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retard / Yes / Catalog / vore1 / AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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retard 04/30/2022 (Sat) 23:50:17 No. 1027
dead board
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Of course it is. It was stillborn: >>>/retard/1
>>1030 Is there a possibility to rejuvenate?
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>>1161 The board? Who knows. The person in the first post? No, he's stuck like that--
>>1169 >Who knows. Cope. Your powertripping days are over. Now fade back into obscurity
>>1169 Yeah...
>>1173 Sylvor is pretty baserad when it comes to modding
>>1175 Cope rulecuck
>>1169 Tis is fine bort åkså
>>1176 Nigga.
(177.09 KB 960x960 1611673219049-484.jpg)

>>1173 >Your powertripping days are over. Not sure what you mean about that? I don't think I've done any of that-- >Now fade back into obscurity No thanks?
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>>1177 >åkså Who? That's a new one--
>>1180 >Åkså Okså meaning 'also' in Swedish.
>>1181 Nobody cares, Brandon
>>1182 Nigga I aint no random bandom, smdh.
Also, test.
Didit pass?
(2.24 MB 3309x2783 TR7A6362.jpg)

Looking sexy today, might have later...
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>>1190 A-hmmm
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>>1187 >>1189 What are you testing that didn't work?
>>1192 >>1192 Everything works now, thank you.
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>>1192 Reminder that you will never be a woman
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>>1196 Okay? I don't want to be one so that's fine with me--
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>0 PPH
Rot in piss
>>1236 >77 users cries in your actual small, dead board
>>1236 >77 users cries in your actual dead board, soy flag suddenly enabled. I guess either BO change or they want to find out which country spamming
>>1249 don't mind Jole's spam
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>>1249 >cries in your actual dead board The whole site is dead, man. 46PPH across the board right now? Sad. As for the flags, they are optional and only the ones I've added custom can be used (assuming you're talking about this board?)--
me as all 77 users
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>>1256 So I am not a person anymore? Or am I just one of the voices in your head? I hope it's the latter--
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>>1257 i am you, you are literally typing this rn in response to yourself but will forget all about it after hitting reply
also dont forget to turn the lights off when we go out like last time
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>>1259 At least we look cute?

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