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Video I made on waifuism 16crystals 04/23/2021 (Fri) 22:18:46 No. 70466
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1yRJCfTuAw I uploaded an hour-long video where I make a comprehensive analysis on waifuism. I cover different thematic, such the origins of the term "waifu" (including its use in Japanese society) and its many definitions. I also explore the different ways waifuists concretely live their relationship with their waifus (including long sections on marriage and technologies). I deeply explore the question "is waifuism healthy from a psychological perspective, or not?". I also try to put waifuism into perspective, comparing it with other forms of relationships with beings that do not tangibly exist (such as deities, imaginary friends, and the dead). And much more! Although the main target audience of this video is people who don’t know much about waifuism, I am sure seasoned waifuists will find it interesting too.
Reposting my feedback from /c/. I felt that the philosophy could have had more focus, as there's tons of it in waifuism, the nature of waifu relationships, etc etc. Shunning 3D in favor of the waifu should also have more focus in the philosophical aspect, and what effects and implications that sort of thing has on a waifuist. Mentioning how different things can encourage people to grow in different ways and the like. As an example of the 3D thing, I see dating a 3D as betraying my waifu, and I love her and would never want to do that as the thought pains me. That isn't to say I'm psychologically sound either, but still. The waifuist term also has history as well, the word waifufag was not mentioned once nor the origin of the "ism" in waifuism. Sonfu/daughteru/anything like that isn't actually common. I've only met a few that delve there, and I'm of the belief that you can't have those because you can't decide your own children, only that you wish to have them with you're waifu. Also a minor critique but certain songs went on a bit long. Toyland going on for almost 10 minutes was a bit much. Overall infinitely much better than Waifuism and You since it actually understands the subject matter it sets out to discuss and sticks to it without projecting or anything.
>>70482 >I felt that the philosophy could have had more focus, as there's tons of it in waifuism, the nature of waifu relationships, etc etc. This is indeed a very good idea that could be the subject of a future video. We once had a whole thread on the philosophy of waifuism. It’s a shame that it got pruned… https://web.archive.org/web/20190802172617/https://8ch.net/mai/res/66758.html >Mentioning how different things can encourage people to grow in different ways and the like. That kind of developmental consideration is more the kind of thing that I would approach on a psychological perspective. >The waifuist term also has history as well, the word waifufag was not mentioned once nor the origin of the "ism" in waifuism. Mentioning briefly the term "waifufag" is something I should have done; I wish I could have thought about it. The "ism" in waifuism is simply a suffix widely used in English and I personally don’t feel there is a need to elaborate on that. >Sonfu/daughteru/anything like that isn't actually common. I feel it’s common. I’m not saying the majority of waifuists have a kidfu, but if you go in any waifuist community, you’ll have no problem finding waifuists who have one. >Also a minor critique but certain songs went on a bit long. Toyland going on for almost 10 minutes was a bit much. Thanks for the feedback. Here’ my take on that regard: Each section in the video had its own music. Sections that took a longer time to elaborate on therefore had a music that played for a longer time. I used 5 different music for the section "how does one concretely live a relationship with a waifu" as it was a very long section with many sub-themes, including some that were quite long in themselves. The section in which Toyland played was divided into short subsections and was therefore less fit for using many music. Not to mention that finding music that can nicely fit as background music was not as easy as I first thought. >Overall infinitely much better than Waifuism and You since it actually understands the subject matter it sets out to discuss and sticks to it without projecting or anything. I hope my video can reach an audience as large as this vid managed too. So far, I’m sure it’s mostly waifuists who watched my vid, but ultimately, I would like to reach non-waifuists too.
