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/pol/'s News Thread Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 01:53:30 Id: 000000 No. 10568
This thread is for sharing news of all kinds that /pol/ users find relevant. The purpose of this is to encourage activity on the board by creating a source of constant topics that can be discussed and new threads created if they are "big" enough, as well as serving as a place where less "important" news can be shared without fear of "wasting" a thread on them. As with the rest of the board, it is a requirement to include an archive of the news article in question. Social media screenshots of "literal who" are discouraged unless they are a part of a major event. It is recommended that topics that have generated a lot of discussion in the thread have separate threads, in order to avoid derailing this thread.
https://grahamlinehan()substack()com/p/the-good-news-supplement-monday-8th https://archive.ph/Bj6JE Links removed >Over the last four years, leading paediatrician, Dr Hilary Cass, and her team have conducted the most robust investigation into the clinical evidence - or lack thereof - for medically transitioning children. The subsequent 388 page report has now finally been published. It concludes what we have always known; that gender medicine is “Built on shaky foundations”. https://sex-matters()org/posts/updates/the-cass-review-is-a-damning-indictment-of-what-the-nhs-has-been-doing-to-children/ >The Cass Review is a damning indictment of the NHS model for treating children with gender distress and it is stingingly critical of both child and adult NHS gender clinics. >It states that there is no ‘good evidence’ available on the long-term outcomes of the medical treatments to which children have been subjected and warns that a medical pathway is not suitable for most young people with gender issues. >It calls for an end to the prescribing of hormones to under 18s and cautions that extreme care should be taken before anyone under the age of 25 is allowed to medically transition. >The review talks about the pressures put on youngsters and their families and even clinicians by trans ideologues and it highlights the urgent need to provide support and care for detransitioners. Dr Cass writes, <“There are few other areas of healthcare where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour. This must stop”. >While the contents of the Cass Review are heart-breaking and rage-inducing, it finally being in the public domain is excellent news. This is surely a watershed moment. >As the sunlight poured in this week, numerous articles in the mainstream media called attention to the corrupt and egregious cult of gender ideology and those who have advocated for, facilitated and cheered it on. >The Times highlighted the pernicious influence of certain trans ideologue charities - Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence, Gires and Mermaids - on NHS gender services. >On the subject of Stonewall, the redoubtable Simon Edge has started a petition to have its former CEO, Ruth ‘it’s admin’ Hunt, stripped of her peerage. You can read more and sign the petition here. https://www.change()org/p/strip-ruth-hunt-of-her-peerage-for-her-role-in-the-gender-medical-scandal >The Daily Mail named and shamed some of gender ideology’s worst medical child catchers; Dr Polly Carmichael, Dr Aiden Kelly, Dr Heather Wood and, from the gingerbread house that is Gender GP, Dr Helen Webberley and her husband, Mr Michael Webberley (formerly a doctor but struck off two years ago). https://www.dailymail()co()uk/health/article-13291703/Meet-doctors-doled-puberty-blockers-generation-vulnerable-children.html >The Telegraph reported on the gender clinics which deliberately withheld crucial data from the Cass Review. Six of the seven gender NHS gender services refused to reveal the long-term outcomes for 9,000 so-called ‘trans children’ they treated. https://archive()ph/2024.04.11-052543/https://www.telegraph()co()uk/news/2024/04/10/nhs-bosses-ordered-reveal-fate-of-young-trans-patients/#selection-2751.0-2751.121 >Health Secretary, Victoria Atkins, met with the chief executive of NHS England, Amanda Pritchard, and told her that, “Nothing less than full co-operation by those clinics in the research is acceptable”. >Victoria Atkins has now been informed that these adult gender clinics have backed down and agreed to co-operate and hand over their data. >Furthermore, adult transgender clinics in England are now facing an inquiry similar to the Cass Review into the treatment of their patients. >NHS England has announced that it is setting up a review of how the seven specialist adult gender services operate and deliver medical care. In the first instance, ‘external quality improvement experts’ will investigate each of the clinics to gather evidence and help guide the inquiry’s direction. There will follow a Cass-style inquiry carried out by an external examiner. >In the wake of the Cass Review, the ban on puberty blockers will extend to private healthcare providers. The Care Quality Commission (CQC), England’s health regulator, intends to take action against any private clinics prescribing puberty blockers to minors. >In addition, Victoria Atkins is now looking into ways for the Department for Health and Social Care to prevent gender clinics abroad from prescribing puberty blockers to children in the UK. >There is also pressure on Scotland’s child gender clinic, The Sandyford, to stop prescribing puberty blockers to children. >The influence of the Cass Review already appears to be extending further afield with calls for the use of puberty blockers to be restricted in both The Netherlands and Belgium. >Transgender Trend issued this excellent statement: <“Children have been utterly failed and The Cass Review final report is not just a wake-up call for NHS England, but for the media, for politicians, for childcare professionals and for all adults who have cheer-leaded this experiment on children with no questions asked.” >Kamran Abbasi, Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal, wrote, <“The Cass review is an opportunity to place evidence informed care at the heart of gender medicine”. <“I’m astonished there’s anyone in the world who can put their career above the safety of children. I would never do that. All I can say is thank God this happened. Thank God for the Cass Report.” - Graham Linehan Other reading https://www.dailymail()co()uk/health/article-13288825/From-GPs-pressured-prescribe-gender-questioning-children-powerful-puberty-blockers-alarm-social-transitioning-damning-verdicts-hugely-anticipated-Cass-Review.html https://archive.ph/qM6N6
[Expand Post] https://www.dailymail()co()uk/news/article-13290077/NHS-gender-treatment-children-based-remarkably-weak-evidence-landmark-report-finds.html https://archive.ph/36j9r "Talking Therapies & Gender Dysphoria | with Tavistock Whistleblowers Susan & Marcus Evans" before the report. https://www.bitchute()com/video/8LckyQ5ew3c/ "Transgender treatments are driven by 'politics and ideology' and are 'experimental' with 'no evidence base', Tavistock Clinic whistlebower Marcus Evans" https://www.dailymail()co()uk/news/article-13293977/Transgender-treatments-driven-politics-ideology-experimental-no-evidence-base-Tavistock-Clinic-whistlebower-Marcus-Evans-tells-YouTube-talk-Reaction.html https://archive.ph/fsqro https://www.dailymail()co()uk/news/article-13294741/online-pornography-social-media-transgender-cass-review.html https://archive.ph/D5oJD >Dr Hilary Cass, the paediatrician who led the report, highlighted the increasing number of females identifying as transgender. >When the NHS gender identity development service (Gids) opened in 1989, it treated fewer than ten people each year, and most were males with a long history of gender distress. >But by 2009, it was treating 15 adolescent girls, and the number had surged to 1,071 by 2016. >Surveys show that the number of Gen Z adults who believe there are more than two genders rocketed from 39% in late 2019 to 51% around a year later. >Meanwhile, the number of 'Baby Boomers' who shared this view in 2021 was just 33%, and for Millennials it was 35%. >The sudden rise in girls seeking help for transgender issues cannot be solely accounted for by greater acceptance of trans identities, the review concludes. This is because it 'does not adequately explain' the switch in patient profiles from predominantly male to female. >Dr Cass said that females are now more exposed to online pornography than in any previous generation. >Crucially, they also consume more social media and have lower self-esteem and more body hang-ups than
>>20447 Cont. >Further investigation into the 'consumption of online pornography and gender dysphoria is needed', Dr Cass warned, pointing to the increasingly early exposure of young people to 'frequently violent' online material, which can have a harmful impact on self-esteem and body image. >'In terms of broader context, Generation Z and Generation Alpha [those born since 2010] have grown up through a global recession, concerns about climate change, and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic. >'Global connectivity has meant that as well as the advantages of international peer networks, they are more exposed to worries about global threats.' >The Cass Review found that there was a 'dramatic increase' in presentations to NHS gender clinics from 2014. >It points out that this surge coincided with puberty blockers being made available off-label and to a wider group of young people. >The report also highlights that children learn about others who have the same issues from online sources, such as YouTube videos and Reddit forums. >Dr Cass said the 'striking increase' in young people presenting with gender identity issues needs to be considered 'within the context of poor mental health and emotional distress among the broader adolescent population'. And who runs all these online platforms where children are being exposed to all this?
https://thecradle()co/articles-id/23814 https://archive.ph/ZyBim >An unpublished report from UNRWA said some of its employees released from Israeli detention were tortured into falsely stating that the agency has links to Hamas and that staff took part in the 7 October attacks. >The testimonies are contained in a report by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) reviewed by Reuters and dated February 2024. <"Agency staff members have been subject to threats and coercion by the Israeli authorities while in detention and pressured to make false statements against the Agency, including that the Agency has affiliations with Hamas and that UNRWA staff members took part in the 7 October 2023 atrocities," the report says. >The report included allegations of abuse and torture in Israeli detention, including severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members. <Though waterboarding is widely viewed as torture by human rights groups, the Reuters report described Israeli actions only as "coercion" and "pressure" to force detained Palestinians to make false statements. Who runs Reuters? >In addition to describing the torture of UNRWA employees, the report stated that Israel has subjected Palestinian detainees more broadly to beatings, humiliation, threats, dog attacks, and sexual violence. >Some detainees have also died after Israel denied them medical treatment, the report added. >UNRWA communications director Juliette Touma said the agency planned to hand the information in the 11-page, unpublished report to human rights investigators at UN agencies and outside rights groups. <"When the war comes to an end there needs to be a series of inquiries to look into all violations of human rights," she said. >Amid the torture and medical neglect, 27 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons since the start of the war on 7 October. >Israel has accused UNRWA employees of participation in the 7 October Hamas attack on Israeli settlements and military bases. >Israel provided no evidence for the claim, but 16 countries, including the US, paused $450 million in UNRWA funding in response, throwing its aid operations into crisis just as starvation was beginning to grip Gaza. >Israel's campaign against UNRWA is part of a broader campaign started years ago to dismantle the agency, which helps keep the hope of Palestinian refugees returning to their stolen lands and homes in what is now Israel alive.
https://archive.ph/w6CNp https://nationalvanguard()org/2020/05/what-does-alfred-rosenbergs-diary-say-about-the-holocaust-2/ By Hadding Scott >Alfred Rosenberg's diary, spanning Spring 1936 to Winter 1944, disappeared after the war (stolen by Jewish prosecutor Robert Kempner) but was rediscovered in 2013. >The diary, touted by Henry Mayer of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as “the most revealing Nazi documents ever found,” turns out (as reported by CODOH’s David Merlin) not to support the Jewish Holocaust story at all. https://archive.ph/9Jwo3 >Robert K. Wittman, a former FBI-agent who co-authored a book about the diary, admits it: <“There is no place in the diary where we have Rosenberg or Hitler saying that the Jews should be exterminated…. All it said was ‘move them out of Europe.’ ” [S.F. Kovaleski, NYTimes, 30 March 2016] http://www.nytimes()com/2016/03/31/books/tracking-an-elusive-diary-from-hitlers-inner-circle.html https://archive.ph/fcRGt >This is consistent with Rosenberg’s testimony at Nuremberg. Having heard the accusation of a conspiracy to annihilate Slavs and Jews, Rosenberg declared that he had no part in it: <Besides repeating the old accusations, the prosecutors have raised new ones of the strongest kind; thus they claim that we all attended secret conferences in order to plan a war of aggression. Besides that, we are supposed to have ordered the alleged murder of 12,000,000 people. All these accusations have been collectively described as “genocide” — the murder of peoples. In this connection I have the following to declare in summary. <I know my conscience to be completely free from any such guilt, from any complicity in the murder of peoples. Instead of working for the dissolution of the culture and national sentiment of the Eastern European nations, I attempted to improve the physical and spiritual conditions of their existence; instead of destroying their personal security and human dignity, I opposed with all my might, as has been proven, every policy of violent measures, and I rigorously demanded a just attitude on the part of the German officials and a humane treatment of the Eastern Workers. Instead of practising “child slavery,” as it is called, I saw to it that young people from territories endangered by combat were granted protection and special care. Instead of exterminating religion, I reinstated the freedom of the Churches in the Eastern territories by a decree of tolerance. <In Germany, in pursuance of my ideological convictions, I demanded freedom of conscience, granted it to every opponent, and never instituted a persecution of religion. <The thought of a physical annihilation of Slavs and Jews, that is to say, the actual murder of entire peoples, has never entered my mind and I most certainly did not advocate it in any way. I was of the opinion that the existing Jewish question would have to be solved by the creation of a minority right, by emigration, or by settling the Jews in a national territory over a ten-year period of time. The White Paper of the British Government of 24 July 1946 shows how historical developments can bring about measures which were never previously planned. <The practice of the German State Leadership in the war, as [ostensibly] proven here during the Trial, differed completely from my ideas. To an ever-increasing degree Adolf Hitler drew persons to himself who were not my comrades, but my opponents. With reference to their pernicious deeds I must state that they were not practising the National Socialism for which millions of believing men and women had fought, but rather, shamefully misusing it. It was a degeneration which I, too, very strongly condemned. <I frankly welcome the idea that a crime of genocide is to be outlawed by international agreement and placed under the severest penalties, with the natural provision that neither now nor in the future shall genocide be permitted in any way against the German people either. <Among other matters, the Soviet prosecutor stated that the entire so-called “ideological activity” had been a “preparation for crime.” In that connection I should like to state the following: National Socialism represented the idea of overcoming the class struggle which was disintegrating the people, and uniting all classes in a large national community. Through the Labor Service, for instance, it restored the dignity of manual labor on mother earth, and directed the eyes of all Germans to the necessity of a strong peasantry. By the Winter Relief Work it created a comradely feeling among the entire nation for all fellow-citizens in need, irrespective of their former party membership. It built homes for mothers, youth hostels, and community clubs in factories, and acquainted millions with the yet unknown treasures of art. <For all that I served. But along with my love for a free and strong Reich I never forgot my duty towards venerable Europe. In Rome, as early as 1932, I appealed for its preservation and peaceful development, and I fought as long as I could for the idea of internal gains for the peoples of Eastern Europe when I became Eastern Minister in 1941. Therefore in the hour of need I cannot renounce the idea of my life, the ideal of a socially peaceful Germany and a Europe conscious of its values, and I will remain true to it. <Honest service for this ideology, considering all human shortcomings, was not a conspiracy and my actions were never a crime, but I understood my struggle, just as the struggle of many thousands of my comrades, to be one conducted for the noblest idea, an idea which had been fought for under flying banners for over a hundred years. [IMT Transcript, 21 August 1946] https://archive.ph/fq2c6
https://archive.ph/xiQOO Alternative: https://archive.ph/S0Jjy By Puppet99, 28 Dec. 2017 >The Puppetworld Post has uncovered many links between WikiLeaks and the international Rothschild [jews] network: >–a sister-in-law and second cousin of the Rothschilds posted bail for Julian Assange >–The Economist (a Rothschild magazine) gave Assange its New Media Award in 2008 >–WikiLeaks used the law firm Fox Rothschild to overturn a judge’s ruling to order a web host to shut down the WikiLeaks site >– The Guardian and The New York Times, two of Assange’s media partners, are linked to the Rothschilds >–the owner of the mansion where Assange was eventually put under house arrest has links to Rothschilds >–Assange’s lawyer is also Rothschilds’ lawyer >–US Senator Joe Lieberman [jew] who was ultimately responsible for making Assange the largest media personality of the decade, is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations (a Rothschild organization) >(The Rothschilds are an international family of bankers at the centre of a web of wealthy families who control most the countries through a worldwide network of: privately-owned central banks (masquerading as federal banks), major news chains, trusts, councils, etcetera. An unnamed source has put their monetary worth near $100 trillion—dwarfing the net worth of the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, etc.) >Zac Goldsmith (married to Kate Rothschild) winning the election with sister, Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith), and mother, Annabel Goldsmith [all jews] >Socialite, heiress Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith) posted £20 000 for the bail of WikiLeaks’ leader Julian Assange. >She’s genetically related to the Rothschilds and she is a sister-in-law (Daily Mail Online, 10 May 2010). >Her father, the late James Goldsmith—British banker, publisher–is a cousin to the Rothschilds. James’ grandfather Adolphe Goldschmidt came to London as a multi-millionaire in 1895 and changed the family name from the German Goldschmidt to the English Goldsmith. >The Goldschmidts, like their neighbours and relatives the Rothschilds, had been prosperous merchant bankers in Frankfurt Germany since the 16th century (Wikipedia). >Following the Rothschild’s centuries-old edict to interbreed, Jemima Khan’s brother, Ben, wed Kate Rothschild in 2003 and recently her other brother, Zac, a new MP in British parliament, had been having an affair with his brother’s sister-in-law, Alice Rothschild (Kate’s sister), up until he divorced his wife four days after he was elected MP. >Zac and Alice are presently living together. Khan’s brothers are marrying into Rothschild wealth. >The Rothschilds began grooming Julian Assange in 2008, when WikiLeaks was awarded The Economist’s New Media Award. >The Economist is the voice of Britain’s establishment (led by the British Rothschilds) which has, for example, supported Britain’s involvement in the Iraq war. >Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild [jew] was chairman of The Economist from 1972 to 1989. His wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild currently sits on The Economist’s board. The Rothschild family also has a large shareholder interest in The Economist. >At first blush, it is incredulous that the The Economist, the pinnacle of the establishment, would give their award to Assange knowing full well that he was releasing classified government documents and being overly aware of the havoc this will create in the world. >The Rothschilds’ oft- stated goal (over the centuries) is for a One World Government (i.e. The New World Order). To this end they engineer conflict between nations, to create crises that will then be utilized to increase the power of international entities – the UN, World Bank, IMF, etc. For example, they (and other closely-related families like the Schiffs [jews]) financed the Bolsheviks. In the past, the Rothschild empire have profited by bankrolling both sides of war. >US senator Joe Lieberman [jew] is the Rothschild’s point man in America. >During the last presidential election, he took his friend, Republican candidate John McCain to Jacob Rothschild’s house for a fund-raiser for McCain. >Lieberman is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (a Rothschild cabal which is essentially the shadow government of the US). >Lieberman’s recent actions resulted in cutting off the money supply of WikiLeaks: PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, stopped accepting donations for WikiLeaks. Lieberman publicly took credit for censoring WikiLeaks’ website by pressuring Amazon to stop hosting the website. The result was that Anonymous hactivists launched attacks on the websites of companies (above) which had discontinued service to WikiLeaks. Lieberman’s campaign against WikiLeaks had the effect of increasing the martyrdom and hence the popularity of Assange and WikiLeaks. Lieberman made Assange a star, nearly becoming Time magazine’s Man of The Year. This is a common jewish tactic, to scream and kvetch in the media that some controlled opposition figure is dangerous, a conspiracy theorist, etc. as a way of giving that person publicity and portraying them as a hero fighting against the elites. This is one of the points in the Protocols of Zion. They did it with Assange, Alex Jones, Trump, RFK jr, etc. >Julian Assange’s lawyer is Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent, a major London elite law firm. They are the legal adviser to the Rothschild’s prestigious Waddesdon Trust. >Assange’s main media partner is The Guardian, which has been infiltrated by Rothschilds. >The Guardian is controlled by Guardian Media Group whose chairman is Paul Myners a past employee of N. M. Rothschild Limited & Sons Limited. >Guardian Media Group is owned by Scott Trust which became a limited private company in 2008 with all trustees becoming directors of the Scott Trust. Anthony Salz was appointed as a trustee of Scott Trust in 2009: He is currently executive vice-chairman of the investment Bank Rothschild. >The Guardian gave the US cables to the current New York Times. The chairman of the NYT is Arthur Sulzberger Jr. [jew], a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the son of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger and grandson of Arthur Hays Sulzberger who served as a Trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation (in cahoots with Rothschilds for One World Government). Rockefellers are jews: https://archive.ph/y81OF >After a time in a real prison, Assange was “imprisoned” in a countryside mansion at the home of Vaughan Smith, the owner of Frontline Trust, a news organization that seeks to influence TV journalists. >Frontline is funded by George Soros’ organization, Open Society Institute, and George Soros [jew] is intimately intertwined with the Rothschilds. >George Soros has been a frequent business partner with James Goldsmith (father of Jemima Khan and cousin of the Rothschilds) [jews]. >The director of Soros’ Open Society Institute, Richard Katz [jew] was director of N M Rothschild & Sons for 16 years. >Other board members like Nils Taube also hold positions in Rothschild banks, etc. >On October 25 and July 27 this year [2017], Assange was a speaker at Vaughan Smith’s Frontline Trust.
