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retard / Yes / Catalog / vore1 / AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Acid 04/29/2022 (Fri) 17:02:19 Id: c6c563 No. 702
Silvia I'm sorry. Please come back and save /b/!
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>>702 Your whole site is dead lol
>>848 Patchouli won
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>>849 Patch won by waiting until the better boards killed themselves? But he doesn't even have a usable site to try and advertise to when now would have been the best time to do so--
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>>851 >when now would have been the best time to do so-- People are literally using 9chan, LOL: >>>/retard/835 ; just shows how desperate some are--
>>851 8channel and 88chan (both Tor-only) are working fine.
>>864 >anybody is going to use Patchans LOL
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>>864 I highly doubt 88chan is his, but I just went there to bump my thread from weeks ago and it's still on the front page already. Not so much activity there. As for 8channel, must have come back recently because it was down for a week or so. Lacks variety; not all that interesting for me overall--
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>somebody flooded 9chan with banned images to ban out almost every VPN IP Jewsh's autojannying working as intended >>874 literally image fagmiliar >>875 88 is probably not him, but Quentin fucked his own rep with the hidden miner thing, and the way he cucked it
This cancel culture that's infecting animu and mango industry is getting too annoying. What do we have to do to make these twitter attention whores fuck off our hobby ?
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>>880 >somebody flooded 9chan with banned images to ban out almost every VPN IP Sounds about right. I remember it being a pain to post there for TOR users also. Haven't posted there in a year by now, I think, and don't intend to try. > Quentin fucked his own rep Unfortunately because it was going pretty well. I don't really like rule changes of any variety so that sucked to begin with, but the extra stuff just nailed it shut-- >>882 What's mango industry?
By the way brannie, i was auto deleting my own thread since you don't need a captcha for that. You were literally fighting a bot for hours HAHAHAHAHA
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>>885 Manga >>886 Whatever you say sweaty Keep reaching for dat BTFO
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Can't wait to destroy the next pedo circlejerk shithole you will ruin with Jole again. We make a good team
Wherever you go, we will go Brandon. You will never have a normal "comfy" imageboard experience again
>>891 I know, you and Jole will be shittershattered and follow me around like little growling yapper dogs forever <3
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>implying your obsession detracts from rather than enhances my comfy
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Patch in picture 2, Jole in picture 3 (sad Jole, cheer up)--
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Forever & always
>>894 Nailed it >>895 Long as we're not on a Patchan this is just fine by me
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>>895 Who are these two?
>>896 As long as you're not allowed to post minors I'm happy!
>>897 Zain and Nathan (Nanotech)
>>898 Whatever you say sweaty Your seetheposts even when I can't post minors says otherwise
>>900 Follow the rules Brandon or I'll have to report you ;)
>>901 Already ban evading, that seems to be a rule now, chop chop Time's a wastin'
>>901 Isn't Zain a minor in the picture you posted?
>>903 Nah he's 18+
>>903 Why yes I do believe he is :)
Unlike someone I actually respect site rules
>"as long as you can't post minors I'm happy" >continues to angrily seethe for a dozen+ more posts
That's right no more Cassie stockphoto posting for you Brandon. I forbid it.
>>896 Yeah.
Oh it's finished?
>>910 Post the kid version ;)
Does this site work?
>>911 Nah, he'll be seething forever
>>912 Oh that's right, you're not allowed to. HAHAHAHA
And what is this thread? Are there better ones I should be in?
>>915 Don't break your keyboard typing so hard
That's a good little slave. Bow down to your masters who forbid you things.
>>914 I meant the validation etc. shit that's blocking dece nt posters
>>919 Nah that shit will never end I'm only even posting this much here cause it's Silvia's board
Alright I'm tired of raping you digitally plus I'm late for a Discord meeting with Jole. Ta-ta little brannie
>>913 Sometimes
>>920 Me too bruh.
>>922 Now it seems to work
>>924 There was ddos like an hour ago I think. Validation is trash here. Takes me 5m or more lol
>>921 >raping >bullying Such imaginations these kids have for what's happening when they type their keys >>924 Broken from the top down with faggot admins
>>925 Now it's swift, but got stuck also a while ago...
>Patch and Jole talk in dicksuck and plot Who could have ever guessed that one years ago
>>926 Waiting for a better place... You post on KC?
