/pedo/ - Pedometer Usage & Support

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Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 14:03:24 Id: 000000 No. 4 [Reply]
so you claimed this board to be an annoying retard?

(160.54 KB 800x800 5a169672b12b4.jpg)

Rulr Anonymous Board owner 08/01/2021 (Sun) 07:37:10 No. 1 [Reply]
/pedo/ is a board about A pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hands or hips. Rules: 1: No pictures or discussions of any person(s) under 18. 2: No off-topic posts. This includes but isn't limited to discussions of pedophilia, hebephilia, or ephebophilia. 3: This is a SFW board. No NSFW content.
1 post omitted.
>>1 This got far
>This includes but isn't limited to discussions of pedophilia, hebephilia, or ephebophilia. joke ruined
>>1 Having seen /ck/ - cooking I considered /cake/ - delicious would be about cake. I got a rude awakening. *sees picture* *sees description* This board makes me laugh *sees "rules"* okay lol fuck u Jokes aside, if you use this board to help people cope and realize this sexual desire isn't expressable in real life without it being extremely harmful then I actually find it good. Pedophiles need to get help and more people need to know and really understand that if they actually care about preventing child abuse it's not primarily pedophiles they need to worry about but the way children are integrated, treated and how they move in the society in general. Only 40% of (offending, caught) posting on /leftypol/ual abusers are actually pedophiles, many are also addicted to drugs or sadistic and antisocial personality disordered. All these problems are more complex to address than "ban cartoons I don't like" and usually orthogonal to this very concern of medial depictions. The logical inference would be that there needs to be more systems in place that address and serve children directly rather than trying to change or regulate the entirety of society. Which is not to say that things like drug-addiction and pedophilia shouldn't become a larger topic of discussion. In summary I have to agree in spite of the double bait-and-switch that is this board.
>>3 Hello.

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