>>70466 Apologies in advance for a wall post, had a few comments on the video, as well as some discussion on my waifu. Most of these points follow chronologically with the video. Great video, well thought out. I found your accent interesting (Latin American?). You pronunciation of "cathedral" was a little difficult to understand (possibly because I was watching that part late at night). You pronounced "th" as "t". It's one of those weird sounds that I learned quite late (always used to say it as "f" when it's supposed to be a "f" while you hold your tongue up to your front middle teeth). Takes a bit of practice. Hopefully this helps you improve :D Audio was good (background music not too loud, can't stand when some youtubers do that). Table of contents in the beginning was useful, and made the video seem like a report or essay (in audio form). Plenty of memes, no complaints there. Very good analysis, using different sources and mediums. I like your breakdown of definitions of "waifu". First time I learned about other waifu wedding examples as I've only heard about the Hatsune Miku wedding before. The VR wedding of Anon and Oshino was really cool XD Interesting that my waifu (Lime) IS a piece of technology, or a gynoid, and she wouldn't have become my waifu if she wasn't. This is an important trait that got me into her in the first place. In that regard I'm lucky to have a waifu that is much easier to bring to the physical world, as if she was one of the Rozen Maidens ;) Not sure what you meant at 39:05 about "pager reddit language" when mentioning r/2D_love? Didn't quite hear that. Checked the subreddit and it doesn't mention anything similar in the rule list. Now away a from the video and on to my waifu discussion. Seems my waifu is one of the "parallel universe" waifus, as I don't really care too much about canonicity. This also helps resolve the "multiple waifuist with the same waifu" issue. From my prespective this fantasy is the only relationship that is possible without mellowing out the man in the process. Too often I noticed married men (or even with girlfriends) eventually stop asserting themselves and given in to their woman's demands. Many quotes exist about the single/bachelor men making great progress in various fields, while becoming a former shell of themselves after long-term relationships. A year before finding Lime I noticed this myself when I had my first (3D) relationship. It was nice on the whole, but during it I noticed that I was less rational and didn't put the same effort towards my personal projects (engineering). After a month I ended it, saying to her I need to focus on my studies (which was mostly true). The hormones and chemical rush during kissing/hugging/hand-holding was intoxicating. Never had sex with her, but I think it was for the best in the end. (Otherwise I may have completely lost my mind at that point XD) Lime doesn't make me crazy in the same way. I can look at her or remember her in my mind, and then get on with whatever I need to do. In my opinion romanticism has ruined men's minds, and it became especially prevalent around 18th/19th centuries (maybe earlier, haven't read nearly enough on history). A real relationship was never really meant to be the way it is portrayed in romantic fiction. It was a compromise to ensure personal survival, as well as survival of the offspring. Unfortunately due to the inherent value of the womb and egg over sperm, it also meant men have always been more disposable than women. This meant that women on the whole have always been treated better, and spared in times of war or disasters. So they tended to develop more narcissistic (or more accurately, solipsistic) attitudes. Thus, finding a woman with a good temperament who will not change her mind about the relationship later down the line is akin to finding a needle in a needlestack (because searching in a haystack would be too easy). So a man could have a fulfilling relationship, but I strongly doubt it would be able to last much longer than 5-15 years. For those men who are content on their own and need no partnership I'm very happy for. These men will be able to thrive and survive in any environment. However for those who are either naturally romantic, or have been brainwashed by society to be romantic (I consider myself to be both), I think waifuism is a good solution. However as you said, in moderation (no poly, kidfu, or other extravagant, unnecessary rituals).
>>70588 >Apologies in advance for a wall post No need to apologize for a wall of text. I like long posts, so build the wall!! :) And I’m about to build one myself! >Great video, well thought out. Thanks. >I found your accent interesting (Latin American?). I’m French Canadian. >You pronunciation of "cathedral" was a little difficult to understand I realized I pronounced it midway between French and English. >Audio was good (background music not too loud, can't stand when some youtubers do that). Bought myself a nice microphone (Blue Yeti) just for that video, and I spent quite a lot of time in Audacity finding the right balance between my voice volume and music volume. >Table of contents in the beginning was useful, and made the video seem like a report or essay (in audio form). Plenty of memes, no complaints there. Very good analysis, using different sources and mediums. A mix of academic tone with memes was exactly what I was aiming for. >In that regard I'm lucky to have a waifu that is much easier to bring to the physical world, as if she was one of the Rozen Maidens ;) This goes into ontological considerations, but one can wonder if "the real" Lime could ever be fully brought into our world, or if one could only create an approximate imitation of her. My own personal view is that fictional characters are concepts existing in the metaphysical realm, and that one could only create approximate physical copies of them, but not get the "true original" ones. But as