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Documentary thread Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 04:25:53 Id: 4069e8 No. 16745
The thread for posting long form video essays on people and subjects. Remember to preferably link to these sites: >>>/t/5546
https://archive-org/details/jewish-mafia-epstien A summarized interview of Maria Farmer, victim of the sex ring operation ran by Mossad, Lex Wexner, Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and many other jews. Time: 1h 08m
Video collection debunking the Holocaust: https://archive-org/details/Holohoax-Archive
A one-hour documentary by Rising Truth Productions, with extracts from other revisionist documentaries and videos. https://www.bitchute-com/video/E1RBBb1ggbPw/
https://odysee-com/@CreeperStatus:f/Hitler's-War-What-the-Historians-Neglect-to-Mention:b https://www.bitchute-com/video/3uLiOWiKftiE/ Documentary on the origins of the Second World War, and how Hitler tried to prevent it. 1hr 36m
Frank Raymond speaks to the Justice For Germans Society. Indian-born Frank Raymond gives a talk in Canada about Germany and what happened in WW2. https://archive-org/details/frank-raymond-speaks-on-justice-for-germans
https://www.bitchute-com/video/Sp5bm3YnWMM0/ https://odysee-com/@CreeperStatus:f/Dr.-James-Giordano--The-Brain-is-the-Battlefield-of-the-Future:9 Dr James Giordano gives a talk hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point about how advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war. Topics: brain assessment and manipulation; cyber-brain manipulation; directed energy; pharmaceuticals; transcranial brain modulation; brain implantations; organic neurotoxins; nano brain technology; etc. Dr Giordano is Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University.
The Cabal Ruling the World: South Africa Plays a Major Role A 25 part documentary Part 1: https://www.bitchute-com/video/9bDJn6Ygk95H/
Fred Leuchter Compares Real American Gas Chambers to Hitler’s “Gas Chambers" Fred Leuchter examines a gas chamber is the US used for executions, then examines so called gas chambers in concentration camps. https://www.bitchute-com/video/LY4MUNy3ILRV/ https://odysee-com/@AlvinB1959:6/Gas-Chambers-With-Gas-Expert-Fred-Leuchter:2 https://whiterabbit-substack-com/p/fred-leuchter-compares-real-american
Part 1: Covid, Rothschild, the Protocols https://www.bitchute-com/video/vMbAfQzqpXw0/ Part 2: History of the jews. https://www.bitchute-com/video/UmjKQYqn6qAz/ Part 3: Who is their king? https://www.bitchute-com/video/jacHTLRrnPWG/ Part 4: The Rothschilds. Protocols. Israel. 6 million jews https://www.bitchute-com/video/uL5S9EnuiENq/
A documentary about 9/11 exploring the origins and the consequences of the attacks. The "mossad job" hypothesis is highlighted. Time: 1h 53m https://odysee-com/@QuantumRhino:9/9-11-and-Israel's-Great-Game:6 https://kontrekulture-com/produit/le-11-septembre-et-le-grand-jeu-israelien/ https://odysee-com/@ERTV-International-English:f/9-11-and-Israel-s-great-game-Laurent-Guyenot:5 0 s : Introduction 7 min 14 s : Ghost planes 18 min 43 s : Controlled demolition 23 min 48 s : To whom benefits the crime ? 35 min 40 s : Israel's profile 41 min 56 s : The dancing Israelis 48 min 42 s : The israeli spy ring 55 min 36 s : The Neocons 1 h 2 min 2 s : The invisible coup 1 h 9 min 48 s : Netanyahu, Silverstein & the super sayanim 1 h 20 min 26 s : Nested conspiracies ? 1 h 29 min 43 s : Controlling the investigation 1 h 34 min 34 s : Controlling the opposition 1 h 39 min 57 s : How many more wars for Zion ? 1 h 53 min 08 s : Disclaimer
The Impartial Truth is a documentary that takes an unbiased look at World War 2. Time 1h 20m https://archive-org/details/thmtr Alternative: https://archive-org/details/ImpartialTruth Bitchute channels: https://www.bitchute-com/channel/theimpartialtruth/ https://www.bitchute-com/channel/theimpartialtruth2/
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Hey anybody. Does anyone have a good doc regarding the economy of the NSDAP? From what I read it seems to be a mixture of privatization of state workers, but also protectionism regarding employment. It's a bit weird how, after all these years of retarded shit like "Esoteric History" I haven't really dug deep into what made the NSDAP's economy work, and why it couldn't be sustained in the long run. I know sources here will be biased regarding the NSDAP, but it can't be any less biased than kikepedia
