/rule34/ - Rule34

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Draw Thread Anonymous 11/29/2021 (Mon) 13:18:51 No. 1918
Haven't seen one here yet Like any draw thread: Make any request you want, providing references and details Do not repeat or bump your own request Make use of anchor posts Be patient and don't be a faggot
>>7404 No shit? Kind of surprised someone's still around! I made mine already, if you're interested: >>6962 I would've asked elsewhere, but /vgp/ doesn't have a drawthread
>>1919 Requesting Torunn Masterbating with her sword. (Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow) >>7404 What type of requests are you looking to draw?
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>>1919 Requesting Lynn Sr. and his brother Lance as naked while Lynn in banding over as Lance hits his butt with a paddle.
>>7591 This is why there's no drawfriends around
>>2324 wip, later in the day i post the lineart.
(445.58 KB 1501x3000 la coso esa.png)

>>7639 i did the lineart but havent had the time to color it, sorry.
>>7644 Looks like shit.
>>7646 fit with the rest of the thread dindt it?
>>7647 Indeed gubnuh
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Make Izzy storybooth please
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>>1919 Requesting Robotgirl (Robotboy) Getting like Horny, Sexy and Ahegao face
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>>8329 >>7663 >>7744 >>7993 These aren't even requests.
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I want requesing jade by the minimighty kids please
>>8797 You're requesting a fucking pig?
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Yes swimsuits and nude jade by the minimighty kids season 3
>>1919 Requesting some gay porn of Masao and Abe from Nightmare Campus in their demon forms (Masao is the green demon with red hair, yellow eyeballs with or without red pupils, a tail, and wings and Abe is the greyish brown one with brown hair, yellow eyeballs, and black pupils) both with huge humanoid erect cocks and male nipples where the two are standing with devious smiles in these scenes. #1: Both with erect cocks standing and masturbating with Masao's cock being very huge, like up to his pecs. #2: Both grinding their bodies or frotting their cocks and Abe is pinching his nipple. #3: Abe giving Masao a blowjob as he masturbates his cock. #4: Them having anal sex doggy style with Masao in the back and Abe in the front.
>>10311 Es bueno porfin encontrar rule de esa chica
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