[Expand Post] See also >>20356
https://archive.ph/IBH83 >A new study by the Pew Research Center says the internet is disappearing, as web pages and online content is being lost. The study: https://archive.ph/6bvl5 >The web is often thought of as a place where content lasts forever, but vast swathes of its are being lost as pages are deleted or moved, according to new research. >Of the webpages that existed in 2013, 38% are now lost. Even newer pages are disappearing: 8% of pages that existed in 2023 are no longer available. >Those pages tend to disappear when they are deleted or moved. That happens on otherwise functional websites, the study indicated, rather than happening when whole websites disappear. >The effect means that vast amounts of news and important reference content are disappearing. Some 23% of news pages include at least one broken link, and 21% of government websites, and 54% of Wikipedia pages include a link in their references that no longer exists. >Much the same effect is happening on social media. A fifth of tweets disappear from the site within months of being posted. >The study was completed by gathering a random samples of almost a million webpages, taken from Common Crawl, a service that archives parts of the internet. Researchers then looked to see whether those pages continued to exist between 2013 and 2023. >It found that 25% of all pages collected between 2013 and 2023 were no longer available. Of those, 16% of pages came from a website that continues to exist, while 9% were located on websites that no longer exist at all. Redditors have their say https://www.reddit()com/r/technology/comments/1d1gfiv/parts_of_the_internet_are_disappearing_around_us/ >Yeah well. When Google's absolute garbage AI thinks that your site is spam, there's no recovering. There's no tech support, you can't talk to anybody, there's nobody to email. Your business is usually just over and all of your work was just for nothing. They do it to small businesses all the time. I'm serious, some of these major updates put like 100k+ business out of business each update. They're so big they don't even know what kind of damage they are causing because they think a business with 20 employees is just simply 1 line of data. Google jews destroying small companies? Imagine my shock. It's exactly what they did with the covid lockdowns. >I don't know why the company hasn't been broken up yet, it's beyond ridiculous at this point. I think I may know why. Jews running your government, jews running big busines, jews running big tech. It's really not a mystery. >What they are doing is incredibly toxic to the entire global economy. They also have an effective monopoly in advertising technology, which is absolutely rife with fraud that they don't seem to care about, probably because they make money either way. There's a huge 'fraud tax' that is being applied to every company that buys ads on the internet. There's reports now of up to 100 billion a year in theft and they do absolutely jack squat to protect their advertising customers from it. Which that's basically everybody since they have an effective monopoly. With jews you always lose. Hitler showed how easy you can fix all these problems once you remove the jew from your country. >I'm not even going to get into how they've made it totally impossible for there to be a YouTube competitor. They don't even make money with it, it's just there to prevent a competitor from ever existing. >The world will be a better place when that company is deleted. He's one step away from the ultimate truth. Send all the jews and shabbos goys to the Birobidzhan oblast, which will be a high-security detention camp. The same thing is happening in China, but more aggressively https://www.rfa()org/english/news/china/internet-disappearing-archives-05242024131340.html https://archive.ph/XvaN4 Extracts: >China once had an internet archive run by researchers at Peking University that allowed users to perform keyword searches of more than 2.5 billion historical web pages from millions of websites in Chinese. >The site described itself as a "public service" that would help users to "understand how major historical events unfolded." >But the website failed to load when tested by RFA from Taiwan and Europe on Thursday. >Volunteers at the U.S.-based China Unofficial Archive are battling to conserve material that has been censored under Xi and his predecessors. >Archived news articles about events from just a few years ago are no longer showing up on internet searches in China, cutting off access to the country's recent history from all but the most resourceful researchers, scholars told RFA Mandarin. >Concerns about the unavailability of archived news stories and commentary were detailed in a recent blog post written by He Jiayan, and reposted on several Chinese platforms titled, "The collapse of the Chinese internet is accelerating". >"After the rise of mobile Internet, Chinese content on the traditional internet has all but disappeared," He wrote, adding that Chinese-language search results via Google and Bing also yielded scanty results. >"My rough estimate is that more than 99% has disappeared." >Part of the reason archived content is quickly disappearing in China is the tightening of government censorship in recent years, said a scholar based in the south-western city of Chongqing, who gave only the surname Wang for fear of reprisals. >"Articles from more than 10 years ago are likely to get someone into trouble today," Wang said. "A lot of Chinese media act under the leadership of the [ruling Chinese Communist] Party, so it's inevitable that they will delete stuff." >Some of it has been deleted on strict government orders, according to a retired university lecturer from the south-western province of Guizhou, who gave only the surname Zhang for fear of reprisals. >“The State Education Commission issued a notice to the whole country, which basically meant that no critical articles could appear on the internet,” Zhang said. “University campuses were regarded as an important battlefield that had to promote the main theme [of government propaganda].” >“It said that university online forums weren’t outside the law, so all posts should be deleted, and all comment functions shut down,” she said.
In 2008 it was already stated that mass migration was planned from Africa to Europe, that's seven years before the "migrant crisis". https://archive()org/details/InterestingTwitterThreadjahd84t509-93y_34erg/ThreadReader_0_yuriwasright_1304261684337561600/mode/2up?view=theater https://archive.ph/oPtW8 The 2008 Express article "Secret plot to let 50million African workers into EU" https://archive.is/7fwJq >A controversial taxpayer-funded “job centre” opened in Mali this week is just the first step towards promoting “free movement of people in Africa and the EU”. >Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe.  >The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population. Money is not the motive. Money is the cover for the motive, which is White genocide. Read the rest of the above Twitter thread to see this. Videos included in the thread: www.bitchute()com/video/8E6QenqQTjXU/ www.bitchute()com/video/E5uWRBLAbq9d/ www.bitchute()com/video/JZP7n2bAAX3Q/
https://karlradl14()substack()com/p/jewish-invention-myths-the-geosynchronous https://archive.ph/jqrx4 References in original >Coming back to my long-running ‘Jewish Invention Myths’ series; we have the claim that the jew Harold ‘Harry’ Rosen invented the geosynchronous satellite >The problem with this is that while Rosen is indeed often claimed as the ‘the father of the geosynchronous satellite’ and the ‘father of the communications satellite’, the real story about the origins of the first geosynchronous satellite (Syncom 2) are rather different. >The concept comes from a Slovene engineer and one of the (unsung) fathers of spaceflight Herman Potočnik in his one and only 1928/1929 book Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums - der Raketen-Motor published just before his early death due to extreme poverty in Vienna in 1929, and Potočnik’s ideas – which may have been directly inspired by ideas and writings of the father of Russian spaceflight Konstantin Tsiolkovsky – included a geosynchronous satellite communicating with the earth via radio. >Key chapters from Potočnik’s book were translated into English in 1929 for the magazine Science Wonder Stories (published in the editions of the magazine for July, August and September 1929) which – despite its name - had several well-known scientists on the editorial panel and was a significant scientific periodical. >Potočnik’s ideas were taken up and expanded further by famous British science and science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in an article titled Extra-Terrestrial Relays in the October 1945 edition of Wireless World. >Potočnik and Clarke’s work then formed the theoretical basis for geosynchronous satellites as well as communications satellites which is now credited to Rosen, but the story of how Rosen came to be credited with inventing the ‘geosynchronous satellite’ is an interesting one that shows how a fame hungry jew can take credit for work that clearly was not his own. >Rosen was an electrical engineer with qualifications from Caltech and worked with some of the best scientists in the field in the United States. >The story of Rosen’s ‘invention’ of the ‘geosynchronous satellite’ comes into immediate question when we realise the Rosen only ‘led the team’ at the Hughes Aircraft Company which came up with the first practically demonstrated geosynchronous satellite (Syncom 2) in July 1963. >That team and who was responsible for what was broken down by Guy Gugliotta in an article for Smithsonian Magazine for September 2009. >They were Don Williams, a brilliant mathematician and the person who seems to have actually designed and built most of the Syncom Satellites; Tom Hudspeth – an electronics engineer – who seems to have had the original idea which Rosen jumped on and presented as his own and who later became the Hughes Aircraft Company’s Chief Scientist; and lastly John Mendel who was an engineer who worked out how to shrink the vital electronic equipment needed for the satellite to communicate via waves and maintain geosynchronous orbit. >None of these three individuals were jewish as far as I can ascertain, although Rosen was. >The interesting thing is that it was Rosen and Williams who promoted and eventually sold the concept of the geosynchronous satellite to Lawrence ‘Pat’ Hyland - the general manager of Hughes Aircraft Company - at the end of 1959. >Williams – as I’ve stated above – seems to have actually been the principal creator of the Syncom satellites as Rosen later all but admitted. >In fact, the more you dig into the history of the Syncom satellites the more you realise how little Rosen seems to have done, but why do people widely credit Rosen not Williams? >Well after the launch of the Syncom 3 satellite in August 1964 it was transferred to the US Department of Defence from NASA in January 1965 and then Williams committed suicide for unknown reasons in 1966. >If Williams was the true designer and inventor of the bulk of Syncom 1 to 3 – as Rosen implies – then the field was suddenly clear for Rosen to claim most of the credit from the now-dead Williams, and people wouldn’t have really been the wiser apart from Hudspeth and Mendel, who played specialist roles in the design and building of Syncom 1 to 3 but don’t seem to have contributed to the bulk of the project unlike Williams. >Rosen then stepped in to accept the credit and the plaudits with no one to really contradict him with Hudspeth and Mendel seemingly content with their own sub-credit and significant personal advancement. >Another interesting aside before we close this discussion is that Rosen – who was a radio operator in the US Navy between 1944 and 1946 – claims never to have read or known about Clarke’s October 1945 article in Wireless World, which basically created the idea behind Syncom 1 to 3, but this posits that Rosen somehow missed Clarke’s article in the most important and leading journal for radio engineers and operators during these years when he was a radio operator, which seems faintly ridiculous unless we believe Rosen ‘didn’t care’ about the subject in which he was a specialist at the time and suddenly ‘invents’ Clarke’s idea without reference to him nearly two decades later. >Does that sound plausible? >Not really but it goes to show that Harold Rosen seems to have stolen both the credit for the creation of the first practical geosynchronous satellite from Don Williams and the theory behind it from Herman Potočnik and Arthur C. Clarke. This is a good illustration of how jews are given credit for inventions that they really had little or nothing to do with. Karl Radl has a growing series of article debunking some of these claims, in the top left of his blog you can search for the others. You can read about how German research far exceeded the rest of the world under the NSDAP: http://www.renegadetribune()com/the-great-jewish-patents-heist-of-the-third-reich/ https://archive.ph/9JblD How did that happen if jews are such great intellectuals and inventors, when the Germans lost their jews, and the other White countries gained them? And Germany was facing every obstacle, economic boycotts, and fighting the largest war in history basically on it's own--how is it possible, goyim?