Jews and the Black Death 14min https://www.bitchute()com/video/B0Ivnnb8EW1k/ China and the Jews - Johnny Gat 21min https://www.bitchute()com/video/roNHwUFaTYlf/ Documenting Deutschland - The Untold Suffering and Genocide of the German People 9h 40m https://www.bitchute()com/video/wbw7VfJK6bLE/
https://www.renegadetribune()com/do-british-veterans-regret-fighting-world-war-2/ https://archive.ph/V0Va5 >In a 2006 nationwide survey of British World War 2 veterans, scathing criticism of post war culture in Britain was the overwhelming response. >Immigrants (i.e. invaders used by the jew for White genocide) are the top complaint for nearly every response. >Out of the 500 page book compilation only three individuals had something positive to report. Documentary by Zoomer Historian, 58min. https://www.youtube()com/watch?v=c4W61ZKj4I4 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=c4W61ZKj4I4 https://piped.video/watch?v=c4W61ZKj4I4 >“The idea that fighting World War 2 was a good thing is immediately taken for granted, and if you dare oppose that narrative then you are viewed as some kind of evil extremist. This applies to generation after generation. The veterans themselves, however, are seemingly never asked. What does that brave generation of the war years really think? They blindly sacrificed everything for Britain in what they at the time believed to be a just cause. Do they still believe this? Do they regret it? Let’s cut through the post-war propaganda and hear the views of the men themselves. Their generation, at the very least, tells it how they see it.” >“This video could have gone on for hours, but since the sentiments of all the responses tended to be much the same, I thought I’d spare you the trouble. Instead I settled for writing down the general trends, and I also made a tally of positive and negative responses. Bear in mind I went into this video expecting a rather even split. There were 182 responses in total. Of those, 30 seemed to be a little confused on the assignment and just gave a recount of their war experiences, and didn’t touch on how Britain has changed. Three, yes that’s right, only three of the responses in the entire 500 page book were positive. All three have been quoted and all three were positive due to personal financial success. So naturally that leaves the rest, meaning there were 149 negative responses. The numbers speak for themselves. As for the trends, here is what I noticed. I will simply read them out and let you make your own conclusions.” I.e. only 1.6% of WWII veterans believe the outcome of the war was good.
What World Famous Men Said About The Jews. 21min. https://archive()org/details/what-world-famous-men-said-about-the-jews Read more: https://archive()org/details/willie-martin-1001-quotes-by-and-about-jews The Myth Of The Good Jew. 9min. https://archive()org/details/the-myth-of-the-good-jew White Genocide Explained. 53min. https://archive()org/details/race-mixing-agenda Replacement Migration and White Genocide by Hail Victory. 15min https://archive()org/details/replacement-migration_202405 Adolf Hitler and the Irish. 40min. https://archive()org/details/adolf-hitler-the-army-of-humanity-ireland_202312 'Interview with Leon Degrelle with English subtitles, by Marco Dolcetta. 1h 53m. https://archive()org/details/entretienavecleondegrelleslhwlosro9g3 The Jews, China, Russia and the Demolition of the West. 1h 03m. https://archive()org/details/rothschildssinorussoisraelinewworldorderandthecontrolleddemolitionofamericaugswzgbwb1e
Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine 2h 11m https://rumble()com/v4n9nmk-israels-second-911-how-zionism-conquered-jfk-america-and-palestine.html https://odysee()com/@QuantumRhino:9/Israel's-Second-9-11--How-Zionism-Conquered-JFK,-America,-and-Palestine-(2024):5 https://www.bitchute()com/video/QZcGvu1VGg2w/ 07:13: Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest 44:10: Israel's Operation Cyanide and Nuclear War Plans 1:03:44: Israel's First 9/11 and the War of Terror 01:31:04: Do We Live in a Democracy? 01:53:17: Israel's Puppet Show 01:54:19: Israel's Second 9/11 and the U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza
Conversation between Dr James Wickstrom and fictional character rabbi Abe Finkelstein https://www.bitchute()com/video/meUPxu3vr4Gw/ Time: 56m.
