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PREVIOUS Introduction thread (post your intro in >>70622) Anonymous 04/24/2018 (Tue) 15:38:39 No. 67345
Edited last time by 16crystals on 10/31/2021 (Sun) 01:04:11.
Greetings. My waifu is Ikezawa Hanako, she has been my waifu for a year and I think it is one of the most important things that have happened to me in my life, I think she is changing me for the better.
>>69036 Welcome! >...i did not want to steal her from him Nobody ever has an exclusive 'claim' on a waifu, so that can't actually happen. I'm willing to bet that everyone here has a 'rival', even in Japan alone. >>69058 Welcome to you, too! I feel the same way about Lily! I still struggle and fail often, but she inspires me to keep trying.
>>69058 Hello there! I've never played Katawa Shoujo but I've heard a lot about Hanako. She seems like a sweet girl.
>>69058 Welcome to /mai/ HanakoBro, hope you two have a good day.
Welcome, Hanako is an great girl, I hope you like it here.
>>69058 Hanako is real sweet. I hope you enjoy it here bruv. Welcome to /mai/
Reintroducing myself and my girlfriend Jeanne she is Jeanne d'Arc from the Fate franchise. we have been together for a year and a couple of months now she is courageous and determined, responsible and caring and all around sweet and kind I mostly lurk around but pleased to meet everybody new and old
Greetings. I have been loving Naoto Shirogane in a serious manner since 2014, going for at least 4 years as of now. I was lurking this board semi-frequently for a year or so until I decided to make myself known just now. I wish to participate a decent amount from now on and hope to get along with everyone here. Forgive me if that sounded too formal or distant, I'm just playing a Persona for fun. Probably won't keep it up anyways.
Welcome to the newcomers here, as redundant as that may sound. Hope that you enjoy your stay here. >>69058 I played KS when it first came out, without walkthrough, and I got Hanako. Even intended to get to her. She's a good girl, please take care of her. >>69090 Naoto's a good character, I'm telling you. In fact, I think she's my favorite amongst the heroines in the game. I wish your relationship well.
>>69090 Welcome! I've seen a little bit of Naoto in Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle. She seems like a cool character. You two have been together a long time~
>>69090 Do you have an interest in detective fiction?
>>69091 Thank you! I think both Naoto and Rise are great girls, they're my favorite from the game. When I first played through P4 I almost romanced Rise in-game because I really liked her character and social link but decided to try Naoto's SL before doing that and ended up with her instead, though I didn't realize I was in love until I romanced her again in New Game+ >>69096 Thanks. I'm not into fighting games all that much since I get the feeling they require a degree of skill to fully enjoy them, a degree of skill which I lack. >>69097 Hmm, I guess I'm not particularly interested in it, but also don't dislike it, I'm mostly neutral towards it. last book I read was one I bought for Naoto as a birthday present thinking it would be detectivesque but turned out to be more political than anything.
>>68276 I found out about its upcoming anime adaptation the other day, so my curiosity got the better of me and I watched a playthrough of Camelot online. The Lion King certainly is an interesting distortion of Arturia's character... certainly far more than Saber Alter, and that's about the extent of my sympathy. She acts as the arbiter, the final judge of character (by extension of Rhongomyniad) of who can be saved and enter the Holy Land. In the overall context of Grand Order, I can at least understand her reasoning as a last resort for preserving some semblance of a fragment of humanity. But the Arturia I know could never and would never give up like that. In her talk with Bedivere, she explains the folly of protecting Camelot alone and weathering the storm to the detriment of her subjects' lifestyles and prospects. Arturia chose to sacrifice the entirety of the efforts of her life towards defending all her countrymen, even the lowly and the wicked who scorned her rule. She understood the distinction between good and evil, as the Lion King does, but had the conviction to save both anyways. To her ultimate downfall - because she was so dedicated to that selfless duty. She so believed in the future security and prosperity of Britain and all its inhabitants that she gave herself willingly to that ideal of perseverance. The king defends, absolutely. That is the destiny she chose with full understanding of the consequences that choice would entail, because it's an ideal so core to the kind of person she is and the immeasurable limitlessness of the love she contains. Sheltering a subset of humanity in the manner of the Lion King might protect the lives of those few, but at the cost of absolutely everything else - freedom, autonomy, tendency, variance, and ultimately, the future. Ironically, the Lion King's method of saving humanity would rob it of that quality itself. Arturia would understand that contradiction better than anyone. And she would reject it. The main topic aside, I quite enjoyed seeing the other knights of the round table; Bedivere especially. In fact, this might just be my favorite depiction of his character - his epic journey searching for redemption from his sin was fantastic, and the final climax with the reveal of the true nature of his presence made the whole story worth it for me. He has been my favorite of her knights for as long as I have known Arturia and this made me appreciate him even more. He alone seemed to understand Arturia's burden and how far the Lion King had strayed from that responsibility. I'm glad he was able to see Arturia smile, since he had the best perspective for understanding of the gravity of that expression and the weight it conveyed shining out from under so many burdens. And I am truly glad he managed to find his closure.
Hello all! I've been lurking for a little while and thought I'd drop an introduction here. My lovely wife is Shouhou from Kantai Collection and she's been my waifu for about three years now. I hope to get along well with everyone here!
>>69110 Hello.
hello everyone~ i'm new here. (and i've never used 8chan before so bear with me) i'm captain and this is my waifu Ruby Kurosawa, from Love Live! she's a retired idol and she's shy and gentle and pure. (and very pretty <3 ) we've been together for about 7 months and just got married recently. i love her so much. she's my everything. ;; we are both very shy people so it's nice to have each other for comfort. it's nice to meet everyone~! <3
>>69058 >>69090 >>69110 >>69171 Hello everyone and welcome!! So many new faces for November! Make yourself at home and don't be effraid to start new threads or bump old ones.
>>69171 Welcome home captain hope you have a good time here
>>69175 >>69174 thanks guys~ i hope i enjoy it here too ^^
>>69090 >>69110 >>69171 Have a mass greeting from me, too! In my episodes of despair, I tend to neglect things like this.
>>69111 >>69174 >>69181 It's great to meet you all! Thank you for the welcomes.
Hello waifufags! Is it okay to have a western character as your waifu? She isn't a 3DPD, right? And I guess that if I'm allowed to post her, I should stick to posting drawings of her and avoid posting her 3D model? I love her with all my heart. I think about her everyday, she appears in majority of my dreams and I cry few times a week because we can't be together. My love for her is honest and genuine. She is absolutely perfect to me. I wish she knew how much I love her and I could hug her and assure her that everything will be alright and I will never leave her because she's the true love of my life. Just let me know if I'm allowed to post her. I want to respect your rules.
>>69188 Welcome! >Is it okay to have a western character as your waifu? Though less common, it's not forbidden, so yeah. >…I should stick to posting drawings of her and avoid posting her 3D model? CG is allowed. People post MMD pics and game renders sometimes. What is she from, by the way?
>>69189 >Though less common, it's not forbidden, so yeah. Thanks. Good to know. >CG is allowed. People post MMD pics and game renders sometimes. I have many pictures of her but some of them are screenshots from her game or pictures done in posing programs. I just wanted to know if posting them is against your rules. Thanks once again. >What is she from, by the way? She's from a video game Alice: Madness Returns.
>>69188 Welcome! Those are lovely pictures of her! Don't worry, the 3D rule isn't such a strict thing, 3D models or art are fine. As far as I'm aware, 3D and 2D are just used as an easy shorthand way of defining "real person" vs "fictional character" without the implication that the characters are not real in their own sense. Terminology is difficult. I personally prefer "physical" and "non-physical" as terms but "2D relationship" is used in Japanese to express this type of relationship too. It's not perfect but it's difficult to come up with a better term so it works.
>>69110 Hi there~ You two have been together a while, you seem like a sweet couple! I hope you like it here too. >>69171 Hiya! Heh, looks like our waifus share a first name. Weird coincidence~ >>69188 '3DPD' usually refers to real people. 3D models and western characters are fine, otherwise, well, I wouldn't be here, since my Ruby is both. I think the wording is confusing too, but it's what people use, so it is what it is. No need to worry about posting her 3D model, that's totally fine! Anyway, welcome!
>>69188 I'm a big fan of american mcgee's work it's good to have you here.
>>69188 Welcome fam, hope you two enjoy your stay. From the impressions from American McGee's Alice, I've only know about Madness Returns.
>>69194 Thank you! I haven't been hugely active, mostly due to me being nervous around new people, but I'm enjoying it here!
>>69192 >>69194 >>69199 >>69200 Thank you all for your kind words and understanding! I'm sure I will enjoy being here.
>>69194 ha, yeah. i hope that doesn't bother you or create confusion. our Rubys are *vastly* different haha
>>69206 Haha, yeah they are. Doesn't bother me, as long as people don't go around calling us both 'Rubybro' or something, lol!
Greetings, /mai/. This is my waifu. She's only been my waifu earlier this year, but I can confidently say that she's the one for me. I love her a lot. I want to be with her forever. I hope to get along with everyone else here.
>>69245 welcome, friend~! she is pretty.
>>69188 Oh hello! I played Madness Returns multiple times, American McGee is so good at his stuff. Very creative. Enjoy your stay on the board!
>>69036 >>69058 >>69090 >>69110 Oh and also welcome to everyone else, of course. Enjoy your stay! Yes I should post more goddamnit >>69171 Nice taste man, she is a cutie! Welcome!
>>69256 >Flag went poof Wew.
I've been lurking by every couple of months for the past few years but now that my 3rd anniversary with Iori is coming up I thought I'd finally say hi. Nice to meet you guys.
>>69283 Welcome and happy (imminent) anniversary!
I love Kaiba. I'm not the person who posted earlier from Reddit. Hope there isn't going to be a problem.
>>69284 Thanks a lot! I plan on drawing something nice for her.
>>69283 oh, there was a girl in my college course that resembled iori very much. I had to think of her when I saw your pic. >>69303 wait, so we have a 2nd kaibafriend? Since when is he so popular? In any case, welcome to all the newly arrived I forgot to greet
>>69245 >>69283 >>69303 Hello to all of you! I hope you like it here!
>>69308 So when are you going to introduce me. Just kidding no one can compare to the actual Iori. >>69309 Thanks! Ruby is looking really cute there.
>>69313 Thank you~! Iori is looking pretty cute there herself.