https://wallstreetonparade()com/2024/05/academic-study-provides-hard-numbers-to-the-sick-revolving-door-culture-at-goldman-sachs-jpmorgan-and-citigroup/ https://archive.ph/mV1oc By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 30, 2024 >On January 18, 2019 the Cambridge University Press published a stunning research paper from the Journal of Institutional Economics. The study: https://v()gd/nD53zf https://archive.ph/xNQm7 >The paper provides the hard numbers to support the thesis that federal banking and securities regulators understand that the more connections they acquire while working in government and the more prominent their position becomes – the fatter their future pay-check will be once they make the leap to a megabank on Wall Street. >The authors call what the “public servants” are selling to their prospective Wall Street employers “bureaucratic capital.” >The authors then provide the hard data in the chart below, showing that Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Citigroup are light years ahead of their peers in monetizing public service to fatten their own bottom lines and create an influence network. >(The structure of that influence network, minus the posting on /leftypol/ trafficking, is not all that dissimilar to what Jeffrey Epstein was operating with the assistance of the largest U.S. bank, JPMorgan Chase.) See: https://wallstreetonparade()com/2023/07/court-filing-jpmorgan-chase-actively-participated-in-epsteins-sex-trafficking-venture/ https://archive.ph/8DRBr >The study is by Dr. Elise S. Brezis, Professor of Economics at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and Dr. Joël Cariolle, Research Officer at the Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development (FERDI) in France. Given that Brezis is writing about her cousins in America, the study certainly understates the problem, while leaving out the jewish glue that binds it all together. >The authors write: <“Looking at the revolving door in the 20 biggest US diversified banks, we identified 304 revolvers, among which 155 are considered as prominent. These revolvers have undertaken 384 revolving door movements between public and private positions and vice versa, mostly undertaken between 1960 and 2015, corresponding to a total of 2,256 years of experience in public office.” >The chart above from the study shows that of the 155 public servants who had risen to “prominent” positions, Goldman Sachs captured 50 of those or 32%; JPMorgan had captured 20.65%; while Citigroup had captured 18%. >To understand how the revolving doors at the Wall Street megabanks swing in both directions, we recommend our January 2020 article: https://wallstreetonparade()com/2020/01/goldman-sachs-the-vampire-squids-alum-control-two-fed-banks-the-u-s-treasury-the-european-central-bank-and-the-bank-of-england/ >To further understand how no amount of public outrage can stop the swinging of Wall Street’s revolving door, consider that the Cleveland Fed has just named a female exec, Beth Hammack, to be its new president https://www.cnn()com/2024/05/29/economy/new-cleveland-fed-president-beth-hammack/index.html https://archive.ph/FEoEu >Hammack spent the last three decades at Goldman Sachs, notwithstanding the fact that a former Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs created the worst trading scandal in the Fed’s 111-year history just three years ago and has been in the headlines ever since. https://wallstreetonparade()com/2024/05/goldman-sachs-shines-up-its-swamp-creature-reputation-by-rehiring-robert-kaplan-as-vice-chairman-the-guy-who-traded-like-a-hedge-fund-kingpin-while-president-of-the-dallas-fed/ >And to appreciate just how enormously lucrative rising to a prominent position in government can turn out to be, consider how Robert Rubin went from Co-Chairman of Goldman Sachs to join President Bill Clinton’s administration in 1993, rising to the position of U.S. Treasury Secretary in January 1995. Four years later, after Rubin helped in repealing one of the most important pieces of banking legislation in history – the Glass Steagall Act of 1933 – Rubin went straight to join the primary beneficiary of that repeal, Citigroup. Over the next decade of sitting on Citigroup’s Board, Rubin amassed $120 million in compensation. https://wallstreetonparade()com/2018/05/robert-rubin-exorcises-citigroup-from-his-career-in-todays-nyt-oped/ >When Rubin exited Citigroup in 2009, it was in the midst of receiving the largest bailout in U.S. banking history; its stock price had collapsed, eventually trading at 99 cents in March of 2009. Don't be jealous, goy, jews are just smarter and harder working than you, it's not like they're a bunch of totally immoral crooks who help each other out in every area of your country: finance, government, media, academia, judiciary. >There are numerous eyewitness accounts to support the thesis of the Brezis and Cariolle research paper. https://wallstreetonparade()com/2014/10/four-other-lawyer-whistleblowers-are-essential-at-the-carmen-segarra-senate-witness-table/ >When James Kidney, a 25-year veteran trial attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission retired in 2014, he set off pandemonium inside the SEC when the speech he delivered at his retirement party went viral. >Kidney blamed the demoralization at the agency on its revolving door to Wall Street. The best SEC lawyers, according to Kidney, “see no place to go in the agency and eventually decide they are just going to get their own ticket to a law firm or corporate job punched.” >What every American should read after digesting the Brezis and Cariolle research paper, is the seminal book on the history of the making of these megabanks on Wall Street. That book is Law Professor Arthur Wilmarth Jr.’s Taming the Megabanks: Why We Need a New Glass-Steagall Act. >Wilmarth offers the following (and more) on the revolving door and its attendant evils at the megabanks: <“The revolving door between Washington and Wall Street, in combination with extensive social connections between regulators and industry leaders, promoted a form of ‘cultural’ or ‘cognitive’ capture, in which regulators deferred to the views of industry leaders regarding the best ways to draft, interpret, and implement financial regulations.” It's more than that, it's an ethnic connection. >That’s been very good for minting billionaires like Sandy Weill at Citigroup and Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase. For the American people – not so much. https://www.stlouisfed()org/institute-for-economic-equity/the-state-of-us-wealth-inequality https://archive.ph/PL4vk This article claims Dimon is jewish, but I couldn't find the evidence for it: https://www.theoccidentalobserver()net/2019/02/07/a-brief-look-at-jewish-wealth/
https://merylnass()substack()com/p/death-rates-considerably-higher-in https://archive.ph/H0kJh 23 May 2024. >Watch the video below, in which a news program is reporting on skyrocketing hospital mortality rates. It is shocking and frightening and disgusting. https://www.wtae()com/article/pittsburgh-hospital-mortality-rates/60847348 From the video: <Death rates at some Pittsburgh-area hospitals are going up. At some hospitals, mortality rates for certain conditions more than doubled in five years. <A report by the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council said the hospital mortality rate for 11 conditions, ranging from heart failure and stroke to sepsis and pneumonia, increased from 2017 to 2022, the most recent year data is available. <“We're seeing a population that's sicker because they've had things that weren't caught in screening... the people that are actually inside the hospital now are sicker than they have been before” Why are screenings less effective now? More remote consultations? Fewer White medical staff and more 'affirmative action' employees? The tightening jewish grip on the medical industry? Why are people sicker? Lock downs, economic crash, vaccines? <One of the biggest concerns is sepsis, an infection that left untreated can lead to death. <State records show the sepsis mortality rate from 2017 to 2022 doubled at Butler Memorial Hospital and Heritage Valley Beaver and tripled at Heritage Valley Sewickley. <“We’re elevating and putting less experienced people into positions that previously were filled by very experienced people” <Mortality rates for respiratory failure have also increased, up 50% at UPMC Mercy and nearly doubling at UPMC Passavant. Back to the article: >One hospital is “investigating its algorithms”—maybe the problem IS the algorithms? Maybe while the robotic clinicians order algorithmic care few are evaluating how the patients respond any more? >(The “providers” are being forced to follow algorithms, trained to be robots so they can be replaced by computers, and I don’t think it will take too long before that happens) >I think that the elites have deliberately made the patient experience unpleasant, just as they have made flying in airplanes unpleasant. Just as being a worker has become more unpleasant since you have to watch what you say and get used to being monitored all the time. No wonder people do not want to go back to work. >The “clients” of the medical system suffer. I wonder if the consolidation in healthcare, begun in earnest during the Clinton administration, was intended so that patients would not have a meaningful choice of providers: every “provider” in their area is now usually in the same network, with the same institutional culture. Things have gone downhill steadily in the allopathic medical realm for at least 20 years and now no one wants to go near a hospital.
https://www.monash()edu/science/news-events/news/current/scientists-warn-that-greener-drug-design-is-urgently-needed-to-address-environmental-pollution https://archive.ph/pPsX1 https://news()exeter()ac()uk/faculty-of-environment-science-and-economy/scientists-sound-the-alarm-on-pharmaceutical-pollution-crisis/ https://archive.ph/4vgo4 5 June 2024 >In an article published in the journal Nature Sustainabilty, researchers warn that discharges to the environment during drug production, use, and disposal have resulted in ecosystems around the globe being polluted with mixtures of pharmaceuticals, posing a growing danger to wildlife and human health. Study: https://www.nature()com/articles/s41893-024-01374-y https://dx()doi()org/doi:10.1038/s41893-024-01374-y >“A wide variety of drugs have now been detected in environments spanning all continents on Earth,” said Assistant Professor Michael Bertram, a researcher at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and shared first author. >“Exposure to even trace concentrations of some of these drugs can have severe impacts on the health of wildlife and human populations, and has already led to severe population crashes in vultures throughout India and Pakistan, as well as widespread sex-reversal of fish populations exposed to the human contraceptive pill.” What do these same chemicals in the water do to humans? Do they play a role in transgenderism, homosexuality, declining fertility, low testosterone levels in men? >“Discharges during drug production, use, and disposal have led to global contamination of ecosystems with mixtures of pharmaceuticals and their breakdown products. In fact, when patients take medicines, only a portion of those drugs are absorbed by the body, with the remainder being excreted and often released directly into the environment.” The whole pharmaceutical industry is largely a scam and a money-making racket, designed to harm us and keep us sick. See >>20436 and the work of Peter Gotzsche, for example https://odysee()com/@LiPhi:7/Peter-C.-G%C3%B8tzsche---Death-of-a-Whistleblower-and-Cochrane's-Moral-Collapse---2019:0 https://www.renegadetribune()com/have-the-children-been-poisoned/ >Pharmaceutical contaminants have now been detected in environmental samples and the tissues of wildlife across all continents on Earth, including Antarctica, and in groundwater used for drinking. >“Evidence has been mounting for decades that trace concentrations of pharmaceutical pollutants and their mixtures can cause severe developmental, physiological, morphological, and behavioural changes in wildlife,” said co-author of the study Professor Bob Wong, from the Monash University School of Biological Sciences. >“For example, male fish exposed to oestrogens found in the birth-control pill exhibit feminisation and reproductive failure, leading to population collapse, while vultures exposed to anti-inflammatory drugs have undergone severe population crashes due to toxic effects,” he said. >“The impacts of pharmaceutical pollutants can have cascading effects on the ecology and evolution of wildlife populations and communities, potentially causing population declines and local extinctions.” >Pharmaceutical pollution poses threats to both wildlife and humans, such as the release of antibiotics into the environment promoting the spread of antibiotic resistance genes. >This issue is exacerbated by other anthropogenic pressures, including habitat destruction and invasive species. Interactions between chemical pollutants and these other stressors can be additive or synergistic, further endangering biodiversity and ecosystem services. >Alarmingly, it is the very same characteristic of pharmaceuticals that makes them effective in human and animal patients that also makes them particularly hazardous environmental pollutants: drugs are specifically designed to have biological effects at low doses. >Pharmaceutical contamination of ecosystems is occurring alongside other widespread environmental changes, which can amplify the negative effects of drugs, including habitat destruction. >Pharmaceutical pollutants represent a particularly complex challenge given that many hundreds of different drugs have been detected in ecosystems globally that have an extremely wide range of effects, including anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, antibiotics, and even illicit drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine. >Charles Tyler, Professor of Environmental Biology and Ecotoxicology at the University of Exeter, said: “Drugs in the environment has been an emerging issue for some time but now with evidenced cases for adverse effects in wildlife, together with a lack of data on the environmental risks for most drugs and marked increase in the use of many drug types, we need to better ensure that human medicines pose minimal threats to wildlife. Ensuring that ‘greener drugs by design’ features prominently in the drug development pipeline will help maximise environmental protection and in turn help to ensure the future sustainability of the drug industry and human medical healthcare.” >So far, environmental protection efforts have mainly been focused on upgrading waste-water treatment infrastructure to remove drugs before release into waterways more effectively. >However, wastewater treatment is unable to address this issue on its' own. >In the article, 17 international scientists call for an increased focus on designing greener and more sustainable pharmaceuticals to tackle this issue at its source. >“Because drug design is the first step in the life-cycle of pharmaceuticals, greener drugs reduce the potential for pollution throughout the entire cycle” said Gorka Orive, a scientist and professor of pharmacy based at the University of the Basque Country. Now read about how the 'nazis' protected the environment and animals, long before other countries were doing anything like it: https://www.renegadetribune()com/the-national-socialist-view-of-the-natural-world/ https://www.renegadetribune()com/national-socialist-preservation-of-animals/
https://www.renegadetribune()com/organ-harvesting-americas-manufactured-opioid-crisis/ https://archive.ph/yS3dS 16 April 2018. Edited for length. >The USA has become a nation of addicts consuming 85% of the worlds opioids. Opioid overdose is the leading cause of death in Americans aged under 50 and 90% of new heroin users are White, with most getting their start with opioid prescriptions. This tragedy is well documented in America’s Manufactured Opioid Crisis. https://www.bitchute()com/video/uaaJn7DaENXE/ >More Americans were dying of overdoses (64,000), than in auto accidents (40,000) in 2016, and we are seeing a massive increase in organ transplants from opioid overdoses. On the surface this makes sense with the current opioid crisis underway, and the organ transplant industry has been created to have a veneer of goodness. >That is until you learn the disturbing truth about organ transplants, which is simple really. No organs harvested from a corpse or cadaver can be used for transplantation. Only organs taken from a living person are viable for a transplant. >In 2013 policy changes in organ donation renamed those previously classified as “high risk” to “increased risk” in order to better sell the organs of those still-living overdose victims. >“About 40% of the increase (in the past five years) tracks back to the drug intoxication issue,” said Dr. David Klassen in a CNN interview, chief medical officer at the United Network for Organ Sharing, which tracks and manages organ donations in the U.S. >Klassen went on to note that people who died of overdoses are usually good candidates for organ donation. “They tend to be younger and tend not to have the burdens of diseases associated with aging.” >Klassen finished the interview by stating “The opioid epidemic is clearly not something anyone expected. It’s clearly a tragic situation. But there is a little bit of a silver lining.” >In an NPR Interview, Dr. Jay Fishman, associate director of the hospital’s transplant center, says an organ from someone who used drugs is not necessarily risky and may even be healthier than other options. >“You have to remember that as awful as this outbreak is, these are younger people who are dying, often with needles in their arms, and many of them were first-time drug users,” Fishman says. “They weren’t all addicts.” >An epidemic, an unforeseen outbreak that luckily has a silver lining? Oh no, it’s anything but an agenda. >Another point, while searching for more information on organ donation from auto-accident victims, I came across many disturbing articles bemoaning the idea of there being an organ shortage due to “life saving” driverless cars in the future. >Speaking of cars, how did we get to where we are now, not knowing the truth about organ donation and so trusting that we are signing up to be organ donors via the DMV? The DMV is where the youth are targeted as part of a future organ donor campaign. >Starting with the 1967 heart transplant by the South African Dr. Christiaan Neethling Barnard, who transplanted the heart of a woman who had just died from a head injury, into the chest of a 54-year-old man who regained full consciousness and lived for eighteen days, a newly realized organ transplant industry was quickly orchestrated into existence. >A year later, none other than the crypto-jewish Harvard University created a committee regarding this potentially very lucrative subject. >Basically a Harvard Medical ad-hoc committee officially cooked up the term "Brain Death" to describe a condition they had also called irreversible coma, without any animal or human studies being done. >With this expert stamp of approval from a Harvard Committee, the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) was created, and it was promptly and uniformly enacted in every jurisdiction. >The 1968 UAGA created the power, not yet recognized at common law, to donate organs, eyes and tissue, in an immediate gift to a known donee or to any donee that might need an organ to survive. >Organ donor awareness and activist Dr Paul Byrne in interviews discusses the fact that the UAGA presumes everyone has the intention to be organ donors and presumes everyone consents, also any revocations (i.e. drivers licenses) are not considered a legal refusal to donate. >He also stated in his training before 1968 that death was not done if the heart was still beating or if there was still breathing or any response. At that time "brain death" did not exist and live organ harvesting was not legal. >Cadavers or corpses can’t be in a coma state, only the living can, but with Harvard’s prestigious and unquestionable authority, the living organ harvesting industry then embarked on a campaign to make “Brain Death” legal and the multimillion dollar organ transplant industry was born. >Within 2 years states had begun passing “Brain Death Laws”. By 1981 we had the UDDA – Uniform Determination of Death Act. >Dr Byrne also went on to reveal more ways the organ transplant industry has been able to expand their criteria for harvesting living organs by inventing heart death, which if in fact was real, would render the organs worthless. Remember, organs from the dead do not transplant. >With regards to heart death, Dr Byrne explained that they take someone whose organs they want and who has brain activity, but is on life support. They have to take them off life support and wait till their heart beat is not beating strong enough to display a pulse, but the heart has not stopped. This has been done in as little as 75 seconds. Then the still beating heart and organs are scheduled for harvest. >Dr Byrnes discusses the fact that opioid overdoses cause unconsciousness and respiratory depression, which means many of these people who are having their organs harvested while they are alive could actually have recovered, with the appropriate life support and given the right nutrients and time for their brains to heal. Remember, organs from a dead overdose corpse are not transplantable. >Quote from Dr Byrne's Death of the Donor PDF: <Organ removal is performed while the patient is given only a paralyzing agent but no anesthetic! Multi-organ excision, on the average, takes three to four hours of operating during which time the heart is beating, the blood pressure is normal and respiration is occurring albeit the patient is on a ventilator. Each organ is cut out until finally the beating heart is stopped, a moment before removal. It is well documented the heart rate and blood pressure go up when the incision is made. This is the very response the anesthesiologist often observes in everyday surgery when the anesthetic is insufficient. But, as stated above, organ donors are not anesthetized. >The truth is “brain death” is a mask to cover up the vivisection and organ harvesting being carried out for profit on living people, our loved ones and family. >Medical birth practices are actually a set up for future opioid addiction. In her interview with Dr Byrne, Jeanice Barcelo made an interesting connection to opioid receptors in the brain and the use of protosun in the birth process, which is widespread in hospital births and exposes the brain of both mother and infant to opioids, thus triggering the receptors. >Expanding this industry is the name of the game. The US department of Health and Human Services lists their number one goal on the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network website is to increase the number of organ transplants. >As Nancy Scheper-Hughes has exposed, the Israelis are running the organ harvesting industry world wide. I find myself thinking about the goals of this organ industry and how quickly laws are coordinated across nations. The dark agenda crosses over into euthanasia laws being passed across the world and let’s not forget the politically incorrect, mentally ill people imprisoned across Europe for questioning one part of our history. See also >>19804 >>1
https://www.activistpost()com/2024/06/whats-next-for-battlefield-america-israels-high-tech-military-tactics-point-the-way.html https://archive.ph/OKldM Via https://www.renegadetribune()com/whats-next-for-battlefield-america-israels-high-tech-military-tactics-point-the-way/ By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, 8 June 2024. Links in original >If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel—a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.—uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry. >Military checkpoints. Wall-to-wall mass surveillance. Predictive policing. Aerial surveillance that tracks your movements wherever you go and whatever you do. >AI-powered facial recognition and biometric programs carried out with the knowledge or consent of those targeted by it. Cyber-intelligence. Detention centers. Brutal interrogation tactics. Weaponized drones. Combat robots. >We’ve already seen many of these military tactics and technologies deployed on American soil and used against the populace, a testament to the heavy influence Israel’s military-industrial complex has had on U.S. policing. >Antony Loewenstein has warned that Pegasus, one of Israel’s most invasive pieces of spyware, which allows any government or military intelligence or police department to spy on someone’s phone and get all the information from that phone, has become a favorite tool of oppressive regimes around the world. >The FBI and NYPD have also been recipients of the surveillance technology which promises to turn any “target’s smartphone into an intelligence gold mine.” >Yet it’s not just military weapons that Israel is exporting. They’re also helping to transform local police agencies into extensions of the military. >According to The Intercept, thousands of American law enforcement officers frequently travel for training to Israel, “one of the few countries where policing and militarism are even more deeply intertwined than they are here,” as part of an ongoing exchange program that largely flies under the radar of public scrutiny. >A 2018 investigative report concluded that imported military techniques that allow police to study in Israel have changed American policing for the worse. “Upon their return, U.S. law enforcement delegates implement practices learned from Israel’s use of invasive surveillance, blatant racial profiling, and repressive force against dissent,” the report states. “Rather than promoting security for all, these programs facilitate an exchange of methods in state violence and control that endanger us all.” >“At the very least,” notes journalist Matthew Petti, “visits to Israel have helped American police justify more snooping on citizens and stricter secrecy. Critics also assert that Israeli training encourages excessive force.” >Petti documents how the NYPD set up a permanent liaison office in Israel in the wake of 9/11, eventually implementing “one of the first post-9/11 counterterrorism programs that explicitly followed the Israeli model. >As Alex Vitale, a sociology professor who has studied the rise of global policing, explains, “The focus of this training is on riot suppression, counterinsurgency, and counterterrorism—all of which are essentially irrelevant or should be irrelevant to the vast majority of police departments. They shouldn’t be suppressing protest, they shouldn’t be engaging in counterinsurgency, and almost none of them face any real threat from terrorism.” >This ongoing transformation of the American homeland into a techno-battlefield tracks unnervingly with the dystopian cinematic visions of Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report and Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium, both of which are set 30 years from now, in the year 2054. >In Minority Report, police agencies harvest intelligence from widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and neighborhood and family snitch programs in order to capture would-be criminals before they can do any damage. >While in Elysium what was most striking was its depiction of how the government will employ technologies such as drones, tasers and biometric scanners to track, target and control the populace, especially dissidents. >With Israel in the driver’s seat, it’s not so far-fetched to imagine how the American police state will use these emerging technologies to lock down the populace, root out dissidents, and ostensibly establish an “open-air prison” with disconcerting similarities to Israel’s technological occupation of Palestine. >Fiction: One of the most jarring scenes in Elysium is when the protagonist Max Da Costa waits to board a bus on his way to work. While standing in line, Max is approached by two large robotic police officers, who quickly scan Max’s biometrics, cross-check his data against government files, and identify him as a former convict in need of close inspection. They demand to search his bag, a request which Max resists, insisting that there is nothing for them to see. The robotic cops respond by manhandling Max, throwing him to the ground, and breaking his arm with a police baton. After determining that Max poses no threat, they leave him on the ground and continue their patrol. Likewise, in Minority Report, police use holographic data screens, city-wide surveillance cameras, dimensional maps and database feeds to monitor the movements of its citizens and pre-emptively target suspects for interrogation and containment. >Fact: We now find ourselves monitored, managed, corralled and controlled by technologies that answer to government and corporate rulers. This is exactly how Palestinian Mosab Abu Toha found himself, within minutes of passing through an Israeli military checkpoint in Gaza with his wife and children in tow, asked to step out line, only to be blindfolded, handcuffed, interrogated, then imprisoned in an Israeli detention center for two days, beaten and further interrogated. Toha was finally released in what Israeli soldiers chalked up to a “mistake,” yet there was no mistaking the AI-powered facial recognition technology that was used to pull him out of line, identify him, and label him (erroneously) as a person of interest. >Fiction: In another Elysium scene, Max is hunted by four drones while attempting to elude the authorities. The drones, equipped with x-ray cameras, biometric readers, scanners and weapons, are able to scan whole neighborhoods, identify individuals from a distance—even through buildings, report their findings back to police handlers, pursue a suspect, and target them with tasers and an array of lethal weapons. >Fact: Drones, some deceptively small and yet powerful enough to capture the facial expressions of people hundreds of feet below them, have ushered in a new age of surveillance. Not even those indoors, in the privacy of their homes, will be safe from these aerial spies, which can be equipped with technology capable of peering through walls. In addition to their surveillance capabilities, drones can also be equipped with automatic weapons, grenade launchers, tear gas, and tasers.
