> Ever since I was 3 or 4 years old I've had dreams with reoccurring people/characters.
> One of them is a girl with short dark hair, kinda boyish looking.
> In some dreams, I'm either sitting, standing, laying on my back, etc. and she'd be standing or sitting a few feet away from me.
> In some dreams, she would be right next to Jesus, or atleast I think it's Jesus.
> In one dream, we went to see Buddah
> In one dream, we were in heaven and Hitler was there, he wasn't very happy having to share heaven with jews.
> In some dreams, I find myself in hell, then she appears to me and either wakes me up, or just stares down at me silently, when she does this, I somehow don't feel afraid, uneasy, but not afraid.
> MFW she looks like Kino, acts like her too, even talks like her.
> The earliest dream I remember she was in, I found myself in heaven somehow, a tour guide was showing me around, he introduced me to the girl that looks like Kino
> She says that she'll find me back on earth.
> I tell her there's no way to tell who she would be down there, that there would be to many people to know.
> She tells me that I'll just know.
> We both promise to find each other on earth.
Thinking about it all; it gives me a cozy feeling inside.
Maybe their all just dreams and don't really mean anything, either way, it's comforting.