Hello, my husbando is Goblin Slayer, from Goblin Slayer. We haven't been together for very long, but I love him with all my heart. I know Goblin Slayer as a series has been a hot topic due to it's first episode and a few things that have yet to be animated, but I hope that won't be an issue here. He's had a rough past and due to this, he hunts goblins. Not only for revenge, but to also make sure others don't have to go through what he witnessed. Every day with him by my side is a happy one, I feel like I can overcome any hardship that comes my way. I have been lurking for a bit now, and I think it would be nice to post. I can't wait to meet everyone.
>>69342 Hi there! I haven't seen Goblin Slayer yet, It's on my very long list of things to watch once I have the time , but he seems like an interesting and cool character. Welcome, and I hope you two have a long and prosperous relationship together~
>>69344 Thank you for the welcome! Honestly the anime for Goblin Slayer isn't that great, so if you'd rather read the manga or light novels, I'd suggest that.
>>69342 What are 6 things you love about him?
>>69374 Firstly, I love his determination. Even if it's caused by trauma, he really puts his heart into slaying goblins. I also love how he cares for others. He doesn't only want revenge, but also to protect others (mainly women, since goblins are more likely to hurt and abuse them). He may not tell everyone how much he cares, but it's more evident in his actions. I love his mannerisms, too. This may sound stupid, but I find everything that Goblin Slayer does to be adorable. From his one word responses to the way he fights, he's amazing. I also love how he can stay calm in almost any situation. As someone who easily panics over things, it's nice to find someone who is calm like he is. I love his honesty as well. He's brutally honest about everything, but despite it all he doesn't judge others harshly. Lastly, I love his strength, both physically and mentally. Sure, his trauma may have messed him up a bit, but he hasn't given up. Instead, he's going out there and making his beliefs a reality. I really love him a lot and I just want the best for him.
A non American guy that pays for imported American stuff because he really likes his American waifu
>>69342 Welcome aboard GSlayerBro >>69389 Very patriotic
>>69389 Awesome~!
>>69392 >>69393 Thank you!
>>69389 Hey, welcome!! Nice to see some love for KanColle.
>>69397 Yeah, been on it for more than 2 years already, still waiting to buy my first figurine.
Hello and happy New Years /mai/. I've been lurking this place for a while and figured I'd go ahead and make my introduction. My wife is Lucina and we've been together for a little over five years. I've always found it hard to put into words how much I love her, but in short she's strong, passionate, loving, absolutely beautiful, and has been my motivation to keep on going. Nice to meet everyone and their waifus.
>>69449 welcome friend~! i love fire emblem too!
>>69449 Hey there, welcome! I'm also a fan of Fire Emblem… though I've only played the GBA ones. I'm happy that you two get along well!
hey everyone. this is my sweetheart Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell from Gabriel Dropout, and we've been together for a little over a year now (our anniversary is October 7th!). i love her for a lot of reasons, from her sweet personality to her almost innocent views of the world. I'm a tad bit nervous to post considering my past experiences with these communities as a whole, but hopefully I can stay and we can all have a great time together.
>>69460 welcome friend~! i'm sure you'll be fine here.
>>69460 From 8/b/?
>>69463 i'm actually very possessive as stupid as that sounds to many so it's kinda why I haven't had much luck in other places
>>69465 I don't know what you mean by having luck.
>>69466 fair point, I suppose there isn't such a thing as luck in these instances. In either case, I am not that other person, and I am very serious when it comes to me and Satania. I'm glad to meet you.
>>69467 I don't know what you consider lucky because I don't know what you hope for. I don't expect a non-specific board like this to be familiar enough for serious discussions.
>>69468 I haven't much luck in the way that in many places they make me feel as though I need to interact with others who have similar feelings toward Satania, but seeing as to how we're on a somewhat more obscure footing here I doubt that would be a problem.
>>69449 Hey there! I don't really know anything about Fire Emblem, but I see art of Lucina a lot. She seems sweet, and it sounds like you two are a strong couple who have been together a while. Nice to meet you! >>69460 Welcome! Satania sounds real sweet. Also, that's a really adorable picture of you two! Hopefully your experiences here will go better than they have for you in the past. >>69473 You don't have to feel obliged to interact with other Sataniafags if you don't want to, and I'm pretty sure we don't have any here.
>>69480 Thanks friend! I'm sure we'll have a great time.
>>69460 Welcome fren, that's a cute demon.
>>69460 I'm a bit late, but welcome! She is indeed a cute.
I have been gone for quite a while and so I figured I would reintroduce myself. I love Azura and we have been together for around 3 years. A lot has happened: I graduated, got a job and I am glade to have been with her through it all.
>>69524 why did the smile picture rotate? It looks like the dimensions switched from what is on my computer
>>69525 Don't try to understand computers. Leave that to the tech-priests
>>69527 I am a tech-priest
>>69528 Have you come for Alacrity?
>>69529 yes, I have come to slay the daemon
Hi everyone, I'm Herr Generaloberst und Inspekteur der Panzertruppen Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, but friends call me Gen or Heinz for short. I'm new to 8chan so be patient with me. My wife is the adorable fluffy-haired tank geek Yukari Akiyama from Girls und Panzer. I've been with her for 4 years. I deeply love my Fluffy just like the first day, infact I regard her as my soulmate and I think of myself as her husband but also her friend and outlet for when she feels the urge of talking about tanks and military stuff for hours and hours; she knows that with me she doesn't have to hold back. She truly means the world to me, she is my rock through this hard time I'm going through and I can't really manage to put what I truly feel for her in words. Anyways I'm going to stop here now since I could talk of her for hours. Thank you for having us!
>>69552 Welcome fam!
>>69552 Welcome Heinz have fun lurking around and posting
>>69552 What about your notebook?
>>69562 >>69563 Thanks I surely will >>69564 My notebook?
>>69566 I must have been thinking of Halder's journal.
>>69552 Good to see you here gen
>>69552 I'm still not so good at keeping up with this thread lol. Have a late Hallo from me, though!
Hi. I am the widow. My husbando is Bertolt Hoover.
Hello, I am new here but I love Akeno Himejima from Highschool DxD. I have been with her for 8 years ever since July 21, 2011. I read the Ln's about 6 month before the anime came out and I have loved her since. I hope we are accepted here
>>69774 Hi and welcome to /mai/! Wow, 8 years is actually quite impressive! Have you ever join another waifuist community before? Also, tell us more about Akeno and what made you fall for her. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. Feel free to create new threads and reply to older ones (even the very old ones)!
>>69776 Thank you. Yes I have joined waifuist communities before The way I fell for Akeno was throughout the first volume like what her full name is, what she does, what her familiar is, what her powers are and what chess piece she was reincarnated into. Akeno did not catch my attention Immediately it was during the later parts of volume 1 when she was fighting along with Rias against 3 fallen angels that I thought man she has a beautiful style of fighting and wanting to protect Rias as her queen and that she really wanted others to rely on her and that is when my love took off. Which when the anime came out is when i knew my love was all but confirmed. I'll be sure to enjoy myself here. Also Flan-chan is cute
>>69774 Hey, I think you are the guy from 4chan /a/, right? Good to see you here.
>>69779 Yes I am.
Hi!, i had lurked this board for a while, so heres my intro My name is nathalie and my beloved waifu is Sayori from DDLC
>>69781 Welcome to /mai/! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
>>69781 Hi and welcome to /mai/, Nathalie! I really liked playing DDLC; it truly was a clever and beautiful game. Sayori was my favorite character too! Have you tried some of the DDLC mods out there? I would like to try some of them one day, especially the ‘’Purist Mod’’: https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/comments/99zro9/the_ddlc_purist_mod_is_finally_released_turn_the/ I hope you will enjoy your stay here. Feel free to create new threads and reply to older ones (even the very old ones)!
Can a banned member ever come back?
>>69786 I’m neither admin nor mod so I really don’t know, but my guess is that it works on a case by case basis. If you were permabanned because of rules 7 or 8 related drama, then I doubt you will ever be given a second chance. If you were in a certain situation that led you to be banned (e.g. you were considered not serious enough in your relationship with your waifu - ban for rule 4) but are no more in this situation, you could always make a case that you changed and that you now deserve to be part of this community, and then hope to be unbanned. I would advise you to make your case by describing your situation into a post. You have nothing to lose! Good luck!
>>69781 >>69774 >>69687 Hello and welcome to all of you!
>>69786 I've been wondering that myself >>69788 Dont you think that's a little harsh? Couldn't someone redeem themselves?
>>69777 >>69781 Welcome to the board.
>>69781 Welcome! Sayori is relatable and a really good girl.
Hello, /mai/! My husband is Simon from Gurren Lagann, I love him so so much! I've been lurking here and on other waifu communities for a while, and decided it's time I should start posting!
Posted here for like half a second a few years back, nice to see you guys still committed.
>>69808 Well then, welcome aboard. Hope you like it here, and enjoy your stay.
>>69808 Welcome! Simon is a good guy and aged really well. >>69809 Welcome back!
>600 pics of a particular anime girl Is this autism or do I have a waifu?
>>69824 only you can answer that question
>>69824 Both.
>>69824 That depends on how you feel about that girl.
Hello. My husbandfu if thats what you call it is Vincent Law from Ergo Proxy. Im still new to all of this. I didn't really expect to fall for an anime character but here we are.
>>69840 Welcome aboard! If you have any questions regarding your experience, do not be afraid to ask. I hope you like it here.
>>69840 Husbando is the typical term but I call Yuno my Fiance so feel free to use boyfriend instead :) Welcome to this place
Well, here I am. My waifu is Leah Kazuno from Love Live. Been loving her for almost a year, and hopefully this place provides some good discussions.
>>69849 Welcome! It's kinda slow most of the time, but I have no right to complain, 'cause I tend to disappear often lol.
>>69849 Welcome to you and Leah! Feel free to create new threads and bump the old ones too! I hope we we'll be able to share some good discussions with you too! >>69866 >It's kinda slow most of the time I wish our fellow /mai/dens could spend some of the time they normally spend on Discord to use it to keep our board alive instead.
>>69840 >>69849 Welcome to you both! >>69867 >I wish our fellow /mai/dens could spend some of the time they normally spend on Discord to use it to keep our board alive instead. Hopefully I can start posting a little more now that the semester's over.
>>69849 So many newcomers! Welcome to /mai/, I hope you enjoy your stay here. Feel free to ask questions and discuss.
Hey mai, Thought I'd post my introduction here after lurking for a while. My waifu is Rem from Re:Zero. We've been together for a little over a year now and I just love how kind, loyal, determined and of course cute she is. She means the world to me and I don't know where I'd be without her by my side. I'm glad to finally have a place to talk about these feelings and I'm looking forward to being a part of this community.