>>20496 Cont. >Fiction: Throughout Elysium, citizens are identified, sorted and dealt with by way of various scanning devices that read their biometrics—irises, DNA, etc.—as well as their national ID numbers, imprinted by a laser into their skin. In this way, citizens are tracked, counted, and classified. Likewise, in Minority Report, tiny sensory-guided spider robots converge on a suspected would-be criminal, scan his biometric data and feed it into a central government database. The end result is that there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide to escape the government’s all-seeing eyes. >Fact: Given the vast troves of data that various world governments, including Israel and the U.S., is collecting on its citizens and non-citizens alike, we are not far from a future where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. In fact, between the facial recognition technology being handed out to law enforcement, license plate readers being installed on police cruisers, local police creating DNA databases by extracting DNA from non-criminals, including the victims of crimes, and police collecting more and more biometric data such as iris scans, we are approaching the end of anonymity. It won’t be long before police officers will be able to pull up a full biography on any given person instantaneously, including their family and medical history, bank accounts, and personal peccadilloes. It’s already moving in that direction in more authoritarian regimes. >Fiction: In Minority Report, John Anderton, Chief of the Department of Pre-Crime, finds himself identified as the next would-be criminal and targeted for pre-emptive measures by the very technology that he relies on for his predictive policing. Consequently, Anderton finds himself not only attempting to prove his innocence but forced to take drastic measures in order to avoid capture in a surveillance state that uses biometric data and sophisticated computer networks to track its citizens. >Fact: Pre-crime, which aims to prevent crimes before they happen, has justified the use of widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and snitch programs. As political science professor Anwar Mhajne documents, Israel has used all of these tools in its military engagements with Palestine: deploying AI surveillance and predictive policing systems in Palestinian territories; utilizing facial recognition technology to monitor and regulate the movement of Palestinians; subjecting Palestinians to facial recognition scans at checkpoints, with a color-coded mechanism to dictate who should be allowed to proceed, subjected to further questioning, or detained. >When Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931, he was convinced that there was “still plenty of time” before his dystopian vision became a nightmare reality. It wasn’t long, however, before he realized that his prophecies were coming true far sooner than he had imagined. >Israel’s military influence on the United States, its advances in technological weaponry, and its rigid demand for compliance are pushing us towards a world in chains. >Through its oppressive use of surveillance technology, Israel has erected the world’s first open-air prison, and in the process, has made itself a model for the United States. >What we cannot afford to overlook, however, is the extent to which the American Police State is taking its cues from Israel. >As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we may not be an occupied territory, but that does not make the electronic concentration camp being erected around us any less of a prison. See also: ‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza https://www.972mag()com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ >The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties
https://gab()com/Nature_and_Race/posts/112549285670868073 >Everything I've ever learned about the inner workings of the Reich, including it's economic policies and practices, were told to me by men who actually lived in, and fought for the Reich. And while it's great to have first-hand information, it's not great when it comes to being challenged on sources. When demands are made to cite my sources, they're almost always immediately rejected when I say that I was taught these things by real life friends, rather than by published books or articles. >There has not been a great deal written about NS [national socialist] economics by actual Reich economists. And if anything was ever written down in article or book format, it doesn't seem to have been translated into English yet. What little actually has been written about NS economics has been written long after the fall of the Reich, and usually written by figures who are blatantly anti-NS. >But I can tell you what little I was told by my Waffen SS and Hitler Youth friends. >After the end of WWI, Germany's economy was decimated. The Versailles Treaty demanded a sum of gold from Germany each year that was more than half of all gold in circulation on the entire planet at the time. An impossible sum. >This led to the complete depletion of Germany's gold reserves, and then to catastrophic inflation due to being forced to print an incomprehensible amount of paper money each day. At one point it was costing the average German citizen literally multiple trillions of dollars just to buy a carton of eggs, loaf of bread, and bottle of milk. >So when Hitler took over and installed the National Socialist government, they were forced to completely overhaul the German economy. >Hitler immediately terminated the illegitimate Versailles Treaty, and told France to go fuck themselves. But Germany had no gold, so they lacked an international currency. >The solution was simple: print a currency that only had value from one German to another, so that Germans could do business with their own people, and thus kick-start the new German economy. >(Interestingly enough, this same economic format was used by the ancient Spartans. In ancient Sparta, gold and silver were made illegal, completely outlawed, as they were the source of degeneracy in Sparta - prostitutes, gamblers, criminals, and crooks all follow international currency, so in order to eliminate criminality, you must first eliminate its source. Once the gold and silver left Sparta, so did the international thieves and prostitutes. Lycurgus, the founder and first king of Sparta, then instituted a currency that had no international value, but had value from one Spartan to another - a cast iron coin, quenched in vinegar, that literally rusted in their pockets. And that's how Sparta maintained a powerful internal economy, while completely eliminating international crooks from their homeland.) >Hitler actually implemented a rather genius idea: instead of the gold-backed currency (or oil-backed currency of the modern world), he invented the labour-backed currency. >He came up with a large number of public works projects, estimated their cost in man-hours, and then printed money accordingly. >For example: Hitler had a vision of rocketing Germany into the forefront of civilization, he wanted every German to have a car (an unheard of concept in any country anywhere in the world in 1933). And since every German was going to own a car, they needed a lot of highway to drive them on. >He then envisioned a highway system that stretched from one end of Germany to the other, the famous Reichsautobahn highway. (The Reichsautobahn became the inspiration and model for America's famous interstate highway system). >The autobahn was estimate to cost roughly four-billion dollars to produce, and so the German government got to work printing that four-billion dollars so they could pay the labourers a generous wage, which they then used to feed and clothe and house their families. And thus the German economy was reborn. >As for international commerce, Hitler implemented an ingenious system - a system based on the most ancient of economic practices. Germany literally just traded with other countries: goods for goods, without the use of any fiat currency. >Take the example of Argentina: Argentina had a very large ethnic German population, but it was a very underdeveloped country - it had no industry to speak of. But what they did have was an immense surplus of grain. Germany, on the other hand, was an industrial superpower, but they had very little land upon which to grow enough food for the German population. >Argentina badly wanted a railroad system and modern industrial farming equipment. So Germany literally built them train engines and farm tractors in exchange for freight ships full of grain. >Barter, plain and simple, and it worked. >Now, prior to Adolf Hitler taking charge of Germany, he had long been establishing an economic model in his mind. And that model was based on a philosophy, rather than a series of academic formulas. >The German economy was supposed to be built upon the National Socialist philosophy, which was a philosophy of guiding principles. And those guiding principles all served but one singular purpose: to serve the health and wellbeing of the German people and the German country. >This economic philosophy can best be observed in the booklet "The Programme of the NSDAP", written by Gottfried Feder. It's an incredible booklet, I recommend that every White person read it. I'm not going to rewrite the entire thing here for you, but I will point out some of its most beautiful ideas. >The Reich was to eliminate both income and property taxes, for all the obvious reasons. They wanted to eliminate debt slavery, and allow German families to make enough money to live healthy and happy lives. >During the Reich itself, Hitler instituted a policy to incentivize childbirth: for every healthy German child a married couple produced, the Reich would pay 25% of their mortgage. Once four healthy German children were produced, the Reich paid for their entire house. >Another element of Feder's philosophy was the protection of private property. >The idea was to put as much German soil into the ownership of German civilians, rather than the government or corporations. There were laws in place to ensure that all land was kept within German families after the original owners grew old and passed away. Even going so far as to auction off whole farms to the surrounding farming community, in the event that the original owner didn't have any family to pass his land onto after his death. >Beyond that, my Waffen SS friend, Theodor Junker, would repeatedly tell me about how Germany's socialized healthcare system ensured that prescription medications never exceeded more than a dollar or two, and that month-long hospital stays had a maximum copay of about twenty dollars (he would know this for absolute fact, as he was shot twice during the war, and once took an entire Russian grenade blast to his legs and groin from just a few meters away). >He also talked about the Reich's special vacation resorts exclusive to workers and soldiers. The cost was something ridiculous - so low that we couldn't conceive of it today. Something like twenty to fifty dollars for an all-inclusive vacation. Which kept the working population incredibly happy, healthy, and motivated - which is why Germany absolutely dominated the entire world in manufacturing. >
>>20499 Cont. >He also told me about the nature of Germany's socialized education system. >Yes, university education was free, however, what courses you took depended on your inherent aptitude. If you tested high in intelligence, then you went on to study math and physics and chemistry and biology, etc. If you tested average on the IQ scale, and proved to be competent in craft, you went to a trade school where you learned carpentry, stone work, electrical work, plumbing, etc. >And yes, the German economy was able to do all of this and a great deal more, which made it a true wonder of the world. >While the rest of the world was wallowing in the Great Depression, Germany was building a literal paradise. Which, of course, was why the Capitalist and Communist powers of the USA and USSR had to destroy it, vilify and demonize it, and thoroughly outlaw its reincarnation.
https://www.manchestereveningnews()co()uk/news/local-news/the-pope-was-jewish-says-historian-1067739 https://archive.ph/4S9YR 29 AUG 2007 >Yaakov Wise, a researcher in orthodox Jewish history and philosophy, said the late Pope John Paul II's mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were all probably Jewish and came from a small town not far from Krakow. >Mr Wise said: "According to orthodox Judaism, a person's Jewish identity is passed down through the maternal line. I saw a photograph of the Pope's mother and I showed it to people who didn't know who she was. They all said she looked Jewish. So I started doing more investigations about her background." Any jewish ancestry makes you a jew. The majority of Ashkenazi jew have White mothers and jewish father. Trumps grandchildren will be jewish, regardless. >Although he believes the Pope's father was an ethnic Pole, he thinks that John Paul's mother Emilia Kaczorowski - Emily Katz in English - was Jewish and that she was the daughter of Feliks Kaczowski, a businessman from Biala-Bielsko in Poland. Katz is a common surname amongst East European Jewish families. >Emilia's mother, the Pope's grandmother, was Maria Anna Scholz. Scholz, or Schulze, is also a common surname among Jews, as is Rybicka, or Ryback, which is the surname of the Pope's great-grandmother Zuzanna. >All the names or their variations appear on gravestones in the old Biala Jewish cemetery, as does the surname of Felik's mother Urszula Maklinowska. >Mr Wise said: <"The Pope's ancestry has been researched by an American historian. But nobody has traced the family name through the Jewish community and, as Jewish historian, I have access to information that a non-Jewish historian wouldn't know about. I'm not making any firm conclusions, but what I'm saying is that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to say that he was Jewish. The Pope's mother married out of the Jewish community to wed a Catholic. Her children were born and raised as Catholics and the Pope was baptised. It would shed light on why the Pope had to go into hiding from the Nazis in November 1940. If he had been a pure ethnic Pole this would not have been necessary. It would also explain why this Pope in particular felt a strong desire to improve relations between the Church of Rome and the Jewish people."
https://gab()com/KeepNHGranite/posts/112588416885943075 By Daniel Concannon >Here we are again, dealing with the Fake Right's never-ending stream of language war horseshit. >'Woke,' of course, began as a term of endearment on the Left, meaning that one was 'progressive,' i.e. hates White people, glorifies sodomy, and exalts genital mutilation. >Once that sentiment - particularly in the form of anti-White 'Critical Race Theory' in schools - became so dominant across the culture that White people finally began realizing that there's a war being waged against us, the Fake Right began scrambling for labels to assign to all things anti-White for the purpose of masking the very anti-White nature of those things. >This, of course, is because preventing White people from ever acting in our own interest is a prime directive of the Fake Right. >And Whites finally waking up to the War On White People might just be enough to ignite that spark of rational self-interest, so the Fake Right gatekeepers are dispatched to piss on that wick before it's ever lit. >This effort was led by Christopher 'In 100 Years White People Will Blend Out Of Existence And It Will Be Great' Rufo - an employee of billionaire Jewish activist Paul Singer. Rufo sounded off about what a unique threat CRT posed to... Asians. >James Lindsay sounded off about what a unique threat CRT posed to... Jews. >Karlyn Borysenko sounded off about what a unique threat CRT posed to... Blacks. >The whole charade would have been comical if it wasn't for the fact that these snakes influence millions of otherwise good people and subvert them out of their own self interest by convincing them that the 'colorblind' communism of the 1960s - exactly what led to the shit-show we face today - is the solution to shit-show we face today. >While their efforts to shout down the use of 'anti-White' to describe things that are plainly anti-White failed, because all of the terms they work-shopped at their big 2021 retreat were spectacularly stupid failures, they eventually realized that 'woke' had been sitting there the entire time, waiting to be weaponized. >This turned out to be a subversive masterstroke, as 'woke' applied as a pejorative became the new craze-word on the Right - and greatly reduced the focus of what the label was actually being applied to; the War On White People and the Gender Revolution. >What packs more punch and provides more clarity on the issues at hand; 'The War On White People' and 'The Gender Revolution,' or 'woke?' >Exactly. These gatekeeping shills don't want anyone coming to terms with the civilizational threats we face - so they describe it all with a cute quip that in no way, shape, or form conveys the horror of what's actually happening. >Because they don't actually oppose it - they just realize that it's become too obvious, so they're trying to put the mask back on it before true opposition arises and they get steamrolled right along with the rest of the anti-West revolution. This is exactly what Jordan Peterson was doing when he worked for the UN, he re-wrote their documents to hide their real intentions: https://www.bitchute()com/video/gXq9bh0pvUnj/ >'Woke' spread like wildfire and has simply become another way to say 'libtard' or 'demonrat' - favorite expressions of caved-in-head-Conservatives who can't comprehend that the GOP isn't actually right wing, and believe that anyone who doesn't worship the same sacred cows as them - MUH REAGAN! MUH MLK! MUH GDP! - is a 'Brandon-loving libturd.' >And now the same subversives who call everything anti-White 'woke' so as to not remind White people that we exist by saying 'anti-White' have begun calling anyone on the Real Right the pejorative 'Woke Right.' >An actual right winger addresses the reality of race? Woke Right. >An actual right winger doesn't support selling children to pairs of male anal enthusiasts? Woke Right. >An actual right winger doesn't put Israel first? Woke Right. >Many of the same Fake Right frauds who popularized the word 'woke' for the explicit purpose of stopping people from saying 'anti-White' and fighting all forms of degeneracy are now popularizing the phrase 'Woke Right' to describe anyone on the Real Right who still rightly calls out the War On White People, fights all forms of degeneracy, and, as we've seen in recent months, anyone who won't sell their soul to the state of Israel. >If the phrase 'Woke Right' would fit anyone, it would fit exactly those who are using it to gate-keep against the Real Right - these reality-denying, Israel-first, Conservative Inc. shills who deny the biological reality of race, rendering them precisely as insane as the 'Woke Left' who deny the biological reality of sex. >'Woke' has always been a subverted dog shit term that I've discouraged others from using. 'Woke Right,' however, leaves plain old 'woke' in the dust and surges ahead as a first-ballot inductee into the Subversion Hall Of Fame. >Any 'influencer' using this phrase is showing you that: >~ They are a phony/subversive/idiot >~ Whoever they're calling 'Woke Right' is further Right than they are >~ They perceive that person as a threat to Fake Right subversion and grifting >Seriously, a genuine anti-'wokeness' death star could be heading toward Earth, guaranteed to end the War On White People and the Gender Revolution, and these disgusting shills would assure you that it's AKSHUALLY just another form of 'wokeness' - like sickness is another form of health - because their job isn't to fight these things - it's to convince you that someone else is fighting these things so you don't. >'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.' >These people oppose nothing but genuine opposition to the problems they pretend to fight. >Remember when the Fake Right's favorite Jewish homosexual Dave Rubin and his anal partner announced their purchase of two human infants and legions of Fake Right 'influencers' profusely congratulated them on their acquisition? >That's who's now calling other people 'Woke Right.' >Yeah... no. Fuck you.
