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Anonymous 05/28/2020 (Thu) 04:21:33 Id: edbdb0 No. 376
Niggers are rioting in milleanapolis because of pic related.
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Another one on the menu boys https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=TkB4_nIfODo Perp was unarmed when he was shot but he literally takes out a gun in view of the cop and then turns around right away. Literal 60IQ move
>>8826 How would you feel about this if the kid was white and the cop a nigger? Because all I see is bootlicking. There is zero reason a cop's life is automatically worth more than a given civilian, yet every confrontation between a cop and a non-cop is predicated upon this.
>>8857 >How would you feel about this if the kid was white and the cop a nigger? The same, that the officer was justified in shooting the kid. >There is zero reason a cop's life is automatically worth more than a given civilian So, cops are just suppose to "take it" as the niggers go full ape and destroy entire cities and ruin people's livelihoods, is that it? >yet every confrontation between a cop and a non-cop is predicated upon this. No, it's not. There's been more than enough outcry about how the police are no longer acting like police, and act more like mindless drones. However, any calls to fix this are drowned out because: <1. The media LOVES publishing stories about how "racist" America's police are, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. And... <2. The niggers keep riots, mostly because their handlers let them, and end up justifying the reason WHY the police are so militarized these days.
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>>8857 Calling a 13 year old gang member invader shitskin spic a worthy life. Well White Genocide has been going on thats why the kid is here in the first place and you think we should worry about a retarded violent beaner and if it was a White Kid we wouldn't hear anything about it. More brown and black kids need to be shot for the safety of every human life and so they can feel like a White Kid does for a day.
>>8858 >The same, that the officer was justified in shooting the kid So holding a gun is punishable by death? Or is it not bending down and licking the boots of a cop when he tells you to?
>>8862 Since YOU like playing around with hypotheticals so much, what would be your defense for the kid in the instance that it was not a police officer, but a random citizen and some kid pulled the same stunt?
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https://archive.ph/2gq7R https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1383635013418184708 Back to mob justice. And I don't think they realize that if you don't have to follow the law, then why would Biden stay in power? He could just as well be deposed by a different group.
>>8867 You're not getting away from providing an answer by deflecting like that. What the fuck do you think you are, a politician?
>>8894 You can't live and let live when you have a state and taxes. And you can't force people to do what you want without a state and taxes. I need other peoples money to do the "right" thing, so taxes and state to make them pay and redistribute those taxes need to exist! What, theres no way people would give money to this cause on their own free will? No that doesn't mean my cause is wrong or a waste of money, it means they're stupid and I'm not. Every political problem is literally this.
>>8897 Fuck the state. The more I live and the more I see of what is happening in the world, the more I start to think that maybe ancaps aren't as retarded as I thought they are. Power is a cancerous thing, it always corrupts, it always takes over people. Getting into power, or centralising it into a stronger state will do nothing. It will just make the oppression of civilians more efficient. Humans want to be free, we might be social beings but we aren't literal ants. We want to organise on our own rules and be able to make choices. But ruling over others is always in the back of our minds. In the end we become the tyrants we were fighting against. Therefore, perhaps gaining power is not the way, perhaps destroying power is. Everything in politics is the simple question of whether power should be centrailised or decentralised... everything else is complementary. Nothing else truly matters, it's all smoke and mirrors. It's a game, you can either take part in it or fight against it, work to destroy it. That is if destroying it is even an option. But perhaps, the action that one should take in politics are not ones that are against an organisation, race or nation or for a politic goal, but against power itself. Perhaps the only political action one should take, is against politics themselves.
The final verdict of this entire shitshow: https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=U4UVQTg-0hU https://invidio.us/watch?v=U4UVQTg-0hU
>>8907 This is going to be such a fucking mess. All the people and even gov't fags endorsing/ignoring violent rhetoric, blatant threats, and other shit pretty much guarantees a bunch of burn loot murder antics all over. Looking forward to seeing how Biden will handle this. Crack down on them or let them run wild?
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>>8907 here's hoping the National Guard has, and uses, some live ammo this time around
>>8910 Niggers and their enablers getting fucking backstabbed by Biden would make for immensely entertaining social media.