>>929 Nah, the vibe is off, they have the same kind of trannyjanny issues occasionally, I'm not giving them my IP since they want it so bad, fuck kohlcash
Lel I mean if anything the way the faggot admins here will report you to authorities simply because your shitposting triggered them into Qville should be a lesson for everyone
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>>916 This thread is just a joke. It's not the real Acid^^ >>919 >>925 Apparently there is a pretty big range in how long validate takes. Something like 1-5 times. I don't know how to explain it though but yeah, 1-5 minutes even if done on the same computer is normal (and slower the slower your CPU is?). >>929 I am too. Not really much point putting in any effort on this board because the problem comes from above the BO title, but it can be used as some kind of waiting board I suppose--
>>931 kohlcash isn't that bad, I solved it on trash-tier gear running solver.py in less than 3 hrs. I got the bypass and been posting shit whole evening.
>>934 I've only been posting in the lg threads so far because I was hoping to still use this site as a /b/. But now /b/ here is dead lol
>>933 Validation here means nothing. It's in the background anyway. >>933 Yeah, I agree, no point putting any effort in this place. Destroyed in the end anyway. Let's have fun before the burn!
>>933 Yeah this works fine as a bunker for me til whatever's going to happen happens >>934 >less than 3 hrs lol the rate it was going on this machine when I tried it, it would have taken 100 minutes Even the validation here makes me nope out sometimes, and it's not even a miner
>>935 This site is dead. Other for shippoasting, it's DEAD.
>>938 I think more than just the CG fags left the site to go post on KC lol
>>937 ILook: AMD c.P.U 4-core, using 2 theads: ~10k secs Churn away, I do my chores.... Come back 3 hrs later: finished after 71 percent. Now I've been using that bypass to post all evening.
>>939 Spread all over.
>>937 You gotta use the solver.py script, dude
>>940 Really low-end gear. Mid gamer c p u is 20X faster than this one
>>940 >>942 I don't like the feel of the place enough to go through all that just to post there tbh, especially when I could catch some random moronic ban and have to then do it all again >>943 I have a 12 core, still takes 100 minutes It only takes 6 of them but even at max, what's it gonna be, just halved? Letting them mine on my shit for 50 minutes just to shitpost?
>>944 >100 mins I'm perplexed. I had it solved in 0.71x10000 secs = 120 mins. On a trash low-end AMD processor with 2 thredas.
>>944 Go though it anyway, it's fun to shitpost there.
I didn't time mine but I think it was just over 2 hours using all 8 cores of my shit computer
>>947 plus I'd never ever in my life post there anyting with my country ball.
>>947 Well it's more active there than it is here (even including /cat/ thread).
>>950 Yes it is
>>946 Does the speed fluctuate as it goes? Cause 100 minutes is an estimate after letting it run for like 3 minutes at 1% a minute before noping out >>947 I mean I guess I could let it run on my potato if I got desperate
Definitely not letting them mine like that on this box
Literally this sloth: AMD A4-9125 https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+A4-9125 >>952 No. >>952 Do it. Not much of an effort.
>>952 Should be int the (doze n) minutes, I guess.
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>>953 I was thinking the opposite. I have crypto mining computers and I was thinking of running the script on one of them. I think I can farm a bunch of the validation bypasses that way and save them? I just don't really know how (aka I'm lazy and haven't even tried). But I post on a shitty laptop 95% of the time--
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>>959 I also don't know how much KC cares about avatarfags. I don't see it against the rules there but some retard kept saying he was going to report me if I did it, so--could just be troll?
>>959 >farm Just get one, dude. Not that difficult.
>>962 Don't avatrfag. No reason.
>>964 And don't mind the triolls , they're everywhere
>>959 I solved it in a fucking trash gear, and am shitposting right now. Stop whining, aggots.
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>>963 I meant so I can share them with people so they don't have to validate-- >>964 >no reason I enjoy it. Sure I can post without it (and have been in places that don't allow it), but I prefer it. And for a "long term" place it would be a definite plus for me. For the LG threads it doesn't matter because it's basically just regular posting there-- >>966 No complaints here^^
>>969 Plus one for that, dude.
>>964 >implying there needs to be a "reason" >>969 >I can share them with people so they don't have to validate-- Kind as shit tbh, though I can totally see (((people))) snatching them to immediately get them banned out of spite if shared openly
>>971 Yeah, would have to share by email or something.
>>972 Which probably wouldn't work so well either
>>971 Yeah.
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>>702 /b/ is saved

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