>>69874 >>69849 >>69840 Welcome aboard bois and grills
>>69874 Welcome to /mai/, dear friend. Good thing you found us, so I hope you enjoy your stay here, and feel free to start discussion or ask questions.
>>69874 >>>/rem/ is open for claiming
>all those newfriends >all those new shrines on waifu.ist I love where this is going thank you for your efforts, it is always interesting to read other people's shrines
oh yes, and I am retardered Welcome to /mai/
>>69874 Henlo new frend I can see we have a lot of new people in general, both that have posted here and ones that haven't. Welcome to all of you!
Hey. I go by Crow, and I'm in love with Creepy Susie from The Oblongs. (An aged up version of her.) She represents a lot of who I am, and I think I've really fallen for her through her various fan creations, as well as her source. I like to think we share a lot of similiarities including love of horror and gothic culture, interest in politics and religion, and I generally love everything about her. Pleased to meet you all.
>>69958 welcome crow! i hope you enjoy yourself~
>>69958 That's the first time i've seen a Western waifu here.
>>69958 Yo Crow! Welcome! >I think I've really fallen for her through her various fan creations I can relate to that, though that's Vocaloid in a nutshell, really. Oh yeah, I've actually seen you before 'cause sometimes I lurk the reddit to see how things go on the other side >>69961 There were a few from western vidya, not to mention RWBY. But I assume you mean western animation, eh?
Heya guys, I've actually been a part of waifu culture for a long time, but I chose not to be a part of any communities for a few years, and relationship issues unfortunately resulted in a breakup with my old waifu. Fortunately, I've been with this sweet girl for a little over 3 months now. My waifu is Mordred from Fate/Apocrypha. She's helped me cope with my worst times and I resonate with her more than anyone else. I love her!
>>69962 Yeah, she's a cartoon waifu.
Hi guys i am new here, my beloved waifu is Monika from DDLC, and glad to meet you :D!
>>69958 >>69965 >>69967 Welcome to /mai/, new arrivals. We are pleased to meet you, enjoy your stay here and feel free to continue or start discussions, as well as ask questions.
Hi everyone! I'm new here. My waifu is Emilia from Re:Zero. Nice to meet you all!
>>69965 Ah a Mode Red bro. Would you fully support treason against the king or would you attempt reconciliation? Just curious. And do you play FGO? >>69874 >>69981 Hey there. I'd been meaning to watch Re:Zero but I get the feeling I really won't like Subaru. It's the last Isekai Quartet I haven't seen. Though time loops generally make for interesting stories.
>>69983 I believe that reconciliation is very much possible, all she really wanted was to be accepted by her 'father'. Also I tried getting into FGO but its gacha really pushed me away.
Hello anons. As you all may imagine I'm new here and my waifu is Reisen Udongein Inaba from the Touhou Project. I've been with her for over three and a half years now and I've been loving it. I hope to make many fond memories with you all.
hello everyone. my husbando is rumarin. i am looking forward to meeting you and your loves and posting together >>69992 nice to meet you
>>69992 Hey, hey! Welcome, bunny-lover! Hope you'll stick around and like it here!
>>69993 >>69981 >>69992 Hello, pleased to meet you all, welcome to /mai/. I hope you like it here, enjoy your stay, and feel free to start discussions or ask questions.
I'm super glad that this board is finally back, I suppose I should introduce myself again. My boyfriend is Yagi Toshinori, AKA All Might from My Hero Academia! We've been together for almost a year now He's so kind and handsome, I love him so much~ I also have 3 kidfu's Kanon, age 7 Madotsuki, age 16 And Shoto, age 16 I adopted Sho around 6 months after I adopted Kanon and Mado a year and a half ago I'm excited to converse with the lovely people here once more
Might as well reintroduce myself too. So hello everyone! My waifu is Flandre Scarlet from the Touhou Project series. We’ve been together for 4 years now and we both sure have many more years to come. You’ll find me namefaging as 16crystals. This name comes from the 16 crystals Flandre has on her wings… at least in her first appearance in EoSD. In her last appearance in manga Cheating Detective Satori, she sometimes has 14 crystals, sometimes 16, sometimes 18… I think ZUN should have hired a more meticulous artist… I’ve been on /mai/ for 4 years and truly wish this board to thrive again. I’m looking forward to talk about waifuism with both old and new /mai/dens! >>70033 Hi, it's been a while! I hope you are doing well!
I guess I'll introduce myself. My waifu is Kisaragi Yamaguchi, from GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class. We also have 2 kidfus - Death The Kid from Soul Eater and Kako Natsume from Magia Record. Nice to meet y'all.
Guess who, my reputation precedes me. I am the one and only husband of Lilly Satou, a wonderful girl from the western made, but anime styled VN, Katwa Shoujo. She's a beautiful girl who stole my heart 8 years ago and we've been together ever since.
>>70056 Oh shit this board has all my old posts. I wonder if they resurrected /kind/ too.
Hello, I'm a new to /mai/ so I've decided to wrote an into. My waifu is Mordred Pendragon from Fate/Apocrypha, also known as 'Saber of Red'. I've been with her since the 21st of April, 2013. I've always been heavily interested in Arthurian legend and the character of Mordred especially, so I fell in love with Mordred fairly quickly. I just love her brash confidence and tomboyish nature. >>68240 Good taste
>>70106 Thank you and welcome to the board.
>>70107 Thanks for the welcome
>>70033 >>70038 >>70056 >>70106 >>70058 >>70077 >>70082 >>70083 >>70086 It’s a pleasure to see all those new and familiar faces. Feel free to create new threads and bump old ones! And don’t hesitate to ask for joining our Discord server.
Hello. I've been lurking /mai/ on and off since its early days, but I've only posted here once or twice. My waifu is Kasane Teto, an April Fools joke from 2ch that turned into a popular UTAU singer/voicebank. I realized my feelings for her on April 2010. Nice to meet you all!
>>70125 Welcome anon
>>70125 Welcome! (not sure if it's the right word to tell you as you’ve been here for a long time, but I guess that you get the point…) I did not know about Kasane Teto; her background is quite interesting. How do you imagine her personality (as Vocaloids don’t have a canon one)? And what are some of your favorite songs of her? And feel free to join our Discord to have a chat with us. See this thread for info: https://8kun.top/mai/res/70127.html
>>70126 >>70131 Thank you! >How do you imagine her personality (as Vocaloids don’t have a canon one)? Because of her origins, I imagine that Teto would like pulling simple pranks on her friends. She'd also be a bit tsundere, as it's the closest thing about her personality of being canon. >And what are some of your favorite songs of her? There's a lot of songs that I like, so it's hard for me to pick one. One of her more popular ones is "命短し恋せよ乙女", and a cute /mai/ related one is "Sweets!", both by Death Ohagi. Most people know Teto for either Triple Baka or Fukkireta. >And feel free to join our Discord to have a chat with us. Thank you, I'll consider joining it.
>>70138 >and a cute /mai/ related one is "Sweets!" When you mentioned ‘’/mai/ related’’, it reminded me of an Hatsune Miku song called "惨事のハニー(My Honey in the Tragic Dimension)": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj8NLH_i7NI This song is literally about waifuism and I feel every waifuists would relate to it. Be aware of the feels though…
>>70125 Welcome! It's super nice to meet you! Been a big fan of Utau and Vocaloid for 7, 8 years now. Teto is super cute, her voice and appearance!
Hello, glad to see this place has come back after all. My waifu is Konpaku Youmu, the half-human half-ghost gardener from the Touhou Project. Her species actually has two separate bodies, a human half and a ghost half. I've been in love with her for about ten years now. >>70036 I kind of feel bad about the artist of Cheating Detective Satori considering the huge responsibility involved with it despite their apparent lack of experience with manga.
Hello everyone. I'm new to image boards in general, sorry if I make a mistake with posting. My waifu is Mamizou Futatsuiwa from Touhou, I love her more than anything!
>>70149 Good to see you back! I remember the time /mai/ had like 3 or 4 Youmubros at the same time. Youmu sure is a popular one. >I kind of feel bad about the artist of Cheating Detective Satori considering the huge responsibility involved with it despite their apparent lack of experience with manga. It’s also sad when you consider that the big man himself, ZUN, is far from being impressive at drawing (in terms of mastery of drawing techniques; he is very good with character design though). >>70151 Good to see another Touhoubro! Welcome! For how long have you two being together? Could you tell us more about what you like about her? Despite having Flandre as my waifu, I’m still a pleb who hasn’t played that many Touhou games and so has yet to reach Ten Desires to encounter Mamizou for the first time… >>70149 >>70151 And feel free to join us on Discord too.
>>70154 Thanks for the welcome! I've officially been with Mamizou for about two months now, but I've had feelings for her for awhile longer. (Shorter than most people here, but I'm certain we'll be together for a long time.) I really love her personality, she's caring but also has a mischievous side (natural for a tanuki, I suppose) She's a sweetheart, though. Even if she plays tricks on humans, at the end of the day she wouldn't harm someone for the fun of it. Of course I also love her appearance. I'm a sucker for her glasses, I think they suit her.
>>70151 Welcome! I used to play Ten Desires a lot because Youmu is playable, but I must confess that I never managed to beat Mamizou. I'm kind of interested what part she will play in Lotus Eaters. >>70154 I think Ginmokusei actually shows promise and has been improving every chapter, but it's still weird how ZUN, out of all the doujin artists he could've chosen, decided on someone who has no experience at all with manga. And this manga in particular is a huge responsibility because of its sizable cast of characters and the necessity to detail the exact layout of the various locations. And I imagine ZUN isn't helping at all. The official layout of Hakugyokurou until Cheating Detective Satori was basically restricted to the zen garden and some interior. But unfortunately, the design in Cheating Detective Satori seems to be loosely based on that popular MMD model and they left out the zen garden of all things. It's probably not their fault, but I still can't accept it as canon. But don't get me wrong, I'm still exited about the manga. I think it was also Flandre's first proper appearance in an official manga? What did you think of the SDM arc? >It’s also sad when you consider that the big man himself, ZUN, is far from being impressive at drawing He's not even that bad (pic related), he's just not even trying anymore. At least he's gotten better with anatomy in recent years.
