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Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 18:04:04 No. 71065
Suppose you have a waifu, and you find out that someone in your internet corner has the same waifu as you. Would you feel cheated? If yes, do you think this would grant you the right to have more than one waifu, as a form of compensation?
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>>71065 No, but you are permitted to take him as your concubine as compensation.

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i did find someone in the waifu community that was my Eskimo sister. it is cannon that my waifu and their husbando where together i would post pics of my waifu but with her husbando censored out. then she would post the same pic but with my waifu censored out. i miss them,
no, but cheating as revenge for cheating sounds like a bad idea
>>71069 What else is there to do?
>>71070 I view my waifu as a separate instance, sort of like how in programming different objects can be made from the same class. therefore I wouldn't have the same moral dilemma; another person's waifu, even if the same character, wouldn't be the same "object"
>>71072 that would only work if your waifu was like hatsune miku or somthing
>>71076 She's not that famous. That's why I find it particularly hurtful that someone else would have the same waifu >>71072 I dunno mate, I seem to be unable to rationalise things this way
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>Suppose you have a waifu I guess it’s safe to assume that most people here have one :) As a believer of the "object-oriented perspective" in waifuism, I would consider that this other person does not have the same waifu as me, but that we have the same character as a waifu. In other words, the Flandre that he loves would not be the same Flandre that I love, so I would therefore not feel cheated. >If yes, do you think this would grant you the right to have more than one waifu, as a form of compensation? If someone feels cheated in the situation you describe, I would suggest they take a moment to examine why they feel cheated in the first place. Maybe it has more to say about their own insecurities. One thing that is sure is that getting other waifus in such situation would just be toxic, as it would mostly be motivated by grudge and hurt feelings.
>>71065 I'm always happy to find out that people appreciate Ann. I don't feel threatened at all by it, because I always just think about our relationship. Others are free to do the same!
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>>71077 >She's not that famous. have you heard of Hatsune Miku? Today I would like to announce a new collaborative project featuring Hatsune Miku: Dominos App Featuring Hatsune
Object oriented perspective, my Miku is not your Miku or the other persons Miku, even if she's not your waifu you probably have your own idea of how Miku is like: what she would like or dislike, what hobbies she would have, etc. So I'm not jealous of other people that have Miku as their waifu, and I want to meet people that have Miku as their waifu and see how their relationship is different or similar to mine. There is that guy from Japan that married Miku, you would think that I would be jealous right? No, because my Miku is unique to me and also Miku is a blank slate so you must "customize" her because name, height, age, vocal range, and her image does not a waifu make. So it depends, do you see her as a human or an android?, is she happy or sad?, there is no way for two different persons to have the exact same waifu. TLDR: Original character + Your life experiences = Your personal waifu.
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Here's my two cents: if you feel jealous, nobody has any right to tell you you shouldn't be jealous, it's just a natural reaction and it's important to stay in touch with our feelings. I don't think I could ever be in the same online social circle as someone who has the same waifu as I do, no matter what anyone tells me about the object theory. The closest thing IRL would be someone dating the twin sister of your girlfriend, and even that would probably feel quite weird. The difference is that in that case you would necessarily have to accept that your girlfriend has a twin sister, whereas I am not obliged to share my social spaces with any other Saberfag
the object oriented stuff is copium but so is trying to get a new waifu for any reason just be a man and be worthy of being her actual partner. survival of the fittest and all that. the weak won't survive the waifu winter.
I think the problem doesn't usually arise. There's a lot of factors to take into account. 1. Most waifuists aren't actually in a serious relationship with their waifu. They're just glorified shitposters that claim a favorite character and say the word to fit in with the weeb community. 2. A lot of waifuists (not familiar with this community yet but I talk from my own experience) are usually in their teens. They also drop like flies. 3. Even if they're mentally mature and dedicated, being loyal to someone you know will never actually be with you is not something very many people can last. Some can last longer than the second category, but they'll eventually drop. Just outlive every other waifuist and you'll be the only waifuist of that character. There's been a huge influx of people since the Syracuse event got spoiled and Lapperz got her own animation and stuff, I'd even dare say she got stupid amounts of popularity from it, almost making her normie tier. The others will drop and I'll remain. On that second question, hot take (maybe?) but I respect poly waifuists that are actually dedicated to their wives. That's not how I work as a person, though, so no, I wouldn't take more.
>>71208 >just be her actual partner I'll start taking that suggestion seriously when I open a dimensional rift to the 2D world
>>71208 >just be a man and be worthy of being her actual partner how?
