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How many people would actually use the power of the millennium rod in a righteous fashion I wonder, I'd have to say probably not many. They'd be more along the lines of using it to get sex. Oh well just something to think about.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

National socialists suck, I'm sick of their hypocrisy, Specifically the ones that spam bleached porn, You're no better than the blacked fags. Hitler had Africans in his army but do you seriously think he would allow them to intermingle with us. Whether it be men or women, Of course not. The problem with National socialists is that they laser focus so much on race that they refuse to take individualism into account. Genetics while a major factor aren't the end all be all and neither are statistics. There are some black men who have understanding including the likes of Michael Jackson who was killed because he named the Jew. I'm of the opinion that the African should be deported back to his homeland where he can be with his kind and go about his merry way. We should be separate from each other as God intended.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

The train of life

When you're born the world is fun Which innocence rules for the heart And you get protected by your mother With much love you are gifted And you are much celebrated Until you grow and learn the pain Of living on the train of life As you grow and become a child You start to learn not all is smile Hammered with nothing but guile Of the teacher who understands not That what she's teaching causes brain rot Though not of malice intent for she is blind as the child she teaches It is now that you despair That the train of life begins it's burden High school has come at the door With Phones and Drugs coming to call Discipline has no place among the new human race For innocence has taken a back seat Now sex has come which seems a nice treat Yet inwardly they begin to corrode As their soul begins to weep Your pain unable to bear The train of life has begun it's trip. As an Adult the world collapses As alcohol has become a bandage For the wounded heart of Man and Woman Who know not how to bare the pain. As trust and love deteriorate Cheating rears it's ugly head. Devastating the small hope left That the world could be better As you focus on your Job And isolate yourself from your friends You become pessimistic And your happiness turns to despair At the middle of your life Your dreams get shattered You understand that the words that were fed Were nothing more than white lies But the truth is hated Because it's often unpleasant As Men and Women prefer fantasy And indulge in their temporary satisfactions Even if it destroys them in the end With nothing to aspire too The train of life is rushing to the finish line. As your hair goes grey It begins to match your soul Which you destroyed in your youth With wisdom you can help The young to avoid the same fate But bitter as can be You believe nothing will change As you never understood What caused your life to crash and fall As the train of life reaches the final destination Your life ends with a whimper. As you begin your eternal slumber.