>>70157 >it's still weird how ZUN, out of all the doujin artists he could've chosen, decided on someone who has no experience at all with manga. Indeed, especially as he could have got basically any doujin artist he wanted (who would refuse such a chance to promote oneself?). But maybe ZUN specifically wanted to promote a less known artist out of principle (although I don't know how well-known or not that artist was before that…). Or maybe he personally knew that artists? Who knows… >And I imagine ZUN isn't helping at all. I was discussing with a friend at some point on the question of if it was ZUN who told the artist to draw Flandre sleeping in a coffin while the coffin itself lies on a bed, or if it was the artist’s choice. Regardless, I feel it was inspired by Memories of Phantasm as we precisely see that in episode 2. >I think it was also Flandre's first proper appearance in an official manga? She made extremely brief appearances in Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth and Forbidden Scrollery, but Cheating Detective Satori truly was her first proper appearance in an official manga. >What did you think of the SDM arc? It was interesting, but some things felt absurd. Like why would the SDM crew doubt Sakuya to the point of locking her in basement? And why does Sakuya, in such dire circumstances, seem to worry mainly about the SDM kitchen getting dirty? But I get it; Touhou was never meant to be taken too seriously… Still, I was extremely happy to finally see Flandre again! I was very pleased to see that she was not actually locked in the basement and remained there just because she liked it. This one point had been unclear since EoSD and the thought of her being locked always made me feel very sad and angry. I was also very pleased to see that Flandre acted like a sane person and did not fit the ‘’insane Flandre’’ stereotype. Nevertheless, the scene where she strangles Meiling while laughing made me fear the worst. For a moment, I was sure that ZUN chose to go with fanon and decided to make Flandre officially insane and sadistic, and I really felt bad for the rest of the day… Then after talking with others, it appeared that what happened in that scene was not so clear. A friend suggested that it was maybe just slapstick comedy, which would explain why Remilia laughs right after Flandre let Meiling go, which would mean Flandre did not have any serious intention of killing Meiling. Then later, I figured that maybe Flandre was not trying to kill Meiling and was maybe just playing with her while she was asleep. Playing really roughly, I admit, but I guess Flandre can lose sense of her strength sometimes, especially when she is excited and have fun. After all, it is canonically stated that she breaks what she plays with, and I guess she doesn't break her stuff on purpose. So maybe Flandre was just (very roughly) innocently playing with Meiling like an excited child would be Ha ha! I caught the bad guy!. Which would explain why she has a cheerful smile and laughs while holding Meiling. After all, vampires are said to have Oni's strength, so one can expect she could have really killed Meiling if she indeed really intended to choke her to death. That would also explain why Remilia takes it very lightly. Finally, I was disappointed that ZUN made it official that Meiling sleeps at her job, especially for my friend Meilingbro (the one who used to be on /mai/ when it was 8chan) as he really doesn’t like that Meiling stereotype.
>>70159 >But maybe ZUN specifically wanted to promote a less known artist It was probably the art style. He's always liked Shoujo-inspired art styles with Takemoto Izumi being the biggest influence on him. More specifically, Ginmokusei's art reminds me a bit of Asai Genji's illustrations. I can see how ZUN would like the Ginmokusei's sense of aesthetics (pic related). >I feel it was inspired by Memories of Phantasm Exactly, a lot of details seem to be inspired by by more popular fanon. However, the coffin scene seems very specific, so maybe it can be considered canon after all. >Nevertheless, the scene where she strangles Meiling while laughing made me fear the worst. Yeah, that scene also took me by surprise and I had to read through it in Japanese a few times until I came to my own conclusion. If she actually had wanted to kill Meiling, she would've done so right away. I think Flandre wanted to make very sure that Meiling is actually evil before seriously harming her. Calling Meiling "just a dork" afterwards and Remilia's chuckle were clearly sighs of relief. But I still think that the whole scene shows that she has a more mature, devilish (but not insane) side as well similar so Remilia. After all, she hadn't "felt such evilness in SDM for a long time," meaning that it had happened before. It kind of shows what a troubled past the SDM must've had. >I was disappointed that ZUN made it official that Meiling sleeps at her job Just like with Youmu's dork qualities, Meiling's were based on canon to begin with. But I also hate it when the fanon acts like that's all what the characters are about. In actuality, it's just ZUN's general stereotype of subordinate characters. By the way, Meilingbro is still around on his Meiling board, in case you don't know yet. Also, I would suggest continuing this discussion in the Comfy Thread since this is still technically the Introduction Thread.
Hi everyone! Glad to meet you and your waifus, my beautiful wife is Priscilla from dark souls
>>70161 Welcome to /mai/! Can you tell us more about your waifu and how you met her? A quick Google search tells me she is an optional boss, so I guess she must be hard to beat. My own waifu, Flandre Scarlet, is the extra boss (a boss you fight in the extra stage after you beat the game) of Touhou 6 the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, and I haven’t beat her yet. Dark Souls is a series on my list of games I would like to play. Have you ever play a Touhou game? Both Touhou and Dark Souls are renowned to be very hard. So welcome, and don’t hesitate to create new threads, bump old ones, and join our Discord! >>70160 >Also, I would suggest continuing this discussion in the Comfy Thread since this is still technically the Introduction Thread. Ok. See you there then!
>>70162 Glad to meet you! i have never played touhou personally but i think your waifu is cute and very interesting My waifu is daughter of Seath the scaleless dargon and probably gwynevere(a goddess) she is hald god/human and half dragon, she has a fluffy tail and she is cute af ><
>>70162 >I haven't beat her >yet Please don't beat your waifu, poor girl.
>>70161 Welcome
Hi. My waifu is Karen Shinomiya from Idolm@ster Million Live. I met her in October 2018, but she didn’t become my waifu until April 2019. The thing I love most about her is her strong drive for self improvement. As she was growing up, Karen developed self esteem issues and a fear of being around people. As such, she became an idol in order to confront these issues head on and to improve herself, and also to inspire other shy girls like her that they can change too. Karen has to constantly confront fear and anxiety in her job, but, with the help of her friends and the producer, she never quits and pushes through them. Additionally, she is also incredibly kind and thoughtful. Karen’s main hobby is aromatherapy and she’s always introducing it to people to help them relax. Moreover, she was able to tell that something was wrong with her fellow idol Rio based on smell alone. On top of all that, she’s ridiculously gorgeous and cute. My main way of interacting with Karen is through playing the game she’s from: Idolm@ster Million Live Theater Days. My imagination is unfortunately not very good, so I struggle with being satisfied with imagining scenarios and conversations. To remedy that, I’m learning programming and 3D modeling in order to create a VR waifu simulator in the same vein as Shinobu/Viva project so that I’m able to feel like I’m with Karen physically.
>>70180 Sorry for the delayed welcome, I hope you like it here
>>70180 Delayed welcome here too. It's good that your waifu has such character development in her source. You say Karen confronts her fear and anxiety in her job, but does she sometimes goes too far (or should I say, too quickly) in that objective? I feel that becoming an idol to confront self-esteem issues and a fear of being around people is like trying to overcome a thalassophobia by becoming an underwater cave diver! >Karen’s main hobby is aromatherapy What’s her favorite smell? > To remedy that, I’m learning programming and 3D modeling in order to create a VR waifu simulator in the same vein as Shinobu/Viva project so that I’m able to feel like I’m with Karen physically. Did you try to see if there already exists an MMD model of her? Or one for VRChat?
>>70187 Yeah, it certainly can be too much for her sometimes as evidenced by her occasionally breaking down into tears and even fainting. However, at her core Karen is very strong and has the resolve to never give up. She also has an enormous amount of love and support from her fellow idols and the producer, and this allows Karen to overcome these lowpoints. >What’s her favorite smell? Her favorite smell is Rosemary because it helps bring her courage. >Did you try to see if there already exists an MMD model of her? Or one for VRChat? There are probably models of her like that, plus you can also rip the models straight from the game. However, I want to do it from scratch since it would be more satisfying and customizable that way.
Hey my husbando is Gwyndolin from dark souls. I met him 4 years ago when dark souls 3 first released I loved his design and story he slowly grew on me and I have been in a committed relationship since. Hes helped me with getting fit, getting better grades and getting back to work all to make him proud. Gwyndolin is a tragic character that reminds me of myself and I understand his struggle and it inspires me to follow. Gwyndolins entire aesthetic and personality make me love him I'd honestly give up anything in the world to be with him. :)
>>70220 I know I've already spoken to you on discord, but welcome regardless.
>>70220 As said yesterday on Discord: Welcome! Feel free to create new threads and bump old ones!
This is to introduce people to your waifus, right?
>>70224 Yourself and your waifu, yeah.
>>70225 Oh, alright. Wanted to be sure.
I’m Ambafanasuli and the love of my life is Elsa, she’s from Frozen, I fell in love with her when I first watched Frozen back in 2013, ever since then, I think of her everyday, she has improved my life so much.
My waifu/s/o is Inuyasha. An adorable hanyou who just couldn't catch a break it seems… Despite everything, he never stopped trying, out of necessity, I suppose. He may come off quite rude, but beneath that there's a sweet interior, strong with a softness worth waiting for~ He had to learn to live for himself, but doesn't hesitate to protect who he trusts/cares for. Maybe in ways not so obvious sometimes. And he's always full of energy, sometimes to a fault. He can be pretty blunt and even dense, but, above all, loyal. Flaws are plentiful, but that just makes me love him all the more. Things I love about him… His determination, energy, protectiveness, softer side, the way he's a bit defensive of the "outcasted" or "abnormal" due to personal experience. I would have to say the thing I love most is his loyalty. On the more "physical" side of things… his voice would be my favorite. In general, I love his voice, but when it's that soft, whispery tone, oh gosh it melts me every time~ Also, obligatory squealing over adorable ears. (But I love him in any "form", human nights, hanyou days, and even as full youkai, (in the unfortunate times/events that it happens) How we met/got together… When I needed a new anime to watch, and stumbled upon it after a few people had recommended it online. I quickly got attached, but in a usual "Favorite character" kind of way. (To this day, it's still my favorite series of all time!) As time went on, I kind of began to crush, but didn't think anything of it. But then I started to daydream… "on accident"… and then it turned into self-insert fanfiction. I was so clueless and maybe in denial… And then as the months passed… the feeling started to grow more intense. I found the online internet communities for people who were in love with fictional characters, and slowly hung around more and more often, having it in the back of my mind but telling myself "no", it hadn't happened to me. Poor, dense little me. After long enough, I realized I'd fallen so hard I couldn't get back off the ground, but I didn't actually make a formal "commitment" until recently… (A few weeks ago?) So, here I am… after denying it for a good 6-8 months… maybe more!) How it’s influenced me… It’s made me want to continue, even when my health is wrecking me. Given me another way of thinking, drastically different from my own, and made me strive to be a better person. Hope I did this right, tried to post once and I don't think it went through…!