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>>8913 >The 12 jurors found him guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in George Floyd's death in May 2020 >The maximum sentence for second-degree unintentional murder is imprisonment of not more than 40 years. The maximum sentence for third-degree murder is imprisonment of not more than 25 years. The maximum sentence for second-degree manslaughter is 10 years and/or $20,000 https://archive.is/5uMgD
Breaking News: policeman not allowed to act as unilateral executioner of civilians. Some people will somehow think this is a bad thing.
If you don't need TSA groping or slow FDA drug approval during an emergency, why bother having rules at all?
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>>376 >Niggers are rioting in milleanapolis because of pic related they're niggers and opportunists FTFY
>>8936 >I am a paid jewish shill Commit suicide, leftist.
>>8948 The Administrative Procedures Act should be repealed. Fuck federal agencies. They have no reason to exist.
>>8914 And double jeopardy eliminates 2 of the charges through appeal.
>>697 And then MickyD's run out of food
>>9174 >nuclear bombs They don't exist. The nukes were propaganda created by jews to try to keep countries in perpetual fear. Once you realize that nuclear bombs never existed, and will never exist, you realize that it is pretty easy to overthrow any government whatsoever, due to the fact that they are all ruled by fearful old men trembling and fearing for their lives. Kill the old. Replace them all with the new. Overthrow the government and kill all jews, all leftards, all shitskins and all lgbt abominations.
someone explain to me why no republicuck rinos in the legislature or on fox news haven't dared contradict the bullshit narrative that Derek Chauvin knelt on the NECK of Floyd when the video evidence (affirmed by medical examiner) proves there was absolutely ZERO contact with the neck and it was just his jaw? I swear I don't even see in-theory-freer-speech places like here bothering to acknowledge this. It's like how even guys we think are on our side still repeat "Biden won the election" or "Biden is president".
the truth doesnt matter. they had an angry nigger mob out of their door and chauvin was sacrificed as dragon food to "appease" the beast. thats the fate you choose when you join the police or the military. you WILL be used as sacrificial tribute.
>>9257 >nigger mob sir please do not make this about race, the BLM terorrists come from many ethnicities! >truth doesn't matter It does in ascertaining who are the useful freethinkers. The shills aren't just those repeating 'murder' but also those repeating 'neck'.
>>9258 and then what? once you have the freethinkers marked down what do you do? you're still the minority, and the mob will kill you nobody gives a shit where his knee was. just like no one gives a shit that votes for biden materialized out of thin air overnight.
>Acting Portland Police Chief Chris Davis speaks to reporters during a Zoom press conference on Thursday, June 17, after all roughly 50 members of Portland Police Bureau’s specialized crowd control unit, known as the Rapid Response Team, voted to resign en masse. The resignations came a day after a team member, Officer Cody Budworth, was indicted, accused of fourth-degree assault stemming from a baton strike against a protester last summer. The members of team remain employees of the police bureau
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>Wealthy Atlanta Suburb Files For ‘Divorce’ From City Over Skyrocketing Crime >This comes after a shooting in Buckhead earlier in June, when Andrew Worrell – a father of three – was shot twice while jogging. He survived and has since been released from the hospital >“I don’t like saying anything bad about Mayor Bottoms. I’m sure she is a nice human being,” he continued, “but she has completely let our officers down.” >“They feel demoralized, underpaid, underrecognized and being told not to fight crime in the way they would like to,” he added. “We love the Atlanta police department but we’ll form Buckhead City with its own police department, with significantly greater presence on the streets.” >The crime spike in Buckhead has proven substantial. Through last week, aggravated assaults were up 52 percent in the wealthy area, compared to a rise of 26 percent city wide https://archive.is/uE9Rn
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Looking back at the riots last year, I don't recall there being a single KFC that was destroyed. Does anyone have any data on how many KFCs or other fried chicken chains that were affected by BLM riots?
Don't be a slave. You are not a tough freedom loving anarchist if the government says buy insurance, wear a mask, get a vaccine, and don't criticize the state and you obey. Go on strike. Stop paying taxes. Work off the books. Barter. Part of the reason that the Soviet Union collapsed was because everyone just gave up. How can you obey the law when everything is illegal?
>>384 I'd rather be in an elevator with a chimp then a nigger.
>>9256 You are colour blind. If you can't tell depth from the darkness in gaining shitty image, you belong on a train to a gas chamber.
>>11869 RACE WAR 2024

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