlier for my own notes Honestly my IR fetish is deff racist. It turns me on to see a cute / pure girl become a slut for an animal / savage. Nogs are violent and smell bad yet these girls still want to fuck them because of the BBC meme. Also white guilt / it becoming trendy to be IR. If my irl gf cheated with a nog i would prob never talk to her again. She literally fucked a dog to me. Unless he was a nerdy black guy which is ok i guess but if he's like a cool one nah fuck that whore.
>>5700 ingtld was cool, too bad about tumblr getting nuked, also you struck gold man
>>656 I don't know when. Since i was a teenager, i always looked for lesbian porn. One day i saw Kandra's Obcession Part 2 and got addicted to this video. After a while i got curious about the rest of the serie and saw the part 1 and 3. After that, i got inside IR porn. I don't project myself in the girl or race inferiority complex, but i always search for IR when i want to see porn.
>>5667 Are you me? This is literally me. If you ever find another work like this or Terasu finally gets his shit together please let me know.
>>2808 >Why does this board exist to begin with? Is it self-hatred for your own race? It's mainly what >>2812 said - watching pretty women defile themselves is hot for reasons that I can't really explain. Not a healthy kind of hot, but still hot. Just like with >>2816 I'm into bestiality as well, and I wouldn't even be here either if good zoo content was as easy to come by as what's considered 'interracial' on this board. I've also got some other fucked up fetishes - hard vore with death and digestion (like pwrof3d's Office Snake) or Blowfly Girl's blogposts (holy fuck, I still cum buckets to that, even today) - and they all focus on attractive women willingly defiling themselves. ...and let's face it: what passes for 'interracial' on this board is likewise all about white women defiling themselves. The BBC and BNWO shit is just there to reinforce that. That weird psychological mechanism that gets us hard at the sight of a beautiful white woman becoming a willing cumslave and breeding sow to niggers is the exact same psychological mechanism that gets us /zoo/philes rock hard at Shylark willingly bending over for her dog. And it's also the exact same thing that makes me cum buckets at Blowfly Girl stuffing maggots up her cunt or vivid descriptions of girls who willingly feed themselves to giant snakes and get digested alive shortly afterwards. I mean, that's why anything involving black *women* isn't tolerated here. Not even in the "lol, ur grandkids r gonna be brown"-BNWO racewar bullshit threads. The kid of a black woman and a white man is going to be every bit as nonwhite as the kid of a white woman and a black man. But that's not what the mods here are interested in - they just want to see white women being dominated and being eager whores for black cock. I suppose that this is also cuckoldry by proxy. Only not with your wife/girlfriend but with 'the women of your race'. The feeling of betrayal definitely factors into the arousal. I've also noticed that most of the women who are into this stuff aren't actually into the BBC race cucking shit. For most of them it's just plain hybristophilia (i.e. fetish for violent criminals), and I guess media influence (note how overrepresented BM/WF couples are in the media compared to other interracial combos). But what the women want isn't really relevant, because most of this board's users are male. >It's absolutely fucking disgusting and the fact that it has its own board makes me think that the owners here share this same fucking fetish for some bizarre reason. The 'white extinction' fetish shit really is disgusting. And it goes a lot further than merely feeling jealous/disgusted/aroused at a pretty white girl slutting it up to some ugly black dude. From what I've seen, the people who are into that are either really masochistic far right types, or shitty leftists who hate themselves and who cope by hating the white race as a whole.
>>8277 This, likewise, I also have a fetish for bestiality and insect content, and the underlying idea is clearly the same. The benefit of BMWF is above all chiefly that there is tons of high quality content of it and women can actually be plausibly dominated and even impregnated by niggers. I don't actually remember in which order I got into them, but they are clearly united. I wonder just how high the overlap rate for these fetishes all is, I should imagine it to be extremely high for "orthodox" IR fetishists.
>>8277 >...and let's face it: what passes for 'interracial' on this board is likewise all about white women defiling themselves. The BBC and BNWO shit is just there to reinforce that. That weird psychological mechanism that gets us hard at the sight of a beautiful white woman becoming a willing cumslave and breeding sow to niggers is the exact same psychological mechanism that gets us /zoo/philes rock hard at Shylark willingly bending over for her dog. And it's also the exact same thing that makes me cum buckets at Blowfly Girl stuffing maggots up her cunt or vivid descriptions of girls who willingly feed themselves to giant snakes and get digested alive shortly afterwards. The idea of bestiality has zero appeal to me, but I do get turned on by the fantasy scenario of orcs fucking elves or humans. >I've also noticed that most of the women who are into this stuff aren't actually into the BBC race cucking shit. For most of them it's just plain hybristophilia (i.e. fetish for violent criminals), and I guess media influence (note how overrepresented BM/WF couples are in the media compared to other interracial combos). But what the women want isn't really relevant, because most of this board's users are male. That's a valid point. If I was interested in a woman and learned she was into actual criminals and thugs, I'd run as far away as possible. I've noticed that women don't seem to bring up the color contrast as a turn on in comparison to men very often. I'm bisexual, and I wouldn't even be attracted to black men if it wasn't for the dark skin. The idea that women are less visually oriented than men seems to be true. >The 'white extinction' fetish shit really is disgusting. And it goes a lot further than merely feeling jealous/disgusted/aroused at a pretty white girl slutting it up to some ugly black dude. I really don't understand their way of thinking. I lurk forums like Black to White, and like half the threads there are all about "sissy" and BNWO shit from people who hate themselves. I guess it's the "cuckold" aspect that's to blame. Maybe I'm an outlier, but even though I'd love to get bent over by a jacked black dude and wouldn't be opposed to crossdressing if I could pull it off I don't get off on being shamed or insulted. The idea of otherwise straight guys sucking dick or wearing women's clothes because they consider those things degrading and not because they're actually have homosexual or autogynephilic tendencies is just alien to me. Particularly disgusting to me is how "sisses" tend to be out of shape and don't seem to put much effort into their looks. It's like looking unappealing adds bonus humiliation for them.