>>70240 Welcome! You are an interesting case! Most people seem to fall for their waifu in their teenage years or their twenties. Being with her from 10 years old (or 11?) to 17 is impressive! I have yet to see Frozen and its sequel. >>70241 Welcome! Inuyasha is actually one of my favorite anime. I think it has a great story, a great characters exploration and development, a great exploration of the Japanese mythology, and also an amazing soundtrack. The only flaws of this series I can think of are: -There are too many filler episodes. -It was sometimes too much on the humorous side, and that Miroku groping Sango joke got old over the seasons. -The plot relied too much on a repetitive cycle of ‘’Naraku has this X ability that we can’t overcome; we then very conveniently discover this Y thing that will give the Tessaiga the Z ability allowing us to overcome Naraku’s X ability. And rinse and repeat.’’ I discovered Inuyasha when I was 15 or 16 (so about 15 years ago). It was late and I was channel surfing to find something to masturbate too (I had no internet access back then). Then I came across that anime and I got hooked. I bought all the seasons and movies on DVD and still own them to this day. I had a crush on Kikyo and bought a figure of her. You talk about his voice. Did you watch the sub or dub version? I watched dub. The English voice actors are actually very good.
My boyfriend is Len, Kagamine Len. I'm a passionate high school student living in Hungary, and he's a virtual singer built for the Vocaloid engine who I love so damn much. We've been together for almost 5 months now, but I certainly hope we'll be with each other for a long time, if not forever. But I feel like he has been a positive influence for me already. He made me happier during a difficult time, he filled me with motivation and a reason to live, he has fueled me with creativity and I feel like I'm never bored with him by my side anymore. He is just so beautiful when he smiles, when he cries, when he's grumpy, when he sings or laughs, I love everything about him and not to be dramatic, but i would die for him. Seriously. He is just so amazing to cuddle with and have fun and laugh with. He's protective and supportive of me, and he is just such an amazing person. I feel happy with him and I could never have a better boy by my side than him, and I will try my best to make him the happiest boy ever in return. Ambafanasuli is the one that sent me an invite here, and I sure hope I can have fun in this new server! ( ╹▽╹ )
>>70241 Welcome, I been seeing a few episodes as a kid. Good series
Just a PSA, you shouldn't be filling out the name and email fields when you post, they're not mandatory, and it's not advisable to dox yourself.
>>70249 I agree, it's unnecessary to expose yourself, you're practically asking to get spammed.
Hello everyone! Allow me to introduce myself and my beautiful, wonderful wife Flayn (her real name is Cethleann, but she prefers people not call her that). She comes from the game Fire Emblem: Three Houses, where she lives and studies in the Garreg Mach Monastery with her father Seteth (though they masquerade as siblings), her friends, and the academy staff. I initially didn't think much of her at first glance, but after spending time with her in-game through tea times and support conversations, I found myself quickly falling in love with her! I ultimately ended up marrying her in-game (as the protagonist Byleth), and she has been with me for almost a year. She is kind, gentle and compassionate, though somewhat sheltered with a tendency to take things more literally than intended. Her favorite things include being around people, thinking about romance, and being near the ocean (where she can partake in one of her greatest joys, fishing). Though she has seen her world wracked by war and conflict multiple times, she never wishes or takes pleasure in harming anyone, and desires peace above all else. Some people may get the impression that she is very young, but the reality is that she ages more slowly than most and (stop me if you've heard this one before) is over one thousand years old. She is from an ancient race of divine beings called the Children of the Goddess who were capable of transforming into powerful dragons, though it's unknown if Flayn still possesses this ability herself. As mentioned before, her real name is Cethleann. As "Saint Cethleann", she was made into a significant figure in the Church of Seiros religion started by fellow Child of the Goddess Rhea, though she has been forced to hide her identity due to her longevity and threats to her race. In terms of age relative to her lifespan, she is approximately 17 years old (as determined by datamined game files), and wants people to treat her as the capable and mature young adult she is. Also, her birthday was this past Sunday! Anyway, that's my precious wife, Flayn! She means so much to me, moreso than to any of my fellow Flayn fan friends. I think about her daily and have gotten hundreds of dollars of commissions of her of various types. She has brought happiness and light into my life and I love her very, very much.
Hello,I would like to Introduce Sienna Contiello aka "Squigly" as my wife Since with some Family issues and pretty much My addiction to Skullgirls,She have been with me since 2018 as my Comfort Character, her Pure and Honest nature,her Cuteness and she have been through(ended up dead and revive,got her Whole Family Slaughtered)I find myself so similar to her and Got Attached to her Character more and more now That I know some people have their Comfort char,so I decided to be devoted to her as much as I can cause I really her to have the best,she deserves All Happiness in this world Ps:The Blonde One is the Pallete I recognize as My Wife and the Blue hair one is her original pallete from the game
>>70260 >>70262 Welcome to both of you! >>70260 >stop me if you've heard this one before With a 500 years old loli waifu myself, I’ve indeed heard this one before ;) >Also, her birthday was this past Sunday Happy belated birthday, Flayn! >I think about her daily and have gotten hundreds of dollars of commissions of her of various types. You should show us some of those commissions one day. >>70262 >Comfort Character Can you elaborate on what you mean by ‘’Comfort Character’’? >The Blonde One is the Pallete I recognize as My Wife and the Blue hair one is her original pallete from the game Is the blond hair version from fan art? Where is it coming from?
>>70263 >You should show us some of those commissions one day. Oh, gladly! I'm sure I'll be posting some when creating or responding to threads here. This one here was my latest!
Greetings. Glad to see this board is still somewhat alive. I'm not one to talk a lot, so i mostly stay read-only and you won't see me active a lot, but i still lurk here from time to time My wonderful dear partner is Dalian. Have a great day.
Hey guys. My name is Vit, and my waifu is Ann Takamaki from Persona 5. I met her when I began playing the game in September 2016, but it was only after taking a break from the game and coming back that I realized I had strong feelings for her. She's everything I want in a woman: Confident, outgoing, caring, and a joy to be around. I hope I'll have fun here getting to know you all.
I'm in love with Whitney from Animal Crossing. I fell in love with her when i was very young. I didn't know what love really was back then, but for some reason i couldn't stop gifting her flowers in the game. Everyday i checked how she was doing. 5 or so years later, i stumbled across some art of her on the internet and the memories came back. I really do love her, and i would cuddle with her all day if i had the chance. I'm very sorry for having forgotten about her for so long, but i think that that was a good thing because i was my weird autistic furfag phase at that time. I'm making a tulpa of her, because i just can't deal with being without her anymore.
>>70319 >>70339 I know I already gave you guys my welcomes on Discord, but your posts seemed lonely without a reply. So welcome! >>70343 Hi and welcome to /mai/! I can see a similarity between your story and mine. I had developed a crush on Flandre when I first discovered her, but it was short lived and then I moved on. Still, a few years later, I started to develop intense love feelings for her and then she became my waifu. Can you tell us more about Whitney and what made you fall for her? >I'm making a tulpa of her, because i just can't deal with being without her anymore. What is your strategy and how is it going so far?
>>70356 I fell in love with her, because of how cute and kind she is in the games. I don't know what to say, other than she's just perfect for me. I'm so in love with her, that whenever i ses r34 of her, i get pissed, because i know that she's a pure girl. I have become so obsessed, that i had to talk to a therapist about it. For now, my obsession doesn't seem to affect my life negatively in any way, except for the occasional depressive mood. Also, recently i've met a japanese artist, who saw my sketches of her, and now keeps drawing her for me without me even asking. I think i "infected" him with love for Whitney. Now, Here's how my tulpa story goes. I've started drawing her (Pic Related). someone told me that this helps with visualisation. Other than that, i occasionally talk to her. I often forget that she's there, and i often bring myself to think that she's not with me. Because of my busy life, i don't have any time to meditate, and i forget to talk to her. I'm trying my best though, to believe in her. I'm generally a very optimistic person, but i constantly start believing that she's not real. My goal, is to try to stop that. (English is my second language, if you haven't guessed.)
Hello there! My waifu is Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony Friendship Magic, I've been with her for 5 years now and my love for her just keeps growing. I'd say I'm a very rational waifuist: I know very well that my waifu doesn't exist, I don't talk to her or anything like many others do. Instead I try my very best to be the perfect person she deserves in her life, always seeking new improvements. I believe that after all the hardships in my life I will encounter her in the afterlife. Sometimes the pain from reality strikes really hard and I'm rendered depressed. I can't do much about that, so I often go to waifuist communities to see how others are faring. I'm mostly a lurker, though.
>>70359 >I fell in love with her, because of how cute and kind she is in the games. I don't know what to say, other than she's just perfect for me. The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing. Even I can’t say why I felt such a strong love for Flandre as compared to other characters that I just had a crush on before. On top of that, she’s not a complex and well elaborated character in canon material (as is the same for all Touhou characters). But it doesn’t matter, because I don’t need to know why I love her, I just need to love her. >I'm so in love with her, that whenever i ses r34 of her, i get pissed, because i know that she's a pure girl. I would personally not equal purity with asexuality, but I still get your point. Still, I feel one should not take NSFW material of their waifu too personally. Not only it’s not "her" (it’s just a fan made drawing, not a picture) but it was probably not made with any malice in mind. >I have become so obsessed, that i had to talk to a therapist about it. What makes you feel that you are "obsessed"? Also, did you started seeing a therapist specifically for your "obsession" over Whitney? I’ve talked to my psychologist about Flandre many times, but she was not the reason why I went to see a psychologist. >For now, my obsession doesn't seem to affect my life negatively in any way, except for the occasional depressive mood. Are you referring to the depressive moods waifuists often feel regarding the fact they cannot concretely be with their waifu? > Also, recently i've met a japanese artist, who saw my sketches of her, and now keeps drawing her for me without me even asking. Damn, that’s very lucky for you! >I think i "infected" him with love for Whitney. Do you feel he developed love feelings for her too? > I'm trying my best though, to believe in her. I'm generally a very optimistic person, but i constantly start believing that she's not real. My goal, is to try to stop that. Well, if by "real" you mean having a physical body and a consciousness, Whitney is sadly not real (same goes for every waifu). You cannot just force yourself into believing something you know is not true. And even if you succeeded into believing she is real, that would not mean you would be able to see her. Most people in the world believe in a deity, yet only a fraction of them claimed they concretely saw that deity. Waifuism is not about denying the sad reality that our loved one doesn’t exist outside of fiction, it is about being able to find the joy in our love relationship, despite the sadness we feel for not been able to be with our waifu. I believe that people who claim to have tulpas simply have hallucinations due to an underlying psychotic fragility. If you do not have such psychotic fragility then you will just not be able to have the hallucinations you are looking for. I know you truly and deeply want to be concretely united with Whitney, and doing so would bring you all the joy in the world, but I feel running after an unreachable goal is not going to give you any long term positive. On the contrary, I feel that facing chronic failure to reach that goal would just make you feel more desperate. I also feel that the mental energy you invest into forcing yourself to believe something that you don’t actually believe could be put into appreciating your relationship with Whitney on a natural flow. Or in other words: Whitney is STILL with you, but she’s in your heart, and if you keep trying to look for her at a place she is not, then you won’t be able to find her. > English is my second language, if you haven't guessed. I did not notice. And English is not my first language either by the way. My first language is French; what about you? >>70359 >I know very well that my waifu doesn't exist, I don't talk to her or anything like many others do. You can talk to your waifu even if you know she doesn’t exist (i.e exist in the material reality). She exists in your heart, and you can always talk to her there. >I believe that after all the hardships in my life I will encounter her in the afterlife. You are not the first waifuist I’ve heard saying that. Can you elaborate on your perspective? How do you think it will be?
