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retard 09/12/2022 (Mon) 13:28:50 No. 1749
made you look at it again
>>1749 Oh no he didn't. Fucking classic.
>>1750 ETA
>>1751 My server is still down, this is a known issue with my VPS provider. If the issue persists for much longer I will rent another server from a different provider. https://twitter.com/njal_la/status/1569025686962069506?cxt=HHwWhICzrZOjpsYrAAAA Once I have a server I can actually connect to again it shouldn't be long. I was able to successfully set up vichan, except I was having one small security issue I've yet to find a resolution for.
>>1752 Sounds like it'll be fun. How are you doing since dropping out btw? Did the old parents go full nuclear
>>1753 No, they are surprisingly ok with it for now. They recognize their role in pushing me into something I had zero interest in whatsoever, and at least we were able to get a decent amount of money refunded to us. I think they're just worried about my mental state, although I think I'm doing pretty well at the moment . How are things going for you?
>>1754 nothing ever happens to me, neetlife is prety monotonous all my days are basically the same tbh
>>1755 I kinda figured.
>>1756 I r8 4/8 not worth it, be a normie while you still can
Holy fuck my server finally came back online, only took 36 hours and the remainder of my dwindling sanity. Site should be up by tonight, if I can figure out the one security issue I was having.
>>1756 keep us ubdated tbh
For some reason my server was completely wiped after my VPS did "maintenance", so I just finished reinstalling everything. Just need to make some tweaks and the site should be live.
Dude I fucked this up so bad, I'm going to have to reinstall everything for the third time I think
I can't connect to my VPS again, I think it might be my fault but it could be the provider's fuckup again.
>>1761 Wish i could help you but you'll have to find someone less retard tbh. maybe roo can be enticed by posting tasteful lolis on kc
>>1763 Does kc support Tor? Because there's no way I'm posting there on bare ip or VPN
>>1764 Yeah you can tor post but you have to mine a bypass or something idrk
>>1765 Not really worth it. Even if I have to redo everything again, at least I actually know exactly what I'm doing this time around.
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>>1758 Who is running your VPS, Dyshawn the diversity hire? I'd ask for my money back while simultaneously mocking them. In the meanwhile, working sites: https://bstall.org/ This works with non-bare IP. Probably the best replacement at the moment. No idea who the admin is but batch shilled there so it's not him. Slow, but I'll take slow over unusable. http://6s72dyf6jwlvk2u455lksvcs5r7deafc3iniwo5kp4ssm777noma.b32.i2p/b/ (Kelvin chan) Slow, but stable. Obviously i2p only. https://x.998fun.com/int/ https://x.998fun.com/int22/index.html Slow, different crowd from the usual peoples. Works, but copy/paste is disabled and you're supposed to use the int22 for nsfw stuff for some reason. https://mintboard.org/vichan/bone/ Decent speed, schizo posting, crowd is hostile to outsiders and effort-posting. https://3chan.co/ Cuckflare, but otherwise mostly usable. http://taozgyb2jfbj567lzvfjse4c2snsb37tq3o2iucflxqoilogwc6bx2qd.onion/ The other 3chan, slow but OK I guess. Non-working, perma-shit listed, or otherwise unusable: This site. 9idiots (going offline soon, hopefully) voidchan (dnsbl blocks Tor) zzzchan (broken w/Tor if mods enable captcha. Yes, I told them about this.) 94chan (asshat mods that edit people's posts, don't bother with this) 28chan (bare IP only - at least no Tor) Not sure about KC. From my experience it doesn't play well with Tor/VPN. Hopefully you non-i2people will come to i2p. #i2p-chat (IRC) can have decent traffic at times but you have to speak up first about something.
>>1766 >know exactly what I'm doing Must feel nice ngl
>>1767 If I can't make an ssh connection to my VPS, could that possibly be caused by me messing up the firewall? I don't really know what I'm doing in that regard
I can stilll ping the server fine, and the site still works if I connect with my web browser
>>1767 Thanks for sharing kind stranger
>>1769 >>1770 Yeah, that sounds like it. See if you can even reach the port. You don't really need a firewall on a Linux server. Just don't run services you don't need and you won't have open ports to block. ncat -v (your server IP) 22 should return a ssh string like "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.0". You don't have to use ncat. You can use anything that will make a raw tcp connection.
>>1772 >should return a ssh string like "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.0". You don't have to use ncat. You can use anything that will make a raw tcp connection It just times out when I do that. I opened a ticket with my VPS provider, hopefully I can get this fixed quickly.
>>1773 i"m getting flashback of reuben trying to figure coronachan without patch, good times tbh
>>1774 The site is completely set up and functional except for one small thing I need to change, and I need to login to the server to change it. A trained animal could set this stuff up, it just takes a little longer to figure things out.