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>>656 >How do you develop this fetish? when I found out about a girl I know who's only 5'3" size 5 feet got gangbanged by six black bulls the tallest of which looked to have been 6'8"/6'9" gave them all footjobs they got her husband to watch and at the end all came on her feet. there was an extra clip where they show the aftermath of it and she' just laying on the livingroom floor unable to move her feet still covered in their cum laugh at her then get her up and make her walk around outside the front of the house and talk to her neighbours
anybody on discord?
BBC just does something to me that no other mans cock does. To everyone saying beastiality. Get a grip man. There's an appeal to inferiority but im no masochist. BBC is just better. 9inch > 6 inch. It is what it is. P.S Dont overthink it and never say it outloud
Before I was into IR, I just wasn't aware of it. Addiction are subjective, it's all about how your brain interprets particular cues, the same cue can trigger a desire and also disgust. So there needs to be a particular emotion attached to it. Visiting racist /pol/ created just such a thing. It elevated IR into a massive taboo. And when shills trolled with IR pics, it always triggered very complicated emotions in me. So after a couple of months, I just couldn't hold it in anymore, I had to see what this was all about, and of course I came across Blacked, and it was so high quality. I was instantly diamonds, and cummed buckets, it was one of my best orgasm ever, it was so fucking exciting, my heart was racing. I never felt that way before, it was amazing. And then, obviosuly, it just increased as a percentage of what I watched until it become almost 100%.
can confirm i like seeing women get dominated by "beasts" basically anything that's alien and unrelatable. IR is just the most plausible and closest thing to reality.
>be skinny and fem >get into sissy porn >get into sph, prostate orgasm, sissy hypno >slowly get into cuckolding >then start getting into BBC cuckolding
>How do you develop this fetish? >be black >be handsome and in shape >actually do have a bbc >date only black women >reach late twenties, decide to give a white girl a shot >red head (fire crotch included), beautiful pale creamy soft skin, blue eyes, she's thin, long legs, nice ass, pale pink asshole, B cup breasts, ghost nipples >she's on birth control >says no condoms are okay >I have a cum play fetish >she lets me cream pie her every time we fuck >always swallows during the rare times I cum on her face or in her mouth and not in her pussy >be the only guy she's been with that treats her like a person and not property. >be the only guy that has been able to make her cum >she wants to marry me and settle down with kids >don't think she'd make a good enough wife or mom, she'd be average at best. Think I can do better, plus I'm not ready >we break up >realize that I'm not going to go back to black women for serious long term relationships. I'll still fuck them but my babies, and long term commitment are going to a white woman. >now I watch interracial porn exclusively Just to head off any questions. I'm not a man whore so I don't engage in any one night stands or hot wife / cuckolding relationships. I'm monogamous and working on my education, finances, and career before I start looking for my wife.
i saw my crush this afteroon making out with he rblack boyfriend and I'm turned on as fuck. Who wants to jerk to her Ig pics on disc?
>How do you develop this fetish? I'm always impressed how so many anons seem to have this in depth explanation with picture perfect remembering of exactly how they got into it. For me I don't really know for sure. I think it was multiple things that happened that got me into it. And this also goes for almost any other porn genres I watched and got into for whatever reason. I don't know, maybe I just wanted to watch some hot girls with big titties and fat butts doing sexual things?
>>18686 >>18686 >I'm always impressed how so many anons seem to have this in depth explanation with picture perfect remembering of exactly how they got into it It's called writing while horny
>>656 >being disgusted was exactly the same AND I had no desire to even watch anything interracial. Here's mine: low self-esteem, thin avg pp, vehement racist, most open-minded with no filter, porn escalation. Add that up and I end up into this.
I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I know the general trajectory. when I was quite young I'd fap to whatever I could find, although I'm pretty sure I basically never saw interracial at this point. started with sport's illustrated's swimsuit edition, then browsing freeones for galleries, my friend's dad had a collection of porn dvds we'd watch when able, and then watching professional porn videos on xvideos on a console browser once those became a thing with wii/ps3. at that time it was just run of the mill professional porn, I remember liking gianna michaels and naomi russel (still do), and eva angelina, eve lawrence, and other chicks with fake tits I'm no longer into. by the time I got my first computer in high school I exclusively watched pov professional porn. looking back on it, I remember lex steele basically being the only black guy with pov videos, so I just didn't see much interracial, but I don't remember actively avoiding it either. honestly no idea if I just ended up with those videos by downloading megapacks of the girls, or if I actively sought them out because I wanted more of the chicks I liked, or what. I have my empornium account's download history to help with the last decade. up through 2014 I was still downloading pov like mompov, netvideogirls, publicagent, and the like. the obvious turning point was in late 2016 when I downloaded a rebecca dream siterip, and it's been nothing but interracial since. clearly I was either downloading videos elsewhere or watching on streaming sites, since I think it came about much more organically than that. iirc I found myself going back to those videos with lex steele more and more, possibly noticing or feeling like the women liked fucking him more or weren't needing to act like they did with regular actors.

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