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/r9k/ camp Anonymous 04/29/2020 (Wed) 15:44:41 No. 102
Gather here.
>>168 We already moved to a proper bunker.
>>123 I'm not a horse
>>768 Then I will fuck you till your a horse then, Luke.
Did balkanchan change domain without telling anyone, or is it just gone now?
>>1269 lynxchan .net
>>1270 Nice honeypot, Patch. The new domain is 4biz.xyz. As for proof: -ChanServ- Last topic: LynxChan engine discussion. The best engine you will ever shitpost with. | Official board: https://www.4biz.xyz/lynx/ | Vichan migration script: https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/VichanMigration | Latest stable release: 2.4.x | PenumbraLynx promo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQmd10zWC5w -ChanServ- Topic set by: StephenLynx
dolphin_bat.png: Ban evasion corruption original ban of posting links to directory of child pornography.
>>135 Trying to browse DNM for drug vendors they have their own .onion version of Reddit and its interface is impossible to find anything you want.
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So I guess this is the end isn't it? No bunker, no shelter. Fucking nowhere to go. If it wasn't for dolphinkike, we'd still have our board on here.
>>1368 The bunker was posted ITT already. But the current main board is here https://zchan.cc/r9k/catalog.html It's even listed on the webring.
>>1369 And... everything is gone, again. Is this the fucking end?
>>1430 Zchan might not actually be down, the site admin is just a bit demotivated and saying silly shit. Or it could be gone forever soon since he's saying he's giving up, who knows. But /r9k/ isn't dead, just a little crippled as usual. This is why the lynxchan.net bunker exists. https://www.lynxchan.net/r9k/catalog.html I was able to archive the entire board as of yesterday too. https://web.archive.org/web/20200712015648/https://zchan.pro/r9k/catalog.html So nothing is really lost besides being on a well known imageboard in the webring which is a decent boost to activity.
https://zchan.cc works again. It's on Cloudflare now but no javascript is needed. Clear your cache, flush your DNS and restart your browser if it isn't working yet.
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https://endchan.net/r9k/ Dropping the link for endchan, just in case. And people wonder why anyone hates normies...
>>1846 >robots are stuck on endchan Truly a sad fate.
>>1966 How does it feel to know even image boards don't want to hang around with you losers?
you guys are free to post on /japan/
>>1967 because imageboards are infested with "normies"?
>>1968 Why do people hate /japan/? I don't know much about board dramas.
>>1973 do they?
>>1974 Don't know much, but is >>1968 a shitpost out of hate for /japan/.
>>1968 fuck y
https://zzzchan.xyz/r9k/ /r9k/ bunker on the new zchan.
There is no good /r9k/ board I have found to use on the entire Internet. I came here to find out why the shitty webring option is missing from the sites I can find also. >lurks thread >>9chan.tw I guess I'll go to another shitty link. >does so >there's an islam board >>123 It looks like shit to me but if I get desperate enough I'll go back to it. Noted.
>>2168 The mod(s) there are/is very fascist and also it's down over and over zzz is. And I don't even see it listed on anon.cafe anymore so the admin probably is turning it off deliberately, I saw him say he might if too many new people showed up. I gave it a try and even when not breaking the rules the mod deleted my comments over and over and over. Even wizchan and lainchan has more relaxed censoring. I'd honestly consider going to 4chan but literally every single board is range banned for profits currently, as much as 4chan baits that's better than sitting there for 12 hours with no one to talk to all day. And of course 4chan blocks vpn's and proxies and tor and all. There is no /r9k/. Also '8chan's doomer doens't count.
>>3082 >>there's an islam board There is one here, too. What's the problem?
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>>3083 >The mod(s) there are/is very fascist >I gave it a try and even when not breaking the rules the mod deleted my comments over and over and over. butthurt pedo spamming /b/ is butthurt, point at him and laugh
>>3083 >mods are very fascist >4chan >high pph faggot >they deleted my comments It's probably for a good reason.
>>3083 If this is bait then props because you did a wonderful job at sounding like an absolute fucking retard.
>>3085 Not an argument. >>3087 Being dead is (arguably) worse than being full of baits. >>3092 This post is also pointless.
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So what now? Do we wait for zzz/r9k/ to come back?
Hey whats up trannies jk??? lol??? sucks what happened tho
>>3150 Yes.
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Down again. Whoever is in charge of these things can you please at least give people notice prior to these things happening if you can?

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