https://www.businessinsider()com/russia-forcing-african-migrants-and-students-to-fight-in-ukraine-2024-6 https://archive.ph/4e7eF 10 June 2024 >Russia is forcing thousands of African migrants and students to join in their war efforts against Ukraine, Bloomberg reported on Sunday, citing assessments from European officials. https://archive.ph/fTUQ9 >According to Bloomberg's report, Russian officials have threatened not to renew the visas of African migrant workers and students if they didn't join the Russian Armed Forces. Based White nationalist Putin and all his African workers and students. >Some African workers have even been threatened with deportation if they do not agree to fight in Ukraine, one European official told Bloomberg. Others have resorted to bribing Russian officials to stay out of the conflict, per the outlet. So much winning for Putin! >This wouldn't be the first time the country has turned to unorthodox and controversial recruitment measures to replenish its troops. >Russia's reliance on attrition warfare has seen it continually drawing on its prison population to fuel its war effort. Poor Putin running out of Whites to throw into his fratricidal war against Whites, all according to the Chabad jew's plans: https://archive.ph/qjypj >In October, Russia's Deputy Justice Minister Vsevolod Vukolov said the country's prison population had plunged to a historic low of 266,000, per The Washington Post. Russia's prison population stood at 420,000 before the war. In fact, Russia has recruited so many inmates that it has started to close down some of its prisons. >A local official told lawmakers in March that some prisons had to be shut down because of "a one-time large reduction in the number of convicts," per the Russian newspaper Kommersant. >But conscripting its migrant population could put further pressure on the Russian economy, which has been grappling with severe labor shortages. >"Unemployment is 3%, and in some regions, it is even lower," Russian Central Bank Gov. Elvira Nabiullina told lawmakers in November. "This means there are practically no workers left in the economy."
https://okdiario()com/espana/hasta-2-millones-palestinos-pueden-pedir-asilo-espana-acusar-gobierno-israel-genocidio-12913408 https://archive.ph/RTQEO Here a bit of jewjitsu for you. You thought all these countries criticizing Israel and recognizing Palestine as a state meant the beginning of the end for Big Jew, well, as this Spanish article explains, if the government says a genocide is happening, then that opens up legal asylum for those being persecuted. >If Spain officially considers that the systematic elimination or extermination of a human group on the grounds of race, religion or nationality is taking place in Gaza, then by definition, anyone who lives in Gaza or has managed to get out of there can appear at the Spanish embassy or consulate in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or any other country and urgently apply for asylum. And you must be attended to. >The Spanish Justice not only recognized the right for the ambassador to respond personally to these requests for international protection, but in the event that it is proven that « his physical safety is at risk », the Government is obliged to put a plane out from Spain to finish the rest of the process here. That is, first save, then assess whether there are reasons for asylum. >In this process, however, the physical-safety risk assessment phase declared by the asylum seeker remains essential. In the case of Gaza, these sources explain, « it would not be difficult to prove that someone is fleeing an extermination, when even the Government itself considers it so ». The success of the petition, they say, would be assured. What do you know? Governments can kvetch ineffectually as they always do about Israel, but what actually happens is not any punishment for Israel or those with dual Israeli citizenship, but more immigrants for White countries. Imagine my shock.
https://karlradl14()substack()com/p/the-history-of-der-angriffs-famous https://archive.ph/Q4CoU References in original. Edited for length. >If you have ever seen or participated in the debates over Zionism, then you’ll have seen a particular piece of evidence routinely cited and photos of it provided. This is a memorial coin that was created in 1934 with a swastika on one side and a star of David on the other. See article for picture. >The inscription reads: ‘EIN NAZI FÄHRT NACH PALÄSTINA, UND ERZÄHLT / DAVON IM / Angriff’ >Which translates to: ‘A Nazi Travels to Palestine and Tells About it in [the] Angriff’ >This is often used as 'proof' of ‘Nazi-Zionist collaboration’ by anti-Zionists – the claim comes from Lenni Brenner’s widely-read book 1983 Zionism in the Age of Dictators – who claim it shows how ‘the Nazis’ worked ‘hand-in-glove’ with the Zionists in the 1930s and 1940s. >Meanwhile Zionists furiously deny any such claim and assert that either jews ‘didn’t know about it’ or ‘it was a Nazi conspiracy’ >Both sides are wrong because there is no historical context applied by either side. Only desperation to accuse Zionists of being connected to the Third Reich on one side, and equally desperate denials of any such accusation by Zionists. >To begin with they miss three basic facts that should be immediately obvious to anyone who knows anything much about the Third Reich: >A) This memorial coin was issued in 1934 and relates to an event in 1933, so it refers to a key time in ‘Der Angriff’s’ history when Goebbels had just been appointed to be Reichminister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, which effectively removed him from a lot of his job as Gauleiter of Berlin and editor of ‘Der Angriff’. >This led (from 1933) to a decline in ‘Der Angriff’s’ circulation and readership compared to the run-away success of some of its rivals like Julius Streicher’s famous ‘Der Sturmer’. >B) Goebbel’s ‘Der Angriff’ was no stranger to using clever marketing techniques and stunts to improve its circulation and readership. >C) Despite claims this memorial coin is ‘to remember’ the event; it is clearly not a memorial coin but rather a marketing gimmick being used to promote ‘Der Angriff’. >We can see that little thought has been put into understanding where this memorial coin came from or why it was made, despite it being quite clear that is was produced by Goebbels’ ‘Der Angriff’ at a time when ‘Der Angriff’ was losing readership to its rivals, and the coin promotes a series of articles that appeared in ‘Der Angriff’. >Now you might reasonably question why ‘Der Angriff’ would perform such a marketing gimmick beyond gaining additional circulation and whether it was effective. >It certainly was effective since the series of articles appeared from the 27th September to 9th October 1934 in the pages of ‘Der Angriff’, and quickly also become a book titled ‘Ein Nazi fahrt nach Palastina’, later that same year published by the NSDAP’s publishing house Franz Eher Verlag. This indicates how popular the articles were and also how successful they were in helping temporarily revive ‘Der Angriff’s’ lagging commercial fortunes. >As Verbovszky remarks: <‘As a result, it is possible that Goebbels used the opportunity to bring his newspaper back to the forefront by publishing a sensational article that would catch the attention of the paper’s readership. There is evidence for such sensationalism in both the title of the article and Mildenstein’s style of writing.’ >In essence, the memorial coin was a successful marketing stunt by ‘Der Angriff’ - as even the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum implies, and Itay Ilnai even (accurately) calls them a form of ‘sales promotion’ – and as such is not evidence of ‘Nazi-Zionist collaboration’. >It could still be argued that it shows there was convergence between the two, as a fall back position for anti-Zionists. >There is some truth in this, but again we are subjected to a lot of false and speculative claims on this subject since the history of the visit to Palestine by Baron Leopold von Mildenstein – the author of the piece and then a new member of the SS (having joined in 1932) – that lasted a total of six months from late 1933 to early 1934, and the resultant articles that were published in ‘Der Angriff’ in late 1934 has never actually been seriously consulted by either side. >Paul Bogdanor – who is a Zionist – claims that: <“It was created by the Nazis to pretend that they wanted an ‘honourable’ solution to the ‘Jewish Question’ via the transfer agreement, which the Nazis later abandoned. <“The coin was of course pure Nazi propaganda, like a rapist pretending to sympathise with his victim.”’ >Bogdanor is spouting complete nonsense, because we know that the memorial coins weren’t anything to do with ‘Nazi propaganda’ but rather a marketing gimmick for ‘Der Angriff’, and we also know that Mildenstein’s interest in Zionism was genuine but didn’t extend to actual sympathy, ideological commitment nor non-utilitarian support. >As Verbovszky explains: <‘Although a Nazi, he took a profound interest in Zionism and frequently attended Zionist conferences. He began to see Zionism as the answer to the Nazis’ desire to force Jews out of Germany.’ >And further that the whole purpose of the trip and the articles in ‘Der Angriff’ were purely utilitarian from Mildenstein’s and the Third Reich’s point of view: <‘From September 27 to October 9, 1934, Der Angriff, the major Nazi newspaper in Berlin, published a series of articles written by Mildenstein entitled “A Nazi Travels to Palestine.” The articles described Mildenstein’s trip to Palestine in 1933 and his observations of Jewish settlement activity. The article series was not just a travelogue meant to entertain the Angriff’s readership but also a position paper in which Mildenstein laid out a forceful argument for the use of Zionist emigration to Palestine as a solution to the Jewish Question. The position outlined by Mildenstein’s articles resonated with Reinhard Heydrich, the chief of the SD, who sought to make his organization the only security/intelligence apparatus in Hitler’s new Germany. In Mildenstein, he saw a man who could help accomplish this goal by giving the SD the solution to the Jewish Question. In the summer of 1935, Heydrich put Mildenstein in charge of the Judenreferat, where he worked energetically for the next year to increase Jewish emigration from Germany. He based his tactics upon his earlier experience and continued to attend Zionist conferences. He advocated policies that favoured Zionist activities while severely inhibiting those of assimilationist organizations. He proved to be an efficient administrator, making the Judenreferat one of the most important components of the SD security apparatus. Nevertheless, on July 27, 1936, he resigned from the SD.’ >What Verbovszky is saying is that Mildenstein saw Zionism as a potential solution to the jewish question in the Third Reich, went to Palestine as a way to examine this idea, wrote a series of promotional articles which impressed Reinhard Heydrich – the rising star of SS – who appointed Mildenstein as head of the Judenreferat in 1935, which later merged with the similar office of the Gestapo under Mildenstein’s subordinate Adolf Eichmann, but then Mildenstein suddenly resigned on 27th July 1936.
>>20508 Cont. >>This story seems to validate the anti-Zionist claim of ‘Nazi-Zionist collaboration’, doesn’t it? >But there is a rather large fly in the ointment to this narrative, in that the reason Mildenstein resigned in July 1936 seems to have had much to do with the failure of his policy of using Zionism as a way to make Germany ‘Judenfrei’ because many jews simply refused to leave and/or were opposed to Zionism. >As Verbovszky notes - but anti-Zionists fail to mention - Mildenstein did a political tout-face and became a rabid anti-Zionist who headed up anti-Zionist propaganda in the Middle East for Goebbels’ propaganda ministry from mid-1936, wrote anti-Zionist books and promoted the Arab revolt in Palestine against the Zionists and the British. <‘After Mildenstein left the SD in 1936, he completely reversed his position on Zionism. The choice of the Propaganda Ministry as his destination was indicative of a shift in Mildenstein’s thinking. Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry was known for its heavily pro-Arab stance. Mildenstein became the Chief of Near East Propaganda. While working at the ministry, Mildenstein wrote two travel books, Rings um das brennende Land am Jordan (1938) and Naher Osten-vom Strassenrand erlebt (1941), about subsequent visits to Palestine that he made in those years. Both of these books present an overwhelmingly pro-Arab and anti-Zionist stance. Furthermore, the books fit the specific model of propaganda from Goebbels’ ministry which was violently anti-Semitic toward Jews in Palestine. Mildenstein’s work at the Propaganda Ministry undermined the very policies which he had initiated earlier while working at the SD.’ >The point is that Mildenstein’s support for Zionism as a purely utilitarian solution to the jewish question in Germany had stopped less than two years after the famous memorial coin was made and his articles in ‘Der Angriff’ published. Instead, he promoted anti-Zionism from mid-1936 to 1945. >This then leaves the ideas of the Third Reich being supportive of Zionism in any significant way beyond simply as a means by which to get its jewish population to leave in absolute tatters, and shatters a significant element of Brenner’s ‘Nazi-Zionist collaboration’ argument in the process. >Indeed, much of the testimony that Brenner et al rely on is Mildenstein own in the 1960s when he was interviewed by prominent historian Heinz Hohne just just after his former subordinate Adolf Eichmann had been famously tried and executed, and Mildenstein had begun to be investigated by the CIA for ‘war crimes’ during the Second World War. >Hence Mildenstein’s comments to Hohne tended to ignore his promotion of violent anti-Zionism from mid-1936 to 1945 and instead focus on his short-lived utilitarian promotion of Zionism as a solution to the jewish question between 1933 and mid-1936, as a way of trying to make himself seem more pro-jewish by claiming to be pro-Zionist and thus save himself from the hangman’s rope that had then so recently claimed his former subordinate Eichmann. >Thus we see that the anti-Zionist case falls apart when we examine in it in the proper historical context. But what of the Zionist denials that Zionists had little-to-nothing to do with Mildenstein or ‘didn’t invite him’? >The problem is that despite all the variations of the story around Kurt Tuchler (a jewish judge and member of the Zionist Federation of Germany) and Mildenstein’s trip to Palestine: <‘It remains unclear if it was Tuchler who personally invited Mildenstein, but it seems to be the consensus that Mildenstein was invited by a Zionist organization. Mildenstein accepted the invitation and spent six months from late 1933 to early 1934 in Palestine, after which he submitted his observations to Joseph Goebbels, who published them in his propaganda paper Der Angriff.’ >Clearly Mildenstein was invited by Zionists to go to Palestine in the hope that Mildenstein would then in turn promote Zionism as a solution to the jewish question in Germany, which was realised in 1935 when Heydrich made Mildenstein the chief of the SD’s Judenreferat and which then facilitated some jewish emigration of which only a portion was to Palestine, but then because of the various Zionist organization’s failure to sufficiently promote Zionism to the jews in Germany. >The policy simply wasn’t successful and Mildenstein quickly realised that Zionism to Palestine was in fact not a solution to the jewish question and instead was potentially even a barrier to it, and voluntarily resigned from the Judenreferat and the SD in July 1936 to head up Goebbels’ propaganda ministry’s anti-Zionist Middle East section. >Thus we can see that both the Zionists and the anti-Zionists are wrong in their interpretation of both what the memorial coin was and the historical context of Mildenstein’s trip to Palestine between late 1933 and early 1934, which ended up with Mildenstein becoming a hard-line anti-Zionist from mid-1936 to 1945 due to his experience with both jews and Zionists. Further reading of articles debunking the claim that the NSDAP were Zionists: https://archive.ph/jlUtK http://www.renegadetribune()com/hitler-was-not-controlled-opposition-part-1/ (5 part series)
https://metatron()substack()com/p/deconstructing-society https://archive.ph/QXYZI by Julie Sandilands >There has been a noticeable rise in the diagnosis and medicalisation of both adults and children in the past two decades. This appears to be changing, in part at least, our sense of what it means to be a person; indeed, at one level, it appears to be an assault on our humanity. >There has been a growing number of pupils in Scottish schools being diagnosed with an additional support need, coupled with a substantial rise in children receiving Child Disability Payments for mental and behavioural disorders. The University of Aberdeen, in January 2023, reported that mental health prescriptions for children had risen by nearly 60%. https://www.abdn()ac()uk/news/16646/ >Additionally, in one month of last year it was observed that more than a million Scots are taking antidepressant drugs – close to one in four of the adult population. >Jefferey Jaxen, an investigative journalist, recently presented a report on the devastating side effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, i.e. anti-depressants) in an episode of American alternative current affairs programme The HighWire. https://thehighwire()com/ark-videos/ssris-devastating-side-effects/ >He reports that although SSRIs are designed to decrease the symptoms of depression, there are instances when they actually have the opposite effect, especially in children and young adults. >One such side effect can be seen in a black box warning on the package insert leaflet. Other side effects include an increase in anxiety and agitation. >In order to learn, the mind must be in an optimum state, open to new ideas and with the ability to think clearly through those ideas and communicate them either verbally or in writing. Taking a drug which inhibits the ability to think will directly reduce the ability to learn, achieve qualifications, and become an economically active, independent human being. >It could also be argued that the colossal investment in education outcomes via initiatives like the Attainment Challenge is being somewhat offset by the investment by the health service in prescribing life-changing pharmaceutical interventions, with many consumers (including children) on never-ending repeat prescriptions, thus joining the herd of cash cows listed on Big Pharma’s balance sheet. It's not about money; that's the cover. Jew bankers like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs etc. have been inventing money out of nothing and loaning it to the goyim for centuries. It's about White genocide, see e.g. >>20492 >Another key side effect of SSRIs is sexual dysfunction. Jaxen quotes Dr Joanna Moncrieff, professor of critical and social psychiatry at University College London, who says, ‘The majority of people taking SSRIs will get some form of sexual dysfunction – there’s no debate about that’. >The NHS lists reduced sex drive, difficulty achieving orgasm during sex or masturbation in men, and erectile dysfunction as side effects associated with taking SSRIs. Equally concerning is that even through and after the prolonged withdrawal process, this side effect continues to be a problem. >Dr Moncrieff explains that as the drugs are prescribed for sex offenders to curb their libido, it is unsurprising that these symptoms persist. >For children taking this class of drugs, does this interference impact on the natural biological process of puberty on both a physical and emotional level? >The birth rate in Scotland has been in decline since 2008. For a population to replace itself, the total fertility rate (TFR) needs to be 2.1. National Records of Scotland has reported that Scotland’s total fertility rate dropped from 1.30 in 2021 to 1.28 in 2022, a record low. With approximately 1000 fewer births in 2023, this record looks set to be broken. The impact is now being seen in the gradual decrease in primary school numbers, down 15,551 in the past five years. As SSRIs are now in their third decade of use, it is worth considering them as a possible contributory factor. >Perhaps a way forward is to ensure that the information detailing the two side effects discussed here is (without exception) passed on to patients by the medics in whom they trust to ‘first do no harm’? Because without such knowledge, informed consent simply cannot be given. >Scotland is struggling to cope with: >-increasing levels of behavioural problems and absenteeism in schools. >-a continuing decline in the total fertility rate. >-an unsustainable welfare bill. >-stagnant economic growth. >The science behind the use of SSRIs as the solution to what is a very complex problem has been challenged, and yet, despite the knowledge that they are highly addictive and cause damage at the individual and collective levels, the number of prescriptions being written show no sign of slowing. Why? >In recent years, Scotland has hurtled down the track of cultural change. Its political and elitist class, egged on by government-funded activist organisations, is convinced that in order to be progressive, then gender ideology, critical race theory, and the narrative of anthropogenic climate Armageddon need to be embedded into the fabric of both public and private institutions. >Each one is regarded as indisputable, with the threat of public denigration for anyone bold enough to challenge its truth or legitimacy. Rather than centres of learning, schools risk becoming almost church-like, as places where those evangelical for the cause ensure no avenue of escape. Resources are being re-written and teachers’ brains ‘re-wired’ to deliver a one-sided world view. >There is a growing tendency for dogmatic ideas, rather than accepted facts, to be incorporated into the curriculum in service of the delivery of indoctrination as opposed to education, with open discussions about controversial subjects forbidden. I wonder if this author would tolerate open discussion on WWII? >It is therefore not surprising that Stephen Tucker asks ‘Can modern children really trust what they are being taught in their schools?’ https://dailysceptic()org/2024/04/30/the-true-child-indoctrination-centres-these-days-are-being-run-by-the-state/ >He laments that ‘The true child-indoctrination centres these days are being run by the state’. >But, in my opinion, the ‘progressive’ culture being imposed on our children can only survive through fear. Fear of death, fear of disease, fear of war, fear of famine. More chilling, fear of isolation and ostracism as punishment for non-compliance. >There was a very good reason that pornographic magazines were always on the top shelf of any newsagent. Now it seems as if that shelf has been relocated to every classroom. >Artificial intelligence is another potential weapon with which to wield control. Another industry, backed by billionaires, poised to rewrite history, science, etc. to mould young minds.