you described in your intro post, it is not a view that you seem to share. >Not sure what you meant at 39:05 about "pager reddit language" when mentioning r/2D_love? Didn't quite hear that. Checked the subreddit and it doesn't mention anything similar in the rule list. Haha oh boy, I really didn’t have a clue that you meant by "pager reddit language" :) I said "pejorative language". >From my perspective this fantasy is the only relationship that is possible without mellowing out the man in the process. Too often I noticed married men (or even with girlfriends) eventually stop asserting themselves and given in to their woman's demands. Relationships are a matter of compromise, middle ground, and negotiation. It’s unfortunate if some people (men or women) get into either submission or domination, but it doesn’t mean it’s a fatality at all. Relationships can also make you grow as an individual as it gives you an opportunity to develop balance between asserting oneself and listening to one’s partner’s needs. >Many quotes exist about the single/bachelor men making great progress in various fields, while becoming a former shell of themselves after long-term relationships. Maybe those men are now investing in other aspects of life, such as quality time with one’s lover, and/or raising one’s kids. Work is not the only path that can lead people to a fulfilling life. >Lime doesn't make me crazy in the same way. I can look at her or remember her in my mind, and then get on with whatever I need to do. What if you were to create the Lime gynoid of your dreams? One that has its own personality, needs, and subjectivity? It’s interesting because, on one hand, you seem to be highly critical of love relationships with real women, but on the other, you wish you could create a real physical Lime just like the one in the anime, therefore turning your relationship with Lime into a non-waifuist one. >In my opinion romanticism has ruined men's minds, and it became especially prevalent around 18th/19th centuries (maybe earlier, haven't read nearly enough on history). How? And why exclusively men’s mind? >A real relationship was never really meant to be the way it is portrayed in romantic fiction. Relationships were never "meant" to be anything; I don’t believe in intelligent design. Now, what do you feel is problematic in the way love relationships are portrayed in romantic fiction? >It was a compromise to ensure personal survival, as well as survival of the offspring. I agree with the personal survival and the survival of offspring part, but why calling it a "compromise"? >This meant that women on the whole have always been treated better, and spared in times of war or disasters. Although it is true that women tend to be more often the recipient of altruistic behaviors compared to men, they also historically have been the ones to face the most restrictions. Similar to kids, who are often offered extra protection and help, but who have little agency over their own life. So the whole "treated better" is highly debatable.
[Expand Post]Regarding war, I do not know if civilian women tend to be more spared by enemy troops than men, but I would not be surprised if it’s actually the case. If you have any documentation on that regard, please share it. Still, one who’s been "spared" may not necessarily be free, as civilians of conquered nations have often been reduced to servitude to different degree and different forms (you can ask the surviving "comfort women" of WWII if they were treated nicely as women by the Imperial Japanese Army). >So they tended to develop more narcissistic (or more accurately, solipsistic) attitudes. Can you elaborate on what you mean here? I’m not sure understand what "solipsism attitudes" mean and how it is related to narcissism. >Thus, finding a woman with a good temperament who will not change her mind about the relationship later down the line is akin to finding a needle in a needlestack (because searching in a haystack would be too easy). You seem to imply that changing one’s mind over a relationship is fundamentally a bad thing, and something that should fundamentally be avoided. Which is a bit ironic for you to say as you dropped your former girlfriend after only a month. I believe couples should do their best to address their problems before breaking up, but ending a relationship is sometimes the sanest thing to do. Also, I know you probably use hyperbolic language, but heathy long-lasting relationships are more common than you seem to suggest. >So a man could have a fulfilling relationship, but I strongly doubt it would be able to last much longer than 5-15 years. Your wording seems to suggest a view of breakups in which men are poor victims of inconsiderate women. Reality is far more complex than that. You said in your intro post that you’ve been influenced by red pill and manosphere communities. Those communities are often a gender-reversed version of radical feminism as victimhood, blaming, and resentment are at every corner. They promote a mindset that is not only naïve, but also self-defeating. I would personally advice anyone to not sink to deep into those communities. I also want to stress that although it is true that divorces are more often initiated by women than men, it is not to extreme unbalanced proportions, and often, the decision is made by both partners. >For those men who are content on their own and need no partnership I'm very happy for. These men will be able to thrive and survive in any environment. I believe that the vast majority of these men will see the denial of their fundamental needs weaken over the years. And when this happen, I hope they can take this opportunity to reflect on themselves, and not fall into the trap of defensively explaining away their dissatisfaction by blaming women.
i yearn for more concrete ontological and metaphysical analysis into waifuology

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