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zzzchan Anonymous 08/18/2020 (Tue) 11:47:27 No. 2179
>type url >hello please wait 5 seconds >oops look like it's broken, reload >hello please wait 5 seconds again >now do this captcha as well >oops fail to load again, reload site >try to make a post >please do a captcha please >send you indecipherable mess >nigger dick spamming >do nothing for an hour Genius at work. Site will be dead in 2 weeks.
>>4794 >mp4 Somehow it feels like it's all gonna be alright. 2024 is coming and i've been expecting a shitshow for some time now. It's still probably going to happen but... why do I feel like it'll work out for the best? All this shit lately, and we've survived it all. All the anons I played vidya with when 8chan went down are still here. And then... War in israel? Spammers gone from /b/? Fagatha is posting birds? CWC got a girlfriend? Is the 2012 autism world line coming to an end? What's going on? The site is down and I'm not worried. I think we're going to make it. Thank you blessed nihongo poster. Fuck it, rolling for imageboard golden age.
>>4869 (me) >not naming it change now I failed today once again! >>4794 They have a nationality still unlike most white nations and are a northern human. Of course they have better things. China had too many babies and have less genetic diversity I'd bet. Like that faggot king that had over9k babies. >the guitardation anywho....
>>4870 >this shit again *thinks about it* But IS there a war? I don't know why anyone cares. The lights never went off so I don't believe any of it. 500 fake babies that died that had no ID don't count, or whatever that false flag was about. And the Russians x Ukrainians have been bombing one one another for ages and ages. Back 17ish years ago I heard about it when it was not on the (((news))). "every day we are being bombed since I was a child??? Why is this not on the American news???" And why was she in a school in the boonies before cells and social media took off? Jew know why.... quarantined child right next to me, another quarantined child..... at least their game has an exploit I shall not explain, hence my being employed.... they don't like it when you break the law as an ultimatum to get money, I figure that out myself when shoplifting at every store I sent an application too....before shoplifting they didn't hire me....but where is the eye specifically....? What mathematical wizardry knew I"d not stop.....? Is it real magic? The eye has a mouth and that's the news, but those cameras are open network to whom? Not the hiring managers..... It's just capitalist games over that lithium mine I'm sure. Gods forbid we leave petrol behind and get cheap e-vehicles. Artificial scarcity could come to an end in that regard and what has REALLY been going on for, shit, since that desert realm sold that shitty black oil first before anyone, can finally stop. It's just black oil drama. Nothing new. "Going on" he says. Not the first time I heard that. "You'd figure with all that's going on faghatta would ease off" or some such was said when I got massively pruned. You take shit too seriously. It's not even changed yet. The cars still go vroom and the planet is dying to keep that status quo bullshit going. About spam, don't forget to NOT become lainchan. They're really boring to be around. So's all their tier, the non-drama sites have no fun. Too much is also bad, but it's about balance. >all my 8chan friends Discord. I don't understand why you goyim don't actually have a discord to gatekeep those that are not 'your friends from 8chan that you played games with'. Not even trying to be mean, but, yall telling me I don't belong is ironic sometimes. Normalfag guitardu, has friends he's played games with for years, thinks this war is really a real war and not some PR bullshit to try to see how far they can stretch the artificial scarcity for as long as possible, etc, it's all just a shitshow. Why do you think I see no reason to behave? I have no respect for anything I've ever come across. At first I did but then I grew up and saw through it all. Some 00' tier guy got killed and they say babies died. Yeah right faggot. Mr. Didnotexist can kiss my ass. I should probably read about it but then I'd just get mad at the giant pile of bullshit I face as usual and I'll come back from it raving more often if I did. No one in public seems to care where I live either. They never even talk about it, just my....mentally ill father does that can't stop eating that shit up. World peace could happen if the news died. It's their power.... information overload in the form of scare tactics and or advertisements. Even the zoomer meme was a car commercial.....mandatory insurance while you destroy the planet, gods I h8t cars so much.... But, what war? Is it police action again, or just the corporate oligarchy tryin' ta make me mad. Interweb bubbles and shit. Fuck society. In a real war there are no rules, they always break them when they have them, rules. Nukes negate a real war or, again, lights out. They are on..... I bought a lot of nonperishable food and solar panels and water straws and j-lube and soaps and such butt I don't habeeb any of it. That and pyrodex. >want to upload tiny recording of lorne saying "god I wish I could get drunk" >record with vlc >it does not play >look up solution for surely a simple issue.... >information overload Ya see, now this is why I hate computers. Why would someone even bother tryin' ta fix one? Faggot ass computers. I already fixed this shit to play dvd's so I don't know why it needs to be fixed TWICE.