>>1775 >a trained animal you mean a woman? it's proly a bad idea to let one of those near the site ngl, the last one stole our hearts and we barely got any nudes out of it
>>1776 >the last one stole our hearts and we barely got any nudes out of it She's going through some hard times to be fair, getting molested for the hundredth time and getting sent back to the sped class is a lot for one girl to handle.
>>1777 >a lot for one girl to handle Obligatory handle muh pp joke
>>1778 no lewding the lolis
>>1779 what if the lolis is strictly there to be lewded tho?
>>1780 Guess I can't really argue with that
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>>1773 You locked yourself out of your own server lmao.
>>1782 That's what it's looking like. Third time's the charm I suppose.
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>>1752 Better than mine who terminated without noticed^^. Should have gone with proper Slavic server to begin with, which I have now, but I've been lazy and mine is only a landing page: (catchan.wf) pointing to my second server I bought for that function only-- >>1754 What level did you leave? >>1761 Are you making an imageboard? I barely looked to FOM and have been almost entirely on Kohlchan so I'm out of the loop there-- >>1775 >A trained animal could set this stuff up True. I am an retard and I figured it out^^
>>1784 >Are you making an imageboard? That's the plan fog got arrested for trafficking drugs to kids and no one really wants to go back to patchans tbh
>>1784 Long time no see. Yes, I have been trying to set up my own vichan board but there have been many setbacks. I may ask for your help once I get back to where I was on this install. >What level did you leave? I left after the third week of the first year of college.
tbh he proly also trafficked those kids on drugs
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>>1767 >Not sure about KC. From my experience it doesn't play well with Tor/VPN I have no issue with TOR on it, but there are often some hiccups or however you want to call it where it stops updating unless you refresh (which takes a while on TOR in the big threads, which are mostly the only I look at there). >>1785 Oh, well then.... Didn't see him getting any better but also didn't expect that to be what happened. >>1786 Help with what? Sure, if I can help, I have this thread open now. But I'm not really all that great with computer stuff--
>>1788 Zonz got mad after fog b& him and sent screenshots of their dms to the police. fog ended up tableflipping fom but it didn't save him
>>1789 Where did you hear that fog got arrested though?
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>>1789 Someone else needs to post their identity to replace him, then. Any volunteers?
>>1790 I just made it canon that's what fog would have wanted tbh
>>1792 Figured tbh They were talking about him on mintboard so I think he's still around. I know he's been in contact with mintboarders in the past.
>>1791 I did a face reveal and you missed it i hope that'll teach you to not drop your frens smh
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>>1794 Good thing I saved them.
>>1793 I mean if he isn't in jail that means he abandoned us because we weren't entertaining enough for him and that's too awful to be true he better be in jail tbh
>>1795 don't repost my face on 8moe faggot, now i'm associated with this site forever smh smh smh
>>1797 Maybe if you weren't so damn sexy I wouldn't have had to save them.
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>>1794 I missed a lot from there maybe^^ >>1795 Now we need a first and last name as well as his address so I can come visit him. Saved the pictures to my Identity folder, named "Patch Sucks", as I never changed it from that when I first made it-- >>>/retard/1 >>1797 You'll go down with this ship now when America decides loli is illegal!
>>1798 gay but flattery will get you everywhere with me
>>1800 Imageboards tend to have a strong homosexual undercurrent anyway
>>1799 Silvia have you ever made a vichan board?
>>1799 I mean someone could proly link my face to my name it would take a lot of work just to send me pizza tbh. also i'd rather come visit you so i can try and bag a ruskie gf i bet there's a whole generation of grills with daddy issues who'd love to fug nato to make the old parents mad
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>>1802 No, I've only made jschan boards. Not sure how different they are. I looked at LynxChan because I was considering doing that (I like trash bin very much) and it looked similar enough to jschan-- >>1803 I spent 2 hours looking for Britanon's house based on the pictures of his backyard and the information I knew but never found it before getting bored. I think your name is safe for now, at least for me^^. Bring chocolate then?
The site is almost ready I think, I'm going to post the link here first for you guys to try
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>>1804 You never know with rusky hackers you guys stole a whole election election >>1805 i'm ready >>1806 He's ready too
I think it's finally ready. mellowchan.net
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>>1809 ??? Are you using Tor? Tor worked for me and alina. Maybe try another exit node
>>1810 Yes.
>>1811 I'm looking into it as I just experienced the same error, for now just find an exit node that works
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>>1812 Just turn off the dnsbl stuff. It's two decades outdated. People aren't stuck with the same IP their whole life anymore and it just punishes innocent people.
>>1813 I'm aware of that, I just don't know how to turn it off. I looked in the vichan instance config file but couldn't find it.
Never mind I found it
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