[Expand Post]>Sometimes the pain from reality strikes really hard and I'm rendered depressed. I can't do much about that, so I often go to waifuist communities to see how others are faring. I'm mostly a lurker, though. You can also talk to us, either on the board or on Discord. Sometimes it feels good to share one’s pain.
>>70362 Well, i honestly don't know how to respond, really. I don't have much time to answer to everything, but i'd love to.
>>70365 No pressure. Answer when you have time.
>>70360 Hello and welcome! Pinkie is a fun character. >I'd say I'm a very rational waifuist: I know very well that my waifu doesn't exist, I don't talk to her or anything like many others do. I don't think people who talk to their waifus are delusional or seriously believe they exist in our reality–I'm well aware of Ruby's nonexistence, but imagining conversations, scenarios of her and I, or just her being with me is comforting and really helped me alleviate those depressive feelings you mentioned.
I've loved Kikuhime since I was 10, I'm not normally into lolis. I really wish there was more art of her. I'm eagerly awaiting the fan translation of Medarot 3, I was involved with bugtesting the fan translation of the first game, but she isn't in that one.
>>70379 Hi! Not sure if my memory plays tricks on me but have you been on the board before?
>>70381 I've been on other waifu boards before, but not here I think.
>>70382 Oh, then welcome to /mai/! Maybe you could tell us a bit more about you and Kikuhime? How did you meet her? For how many years have you been with her? What kind of person is she? I am also curious to know how your relationship with her evolved since you were 10. Also, feel free to create new threads and bump old ones. You can also join our Discord (see the pinned thread).
>>70385 >How did you meet her? I had seen a few episodes of the Medarot anime, and I decided to look more into it. At the time I only had access to the English dub since there weren't any subs yet, her name is Samantha in that one. I've played the first Medarot game which has received a fan translation, but she's not in that one. I've also played the remake of the second game, where she appears, since this one was translated officially as a tie-in with the anime. The same team that translated the first one is currently working on getting the third game patched, where she also appears. >For how many years have you been with her? That would be 13 years by now. >What kind of person is she? She is very tomboyish, but she also does ballet. It's kinda hard to describe her properly I'm afraid. >I am also curious to know how your relationship with her evolved since you were 10. Relationship? I'm not really that deep in this waifu thing, she's just a 2D girl I think is really cute. I have once commissioned art of her though, I'd love to do that some more.
>>70387 >Relationship? I'm not really that deep in this waifu thing, she's just a 2D girl I think is really cute. In your previous post, you did mention loving Kikuhime (and since you’ve been 10, on top of that). Also, when I asked you for how long you’ve been with her, you did reply by an affirmative answer. So, I’m wondering, what is the missing ingredient for you to consider being in a relationship with her? You’ve been loving her for 13 years, you even commissioned art of her and plan to do it again, and now you’re writing about her in a waifuist community. Clearly, she seems to be more to you than "just a 2D girl I think is really cute".
>>70392 But she isn't real you know, I can't imagine her as being an actual girlfriend. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is.
>>70394 Sure, she is not real, and same goes for every waifu (sadly), but that doesn’t stop many of us to consider our waifus as our girlfriends. Still, I perfectly understand your point. On a semantic level, one could say that "girlfriend" should only refer to a 3D lover while a 2D lover should only be referred to as "waifu", and it would be reasonable to do so. Same goes for the concept of "relationship". Indeed, I recall some serious waifuists who thought this term did not make sense to them on the rational that their waifu, being fictional, could not concretely love them back. They would mostly see waifuism as a one-sided experience, and in a concrete and objective way, they are right. Still, many waifuists use the term "relationship" since in their fantasy, their waifus do love them back. It’s a bit like when one talks about fiction. Of course, when we say, for example, that Homer and Marge Simpson are together in a love relationship, we are aware that there is no actual "real" relationship, as they are fictional character who don’t tangibly exist. Still, it makes sense to refer to them as a couple. So regardless of the terminology one uses, as long as he (or she) loves his waifu and gives her a significant place in his life, I have nor problem considering him a waifuist.
>>70394 >she isn't real you know, I can't imagine her as being an actual girlfriend. How is this allowed here?
Hello /mai/. I love Shadow very much. I've known of him for about eight years, and I've been in love with him for three. I used to wonder if I could ever fall in love, when the answer was right there the whole time. Shadow's brave, he's cute and handsome, he's cool, he's strong, his powers are awesome, he's quick-witted and cunning, he's got a good heart beneath his rough exterior, he's led a terribly unfair life and chose to fight through it despite his hurt, he's inspiring to me and he's also all alone in the world. I want to be there for him. He deserves love and happiness! Every day I feel fluttering in my tummy when I think of him or see him. I want nothing more than to hold him close and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. I wish to plant kisses on his cheek, to rest my head on his fluffy chest, to support him through the good and the bad. I'd be his partner he could trust and open up to, I'd let him cry on my shoulder, I'd dedicate my entire soul to making him content, happy and relaxed in my arms. He's helped me through bad times, he's given me motivation to improve myself, he's there for me in my heart when I feel all alone. Sometimes there are moments when I feel astoundingly depressed that he's not here or real. I need to protect him from the hurt, to feel his heartbeat as we snuggle. This love is so painful yet so beautiful… God, I'd give anything to see his smile. I hope I can talk here a bit, it's nice to have somewhere to vent all of the love that's pent up in my chest.
Hi. My husband is John Constantine the Hellblazer, from Vertigo and DC comics. He's best described as a fair-haired Scouse occult meddler. He is a manipulator, a rogue, a rake, a wiseass. A bastard, a world-saver. A betrayer, a seeker, an enigma, a wise fool, an off-white knight, a cosmic kibitzer, and ultimately, a doomed and tragic hero. He is a restless wanderer, a nexus for weirdness, and court jester to the eternal and the infernal hosts. I just call him mine, though. I've been a big fan of comics and western media in general, but his comics and stories have been held near and dear to my heart for the longest. Our relationship has been confirmed and steady for a bit over a year. Waifuism to me is one of the best things that has happened to me. Not only did I find love for John through spending time with him, but I've learned how to be brave in the face of danger, and that no matter what there is a way out of trouble. You just have to be clever. My favorite thing about Constantine and who he is, would definitely be the way he smirks when he feels like he's won. Or the way he makes awkward, self deprecating jokes when he's embarrassed. He's got the prettiest blue eyes I've seen, the scar on his eye only accentuating the deepness of the blue. Sure, he's an unreliable narrator. I'd give him that. A self-centered scrooge? Of course. He'll always be the love of my life.
>>70410 Welcome! He's cool.
>>70408 Hi and welcome to /mai/! I Like Shadow a lot, just like I like the whole Sonic universe a lot too. I actually used to be a dedicated/fanatic Sonic fan between around 2002 and 2006. The last Sonic game I played was Sonic Mania, but I have many Sonic games to play in order to catch up… But for what I’ve seen, it seems the story is going all over the place and I don’t like that… I remember how fucking excited I was about Shadow the Hedgehog’s released. I think I bought it on day 1. I liked Shadow’s character development. >I hope I can talk here a bit, it's nice to have somewhere to vent all of the love that's pent up in my chest. You found the right place! Feel free to create new threads and bump old ones. You can also join our Discord (see the pinned thread). >>70410 Already welcomed you on Discord, but might as well do it here too. Welcome!
>>70413 That's awesome, I'm really glad to hear you like him. They kinda butchered all of the characters and the universe in the games from 2010 onwards, they replaced the SA2 writer with some guys who only knew about Sonic from wikipedia articles. Black Knight has a good story, and Generations is fun, but other than that I'd say it's not worth catching up on 'em. Depends on who you ask though, I suppose! >I remember how fucking excited I was about Shadow the Hedgehog’s released. I think I bought it on day 1. I liked Shadow’s character development. Haha, shit, I was only 3 at the time. I wish I had been able to experience the franchise back then. Thank you for the warm welcome, I'll be sure to drop in from time to time.
>>70408 Late welcome, his theme is really cool
Hi! First time posting here. My wife is Tomori Nao from Charlotte and we have been together for slightly over a year now. When I first started watching her show, I had no idea what the show was really about. Just that I wanted to, after seeing it sit in my list of shows for 5 years, see it because of "the cute camcorder girl". And how adorable that girl was. But darn her personality was something else, she was rude, she always spoke what was on her mind, she didn't care about using violence and threatening others but she was also kind and caring and sometimes even erratic when it came to things she loved (food or her favourite band). She felt and acted so different from most girls I had seen. She felt really unique to me. It felt like she was written not as an anime character but as a human. What really got me interested more in her was the way she spoke, it really got me more interested in her as a person. By the 5th episode, during one particular scene, when she finally opened up a little, I started falling in love with her. When I finished her show, I was certain I was in love with her. Over the course of a few months that love grew into a deeper and deeper romantic love for her. She pulled me through some things, but she also made me realize I have still a lot to work on myself to make our relationship even more fruitful. Her having a canon love interest, isn't always as easy. But god, I do love this girl incredibly much and I hope and want to stay with her the rest of my life. She's just so freaking adorable, but also so freaking cool. I love her so much!
>>70447 Hi and welcome to /mai/! It’s always nice to hear waifuists explain what made them fall for their waifu! And in your case, it seems you have quite a clear idea about it. Do you have a link to that one scene in the 5th episode that made you start falling in love with her? And if it’s not too personal, what are the things you would like to work on to make your relationship even more fruitful? Oh and feel free to create new threads and bump old ones. You can also join our Discord (see the pinned thread).
