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Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Anonymous 01/07/2023 (Sat) 09:06:00 No. 45 [Reply]
There is no valid reason for leftists to hate National Socialism.
in theory, because fascism appropiates and reframes laborism. in practise, kristallnacht
>>45 Because National Socialists killed the communist movement in the Wiemar Republic both literally and figuratively. They also had strong opinions on race and pseudo science largely unrelated to and distracting from class struggle. This is also a point of contention for certain groups of leftists.
>>47 It was a mercy killing. Tearing down the Weimar Republic was also a mercy killing. >pseudo science lulz. The class struggle between working-class Whites and (((banksters))), you mean? That class struggle?

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your true motherland is leftypol.org Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 07:39:56 No. 37 [Reply]
To all of you visiting /leftpol/ here's your actual home: https://leftypol.org/leftypol. Move there, it's much more active than this barren wasteland.
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Why is there even a "leftypol"? If /pol/ is supposed to be the politics board and not just a neonazi circlejerk, shouldn't you just be allowed to have communist threads there? Or is /pol/ like /v/ where the mods are massive faggots who just delete things they don't like?
>>39 /pol/ is basically just an overburdened cuck shed for 4chan jannies to sequester political discussion to news events with a rotten salad bowl of insufferable, reddit tier right-wingers ranging from neocons to national socialists. I've seen socialists who have been banned and their threads gutted on /pol/ just because they are on /pol/.
>https://leftypol.org/leftypol fuck your ziggerpol

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Anonymous 03/30/2021 (Tue) 23:47:58 No. 24 [Reply]
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suck ma balls faggot
>>24 /trannypol/
>>26 Because everyone else in the Dead Elephant Party is so obviously co-opted by George Soros and the Chinese that it created enormous enthusiasm when someone appeared who was willing to pay the tiniest bit of lip service to the dangerous, radical idea that public policy shouldn't be completely disconnected from the results of elections. This idea that our elected representatives in Washington should take the people's desires and needs into account instead of sucking Xi Jinping's cock has half the country ready to move mountains to make it happen and the other half crying for Mommy, pissing themselves, and hiding under the bed, even if Trump is a fraud who didn't mean a word of it. Likewise, the exposure of the Deep State changed a lot of minds and redpilled a lot of people. Remember that scene in the Wizard of Oz, when the dog pulled down the curtain and this nebbishy little guy who was pretending to be a wizard said "Aw shucks, ya got me" and stopped trying to terrify and control everybody? Trump is that little dog. He pulled away the curtain, entirely by accident, and the whole country saw how things actually work in Washington. But instead of saying "aw shucks," the Deep State pulled out all the stops right in front of the whole fucking world every day for four straight years. Ignoring the Constitution and the law, treason and seditious conspiracies right out in public in front of TV cameras--remember "#resist?"--public figures including Senators encouraging and egging on two and a half years of bloody rioting that killed thousands while calling it "peaceful protest," using the common cold as a pretext to destroy the economy in order to switch to mail-in voting with no ID and no verification required, then capped it off with the most half-assed, ridiculous sham election in the industrialized world since the USSR collapsed. And the whole time they were yelling into the TV cameras, saying exactly what they were going to do and how they were going to do it, while Cokie Roberts and Don Lemon fawned over them and nodded and told us all that they were "stunning" and "brave." So yeah, we owe Trump a great deal for showing what happens when you get between the Soros money machine and a nickel, what happens when you don't get down on your knees and suck Chinese cock. So I was willing to cut him some slack, at least up until the Deep State started throwing American citizens who protested the fraudulent, illegitimate 2020 "elections" in prison and he failed to pardon all of his supporters immediately. The system is corrupt and unsalvageable. Some of us were hoping that Trump just might be the man to burn it all down. It turns out he was a Boomer civnat and he didn't have the stomach to do what needed to be done. But he served his purpose. Maybe someone else will emerge who really will drain the Swamp.

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Anonymous 02/16/2022 (Wed) 14:21:33 No. 41 [Reply]
Nooo pls don't die

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Anonymous 10/04/2020 (Sun) 04:30:32 No. 16 [Reply]
Oh good someone made the board. Now we have a back up in case cuckchan totally kills Bunkerchan. Which they likely will. This place needs generals and a book club like old /leftpol/.
>in case cuckchan totally kills Bunkerchan if only you knew anon

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Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 22:06:03 No. 35 [Reply]
/pol/niggers will sneed

Anonymous 10/04/2020 (Sun) 13:18:45 No. 17 [Reply]
Well, well, well. Look who it is! The whole gang is getting back together, just like the good old days.
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>>18 >having dozens of degenerate porn boards including 2 loli porn boards is ok, but a leftist political board is too far never change, /pol/
>>32 why would you want a board on here lefty/pol/ anon? isn't your bunker a much better place to discus how much you love Biden and Aoc?
>>33 >love Biden and Aoc? no we don't if anything we would support Castillo and Fisher how did you get that idea?

BANZAI Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 14:07:04 No. 2 [Reply]
>kills one of the only pro-independence japanese politicians who wasn't a cuck to the west nothing personal kid...

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Anonymous 09/08/2021 (Wed) 15:37:50 No. 30 [Reply]
You will never be a woman.

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Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 00:39:49 No. 25 [Reply]
The only Socialist party I would vote for is the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
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good one mate!

just leave Anonymous 07/07/2020 (Tue) 01:06:50 No. 10 [Reply]
I foolishly advocated for compromise and tolerance for you faggots before. But i learned my lesson. You are nothing less than a scourge on all that is good. I'll be here and wherever you go. Making you miserable and seeding discontent. I will always remember. You are not welcome.
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>You are not welcome Reddit does the same thing but with non-faggots
>>10 >You are not welcome. This.

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Anonymous 10/06/2020 (Tue) 12:48:02 No. 20 [Reply]
the government has literally abandoned us. They shut down the economy, and gave zero help. They destroyed our jobs but expect us to keep paying taxes, rents, mortgages, utility bills, and food. The government literally wants to kill us all. Otherwise they would fucking HELP us. It's THEIR responsibility since they are the ones who shut down the economy. The government is the enemy. It doesn't matter which party or politician is president, the government itself is a genocidal organization that wants to murder us all.

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Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 21:56:02 No. 3 [Reply]
I do not agree.
With what? I want anarchy
I do not agree with you, so that we may have anarchy!

Anonymous 10/03/2020 (Sat) 21:16:33 No. 13 [Reply]

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