[Expand Post]>The potential for good is obvious, but the potential for harm has already been demonstrated. Think Google Gemini. Think ‘the science is settled’. Once again, society is reliant on the agenda of the scriptwriters and their funders. Just don't ask who the billionaires are and who runs the tech industry or pharma. https://jewishcontributions()com/infotables/
>>20510 Cont. >Are these strategies a deliberate power grab of minds and bodies? Divide and conquer. Label and box ’em up young and very few will escape to become free-thinking human beings, the sort who ask questions, and God forbid, the sort who challenge the carefully constructed narrative. And yet none of these people said anything when questioning jewish fairy tales about the Germans were de-facto illegal to question >>20171 >Legislation such as the Hate Crime Act and the Online Safety Bill, policed by an army of gatekeepers and regulators, is creating more opportunities for the state to control what we see, say or hear, whether on a digital platform or within the walls of our own homes. >And all the while… it’s for your health, it’s for your safety >And yet all is not lost. There is a growing awareness, an increasing trend of people looking for alternative evidence and analysis not provided by official sources or the increasingly compliant mainstream media. >The rise of Substack accounts, like this one for example, has helped them in that endeavour. Steve Patterson, an independent researcher, suggests that the ‘best explanation for the current madness of the world is that we’re in a dark age and have been for at least century, and that the first step towards leaving it is recognising that we’ve been in one’. https://steve-patterson()com/our-present-dark-age-part-1/ >The state overreach over the past four years has been a wake-up call for many as to how fragile our idea of freedom actually is. It’s time to use our collective power to challenge the minority who through mission creep are slowly remodelling our world in order to micromanage every aspect of human life. Ask yourself why a jew wants these addictive and dangerous drugs to be freely available OTC? >>20329
https://boriquagato()substack()com/p/is-scientific-publication-a-discipline https://archive.ph/e8Lyb Edited for length >As any system gets established and later ossified, those in and around it learn to game it. they optimize their behavior to drive success within the system and, many times, this has deleterious effects on the system itself, breaking it into something more akin to algorithm races as opposed to serving any useful purpose. >SEO (search engine optimization) is a classic example. Google achieved dominance in the web search space and the web responded by making all their web pages into bizarre monstrosities targeted not so much at readers as at the Google algorithm. It turns the search result increasingly into gibberish or worse, into annoying advertising forests full of aggravating content that simply will NOT tell you what you want to know. It keeps answers out of thumbnails, foregrounds sensationalist clickbait headlines, and buries even simple things like “recipe for lasagna” deep in stupid stories that have 9 paragraphs of text before the story. >And this is why Google is going to lose the search space. AI will eat them alive and it’s becoming manifestly clear that the bizarre, woke, untrained AI’s the googleplex are putting out are un-useful save as parody. >But what of science publishing? Can these same trends be of help to us there? Because it sure seems like the space could use the help. >The great avenue for abuse in sci-pub has been “peer review.” This once well-intentioned and perhaps well-functioning practice has taken on weird totemic fixation among partisans and zealots. >They hold “peer review” forth like some sort of talisman, proof that whatever possibly religious documents you are about to wave around are the true and validated word of the almighty and constitute “the science which must be trusted.” >Obviously this was always a foolish notion and a grave misapprehension of the purpose of peer review. it was never meant to prove anything, it was just a first-pass screen to see if methods and findings seem basically sound and thus ought be published in a journal or other such means of dissemination and validation. These publications were highly conscious of their reputations and thus sought to ensure that the content they put out was of high quality. >But none of them were claiming “peer review = true.” If that were the case, why publish at all? Why have journals and competing, adversarial assessment and ideas? Just put it in the textbooks and be done with it. Once, the journals WERE the debate. They were stodgy things read by only a few folks in the field and everyone (mostly) understood that this was where we sought and hashed out truth. It was fuel for debate, not doctrine for dissemination. >But then the optimizers came and publication became both doctrinaire and big business. Many journals were “captured” by ideologues who turned peer review into a form of ideological purity test, and this found confluence with reliance upon government grants to perform the studies in the first place, to the extent that entire fields became feudal fiefdoms working backwards from forgone conclusions to find ways to “prove” them because that’s what the money wanted. Discovery became dogma. The way this revolution of scientific publishing as a slave to money and ideology came about started with the jew Robert Maxwell: http://thetaper()library()virginia()edu/big%20deal/2019/04/26/weekend-big-deal-long-read-is-the-staggeringly-profitable-business-of-scientific-publishing-bad-for-science.html https://archive.ph/sFfGf More details here, with added kosher nonsense: https://www.bitchute()com/video/IajWjgD2zLaA/ https://www.bitchute()com/video/iccyF5gxYHgn/ >And “peer review” became a potent tool to gate-keep this phenomenon. >“We, the experts will only allow publication of that which agrees with the theory we have previously put forth” is where science goes to die. It’s stultification and stagnation. but it’s also VERY politically useful to a certain sort of technocrat seeking to gin up validation for policy choices. >And so of course they seek, by sleight of hand, to make “peer review” synonymous with “proof” and every time someone on the internet demands “was it peer reviewed?” as though anything not so sifted could not plausibly have value, it simply digs the pseudoscientific pit of guild systems defending doctrine deeper. >Past a point, it essentially substitutes “have the political commissars approved this?” for “scientific method” and alas, very few people seem to notice. See also on the reproducibility crisis: https://pubmed()ncbi()nlm()nih()gov/25552691/ >This trend also gives rise to the awkward cousin of “politicization”, which is “total grift” and the same over-reliance and over-faith in peer review creates a business opportunity, for if peer review is validation, and validation is a valuable commodity, then someone is going to show up to sell it and, like bond rating agencies beholden not to those who buy bonds but rather to those who issue them (because, after all, they are the ones paying the fees) the incentives to ensure standards are perverse. >And as the very same AI that makes it so easy to catch university presidents for plagiarism spreads, the tide is going out and quite a lot of people are turning out not to have any pants on. Screenshot: <John Wiley and Sons, a major academic publisher, is currently retracting more than 11'300 "peer-reviewed" science papers that they had previously published. These papers were once regarded as cutting-edge science and were cited numerous times by other academic researchers. Now these scientific papers--which often relied on tax-payer dollars for research funding--are being revealed as fraudulent. <Additionally, 217y.o. publisher announced the closure of 19 journals due to large-scale research fraud. The fake papers often contained nonsensical phrases generated by AI to avoid plagiarism detection. Incidentally, this "AI plagiarism detection" is largely fraudulent itself. If you're writing on a specific topic, it's impossible not to have close resemblance to something somewhere previously published, otherwise you'd be writing on a different topic. <Examples include "breast cancer" referred to "bosom peril" and "fluid dynamics" written as "gooey stream". In one paper, "artificial intelligence" is written as "counterfeit consciousness". Sounds like the language these pro-tranny people use, like "birthing person" instead of mother, "chest feeding" instead of "breast feeding", which in turn sounds a lot like the language (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s used, like "front hole" for "woman". <These systemic issues of fraud have significantly damaged the legitimacy of scientific research and damaged the integrity of scientific journals. The academic publishing industry, valued at nearly $30 billion, faces a credibility crisis. >Many lament this, but I cannot see why. I got to thinking: “hey, this seems like a good thing!” >Seriously, what even is the counter-case? This is not science dying, this is science returning, science being restored and reinstituted. Falsification IS science and if whole bodies and journals and industries and paradigms are garbage, then the sooner we take it out, the sooner we can get back to work. He then links this article: https://www.zerohedge()com/markets/trust-sciencethat-just-retracted-11000-peer-reviewed-papers
>>20513 Cont. >Meaningful parts of this space have become spam because spam paid. now we develop ad blockers and stop pretending that most peer review journals are currently more than adware viruses or that the imprimatur of “peer reviewed” matters a whit without knowing who the peers were. The peers of conmen and scammers are not exactly sterling references and the backrub circles of “you review mine and I'll do hers and she’ll do yours” are mostly another type of circle that this is too polite a publication to name explicitly. >And this is hardly a Wiley only issue. https://www.nature()com/articles/d41586-023-03974-8 <More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 — a new record. Integrity experts say that this is only the tip of the iceberg... <Among large research-producing nations, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia and China have the highest retraction rates over the past two decades. Illustrious company for Putin's Russia once again. >The whole industry and vocation is under fire. Good. This is the reputation economy at work, and like most things, it should be a market, not an oligopoly, and certainly not a dictatorship. >Science that cannot be criticized can never be sound. How would you even know? If the claims stand up, then challenge makes them stronger. If they don’t, then overturn them and move on. Adversarial debate is the only way, and systems that evict you or refuse to fund you if you challenge them are the antithesis of scientific method. Well, obviously; but can we have an open debate on WWII, Hitler and the jews? >Peer review is, at best, a starting point, and in practice often a screening tool to ensure that we run in predetermined directions, which turns science into mere doctrine. That cannot be the way. This is a good rock to have gotten rolling. Let’s help it pick up speed.
https://thedailybeagle()substack()com/p/poisoning-the-food-and-air https://archive.ph/2JU14 Most links removed. >Whilst you’ve been distracted with the monsters that are the mRNA shots, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recently quietly approved the use of what’s known as RNAi (RNA interference) pesticides. https://cen()acs()org/environment/pesticides/EPA-allows-novel-RNAi-pesticide/102/i1 >This technology, which makes use of dsRNA (double-stranded RNA), will be sprayed over your food, and has not been safety tested in humans, and involves switching off genes. Can it potentially switch off genes in humans? Yes. >Pharmaceutical money taking and partnering Cancer Research UK gleefully wrote about how ‘RNAi’ could hypothetically (with no actual evidence) ‘treat cancer’ as early as 2003, meaning they knew the technology applies to humans. Screenshot: <The project will take advantage of the extraordinary ability of RNA interference to specifically switch off individual genes. See original for sources. >Simplified video overview of the topic of RNAi: https://piped()video/watch?v=tzlGU5EI9rU >One of the quietly admitted harms of RNAi is it can have “off-target effects”, a fancy way of saying it can affect things that weren’t originally targeted. So it might alter a different gene… or a different species. https://web()archive()org/web/20040818030446/http://cgrb()orst()edu/smallRNA/ >The noted harms comes from OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). >OECD are a non-medical, non-scientific body purely focused on making money via economics, and were quoted by the EPA, hidden behind obfuscating name Working Party on Pesticides Ad Hoc Expert Group on RNAi-based Pesticides. https://www.epa()gov/pesticides/epa-opens-public-comment-period-proposal-register-novel-pesticide-technology-potato >OECD downplayed the risks of off-target effects for siRNAs (small interfering RNA). siRNA is yet another method for RNA interference (RNAi), with OECD only noting the risks on a single slide (number 12, above). >Note the telling line: “Some sequences trigger immune reactions in higher animals”. >Higher animals — a term classically associated with mRNA and the vaccine industry — means anything smarter than an insect, I.E. humans. Immune reactions are the classic auto-immune adverse reactions we’ve seen in the mRNA shots. >Funny how RNAi auto-immune disorders (page 8) gets associated with a vaccine industry term “higher animals”. https://www.researchgate()net/publication/6227263_Technology_Insight_Therapeutic_RNA_interference_-_How_far_from_the_neurology_clinic >Like the mRNA in the shots, dsRNA are unstable (slides 16, 18). https://www.slideshare()net/OECD_ENV/environmental-dissipation-of-dsrna-in-soil-aquatic-systems-and-plants-pamela-bachman-bayer >Translation: will most likely target the wrong, degraded genetic sequence. >So they might claim to target a Colorado potato beetle’s RNA for a vital protein… and end up hitting the human genome for fertility instead. Oops. Our bad. You’re permanently sterile, here’s $17k in compensation. >Back in 2012, the Statesman wrote about how the US government were spraying pesticides over the external jurisdiction of Columbia. That’s right, a completely different country of which they hold no authority over. >The pesticide being sprayed was Round-Up or Glyphosate, manufactured by Bayer. A product both the US and Columbian government lied about being safe (weird sense of déjà vu). >Some might remember Bayer paid out a hefty amount of money over cancer-causing glyphosate. ‘Isn’t hazardous’, huh? https://archive.ph/Amhwq >The US government even historically sprayed their own troops in herbicide ‘Agent Orange’, also known to cause cancer (note location: Hilo, Hawai’i, not Vietnam). So would governments spray you in a harmful pesticide substance? Absolutely yes. >One of the other curiosities of the dsRNA (double-stranded; ‘two RNAs’) approach for RNAi, is it impacts mRNA (messenger RNA), specifically interfering with how it works in protein production. Not that mRNA needed more interference. >Similarly occurs with miRNA (micro RNA), emphasis added: <The second pathway is the silencing of endogenous messenger RNAs by miRNAs. These miRNAs negatively regulate gene expression by base pairing to specific mRNAs, resulting in either RNA cleavage or arrest of protein translation >The mRNA shots also contain dsRNA (on top of all that DNA contamination). >For example, the EMA (Europeans Medicines Agency) wrote that the Moderna shot should “provide details of the control strategy for dsRNA” (which, ultimately, Moderna didn’t do). >DoorlessCarp — who often writes extremely technical, in-depth analysis articles covering topics relating to medicine— mentioned dsRNA in their article ““Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?” - Further reading (Part II)”, where they highlighted a paper suggesting dsRNA found in the mRNA shots may have implications with myocarditis. https://doorlesscarp953()substack()com/p/review-n1-methyl-pseudouridine-m1-a72#%C2%A7dsrna-contamination-and-myocarditis >To top it off, dsRNA is associated with viral infections (I.E. on weight of probability it is a bad thing): <Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is associated with most viral infections — it either constitutes the viral genome (in the case of dsRNA viruses) or is generated in host cells during viral replication. >Just in-case the possibility of messing with (SARS-CoV-2 spike) proteins wasn’t a big enough give away this is hostile. >In-fact, the RNAi gene silencing is so strongly associated with viral infections, and the immune system against them, that one of the ways it was discovered was via viral infection of plants.
