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Welcome to the Redland Anonymous Board owner 12/13/2021 (Mon) 10:08:28 No. 2
The Redlands is for leftist nostalgia nerds pretty simple as well as being a place for leftist type politics let me explain the rules so this doesn't look like some /leftypol/ reboot cause that board was trash RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. No Spamming 2. please keep things leftist based discussion non of this right wing bullshit thank you. 3. we do not censor people based on identity political freedom this includes topics on sexual orientation and ethics and religion or nationality so dont feel afraid to use slurs or profanity of any kind just be smart dont be a retard thats all i have to say about that. 4. Please Obey The Global rules of 8chan i cannot stress this enough. 5. We allow shitposting and memes but we do not allow anything extremely graphic. 6. Any graphic posts will be looked at by board volunteers to determine whether it is ok for the /redland/ we do not remove all graphic material please read rule 5 above. Please follow these rules and enjoy the Redlands thank you and good day.
Edited last time by RipperDeen on 12/13/2021 (Mon) 10:12:37.
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>>2 >Set up Bolshevik-Communism >It fails >Wasn't real communism >CCP forms in China >Is basically National Socalist now >Wasn't real communism >Chaz forms in Seattle. >A microcosm of how leftist states inevitably fall to factional infighting and who has the bigger gun. >Let me guess, wasn't real communism. >we do not censor people based on identity political freedom this includes topics on sexual orientation and ethics and religion or nationality Trannies will never be women and anyone who believes that deserves to suck their fake dick.
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Haha, gommunism diddies.
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>>42 Why do you want people to suck tranny dick that's just fucking gay man
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greatest russian dugincat

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