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So let me inform you on the state of things... Anonymous 08/01/2020 (Sat) 04:25:36 Id: de04fd No. 1276
The world is unraveling at kike speed now, here is what we are in for >Roach - Homo wars (Turkey vs Greece) >USA vs BRICS (Their kikery will lead to WW3 with China&Russia) >but first of all, end of Fiat money (Dollar, Euro, etc) due to Corona Hoaxing and the fallout from said hoaxing By the end of the year you will see first fallout happen (banks going bust, mass unrest of shortages in cash/goods, etc) The first clashes coming in 2021, minor roachwars might flare up this year but unlikely, first the dollar has to tank then its party time in the ovens... this thread will be updated accordingly if it survives long enough that is. Stay honky & remember to coof in their face
Clown world is rapidly becoming piss world. There has never been global tyranny this bad in history. Not even the Soviet Union had TSA groping and mandatory masks. Americans can't vote now so nothing will change. The elites want Americans to be animals and slaves. If Americans are criminals for existing then why not commit a real crime? Americans should think like criminals. If you are living in a police state now then why not live in a real prison? Immediately move to small white town in South Dakota. Drop out and go Galt. Work off the books. Increase hate for the government by buying an anonymous prepaid phone and report all of your neighbours as terrorists. Drain welfare. Don't take a shower for a week and go to government offices. Use government bathrooms and accidentally clog toilets with rolls of toilet paper, leave the water on, and drop stacks of government forms in the trash. Fart and burp near government officials. Transpose numbers on government forms. Act dumb when talking to government workers. Stare at them. Don't pay taxes. Complain loudly everywhere you go that the USA used to be a free country. Scatter nails around police cars. Jeer and mock officials in public. Pay a visit to the homes of traitorous government workers. Forming crowds will be easy because everybody hates the government now. If Americans make the lives of state workers unpleasant then they might quit and regret supporting Communism. Life is becoming total hell.
[Expand Post]Don't go to the concentration camps and say that you did not resist tyranny constantly. There is a reason North Koreans are not happy. Americans have lost everything. Pass the word.
>>1276 >Roach - Homo wars (Turkey vs Greece) >USA vs BRICS (Their kikery will lead to WW3 with China&Russia) >but first of all, end of Fiat money (Dollar, Euro, etc) due to Corona Hoaxing and the fallout from said hoaxing none of these things became true...
>>6891 all of this + start killing the enemies and the traitors. If your very existence is now a crime in their eyes, then just kill them all.
The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards. The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.
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>>7218 No thank you, Agent.
>>7231 He's not, he's the same christspamming faggot who copypastes a million retarded posts of jewish bullshit into every tangentially related threadon 4/pol/
>>7231 he'll be fine we're fucked again
>>5797 (((numerology))) >>5399 >>6106 "To the masses of the nation, the pagans are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State. " --Adolf Hitler >>6029 Masons' power peaked hundreds of years ago. Adam Weishaupt poached members from the Masons to start the Illuminati. After the Illuminati was exposed, Jews took over as the reigning social parasites. >>6891 >Don't go to the concentration camps and say that you did not resist tyranny constantly This.
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>"To the masses of the nation, the pagans are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State. " --Adolf Hitler This didn't age well if a real quote. Pagan literally means goyim in latin. 'Pagan' myth is no more illegitimate than Christian myth. The adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire doomed Aryan civilisation. It took a while, but here we are.
>>8057 >Aryan civilisation The conquest/rape/replacement of Persia by the Muslim Arabs was also a great disaster. Equivalent to what we see happening to the west today.
>>8107 We are living in a dystopia bot-kun
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>>8107 >You can't even travel to another city now without going to the doctor and getting a physical. The only time you should go to a city is in the nose of a bomber thousands of feet in the air over it to remove the leftist cancer.
>>1276 >end of fiat/paper money Monero and DeFi chads report in
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>>8179 >>8173 I still have no clue how to mine or "invest" in crypto.
>>8182 You make an account on an exchange and buy. That simple.
Americans are such enslaved pussies now that they beg for new decrees and wear their chains happily while they ridicule those who love freedom.
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>>1411 5g causes cornhole virus? This sounds way too bizarre to be true It looks like the research paper got retracted, though I wonder if it was due to a real error or if someone is hiding something >substantial manipulation of the peer review This vague explanation raises suspicions
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>>4772 You're so full of shit Im so sick of people and their "predictions" about these perpetually imminent WW3 doomsday scenarios. Either you're a compete moron, or worse, someone who is intentionally trying to cheapen the quality of discourse. GTFO Faggot
>>9956 Yeah that's about the level of sense I would expect from a pedophile. Kys kike.
>>9983 Pedo site, nigger.
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>>4772 Nah, everyone knows the elite are trying to start WW3 to hide their human trafficking sins and no one wants them to lead a world government. They are simply so inept and incompetent with their power that they already have, that they are essentially unfit to lead shit out of an asshole.
>>1561 >Pike's handbook Please explain for a newfag
>>6891 This small-scale trolling will help how? Lucky burgers can just get a shotgun and check themselves out of this hell-hole before things get really ugly. Better than the kikes using 1001 ways to torture you to death.
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>>10082 > Nah, everyone knows the elite are trying to start WW3 to hide their human trafficking
>>1276 2 more weeks
>>12021 his brother
The niggering has been delayed. The money crash comes 2022, and after that the rest. Covid hoax might also collapse in 2022. Sure is getting comfy now, with La Palma wiping out NY and THE BIG ONE also looming, we won't get bored anytime soon. Stay honky and KEEP coughing in their face, l8ters
> >dditionally, a digital dollar wallet is identified as ‘a digital wallet or account, maintained by a Federal reserve bank on behalf of any person, that represents holdings in an electronic device or service that is used to store digital dollars that may be tied to a digital or physical identity.’ They already do that.
uh... 6 feet a part.. those were real nuclear weapons that were used. I don't know if they're close to the nuclear war now. their threat as far as i could tell is zika and zita cuasing caner to mutate. Glhf.
>>10082 It genuinely is amazing just how horribly incompetent modern world leaders are.

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