[Expand Post]https://www.cell()com/trends/plant-science/abstract/S1360-1385(23)00341-2 >And you can bet the US government was all over this like a rash! DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invested $65 million in gene editing technologies back in 2017... https://newatlas()com/darpa-gene-editing-safe-genes/50612/ >…and in the same year, the EPA’s first approval of RNAi pesticides to Bayer. https://www.pnas()org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2024033117 >And a surprising contender joined in with zero relevance — USGS (US Geological Survey) — with a demented bent for using RNAi against Zebra Mussels. https://www.usgs()gov/centers/upper-midwest-environmental-sciences-center/science/developing-rna-interference-control >So basically contaminating every major US waterway in existence. They really don’t want you to escape this form. >This is why the public cannot simply sit idle in their homes and hope this will ‘pass them by’, because the assault on the public is relentless, the attack will come from all angles. Even their food will be poisoned. >This isn’t even speculation. They’ve already been patented (MON 87411; originally under Monsanto, owned by Bayer who bought out Monsanto), and it comes complete with slides, too! >The slides come from the scarily and fittingly named “Environmental dissipation of dsRNA in soil, aquatic systems and plants” by Pamela Bachman, working for Bayer. https://www.slideshare()net/OECD_ENV/environmental-dissipation-of-dsrna-in-soil-aquatic-systems-and-plants-pamela-bachman-bayer >It talks about dsRNA… (used to silence genes via RNAi) contaminating the environment. It brushes it under the carpet the same way Pfizer did their harms. >The cross contamination risks of GMOs cross-breeding with naturally grown plants, and then producing dsRNA, and thus gene modifying RNAi, is huge! https://foodsafetyandrisk()biomedcentral()com/articles/10.1186/s40550-014-0005-8
>>20516 Cont. >And naturally, they want to patent whatever the genetic end result is. Because they care for starving children in Africa, or something. https://www.nature()com/articles/nbt.1885 >It is worth remembering they wanted to poison the food supply with mRNA gene modification. https://www.news-medical()net/news/20210916/Researchers-aim-to-develop-edible-plant-based-mRNA-vaccines.aspx >It’s the same evidenced topic the low quality journalism outlet USA Today tried to ‘debunk’…by quoting themselves, a Tweet, the Rolling Stone magazine and an article that contradicted their claim — forcing them to write the misleading line… Even their summary is a contradiction where it goes ‘it’s partly false but they are indeed doing it!’.
https://archive.ph/VyF1u https://www.kevinmd()com/2022/05/doctors-are-trained-to-lie.html by Pamela Wible, MD. >Here are the top 10 ways how and why doctors lie. See if you recognize any. >1. Doctors lie about work hours. When logging actual work hours exceeding the weekly “80-hour cap,” new doctors are cited for duty-hour violations. Labelled as inefficient, overworked residents may be sent for a psychological evaluation and prescribed stimulants to force compliance. >“We were all taken into a room by the program director and told to lie that we had no work-hour violations.” >2. Doctors lie in medical records. Rushed visits lead docs to falsify records by checking items in the EMR that were never done. >“Writing WNL [Within Normal Limits, more like “We Never Looked”] on a physical is the biggest lie. How can you do a complete physical in fifteen minutes?” >“Acronyms and text shortcuts are the only way to be ‘efficient’ enough to keep up with the workload.” >3. Doctors lie on billing. Packing medical records with items never done allows upcoding to higher-level visits and increased reimbursement (plus productivity income). >“We had lectures in our hospital on how to ‘code properly,’ to basically commit insurance fraud.” >“Doctors who lie get paid more and work less.” >4. Doctors lie on residency evaluations. >“After we complained about working conditions, we were coached on how to respond on our ‘proctored surveys’ so our program would not lose accreditation. I know this is illegal. If I refuse to comply, I risk retaliation.” >5. Doctors lie about their mental health. To prevent license repercussions, physicians lie on applications for hospital credentialing and med board licensing when asked about status of mental health conditions. >“After reading about one woman’s journey through hell after being honest on application questions, I sought care an hour away. I drove an hour in another direction to nervously fill prescriptions for antidepressants,” reports a doctor. “I required several meds to stop thinking of suicide all day every day. My suicidal thoughts were 100% work-related.” >6. Doctors lie about their self-confidence. In the “fake it till you make it” culture, new docs often practice medicine with poor teaching and supervision, then pretend to have all the answers. >“I watched colleagues often act and speak very confidently, even when I knew they didn’t totally know what they were talking about.” >7. Doctors lie to patients. When Medicare covers a procedure, suddenly more beneficiaries “need” the intervention. Financial incentives lead to excess surgeries without informed consent. >“I quit my program due to all the unnecessary surgeries on patients who died. We were killing patients.” >“I lie all day long, telling people they have to go on meds in order to meet the guidelines.” >“I lie on almost every lab order slip.” >8. Doctors lie to doctors. Doctors embellish personal statements, boast, “I never study.” then promise, “It will get better when you’re an attending” even though life may get worse (on call for six hospitals and double the workload with all the liability). >Here’s a big lie: Doc asks, “How ya doing?” Doc replies, “Good.” Then dies by suicide. >9. Doctors lie to themselves. Physicians are masters of disguise. We conceal dependencies and addictions. Fake smiling happy med students and happy doctors die by suicide at alarming rates. https://archive.ph/H6Nc0 https://archive.ph/SxpjW >10. Doctors lie on death certificates. Doctors cover up suicides (especially doctor suicides) as accidents—including accidental overdoses on drugs they prescribe every day—huge lie to preserve reputation of deceased and for life insurance pay-out to family. >“In England, such was the stigma that as a forensic pathologist I could not label a death a ‘suicide’ unless there was a suicide note,” says Dr. George Lundberg. >“In Coroner’s Court, I would have to call obvious suicides, by New York standards, ‘death by misadventure.’” >Death certificates are altered to comply with financial/occupational incentives and cultural norms to uphold accepted narratives. >Examples—Lies of omission: “When I don’t know the cause, but I have to write something. That’s a form of lying.” >I’ve seen OBVIOUS diagnoses (and therapies) of patients deleted by my attendings because they did not fit a narrative or would be “problematic.” >I do think we are forced to “lie” simply because there isn’t an ICD-10 code to cover what’s going on. >Pandemic lies: “My patient died by a stroke hours after booster. With no specific code, it’s like begging admin to put a microscope on you.” >One doc told me: “If a patient had COVID at one time, then I’m putting it on the death certificate so we get higher reimbursement, plus FEMA will pay funeral costs.”
[Expand Post] >I consider myself honest, yet I’ve succumbed to 8 of 10 of these lies. >Why do “honest” doctors lie? Three reasons: >1. Avoid punishment >2. Self-preservation >3. Financial gain >Like most people, docs will lie to avoid punishment and to preserve their job, identity, ego, status, and money. >Doctors can be incentivized by bribes. >Many are conflict-phobic people-pleasers who don’t want to stray from the narrative or risk being culled from the herd. >To recover we must first be honest with ourselves in this professional confessional. Only then can we stop our habitual lying and chronic distortion of the truth—to be self-actualized as real healers on this planet.
https://dissidentvoice()org/2024/06/did-you-donate-to-send-food-to-gaza-think-again/ https://archive.ph/UieNS by Paul Larudee. 12 June 2024 >“HUNGER CATASTROPHE IN GAZA – DONATIONS NEEDED” cries Mercy Corps. >“URGENT: STARVATION IN GAZA: ALL GIFTS MATCHED FOR GAZA” shouts Rescue dot org. >These and many other appeals from international relief organizations have motivated untold numbers of compassionate and generous souls to open their purses. >You may be among them. If so, you may have thought that these organizations are delivering food, medicine and other relief supplies to Gaza. But they are not. >The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) confirms that not a single truck with relief aid has crossed the border from Egypt to Gaza since Israeli troops captured the Rafah border crossing on May 7, 2024, more than a month ago. Until then, the Rafah crossing was the only one open. >Today, roughly 1800 mostly large 18-wheel trucks, each carrying up to 12 tons of supplies, are backed up into the Sinai Desert, waiting for Israeli permission to enter. Some have been there for months. And some of those trucks belong to the relief organizations. But they, like all the others, are not getting in. >Many of the organizations also announce that, thanks to your donations, they have provided hundreds of thousands or even millions of meals to starving Palestinians in Gaza. >What they do not necessarily tell you is that they are doing this by purchasing food and medicine from the dwindling supplies inside Gaza. >The bottom line is that your money is reaching the relief organization’s operations in Gaza, but food, water and medical supplies are not. >The amount of food in Gaza is dwindling, and Israel is allowing only a tiny trickle to enter by isolated air drops, a single delivery by sea and occasional vehicles through the Erez crossing between Gaza and Israel. For a pre-October 7th population of 2.3 million, this is nothing. >As the supplies shrink inside Gaza, the prices rise, and your donations increase the prices further. The same applies to all the needs of the population. More money chasing fewer goods. At some point, no amount of money will buy food or medicine in Gaza. >Already, Palestinians are dying of starvation, malnutrition and diseases caused by reduced resistance. These are not often reported, because they are not victims of violent slaughter, and because the hospitals, clinics and mortuaries that would have reported them to the Ministry of Health – who would have tallied them – no longer exist. The Ministry of Health barely exists, while the weak die anonymously, buried by their families and communities. Some estimates of such casualties are already in the hundreds of thousands. >It’s not that the relief agencies are not performing a worthwhile service. They are enabling increasingly scarce supplies to reach larger numbers of destitute people while they last. But they will not last, and the relief organizations are unable to bring additional supplies. >Furthermore, they are mostly failing to be forthright with you by reporting these facts. Instead, they are projecting an image of success, with the result that you might think that they are maintaining a lifeline when in fact Gaza is heading to complete depletion of the few resources that remain. >This is what Israel intends. If the food is distributed equitably, a large proportion of the population will survive until the day there is nothing left. Then everyone will starve at the same time, and the genocide will be accomplished quickly with the last loaves of bread costing $1000 apiece. >And the humanitarian relief organizations will not have warned you. Curious how none of the 'charities', the UN, or any of the media are reporting on this. It's almost as if they're all taking your money, and keeping quiet as they slowly watch the Palestinians starve to death, while huffing and puffing about "Israel bad", as if that helps the Palestinians. Remember, you, goyim, are Amalek. https://www.renegadetribune()com/?s=amalek
https://karlradl14()substack()com/p/pedowood-hollywood-and-its-jewish References in original. Edited for length. >When Elijah Wood made a short but highly explosive comment to the Sunday Times about the existence of a paedophile ring in Hollywood: the world sat up and took notice. >After the Jimmy Saville affair in England, which was utterly toxic for the British political establishment, there is a great deal of fear about what future allegations of this kind might uncover and what the fallout in a time of populist right wing political uprisings would look like. >Therefore Wood was very, very quick to ‘clarify’ his comments and claim that he was referring to a documentary - ‘An Open Secret’ by Amy Berg - that he had just viewed not anything he ‘had personally experienced’. >This sounds like damage control to me. >Why would you make a reference to a highly emotive subject based on a documentary – although the Jewish Daily Forward weirdly claims it was a reference to the Jimmy Saville affair not the Berg documentary – you had just seen in an interview to a major newspaper and not realize what was going to happen? >Either Wood is a bit dim or he knows something about that to which he referred. >Naturally it is quite possible that Wood was just being the former and engaged his mouth before his brain had had time to warm up. >However, his scrambling response to deny the predictable results of his comment as well as his own status as a young actor in Hollywood suggest it could be much more than that. >This is because we know that there have been recent verified instances of just this sort of paedophilia and child rape in Hollywood. >For example the Hollywood Reporter summarizes the case of Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce as follows: <‘Among the accused are Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce, the infamous co-founders of Digital Entertainment Network — a studio that amassed nearly $100 million in investment from the likes of David Geffen and Michael Huffington, but which is perhaps best known for throwing raging gay Hollywood parties. <Only later did it come out that dozens of teen boys were sexually assaulted at these parties, some of them at gunpoint. <After being indicted in 2000 by a grand jury, the trio fled to Spain but were arrested two years later. Guns, machetes and Democrat activismography were found among their belongings. <Collins-Rector was eventually extradited to the U.S., pleaded guilty to eight charges of child enticement and was ordered to register as a sex offender.’ >Another is the case of the director Victor Salva, who was convicted for raping twelve-year-old Nathan Forrest Winters in 1988 and has continued to work in Hollywood since his release, while claiming that it was ‘just a mistake’ that should be put down to a ‘dysfunctional youth’ on his part. >Since that time Salva has been repeatedly defended by jewish dominated media outlets like Buzzfeed. >Salva isn’t unique however in continuing his career in Hollywood after being convicted for sexually molesting children. >Prominent actor Brian Peck’s 2004 conviction for molesting a male Nickelodeon child star seems to have done no professional harm whatsoever as immediately after his release he was given a part in Disney’s 2006-2007 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody as well as an uncredited role in the 2009 children’s movie Jack and the Beanstalk Peck is a jew: https://www.msn()com/en-us/tv/news/who-is-brian-peck-everything-to-know-about-drake-bells-alleged-abuser/ar-BB1jqfpm >It is only with the spotlight of attention following the disclosure that jewish Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein raped and sexually assaulted dozens if not hundreds of non-jewish women from the 1980s to the present day that Hollywood hasn’t been able to bury these issues. >A good example is the case of Hollywood talent agent Tyler Grasham; who was publicly accused by filmmaker and former child actor Blaise Godbe of getting him drunk and promptly raping him in 2007. >Historically however Hollywood has deployed a lot of financial and legal muscle against those who accuse its fraternity’s members of engaging in sexual assault of any kind; whether that be against men, women or children. This included protecting Harvey Weinstein.. >It is worth noting that in the early days of the charges made against Weinstein; Hollywood tried to do exactly this along with various members of the fashion industry like the jewish founder of DKNY Donna Karan. >Jewish Hollywood figures from director Oliver Stone to celebrity lawyer Lisa Bloom and actress Mayim Bialik; while jewish media outlets attacked any suggestion that this was a widespread problem in tinsel town. >However once the enormity of what Weinstein had done had got out; the scandal took on a life of its own with primarily jewish individuals - such as directors James Toback, Brett Ratner, and actor Dustin Hoffman – across both Hollywood and the wider media spectrum – other examples include Leon Wieseltier of the ‘New Republic’ and ‘Holocaust’ saint Elie Wiesel – being accused and then forced to admit their sexual exploitation of the many non-jews in their power. >Then Hollywood pulled back from trying to defend those that they regarded as ‘lost’ and instead focused on consolidating their defences in and around the idea that these are just aberrations and that there is no culture of abuse in tinsel town. >The major line they have drawn is on the subject of paedophilia and child molestation, because they are well aware that should Hollywood be shown to have been actively covering up in any significant way for paedophiles and child molesters, then there will not only be hell to pay, but it could well mean the destruction of big Hollywood studios and those who depend on them for work. >Perhaps the most important figure in terms of the suggestion that Hollywood is covering up for a high profile paedophiles in its midst is Corey Feldman. >Feldman is a jewish former child actor who claims that he was sexually abused by an assortment of Hollywood figures. One of whom we know was the now convicted jewish child molester and former Hollywood child talent agent Marty Weiss. >He has also stated that his friend and fellow jewish child actor Corey Haim was sexually abused worse than he was, which helped cause and fuel the drug addiction which ultimately cost Haim his life. >This is despite Haim’s mother coming out every now and again to publicly denounce Feldman and accuse him of being a con-artist. It just goes to show, a jew mother would rather allow her son to be raped as a child, then attack her child's defender, than allow the goyim to know what jews are really like. >Supporting evidence for her charge can be seen to come from Feldman’s fundraising activities, but the fact that Feldman has begun to be more explicit about the as yet unnamed figures that sexually abused him, and has agreed to publicly name them on air - although he is yet to do so as of this writing - somewhat deflates the argument that he is a fraud.
[Expand Post] >If Feldman in fact does this, then it would prove his contention that he hasn’t named names, because his abuses wouldn’t be charged due to the California statute of limitations expiring and his parallel fear of being sued to death by big Hollywood names and studios using high-powered lawyers. >Both are valid concerns for Feldman, but there is also the problem of his claim that he told the Santa Barbara Police Department who they were in 1993, which said law enforcement agency has explicitly denied was the case and stated they remain open to his information.
