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Welcome to the Redland Anonymous Board owner 12/13/2021 (Mon) 10:08:28 No. 2 [Reply]
The Redlands is for leftist nostalgia nerds pretty simple as well as being a place for leftist type politics let me explain the rules so this doesn't look like some /leftypol/ reboot cause that board was trash RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. No Spamming 2. please keep things leftist based discussion non of this right wing bullshit thank you. 3. we do not censor people based on identity political freedom this includes topics on sexual orientation and ethics and religion or nationality so dont feel afraid to use slurs or profanity of any kind just be smart dont be a retard thats all i have to say about that. 4. Please Obey The Global rules of 8chan i cannot stress this enough. 5. We allow shitposting and memes but we do not allow anything extremely graphic. 6. Any graphic posts will be looked at by board volunteers to determine whether it is ok for the /redland/ we do not remove all graphic material please read rule 5 above. Please follow these rules and enjoy the Redlands

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Edited last time by RipperDeen on 12/13/2021 (Mon) 10:12:37.
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>>42 Why do you want people to suck tranny dick that's just fucking gay man
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greatest russian dugincat

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The right is always paranoid Anonymous 05/13/2022 (Fri) 08:56:39 No. 117 [Reply]
Why is the right always paranoid they always worry about the smallest of things and they think the left are the ones paranoid of everything that isn't woke or politically correct or the current thing Specifically conspiracy theories driven by screaming like a spastic over Jews even though you can deal with yiddish bastards easily they make out as if there path of self righteousness will lead them to prosperity this is simply untrue and the right will never understand or comprehend this idea that its all just illusion because all they can do is bitch about there problems instead of taking effective action in other words right wing conspiracy theories are just paranoid schizo brain aids
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>>130 yuck why is /pol/ posting there nudes on here fucking disgusting
>>138 /pol/ lost there balls a long with everything else downstairs i guess the loss of there parents wasn't enough it seems lmao
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ITT: commie troons looking in the mirror and malding about it

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Was Stalin Democratically Elected BY THE PEOPLE? Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 19:46:38 No. 148 [Reply]
Was Stalin elected by the people or fairly please let me know i'd like to know?
this has to be bait no way lmao
>>148 of course not you faggot

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Nihilism is such a gay fucking philosophy Anonymous 05/04/2022 (Wed) 10:00:59 No. 99 [Reply]
Like it’s the literal boo hoo I didn’t get everything I wanted the moment I was a single celled organism type of faggot ass-appeals to pseudo intellectual-normalfaggotass-dumbass joke of an original identity that could recreated by wild animals Like yeah we all fucking know there isn’t an actual explainable reason as to why any of us are alive behind sheer chance but being enough of a fucking faggot to constantly whine bitch moan and complain endlessly about an already meaningless universe having zero purpose in it is like logging on to a fucking sandbox game and questioning why there isn’t a fucking cutscene telling you what to do every five seconds like stfu do whatever you fucking want but if I have to hear another “philosopher” spewing the same genetic shit were all used to I’m about to beat your ass harder than I force pound your mothers ass cheeks every night Fucking faggot philosophy
basically if laziness was an ideology
>>146 correct nihilistic behaviour if just a definition of depressive thoughts and laziness.

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The Church of Christ was one of the most radically communist societies to ever exist Anonymous 05/04/2022 (Wed) 09:49:22 No. 98 [Reply]
Jesus and the original Christians were radical anti-imperialists and proto-communists, they preached of a God of love in a time when all other religions aside from Buddhism preached warfare, conquest, and gods of hatred and vengeance, he preached that all peoples are part of one common human community, he fought the vicious reactionary misogyny of the local religious leaders, he treated whores, slaves, and lepers better than he treated priests, merchants, and governors; he challenged the authority and greatness of the Roman Empire and religious leaders alike. The only moment we see Christ enraged in the entire New Testament is towards merchants and money lenders. His Church lived communally, raised each other up, rejected patriarchal social norms, and engaged in large scale mutual aid which attracted thousands to his side. As a consequence of his anti-imperialist and revolutionary message, the Roman Empire publicly tortured Christ to death and then produced propaganda to warp him into an ally of Rome to quell those who continued to feel the burning embers of the revolutionary flame Christ lit in the hearts of the masses. Even Buddhism was promoted towards the wealthy and powerful, while Christianity said rich men will basically never get to Heaven
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another christcuck mouthful of bullshittery again smh
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>>98 said fucking no one ever retard!