>>71217 Not op but I'll give my 2 cents, I don't think that last line was supposed to be that aggressive, the first two takes obviously are but I read that last one as just "Be the best you can be" which doesn't seem to be that awful. Just improve yourself as if she/he was here. >>71216 And I have no clue how you can read that last line as "just be her actual partner", that's just willfully being a dickhead. There's a big distinction between "be" and "be worthy", like implying you need to open a rift or just being a decent human being.
>>71218 is using combative phrasing like "copium" and "survival of the fittest" not willfully being a dickhead as well? furthermore, even if I misinterpreted the original statement there is still the implication that anyone who conforms to OOP does so either because they are "not worthy" or not trying not only is that a false generalization, but also neglects other reasons that necessitate OOP: waifu having separate canons in sequels, being copyrighted material by a company, being in a relationship with another character in their story (even if it is the player in a video game), etc.
>>71220 It's why I did say the first two lines are obviously provocatory and aggressive. Which means that yeah, they're being willfully a dickhead too. I think that the topic of being "worthy" of your waifu is quite interesting, mostly because I've seen a lot of people struggle with it. Personally, I think that "being worthy" is just a feeling that you should have and other people's opinions don't really matter at the end of the day. As long as you're content with yourself and you think she/he'd be proud of who you are, then you're doing it right. If not, you should probably think about working on yourself. It's probably not what they meant and what they were talking about was gatekeeping the community or something, but that's the interpretation I gave it, for what it matters. If you take it that way, I genuinely think it's good advice. I don't really get the entirety of the OOP debate because I thought we were talking about the "multiple waifu" takes, rather than the "what's actually canon". The multiple waifu take is kind of an easy way out of the discussion of there being multiple waifuists, so I guess it's kind of a fact it is a "way to cope", not that it's necessarily bad to.
>>71220 to feel so threatened by another guy existing that you create an entirely new OC version of her just so you don't ever have any competition seems pretty insecure to me. perhaps you could call it a 'cope' even. you can make a headcanon for whatever reason you want idc, but using it to escape something as perennial as jealousy is just foolish
>>71222 all fictional characters belong in their canons as dictated by the author/artist. anything outside that conflicts, such as a relationship with a waifuist, requires a separate headcanon facilitated by OOP. if you are a waifuist, you are doing OOP whether you like it or not jealousy doesn't need to be involved, and it usually isn't. it's just your own headcanon of myself
>>71225 You down with O.P.P.? (Yeah, you know me) Who's down with O.P.P.? (All the homies) Well, for the ladies, O.P.P. means something gifted The first two letters the same, but the last is something different It's the longest, loveliest, lean, I call it the leanest It's another five-letter word rhyming with "cleanest" or "meanest" I won't get into that, I'll do it, uh, sort of properly I'll say the last P, hmm, stands for "property" Now lady, here comes a kiss Blow a kiss back to me, now tell me exactly Have you ever known a brother who had another like a girl or wife? And you just had to stop a toast 'cause he looked just that nice? You looked at him, he looked at you, and you knew right away He had someone, but he was gonna be yours anyway You couldn't be seen with him at all and still you didn't care 'Cause in a room behind a door, no one but y'all are there When y'all are finished, y'all can leave and only y'all would know And y'all could throw that skeleton bone right in the closet door Now don't be shy, 'cause if you're down, I want your hands up high Say O.P.P. (O.P.P.), I like to say with pride Now when you do it, do it well and make sure that it counts You're now down with a discount
>>71222 >shaming people by calling them insecure as if there were no legitimate reasons to be insecure about something >jealousy is not a legitimate feeling dictated by a yearning for monogamy and pure love You are toxic
Back from the discord join ban. >>71225 I'd argue that reality is not a headcanon, but literally just reality. You're not *making* anything, you're just living your life, that's why I find the OOP point a weird meme that doesn't really fit the thread. >>71222 >>71233 We could also just stop being super aggressive towards each other, realize that we're not 12 and people are entitled to different worldviews without making it impossible to communicate. I think being insecure is normal. I don't think anybody out there is 100% confident about everything they do. Jealousy is a legitimate feeling, too. People are human. Running away from the problem is an unhealthy mechanism, no matter how you slice it.
>>71241 We could also just stop being super aggressive towards each other NO! fight me over the internet
im just saying completely true and honest facts and people are being jerks and disagreeing with me : ' (
>>71241 >I think being insecure is normal. I don't think anybody out there is 100% confident about everything they do >Jealousy is a legitimate feeling, too. People are human. Simple facts

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