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The Wisdom of Elders Anonymous 02/03/2022 (Thu) 21:21:16 No. 63
Why has DiaMat ruined this for me? Today I realized that my father isn't stupid, but just stuck in a different time man. Precisely a time, where the eastern bloc collapsed and the "end of history" has been proclaimed. This is what leads him to say stuff like "The company sets you some working requirements and if you don't like them you can fuck off and be a hobo". Like he is in this platonic state of mind and applies it to everything from work to dating etc. He thinks this is wisdom, but its bad advice. And everybody does that nowadays to some degree. From "communists" crying why modern commies are the way they are when they should emulate the early bolsheviks and what not, to conservatives thinking they can get cooch by behaving like some wannabe Sinatra and what not… They all think our "elders" knew how it was done and we have strayed from their paths. Well what a stupid way of thinking that is. There ain't no wisdom of the past. Just knowledge, which was applied in some specific context and worked or failed, but believing it will work until the dawn of time? Why? Is dialectical logic so difficult to get? Is it really?
>>63 >Why has DiaMat ruined this for me? You ruined it for yourself retard.
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Perhaps you should try following the works of papa Stalin otherwise your eating slop in the gulag He is your only great father ad wise elder praise Stalin

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