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Nazi degeneracy Thread Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 09:39:05 No. 79 [Reply]
Behold the hypocrisy of the nazi the people that want you to believe that nazism is the way to achieve a pure prosperous society In this thread we exposed the lies and hypocrites within nazi groups fake or not fake we turn to expose this degeneracy to the people.
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>>128 surely it can't be 90% fuck off where the fuck does it say that guarantee this is US statistics most people from the US are gay now for some reason...
let's be honest redlads we will never see a good communist femboy they either look like shit and have more aids than a prostitute from Detroit from gargling BBC or there trannies that have constant psychotic episodes that makes you want to bash them over the head with a wrench
>>143 >gargling BBC Why aren't populating halfchan yet there's tons of cucks like you there

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what is it with black women? Anonymous 09/17/2022 (Sat) 12:11:15 No. 139 [Reply]
Why are young black women so stingy/cheap? 80% of young black women are careless of strangers.
because there attitude is ass most of them are whores as well so expect that from black women
Do they become an issue once they start to reach teenage years and believe they have some form of power in the world because there a negro and a woman lol

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Christianity is jewish Anonymous 05/17/2022 (Tue) 15:09:15 No. 127 [Reply]
It's a sect of Judaism, has a jewish god (YHWH), and did not exist in its official form before 350 A.D. Why do Europeans worship this instead of their native culture? Is replacing native culture good when it's for a Middle Eastern Judaist sect?
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I need proof of this christianity is beneficial to communism the anti-christian sentiment is very self destructive and can lead to serious issues.
>>136 catholics aren't the same anymore they prioritise money over belief and culture examples include pope francis he is no christian he is a capitalist scumbag who doesn't care about the christian faith he only cares how much money the catholic church makes.

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Is Putin's Russia considered "far right"? Anonymous 08/29/2022 (Mon) 18:44:28 No. 131 [Reply]
The society Putin tries to shape, has some far-right elements to it: anti-liberalism; anti-Communism; corporatism; economic structure heavily influenced by the State; a self-determined culture; elements of romantic symbolism; the recurring sabre-rattling and talk about violence “for a good cause”.
it's an oligarchy to me it's neither left or right to me it's mix between left and right it's not that important
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good ol vladdy is the father of the people the people of the world the russian in you

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FASCISTS ARE FAILED JEWS Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 13:10:47 No. 133 [Reply]
And thus will never be able to secure enough political support to oust Jews out of power. And on their own, they’re too weak to deal with Jews. When a worker wants to be exploited by a >nepotistic >greedy and >elitist bunch of parasites, he is obviously better off sticking to the capable original Jewry instead of wasting his time with fake Jews. Race war is not a substitute for class war.

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Just want to say.. Anonymous 05/16/2022 (Mon) 20:23:45 No. 120 [Reply]
If you actually think that living under communist rule is a good idea then i am VERY sorry but your brain is more bent than your dads back after his Saturday bumming session. So like.. Maybe try and fix that :) Luv u <3 Nigger baby
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>>120 Jew cunt
>>120 my nigga fuck communism that shit is fucking gay now suck my massive cock i want to use you as a fleshlight :3
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>>120 swallow batteries maybe that will make your parents love you

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister demands Germans sacrifice themselves for Ukraine Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 11:35:12 No. 118 [Reply]
A significant part of the German populace is in agreement and urges the government to give everything to Ukraine because Putin le evil. Article: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has called on the people of Germany to accept the consequences of sanctions against Russia. "Sometimes it's better to help someone else and endure a short period of deprivation rather than sitting at home watching TV and doing nothing, just allowing the problem to eventually knock on your door," Kuleba said Saturday night at "Bild TV". He emphasized that Ukraine had proposed a fair deal: "Give us everything we need and we will contain Russia and defeat it in Ukraine so that they never knock on your door." Kuleba reiterated that his country is not ready for agreements with Russia that would leave Ukrainian territory in the hands of the attackers. "There is nothing wrong with a ceasefire if it were the first step towards a solution where Ukrainian territory would be liberated," he said. "But we will not accept the fact that there is a partial separation of territory." The government in Kyiv will "not allow diplomacy to simply prolong our suffering and simply postpone the next phase of the war." Soure: Die Welt

