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/pol/ Meta thread Anonymous Board owner 07/11/2020 (Sat) 02:11:05 Id: b0ca41 No. 1063
Seeing as how the board is getting more active, figured it was about time to actual discus what's going on in regards to how the board should operate.
>>16534 Reddit mod, 4chan mods are trying to suppress /pol/. Also can anyone confirm if their addresses leak is true?
>>16533 >Half on-topic discussion and all the archive news links gif deleted. Are you the fag that was posting individual images? If so, then the mods were doing their job as you refuse to lurk.
Do you even have more than one moderator? Are you going to do anything about luciano/niggerpill spamming every thread?
The theme is butt ugly and it shows for a split second even when you have your own theme set. Why not just make the default Yotsuba B and let people switch to the more colorful ones if they want?
dead board
>>16869 kys kike.
Where can you find /fascism/ these days? I know the board was on 16chan.xyz but that bunker is dead now too.
>>18669 zzzchan.xyz/fascist/
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It might be dead and the default theme might look like a 40 year old nigger's 3rd grade art project, but at least the few people posting here aren't retards.
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Is there a more active /pol/ anywhere else other than 4/pol/ or is this all that there is?
>>19153 That's one of the most active boards on the most active chan. I don't think you're going to find something similarly active, let alone more active, in chan format. I can't particularly recommend anyghing myself, but there are pockets of other activity around.
>>19153 frenschan(Please use archive.today)/pol/
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>>19166 Doesn't seem like it based on the last post on the board.
>Killdozer Day I never like infographic show but after that defamation of tank guy I hit "don't reccomend" everytime that fake news channel appear, if not dislike the vid
>last post was 1 month ago wtf i thought this is meta thread
>>19234 this board is dead and gay lol
Hey BO. You killed your board. Its dead bro. So now that everything I told you was gonna happen. You know. Did happen. Are you ready to fucking listen? Great. Step 1. delete your retarded word filters so anon can post links and so create threads about current topics. Such as news and politics. The ostensible reason for this fucking board in the first place. Step 2. Stop being an asshole. If anons arent breaking any legal laws of the US then leave em be fag. step 3. Enjoy a board thats not dead, and since its the most important board on 8chan its absense will stop driving users away from the site as a whole. You enormous fucking jackass. Seriously I am pissed about a variety of things but they are all your fault. Stop dicking around already. Just fucking do it. >captcha per post We have a great global mod team who can watch your board when your not here. And judging by the 0 pph or you know per day, im gonna guess thats always. I look forward to waiting 2 weeks for your reply. Seriously give up the board or actually run it somewhere other than into the ground. P.S. I hate you.
>>19261 >delete your retarded word filters No > If anons arent breaking any legal laws of the US then leave em be fag. To what are you referring? > Seriously I am pissed about a variety of things but they are all your fault. Such as?
>>19261 >If anons arent breaking any legal laws of the US then leave em be fag. Lol law cucks can only do what the ruling elite say they can
>>19265 Then suffer alone.
why the fuck did my vivek ramaswamy thread get removed? no fucking wonder no one comes to this site. ruleshitters everywhere
>>19346 Why is your post all lower case?
>>19353 He's to angry too grammer board owner sir.
>>19366 Hell yeah
a case of winter vagina
>>19265 Enjoying suffering alone faggot? You wanted this. You deserve this.
>>1063 Can you remove the captcha? It makes it hard to post, and doesn't defend it from spammers.
>>19907 Yeah, that had a reason a few years ago, but not anymore. Captcha will only be required for thread creation now.
>>19907 fr, i'm really wondering how am i supposed to use this shit when i cant even pass capcha
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>be me >newfag from 4leaf >not really a newfag, just newfag here >opens first /pol/ thread >OP is a fun vintage HD yuri nazi webm I didn't know >I love it >sound is allowed on the board >threads aren't archived under 30min >jannies won't move your thread to /bant/ when you become too much popular on the board >anons don't spam NYPA whenever you talk about raiding >you can post under a VPN Is... is this real? what I have under my eyes? Moot really sold us. It's become hell there.
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>>5198 damn, posts are from 2020... Alright, so what's up there? tell me how is it here.
>>20361 >>20362 Welcome. Things are a bit slow here. We lost most of /pol/ when the original site went down, unfortunately. Some of the other boards are a bit more active and are /pol/ lite as long as things stay on-topic.
>>20362 >>20361 Forgot to mention that we have >>>/brit/ which is a bit more active. Since you have a UK flag you may fit in over there.
>>20363 shit, what happened? >>20364 ok I'll look over it.
Minimum world limit for OP (around 50) and phone poster bans. Then advertise the site as being phone poster free. It will be like pre 2012 pol in no time.

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