The War on White Women' 2h 28m https://www.renegadetribune()com/the-war-on-white-women/ https://odysee()com/@RenegadeBroadcasting:3/war-on-white-women:a https://www.bitchute()com/video/2zJIoOPYayge/ https://rumble()com/v50qvgt-the-war-on-white-women.html >This is the psy-op intended to thwart our struggle; it is intended to sink us, to get White men hating White women; and because of this hatred, we see resentment from White women against White men. >The greatest recruiter for radical feminists is the [misogynistic] right wing This is the one big jewish psy-op that none of you clowns want to address. Instead of tackling the jew problem straight on, many of you fags prefer to turn on your own women. Is it any wonder so many of them leave nationalism? It's time for White men to grow up, because we're past the eleventh hour now. Stop being cowards and degenerates.
Ukraine-Krieg: Die geheime Agenda Putin, Dugin und die jüdische Rolle. 42m. https://odysee()com/@oliverjanich:b/Dugin-SD-HB:2 https://www.bitchute()com/video/3YhwTfJ6EqPH/ 'Krieg gegen Deutsche - Der zweite 30 jaehrige Krieg Teil 1 - Erster Weltkrieg, 55m. https://www.bitchute()com/video/DNylay475l6C/ Teil 2 - Vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, 45m https://www.bitchute()com/video/a0vVVSJ8AEmQ/ Teil 3 - Zweiter Weltkrieg, 1s 37m https://www.bitchute()com/video/8eCCbyB0T2Rt/
Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers 1h 26m, by Laurent Guyenot https://odysee()com/@Detached:6/ytmp3-convert(Please use archive.today)_480p-israel-and-the-assassinations-of-the-kennedy-brothers-a-documentary-by-laurent-guyenot:e White Slaves in Israel 21m https://archive()org/details/slavery-committed-by-jews-documentary Mark Weber debates Michael Shermer on the Holocaust 1h 56m Jew Shermer used to be promoted in the media as a great sceptic. https://odysee()com/@IHR:4/michael-shermer-debate:7 Why Can’t We Question About The Holocaust? 60m >The BBC World Service in February 2009 broadcast an extraordinary programme entitled “Why Can’t We Question About The Holocaust”. This Question was debated on worldwide radio during an hour-long show in which the two contenders, the British champion of normal historical revisionist source criticism without exception Lady Michèle Renouf, versus the Jewish American “Holocaust” extermination theorist Professor Deborah Lipstadt, were invited to answer phone-in queries from the BBC’s global audience. https://odysee()com/@NotNormie2:3/why-can%E2%80%99t-we-question-about-the:3 Scott Roberts- Introduction to the Jewish Problem 58m https://odysee()com/@I-Rabbi-T:3/Scott-Roberts--Introduction-to-the-Jewish-Problem-for-Normies:f His channel: https://www.bitchute()com/channel/OGYzVRoJSIIc/ Hitler's War Against Jewish Freemasonry 1h 12m https://odysee()com/@thisworldworks:1/PYBoqgB8LOKc:a Jewish Lies About Hitler Part 1. 18m https://odysee()com/@GermanBro:6/Lies-of-CJB-part1:f Part 2. 51m https://odysee()com/@GermanBro:6/Lies-of-CJB-part-2:6 Part 3. 28m https://odysee()com/@GermanBro:6/Lies-of-CJB-part-3.mp4:1 Part 4. 1h 16m. https://odysee()com/@GermanBro:6/The-lies-of-Christopher-Bjerknes:7 Ernst Zundel Talks to High School Students 54m https://odysee()com/@DiesIrae:3/Ernst-Zundel-Educates-High-School-Students---January-1995-x264:4 Who Created the Conditions for Low Birth Rates in the West? 25m. A rebuttal to Elon Musk. https://odysee()com/@reynolds1778:9/Who-created-the-conditions-for-low-birth-rates-in-the-west:c
How I Became and Anti-Semite: and the Jews who Radicalized Me 38m https://www.bitchute()com/video/r1edTgnuRjIn/
Putin and the Death of the Far Right in Russia 14m How Putin has destroyed nationalism in Russia. https://www.bitchute()com/video/n6NL1Z8wVuKM
How Israel Hijacked the US to Fight It's Wars 28m https://www.bitchute()com/video/Ytt02IT846Xc https://odysee()com/@reynolds1778:9/twittervid(Please use archive.today)_DarumaIkyu_5efc87:7

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