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Thoughts on the French Election? Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 18:08:48 No. 105 [Reply]
Who between the two is the best chance for furthering the dialectic? Should a Leftist bother voting for either or no?? I can kind of se arguments for both but am interested in what you all have to say.
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>>110 Don't diss the far-right bro where am i gonna find my cute femboy boyfriend if you diss them and make them all kill themselves :(
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>>113 Stop getting horny over boys with a fetish for pastel colours and becoming a walking vagina with legs with shit infested rectums and just commit arson already.
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>>105 I'm gonna go with Le Pen saying no to Liberalism

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Ukraine Anonymous 03/31/2022 (Thu) 07:10:52 No. 72 [Reply]
Ukraine's Thread, for fuck's sake
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>>72 Ukraine will burn to ashes blyat russia will rebuild it :)
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>>72 Ukrainians are just Russians in denial
Stupid low quality thread kys

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Elon Musk joins Twitter Board of Directors one day after buying 9% of the company for $3billion Anonymous 04/11/2022 (Mon) 10:15:21 No. 90 [Reply]
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/04/business/twitter-elon-musk-directors.html https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/05/twitter-confirms-edit-button-test-after-elon-musk-polls-followers.html https://www.wlbt.com/2022/04/05/elon-musk-join-board-directors-twitter/ Elon Musk is joining Twitter’s board of directors a day after revealing that he’d become the social media platform’s largest shareholder with a 9% stake. The billionaire has criticized Twitter publicly about its commitment to free speech. He’s also run into trouble on the platform as the CEO of Tesla after financial regulators found he had posted inaccurate information about the company. Musk is barred from owning more than 14.9% of Twitter’s outstanding stock while he sits on the board, Twitter Inc. said in a Tuesday regulatory filing. Musk has been speaking with the company in recent weeks and Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal said in a tweet that “it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our Board.” “He’s both a passionate believer and intense critic of the service which is exactly what we need on @Twitter, and in the boardroom, to make us stronger in the long-term,” Agrawal wrote. Musk said he’s looking forward to working with Agrawal and the board “to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!” Musk wasted no time in weighing in on one of the biggest gripes Twitter users have about the platform late Tuesday, asking in a tweet if he should add an edit button.
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>>90 Would like this if it wasn't so scary but good job i guess to elon for taking control of toxic place filled with western leftists.
>>93 just another un loyal Jewish cappy cunt do you follow the TVs example of capitalism little boy?
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>>90 he's already cucking for conservative niggers

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Russian operations Thread Anonymous 05/04/2022 (Wed) 10:19:32 No. 102 [Reply]
To the meaningless ideals of liberty, equality, & fraternity, we respond with artillery, infantry, & autocracy. Ukraine have also been producing bio weapons against the Slavic nations including there own. https://cprf.ru/2022/03/attempt-to-create-biological-weapons-in-ukraine-means-a-direct-threat-to-europe-and-all-humanity/ ATTEMPT TO CREATE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS IN UKRAINE MEANS A DIRECT THREAT TO EUROPE AND ALL HUMANITY. March 14, 2022 Statement by G.A.Zyuganov During the operation of the Russian Armed Forces on liberation of Ukraine from Nazism, reliable data were obtained on the availability of about thirty American biological laboratories on its territory. Considering the available documents, scientific studies for the benefit of the US Department of Defense were on in progress down there. Basically, these labs were involved in the development of biological weapons. For three years I served in the Group of Soviet Troops in Germany as a military intelligence officer and was involved in fighting atomic, chemical and biological weapons. Therefore, I know firsthand about the absolutely inhumane nature of these weapons. After all, even Hitler did not dare to use chemical weapons during the Second World War. But nowadays as it turns out, the United States breaks down the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Biological and Toxin Weapons of 1972. This is a gross violation of the US international commitments, capable to pose a threat to all mankind. The development of biological weapons on the territory of Ukraine was kept in absolute secrecy.

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