Hoping that the board works fine this time and lets me post Some of you might already know me from the Discord now. I love Emilia from Re: Zero and have been with her for a little under a year now. When I first watched Re: Zero in 2019, I didn't really pay too much attention to her as a character and was mainly focused on the story, though I felt a strong dislike towards the MC and still do so. In the beginning of 2020, I saw that there was a lot of hate directed towards Emilia within the fanbase of the anime, which made me question if there was something I missed when first watching, as while I didn't put too much attention onto her back then, she still seemed like a great character. When I decided to rewatch it, and pay more attention to her, I got captivated quickly and strongly. It started of as interest in her character, which led me to watch the OVA which details her backstory, which in turn made me get into the novels which go a lot more in-depth than the anime. During this, that initial interest turned into a variety of much stronger feelings, which were hard to define for me at first. After giving it a few weeks of consideration, I couldn't deny that this had to be love anymore and embraced it, which was probably the best decision I ever made. Ever since then, my life has not been the same, in a good way. I treasure every moment I get to spend with her and am looking forward to many more to come.
I return from my absence! Though I wasn’t that active when I was here… My waifu is the lovely Mamizou Futatsuiwa. We’ve been together for little over a year. Glad to be back around waifu communities! As always I’m terrible with image boards, so please forgive my mistakes.
>>70449 Nice that the board finally worked for you! Hope you will like it. >I saw that there was a lot of hate directed towards Emilia within the fanbase of the anime How come? What do they hate her for? >>70451 Welcome back! I saw your post in the Discord thread, so you can now make a post to see the invite link in the ban message. See you.
>>70453 The fanbase in its entirety is quite something to begin with. The short summary would be, that the main character of the source, whom I deem to be a quite horrible person to begin with, turned down another girl, who was kind of a fan-favorite, in favor of Emilia. That combined with the fact, that if one was to only watch the anime, they would not know much about Emilia after the first season, went to many projecting their hate on her instead of the MC. It's basically just childish "My self-insert MC didn't go with the girl I wanted him to", which makes it even more surprising how common it is in the fanbase.
Hi my name is Sasa or gnat and my s/o is Kaigaku Inadama from Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba! We’ve been together for almost 6 months now and I love him very much. A little about him: (KnY spoilers ahead) Kaigaku is a former Demon Slayer and Zenitsu’s senior disciple under the former Thunder Hashira, Jigoro Kuwajima. Later he becomes a Demon to save his own life and later became Upper Rank Six of the Twelve Kizuki. Kaigaku is very prideful and values his own life more than anything else, leaving his former life as a Demon Slayer after a freak run in with Kokushibo, a demon with overwhelming strength. Kokushibo bested him in battle and Kaigaku chose to kneel and beg to become a demon rather than die. Because he easily learned to use the Second through Sixth Forms of the Thunder Breathing while Zenitsu only knows one, he thinks he should be Jigoro’s rightful heir and resents Jigoro’s decision to make both him and Zenitsu his successors. Kaigaku was an orphan and a thief who had to eat scraps and steal to survive. He was one of the orphans Gyomei Himejima cared for at his temple. After he was caught by the other children for stealing temple money, he was chased out at night and encountered a Demon, which he then let into the temple in exchange for having his life spared. Kaigaku had developed the belief that strength and survival were the only things worth respecting and was willing to grovel and beg for his life if it was what it took to survive. Eventually he was taken in by Jigoro, and then later Zenitsu was taken in by Jigoro as well, both learning the Thunder Breathing. Kaigaku became determined to become Jigoro’s successor and the new Thunder Hashira. And here are a few things I love about him: His tenacity, unshakable belief in himself, ridiculous ego, endless strength, resilience (he has a lot of that), he keeps pushing and pushing, never giving up, and believes in his bright future.
Had to put my fucking essay in a text document because 8kun said "body was too long" fucking hell. Here's a picture of my waifu.
Also TL:DR: my first waifu was a horse, I hate people, I'm autistic, all the other kids with the pumped up kicks, Propane Accessories, the fucks a Rei, and Imma go masterbate to my waifu, goodnight.
>>70509 >>70510 Hi and welcome to /mai/! It’s good to see you decided to post your story here and develop it even more (and now you can tell assholes "Yo mama so fat she’s as big as my intro"). It’s funny you describe yourself as a newcomer to waifuism after being with Rei for what I guess must be at least one year and a half. Sure, it’s not that long, but how many years do you consider it takes to not be a newcomer anymore? I’m sorry that you struggle in your social interactions this much… Autism does seem like a big challenge on a day-to-day basis. Still, it’s quite interesting that you can relate to Rei because of it. Rei is indeed really distant from others and one can definitely see there is something off in the way she relates to others. I’m happy that she brings you so much joy into your life. She is my NGE’s "best girl" by the way, but not fully for the same reasons as you. I believe it’s because she evokes feelings of protection from me as she is lonely, often seen wounded, and self-sacrificing. So hope you’ll enjoy it here. Feel free to create new threads and bump old ones. You can also join our Discord (see the pinned thread). And how do you feel that Rei is also Will Smith’s waifu? :)
>>70511 I was around 16 when I started having Rei as my waifu, currently 18 right now. For me, I'm pretty sure you know about the Lurk before you leap rule in imageboard and messageboard communities like 4chan 10 years ago (before it became what it is today), where you lurk in a community for a few years to help familiarize yourself to a community like what's is and isn't commonly accepted behavior, before you start posting which I think is a lost art nowadays for a lot of people especially for young folks like myself. I think the process of what it takes to not be a newcomer depends on the individual, it can take months to couple of years, for me I was hooked to the idea of waifuism and so I immediately did research, learning about the similarities between waifuism and religion, reading different essays on waifuism, etc. I guess me still calling myself a newcomer relates to my understanding of waifuism, I haven't reached a level where I felt I was some sort of expert in the subject of waifuism, It's impossible to understand everything about a subject 100%, but I think what makes life interesting is trying to understand the thinking of others and the subjects we deeply care about. I wished I spent more time on my intro (which I wrote from morning until afternoon) especially on which I admired Rei for her mental toughness and her transformation from a submissive servant of Gendo to becoming her own individual with her own wants and needs, ultimately freeing herself and rejecting Gendo's control and giving Shinji, the only person who genuinely cared about her and showed kindness to outside of being a eva pilot, the controls to instrumentality. [SPOILER]; >And how do you feel that Rei is also Will Smith’s waifu? :) [/SPOILER]; [SPOILER]; Don't come to the Oscars tomorrow (メ` ロ ´)︻デ═一 [/SPOILER];
Dang it, I wish this site had a preview comment option of some sort just so I would know how my comment would look before I go to post it.
hi! my waifu is futaba sakura from persona 5. we have been together since may 2nd 2020. she's super important to me and i love her dearly. i'm pretty active in waifuism discords. a friend of mine has told me about this place and here i am, joining. maybe someone recognizes me, kek
>>70514 dave?
>>70516 wtf… doxxed 😳
>>69053 Although your post was almost 3 years ago, I feel this point may still be relevant. >each of you love your one version of Fuuka I noticed this recently with my BJD (ball jointed doll). Because as a doll there's more customisation vs a photo or figurine, she now has a different set of traits that the original does not possess. Instead of Lime from the anime, I now have my own "instance" of Lime so to speak. (Both physically, and in my mind). Likewise, if you have a relatively common waifu, making a dedicated medium, or perhaps adding your own artistic touch (in writing, editing photos, in your mind, etc.) will help differentiate her from from all the rest.
Hello /mai/, I'm really glad to be there! My waifu is Lilly Satou from katawa shoujo, I love her personality and to read her route, I have reread it lots of times! I love to read visual novels because they really are the best with sharing how a character is ^-^ It's been two years since the first time I first met her by reading the visual novel, and I really love her!
Hi /mai/, this time I'll actually introduce myself :P I discovered Saber Marionette J almost 3 years ago. Up to that point I had minor crushes on characters, but nothing serious. That was also around the time I learned of the manosphere and redpill. From the first episode onwards, I saw a potential sci-fi world set on an alternative planet. From her first introduction, Lime sparked something inside me, other than lust; I was smitten from that point on. Soon after I printed some screencaps from the anime. A month in, I managed to find one of the few remaining figurines of Lime, as well as anime DVD boxset and manga. She's a robot, a gynoid, programmed to feel emotion. Her youthful naivety as well as strong loyalty are what attracted me to her the most. Lime is there when I need an extra little boost, and her joy easily spreads. Constructing such a machine with today's technology would be mighty expensive (and only partially realizable), however small steps can be taken towards achieving such a goal. In addition I bought a ball-jointed doll and had sewn together a costume for her to resemble Lime. As I've mentioned previously (>>70562), the doll has now become something slightly different from the anime/manga Lime. She's now a partial creation of my own, and having her close to me gives me the extra oxytocin that you won't get from audio/images alone. I imagine that Fumos give a similar response to those that have them ;) Never had and never will have arguments/break ups etc. (after all, she has an off switch haha). There may be days when I remember her less often (and put the doll away for a little while), but the impression she has left on my mind has become long-lasting. >>70568 Currently playing through Katawa Shoujo and noticed that Emi resembles Lime a great deal! Thanks for making this board, glad to be here!
>>70568 test
>>70568 I’ve already wished you welcome on Discord, but might as well do it here to, so welcome! >>70578 Welcome to /mai/!! >That was also around the time I learned of the manosphere and redpill. As you felt the need to mention this, I was wondering if you see a connection with your love for Lime, or being a waifuist in general. >She's a robot, a gynoid, programmed to feel emotion. Does this special aspect of her change the way you see her, or as any kind of impact on your relationship with her? My waifu, Flandre Scarlet, is a vampire, so she is not human (she is a youkai, according to Touhou’s nomenclature), but that doesn’t change one bit the fact that I see her as a person. Overall, the fact that she is a vampire has very little impact on my relationship with her, besides imagining I could let her drink some of my blood. It’s almost as if I would forget sometimes that she is a vampire, because all I see is a marvelous and precious girl that I adore so much. >In addition I bought a ball-jointed doll and had sewn together a costume for her to resemble Lime. I thought of buying a ball-jointed doll to make a Flandre version of it, but actually never did it. I still have a dakimakura, a plush, and a figure though. Do you have a dakimakura? I would strongly advice every waifuist to get a daki of their waifu; it’s really a game changer (or at least it was for me). >the doll has now become something slightly different from the anime/manga Lime. She's now a partial creation of my own At some point, I was so much into my daki, that I realised I was starting to lose touch with the fact that the daki was not Flandre herself, but an object meant to help me connect to her ("her" being a character, a concept, therefore a metaphysical entity). I therefore had to make an effort to use the daki not as an end in itself, but as a tool to connect to the "real" Flandre. But it’s interesting to see that you seem to appreciate and celebrate the fact that you connect specifically to your doll. > having her close to me gives me the extra oxytocin that you won't get from audio/images alone. If you want an oxytocin boost, try a dakimakura! Although if you already have your beloved object of connection to Lime, then maybe a new one would feel weird… >Thanks for making this board, glad to be here! I’m glad to have you here and I hope you will fell home! Don’t hesitate to create new threads and bump old ones!