>>20551 >Despite all this I would argue that on balance Feldman is likely to actually be telling the truth,because his description of a paedophiles operating as an ‘open secret’ within Hollywood tallies with how Harvey Weinstein et al operated until they were exposed. >In addition Feldman has never changed his story, which is rather odd if he was indeed just a fraudster out to con money out of the gullible via publicity as is usually charged against him. >This is also suggested by Feldman’s surprising and unwavering defence of the late pop superstar Michael Jackson from charges of paedophilia and child molestation, which - if he was a con artist just out for the money - he would have assuredly echoed the belief of many that Jackson was indeed guilty of this. After Michael Jackson talked about jews, suddenly the stories about him being a paedophile started: https://www.bitchute()com/video/pREAgdjJiZPv/ >Then we’ve got the fact that Hollywood obviously doesn’t have a problem with convicted child molesters like Victor Salva and Brian Peck working in the industry and indeed major studios have gone out of their way to give them work. >This - as Gabe Hoffman has adroitly pointed out - directly contradicts Hollywood’s narrative, because either Hollywood supports child molesters or it doesn’t. It cannot give recently released child molesters like Peck major new projects working with children or promote the movies of child molesters on the run like jewish director Roman Polanski and think that this means it is ‘taking a stand’ against paedophiles and child molesters. When this in fact suggests that Hollywood has an extremely permissive attitude to children being sexually exploited and raped at will by an assortment of its members. >Couple this to the fact that we are seeing a wave of further denunciations of Hollywood stars like jewish director Roman Polanski – for raping a ten year old in 1975 - and Bryan Singer – for raping an Fudd in 2000 and that this is the second accusation of this type against him in recent years. >Add to that, the fresh victims allegedly coming forward to testify against Hollywood figures that sexually molested them, while they were children/under the age of consent, and you quickly come to understand that Hollywood’s long-term styling of Christian priests as active or passive paedophiles and child molesters is actually a classic case of Freudian projection. >The fact is – as Gabe Hoffman has said – that the Weinstein scandal is likely but the tip of a much larger iceberg [noseberg] and it is our duty as patriotic Americans to drain the fetid stinking swamp that is tinsel town once and for all. >What is left unstated by Hoffman of course is that the majority of those publicly identified as paedophiles/child molesters in Hollywood are jewish.
http://library()flawlesslogic()com/jtr_01.htm hhtps://archive.ph/OVJyz >In researching Jewish history, the investigator discovers a wide variance of written material. >Work by authors expressly critical of Jews (and they include a surprisingly number of Jewish commentators, mostly "apostates" of one kind or another) is invariably labelled by today's political conventions to be "anti-Semitic" in nature. >There is a large body of such material extending throughout history, written by critics wherever Jews were to be found [...] observations about Jewish life by non-Jews is startlingly consistent over two thousand years. >Consistently credible Gentile themes in attacks against Jews include Jewish elitism, their insularity and clannishness, their disdain for non-Jews, their exploitive and deceptive behaviour towards those not their own, the suspicion of Jewish national loyalties and allegiance to the lands they lived in, excessive Jewish proclivity for money and economic domination, and an economic "parasitism" (the concentration of Jews in lucrative non-productive fields of finance -- usury, money lending, etc. -- at the expense of non-Jewish communities). >"Anti-Semitism," remarks Oliver Cox, "is an ancient social attitude probably coeval with the rise of Jewish tribalism. It is thus an immemorial trait identified with Jewish culture ... Anti-Semitism has been identified with Jewish behavior in the sense that it is a reaction of other groups to the Jews' determination to assert and perpetuate their identity ... Unlike race prejudice ... anti-Semitism or intolerance is essentially an inherent social response -- a retaliation [against] the Jewish determination to resist merger of their civilization with that of a host people" (Cox, 183-184). >"The Jews," J. O. Hertzler writes, "... have been a super-nation rather than members of a nation. More than any other people, certainly up to the time of the emancipation, they were innocent and irresponsible toward the national traditions and aspirations of the people among whom they lived" (Hertzler, 76). >"Hatred for the Jews," Abram Leon writes, "does not date solely from the birth of Christianity. Seneca treated the Jews as a criminal race. Juvenal believed that the Jews only existed to cause evil for other peoples. Quintilian said that Jews were a curse for other people" (Leon, 71). >In 59 BC the Roman statesman Cicero criticized Jewish "clannishness" and "influence in the assemblies." >In the second century AD Celsus, one of Rome's great medical writers, wrote that Jews "pride themselves in possessing superior wisdom and disdain for the company of other men." >Philostratus, an ancient Greek author, believed that Jews "have long since risen against humanity itself. They are men who have devised a misanthropic life, who share neither food nor drink with others." (Cf. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, I, iii.) >The great Roman historian Tacitus (A.D. 56-120) declared that "the Jews are extremely loyal toward one another, and are always ready to show compassion [for their fellow Jews], but toward other people they feel only hate and enmity" (Morais, 46). >Centuries later Voltaire's criticism of Jews, in his Essai sur le Moeurs, repeated many of the same charges: "The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous -- cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity." >Ironically, as Jacob Katz observes, "Voltaire did more than any other single man to shape the rationalist trend that moved European society toward improving the status of the Jew" (Katz, 34). >Still historically remembered (according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994) "as a crusader against tyranny and bigotry," Voltaire turned repeatedly and angrily against Jews who he believed to epitomize such "tyranny and bigotry." >Jews, he complained, "are ... the greatest scoundrels who have ever sullied the face of the globe ... They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and Germans are born with blond hair. I would not in the least be surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race ... You [Jews] have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct, and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny" (Gould, 91). >On another occasion Voltaire charged that "the Jew does not belong to any place except that place which he makes money; would he not just as easily betray the King on behalf of the Emperor as he would the Emperor for the King?" (Katz, 44). >Thirty of 118 of Voltaire's essays in his Dictionary of Philosophy address Jews, usually disparagingly. Voltaire calls Jews "our masters and our enemies ... whom we detest ... the most abominable people in the world." >With the coming of the Enlightenment, as David Sorkin notes, "Jews were roundly condemned for "their ritualistic religion, national character or economic situation which, separately or together, prevented them from being moral. Enlightenment thinkers almost without exception subscribed to this image of Jewish inferiority" (Sorkin, 85). >"The ghetto," Enlightenment intellectuals argued, "had produced an essentially unacceptable culture. Jews were utter strangers to Europe. Social isolation had created traits in need of drastic transformation: Jews harbored within them hatred of the Christian nurtured by centuries of Talmudic and rabbinic indoctrination, they were religious fanatics, parasitic in their economics and dishonest in their dealings" (Aschheim, 6). >"Know that wherever there is money," said Montesquieu in his Persian Letters, "there is the Jew" (Krefetz, 45). >Even prominent and widely respected Jewish commentators echoed the same themes about their own people. Benjamin Disraeli, a Jewish convert to Christianity, and the most famous British prime minister of the nineteenth century wrote that "the native tendency of the Jewish race is against the doctrine of the equality of man. They have also another characteristic -- the faculty of acquisition ... Their bias is to religion, property, and natural aristocracy." By which he means jews consider non-jews to not be human; we know the jews forced "equality" as a religion upon non-jews, that's literally what Christianity is. >Another Jew, the great philosopher Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza, was a bridge between Jewish medievalism and the Enlightenment. Spinoza commented: "At the present time there is absolutely nothing which the Jews can arrogate to themselves beyond other people ... As to their continuance so long after dispersion, there is nothing marvelous in it, for they separated themselves from every nation as to draw upon themselves universal hate" (Levy, 93). No one who's not a jew actually considers Spinoza a great philosopher, see: https://www.theoccidentalobserver()net/2019/05/05/pariah-to-messiah-the-engineered-apotheosis-of-baruch-spinoza-part-1-of-3/ >Similar complaints, reflecting consistently recurring charges against Jews, have been echoed throughout history, in many languages and in many lands, including -- even in the ancient past -- "Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Syrians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and many others" (Hertzler, 62). >But this disdain for Jews by critics (some of the most learned men of their times, including Jews and Jewish apostates, across the spectrum of humanity) is not accepted as historical evidence for anything in our own day, except for the strange tenacity of irrational "anti-Semites" and "self-hating Jews" to badmouth Jews.
>>20556 Cont. >So what was the real situation in bygone eras? What were Jews like, in relation to Gentiles? >Popular Jewish dictate has one answer: look only to the Hebrew texts, ancient rabbis, and other Jewish chroniclers. They know what Jews were like. Their texts are reliable. The rest are all lies and exaggerations. >"How does one understand -- not even forgive, simply understand!" exhorts Harvard law professor and well-known Jewish polemicist Alan Dershowitz, <the virulently anti-Jewish statements of intellectuals throughout history? Their numbers included H. L. Mencken ('The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of'); George Bernard Shaw ('Stop being Jews and start being human beings'); Henry Adams ('The whole rotten carcass is rotten with Jew worms'); H.G. Wells ('A careful study of anti-Semitism, prejudice and accusations might be of great value to many Jews, who do not adequately realize the irritation they inflict'); Edgar Degas (characterized as a 'wild anti-Semite'); Denis Diderot ('Brutish people, vile and vulgar men'); Theodore Dreiser (New York is a 'kike's dream of a ghetto,' and Jews are not 'pure Americans' and 'lack integrity'); T. S. Eliot (a social as well as literary anti-Semite, even after the Holocaust); Immanuel Kant ('The Jews still cannot claim any true genius, any truly great man. All their talents and skills revolve around stratagems and low cunning ... They are a nation of swindlers.') Other famous anti-Semites include Tacitus, Cicero, Aleksander Pushkin, Pierre Renoir, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and, of course, Richard Wagner. This honor roll of anti-Jewish bigotry goes on, and included people of every race, religion, and geographic area, political leaning, gender, and age. The answer to the question why? probably lies more in the realm of abnormal psychology than in any rational attempts to find understandable cause in history, or economics. Anti-Semitism is a disease of the soul, and diseases are best diagnosed by examining those infected with them (Dershowitz, 113). >Nicholas de Lange, a Jewish scholar, joins Dershowitz in reflecting a virtually generic Jewish response about the constant complaint about their people throughout history and culture, saying: "Much of the ancient literature on the Jews ... is devoted to explaining why the Jews have incurred the justifiable anger or hatred of ordinary peace-loving, law-abiding people ... But no critical historian would consider taking their arguments at face value, and in fact they are likely to tell us more about their authors than their victims" (De Lange, 28). >A Jewish-Polish professor in Warsaw, Pawel Spiewak, speaks in similar terms: <We find the representatives of almost every ideological orientation [who were anti-Semites] ... Enlightenment thinkers (Voltaire), arch-conservatives (de Masitre, de Bonald), socialists and communists (Fourier, Proudhon, Marx, Sobel), and the great Romantics (Goethe). These writers seem to differ in everything -- their relation to religion, the idea of progress, authority, feudalism, and capitalism, the concept of knowledge and human nature -- but they are united in a spirit of dislike and hostility towards that strange tribe, the Jews (Spiewak, 51). >While fascists on the political right like Hitler decried the Jews, 18th and 19th century leftists like socialists Charles Fourier, Alphonse Tousenel, Pierre Le Roux, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Johann Gottlieb Fichte were, according to Jewish analysis in our own era, also vehemently irrational anti-Semites. >These men wrote tracts like this, by Proudhon: "The Jew is by temperament an anti-producer, neither a farmer nor an industrialist nor even a true merchant. He is an intermediary, always fraudulent and parasitic, who operates, in trade as in philosophy, by means of falsification, counterfeiting, and horse-trading" (Lewis, 111). >"I see no other means of protecting ourselves against them," wrote Fichte, "[other] than by conquering their Promised Land and sending them all there" (Lewis, 111-112). >Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin declared that Jews were "one exploiting sect, one people of leeches, one single devouring parasite closely and intimately bound together not only across national boundaries, but also across all divergences of political opinion ... [Jews have] that mercantile passion which constitutes one of the principle traits of their national character" (Lewis, 113). >"For one [reason] or another," Daniel Pipes observes, "virtually every major figure in the early history of socialism -- including Friedrich Engels, Charles Fourier, Ferdinand Lasalle, Marx, and Joseph Proudhon -- showed a marked antipathy to Jews" (Pipes, 88). >Jewish author William Korey notes the same mystifying omnipresence of anti-Jewish animus among disparate peoples in interviews (at a Harvard archive) with 329 refugees from the Soviet Union in the early 1950s: "A detailed examination of the background information of those who registered hostile attitudes to Jews reveals that they were of various age, national, educational, and status groups, and that they left the USSR at different periods" (Korey, 11). The top six "anti-Semitic" assertions by this diverse group of people included assertions that: >(1) Jews occupy a privileged and favoured position in Soviet society. >2) Jews are business- and money-minded. >3) Jews are clannish and help each other. >4) Jews are aggressive and 'pushy.' >5) Jews are sly, calculating, and manipulative, and know how to 'use a situation.' 6) Jews are deceitful, dishonest, unprincipled, insolent, and impudent (Korey, 5). >When investigating the history of Jewish relations with Gentiles across history, there are obviously only two possible sources for information: Jews and non-Jews. There were no unbiased Martian observers watching with telescopes, none -- in any case -- that left us records. >So why, one might wonder, should we, following Prof. De Lange's advice, judge Jewish accounts categorically more reliable than historical accounts by non-Jews, when all varieties of critical commentators about Jews across history, class, language, and culture have basically said the same thing? >"However uncomfortable it is to recognize," says Albert Lindemann, "not all those whom historians have classified as anti-Semites were narrow bigots, irrational, or otherwise incapable of acts of altruism and moral courage. They represented a bewildering range of opinion and personality types" (Lindemann, 13). >And why is this "uncomfortable [for Jews] to recognize?" Because, by even a child's exercise of logic and common sense, the common denominator of all such disparate people can only be the enduring truths about Jews as each observer experienced them in varying historical and cultural circumstances.
>>20557 Cont. >The French Jewish intellectual (and eventual Zionist), Bernard Lazare, among many others in history, noted this obvious fact in 1894, long before the Nazi persecutions of Jews and resultant institutionalized Jewish efforts to deny, or obfuscate, crucial -- and central -- aspects of their history: <Wherever the Jews settled [in their Diaspora] one observes the development of anti-Semitism, or rather anti-Judaism ... If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local cause of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all nations amidst whom it settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of Jews belonged to diverse races, as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of anti-Semitism have always resided in [the people of] Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it (Lazare, 8). >Works Cited >Aschheim, Steven E. Brothers and Strangers: The Eastern European Jews in Germany and German Jewish Consciousness, 1800-1923. University of Wisconsin Press, 1982 >Cox, Oliver C. "Jewish Self-Interest in 'Black Pluralism.'" The Sociological Quarterly, 15 (Spring), 1974, pp. 183-198. >de Lange, Nicholas. The Origins of Anti-Semitism: Ancient Evidence and Modern Interpretation. In Gilman, Anti-Semitism in Times of Crisis, 1991. >Dershowitz, Alan. Chutzpah. Little, Brown, and Co. Boston, Toronto, London, 1991. >Englander, David, Ed. The Jewish Enigma: An Enduring People. George Braziller, New York, 1992. >Frank, Daniel H., Ed. A People Apart: Chosenness and Ritual in Jewish Philosophical Thought. State University of NY Press, 1993. >Gilman, Sander. L. and Katz, Stephen T., Ed. Anti-Semitism in Times of Crisis. New York University Press, New York, 1991. >Gould, Allan, Ed. What Did They Think of the Jews? Jason Aronson, Inc. Northvale, NJ, 1991. >Graeber, Isacque and Britt, Stewart Henderson. Jews in a Gentile World: The Problem of Antisemitism. Macmillan, New York, 1942. >Hertzler, J. O. "The Sociology of Antisemitism Through History." In Graeber, pp. 62-99. >Katz, Jacob. From Prejudice to Destruction: Antisemitism, 1700-1933. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1980. >Korey, William. The Soviet Cage: Anti-Semitism in Russia. Village Press, New York, 1973. >Krefetz, Gerald. Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality. Ticknor and Fields, New Haven and NY, 1982. >Lazare, Bernard. Antisemitism: Its History and Causes. Britons Publishing Co., London, 1967 >Leon, Abram. The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation. Pathfinder Press, New York, 1970. >Levy, Ze'ev. Judaism and Chosenness: On Some Controversial Aspects from Spinoza to Contemporary Jewish Thought. (in Frank: A People Apart). >Lewis, Bernard. Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice. Norton, New York, 1986. >Lindemann, Albert. Esau's Tears: Modern Antisemitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press, 1997. >Morais, Vamberto. A Short History of Anti-Semitism. Norton, NY, 1976. >Pipes, Daniel. Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From. Free Press, New York, 1997. >Sorkin, David. Jewish Emancipation in Central and Western Europe in the 18th and 19th Century. In Englander, pp. 81-105. >Spiewak, Pawel. Shoah: The Second Fall. [in Under One Heaven: Poles and Jews. Wiez. Special Issue. Warsaw Monthly. 1998, pp. 47-58.

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