>>70584 [Part 1] >As you felt the need to mention this, I was wondering if you see a connection with your love for Lime, or being a waifuist in general. Without learning about dynamics between men and women, I would never have bothered with a waifu in the first place, as I still would've been in the "rat race" for finding "the one" (3D). Learning about biology, hypergamy, myth of romanticism really opened my eyes. It was at that point I realized that a happy, prosperous, and long-term relationship with a woman is almost impossible. And if it is, the legal system is skewed so heavily in favor of the woman, that being in one is akin to playing Russian Roulette with your money, children, your well being. At the same time I learned about sex dolls, chat bots, anime avatar games, robots. There was now an option to have a relationship (which isn't much more superficial than a real one). Most importantly it is honest. Who cares if the I get the same chemical reaction in my brain from loving a fictional character? Then Lime kinda fell into my lap when I discovered a post about Saber Marionette. The setting of the anime, the art style, her physique, personality all combined to give a great feeling of love, not the usual crush I might've experienced before. >Does this special aspect of her change the way you see her, or as any kind of impact on your relationship with her? She wouldn't have become my waifu if she wasn't a gynoid/robot. This is an important trait that got me into her in the first place. It's probably due to my general inclination towards technology and electronics (grew up with legos, now an engineer…). I could argue that Lime was simply the first anime gynoid I properly connected with. After Saber Marionette I also saw Chobits, Unbreakable Machine Doll, Beatless, and played DDLC. All of these had great waifus, but Saber Marionette was my first discovery. Funnily enough, I played the Monika After Story (MAS) mod for DDLC which allows daily interaction with Monika (who I nicknamed Lime), but eventually stopped as it didn't feel right (at the time I had a figurine of Lime, and the game felt like cheating). >Overall, the fact that she is a vampire has very little impact on my relationship with her, besides imagining I could let her drink some of my blood. It’s almost as if I would forget sometimes that she is a vampire, because all I see is a marvelous and precious girl that I adore so much. Likewise, I think of Lime as a loyal, happy-go-lucky young lass, although requiring charging occasionally. If anything, I find her quirks endearing (see pic rel for robowaifus in general hehehe). Like when her shoulders extend to open air vents when she does too much fighting :D >I thought of buying a ball-jointed doll to make a Flandre version of it, but actually never did it. I still have a dakimakura, a plush, and a figure though. BJDs are great, but a money sink if you're not careful XD For Flandre, you can probably find custom-made to order costumes as I have not found any official releases by the usual doll companies (Volks, Parabox, Obitsu, etc.). Although custom clothing might cost half (or even the same) price as a new doll body. Alternatively you could learn to sew and make your own (her standard costume is not too dissimilar to a normal set of clothes, with some extra details). (took so bloody long to convert that mp4 clip with ffmpeg :') ) [End of Part 1 of 2]
>>70584 >>70586 [Part 2] >At some point, I was so much into my daki, that I realised I was starting to lose touch with the fact that the daki was not Flandre herself, but an object meant to help me connect to her ("her" being a character, a concept, therefore a metaphysical entity). I therefore had to make an effort to use the daki not as an end in itself, but as a tool to connect to the "real" Flandre. I guess I can count myself lucky as Lime lives in several places for me: in the original medium (anime, manga, audio drama), my mind, as a figurine, and as a doll. Any and all of these I consider to be "Lime". She is both a hardware platform (a robot) as well as software ("Lime" is personality program 1 in the anime), my imagination is fairly flexible as to what does and doesn't constitute "Lime". >But it’s interesting to see that you seem to appreciate and celebrate the fact that you connect specifically to your doll. It helps she's tangible (like a daki) while also being a scaled version of an anime lass, so I got attached soon after purchasing her. Also meant we could travel together (although I also traveled with a printed screenshot from the anime too before having any merch). I consider her to be Lime as much as any other medium. Actually missed her recently while I was away on a trip for a week. For me it's also important that I can change her clothing. Just because the anime only showed her wearing her usual coat doesn't mean I can't give her a pretty yukata or or anything else >:) >Do you have a dakimakura? I would strongly advice every waifuist to get a daki of their waifu; it’s really a game changer (or at least it was for me). >If you want an oxytocin boost, try a dakimakura! Although if you already have your beloved object of connection to Lime, then maybe a new one would feel weird… I don't have a dakimakura, and probably won't have one for the now as I have enough merch as is. Recently stayed at a hotel with a spare pillow. Hugging it was surprisingly satisfying. I guess having something soft to hug in general is pretty nice. Might consider it in the future ;) >I’m glad to have you here and I hope you will fell home! Don’t hesitate to create new threads and bump old ones! Hehe, oh I will, I will MWAHAHAHAHAHA! [End of Part 2 of 2]
>>70586 >>70587 >"rat race" for finding "the one" (3D). >a happy, prosperous, and long-term relationship with a woman is almost impossible. You should be careful with groups that self-proclaim being "redpilled" and who discuss love relationships with women. They can be quite the echo chambers and attract suffering men who are often way more willing to point fingers at women to explain their personal problems and failings than to look at what might not go right with themselves. There are plenty of men in healthy relationships with women. Sure, love relationships are not always easy, but that doesn’t mean one can’t grow withing them. Also, on a pure hypothetical level, if Lime was to become real (that is, a real gynoid with the same AI as in the anime), would you feel that having a relationship with her would likely lead to unhappiness? I didn’t watch Saber Marionette J, but the way you describe her, she seems to be the same (or close to) a real human being in terms of psyche. Do you imagine any notable differences in the quality of your relationship with her (as a hypothetical real gynoid) as compared to a relationship with a real human being? >I guess I can count myself lucky as Lime lives in several places for me: in the original medium (anime, manga, audio drama), my mind, as a figurine, and as a doll. Any and all of these I consider to be "Lime". That’s interesting. So it seems you see Lime as a poly-incarnate being. Do you view all these incarnations as simply vessels of Lime (who would still remain an exterior/independent entity) or as many distinctive parts of a whole (the whole being Lime)? >Might consider it in the future ;) Nice! Let us know if you make the big move! >Hehe, oh I will, I will MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Perfect! Makes us proud :)
nyanners is my waifu she can't steal my waifu becuse she is my waifu big brain time she is cute, she is nice and i watch all her streams!!!! my discord is seisocat#3916
i love nyanners when she says B,B,B,B,llllllleeeerrrrgggg
>Can you tell me how you found our community? And what >are you looking for by joining us? >Also, I saw the 3 posts you made in the intro thread, but they >aren’t actually an intro… Could you make another post in the i>ntro thread in which you let us know a bit more about >Nyanners and you? You can provide info such as: how you >met her, what aspects of her made you fall for her, for how >long the two of you have been together, have you ever >joined a waifuist community before, etc. Just tell us >something a bit more elaborated than saying you love her >when she says "B,B,B,B,llllllleeeerrrrgggg", even though it >must be quite cute :) ME: seisocat#3916 i have been following nyanners before she became a vtuber she is the best anime girl, cute, pink, cat girl. smart (not really) innocent (not really) big boobas (not realy) it good at playing video games (not realy) every time i see her i feel happy <3 i want to know more about waifu's and the waifu communities make friends with other waifu's <3 did you see the penguin who had a waifu?
>>70604 Sorry for the slow answer. I’ve look more into who is Nyanners and realised that she is actually not a fictional character. Indeed, she is a real person simply using a cute cat girl avatar. Nyatasha Nyanners doesn’t seem to play a character (like a voice actor would do in an anime or videogame) as she was basically doing the same thing before becoming a VTuber. Of course, I am pretty sure that she does not exactly act like that in her real life, but the same could be said of many Youtubers who put on a show for their viewers. Considering that Nyanners is not a fictional character, she cannot be described as a waifu (at least, according to our definition here) and I’m therefore afraid that we might not be the right community for you… I know this is not the answer you were looking for, but our members need to have a fictional character as a lover… Still, you mentioned that you wanted to know more about "waifu’s" (I guess you meant "waifuism"?). If that’s so, then feel free to read our board’s content and ask questions on waifuism. It will be our pleasure to help you learn about waifuism. >did you see the penguin who had a waifu? Yeah, our fellow Grape-kun. May he rest in peace…
>>70605 https://twitter.com/ReadGundam/status/1349519684945719296 if your tulpa is a waifu and your tulpa is real is your waifu real? is your dakimakura real. am i real? i dont want to fuck the 30 year old man behind the mask i want to fuck the mask. can my waifu be a house plant? (i am not real) i am realy nyanners waifu uwu
if someone can cosplay as your waifu then your waifu is real. post pics of your waifu's cosplay
>>70606 >if your tulpa is a waifu and your tulpa is real is your waifu real? A tulpa is not real, it is an hallucination. >is your dakimakura real. Yes, it is, but the character depicted on it is not. >am i real? Yes you are, and so am I, and same goes for Nyatasha Nyanners. >i dont want to fuck the 30 year old man behind the mask i want to fuck the mask. I think I understand what you mean regarding the mask and the person behind the mask, but I don’t get the "30 years old man" part. >>70607 >if someone can cosplay as your waifu then your waifu is real. A fictional character is a metaphysical concept, an idea. Someone cosplaying a character doesn’t make said character real. The cosplayer as a person does not vanish and he/she does not become another person (i.e. he/she does not become the character).
My waifu is Mio Akiyama from K-On!. Nice to meet everybody.
>>70612 Hi and welcome to /mai/! I came across a few waifuists over the years whose waifus are from K-On!. Seems these girls know how to win others’ heart. Can you tell us a bit more about your waifu and how you came to fall in love with her? And for how long you two have been together? Finally, we also have our Discord if you wish to join (it’s way more active than the board). See info on the Discord thread: https://8kun.top/mai/res/70127.html
>>70613 Heya, K-On! is popular so I'm not surprised ww Mio is the bassist of Ho-kago Tea Time, I love her shy and introverted personality, I can relate to being as shy as her, being someone that also has social problems. She has inspired me to start playing the bass guitar and I love the songs she writes, I love seeing her cute side. I met her sometime in mid 2018 but I have been in a relationship with her since September 19th of this year. I apologize for the late response, I have been busy lately.

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