>>4872 very cool thanks for your opinion
It's a ts file and that'd be faggy enough that I need to convert it but the only thing it plays is after the recording stops but only for a split second. I upgraded my computer and it broke, kernel panic. Did it again and the WIFI manger is gone in the newer version. Computers are the big gay jew realize. Vlc and it's digital artifacts, I remember when they shilled this shit and I figured I should get on it and leave media player classic behind and shit and now I get to shit bricks when it does this shit... I'd feel for Pisces but he started shit with me too hard....it was an mp4 before... what the FUCK >tries again >it works BUT WHY!! Let me try to post it. Fucking took how long? Gods... ASS
is there a way to filter this spam or am I just stuck looking at it
well its all ready to go but now jschan is failing to auth for mongo, and it has the right creds 2023-10-24 03:26:36.578: You have triggered an unhandledRejection, you may have forgotten to catch a Promise rejection: MongoServerError: Authentication failed. at Connection.onMessage (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:230:30) at MessageStream.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:61:60) at MessageStream.emit (node:events:517:28) at processIncomingData (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:125:16) at MessageStream._write (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:33:9) at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12) at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10) at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10) at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22) at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28) 2023-10-24 03:26:36.686: MongoServerError: Authentication failed. at Connection.onMessage (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:230:30) at MessageStream.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:61:60) at MessageStream.emit (node:events:517:28) at processIncomingData (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:125:16) at MessageStream._write (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:33:9) at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12) at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10) at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10) at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22) at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28) { ok: 0, code: 18, codeName: 'AuthenticationFailed', connectionGeneration: 0, [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(2) { 'HandshakeError', 'ResetPool' } } Promise { <rejected> MongoServerError: Authentication failed. at Connection.onMessage (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:230:30) at MessageStream.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:61:60) at MessageStream.emit (node:events:517:28) at processIncomingData (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:125:16) at MessageStream._write (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:33:9) at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12) at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10) at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10) at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22) at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28) { ok: 0, code: 18, codeName: 'AuthenticationFailed', connectionGeneration: 0, [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(2) { 'HandshakeError', 'ResetPool' } } }
>>4875 Butt are u mad?
>>4875 Just ignore the reddit spaced posts. The commie can't post without trying to stick out. >>4876 Unironically restart the server. I've had a similar situation where a program wouldn't connect to mongo with the correct credentials and just shutting the machine off and starting it up fixed everything.
>>4874 how are you this bad at operating something you've spent countless hours in front of
>>4878 >Unironically restart the server. Mother fucker how do you think we got here? I'll try it in a sec
>>4878 He cannot ignore it, he wants to report it and cackle that he dissed le left wingerino or some shit. yes it's spam tier, but didn't it get....20x worse over time? Guess why? Because you can't fucken control me. I even offered to be a mod BEFORE getting 'this bad', and was, jew know, ignored. Big mistake. It was on meta years ago after people made me stick out more than I would have if not.... taken so seriously.... >>4879 I've only used it recently. Win98, winxp, and win7 were my operating systems that I actually knew how to use...that and android I guess.... It's just some faggy 'emergency lubuntu' I had made for someone else years ago. The new is shit though. It took many tires because I don't have a feel for this wonky shit. I had to guess when to press record and to stop it many times and it's apparently approximate where it stops and starts. Usually I had no money so no space for videos to keep saved until I just now got money. that's why I have no experience with giant ass video files and saving pieces of them. If you see. Not that I didn't use weird shit like opedingux/nxhope/etc but that does not count as a real computer for general use.
>>4880 ganbatte fish
>>4882 No dice. Maybe someone can tell me which pat of this is wrong in secrets.js: dbURL: 'mongodb://jschan:password@',
>>4883 >dbURL: 'mongodb://jschan:password@', That looks exactly like the example format except I see "/jschan" at the end of the url here https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan/-/blob/master/configs/secrets.js.example I doubt that's helpful but maybe it is.
>>4883 The fact that you just posted the DB password, dingus. Is the DB actually on port 27017? Is mongodb.conf or whatever configured to use that auth type?
>>4885 who could be niggerlicious enough to post the password, let anyone set the password to 'password'?
>>4886 *let alone
>Order KVM for server that shat itself, maybe it can be fixed but I need to watch it try to boot >Order replacement server in meantime to try and get back up >Host installs KVM on the wrong fucking server, which was ordered AFTER the KVM I'm mad. today wasn't going well before I sat down to fix this.
>>4885 I can use that exact connection string for mongosh, it's valid. >>4886 It's a placeholder you mong
>>4887 Someone niggerlicious enough to host an anonymous imageboard. It's easy to think you're safe because "nobody" can see the DB server outside of localhost/your VPN tunnel and leave the default credentials on, but that just means you're one slip-up away from leaking that shit to anyone looking who knows what to feed Shodan. It happens with S3 buckets all the time.
(10.61 KB 204x250 1421106218030s.jpg)

>>4890 Fagatha here... it prolly ain't even him, but no one knows that'd hate him other than mark that'd be able to harm him. I cannot even co-- >hang on.......what's mark's email.....? I hated that site butt.... what do I really have to lose... I could stop shitposting sissy caption threads and such, such a chore to even do it once a day when I hate making threads and love to cathartically purge blog posts.....of which are now gone in 60 seconds..... is this fate or a troll?
>>4883 The nuclear option is to just nuke jschan and reinstall it. I never used IB software but I'm assuming everything is kept on the database and nothing on jschan itself.
>>4893 I should just try the normal instructions at this point. A lot of the configs are from before there even was much of an install guide, but at this point it's probably easier to just tack on a way to get those working with my proxy setup.
Are you sure jschan supports whatever mongo version you're stuck with at the moment?
>>4894 Since shit's already fucked it might be a good idea to do some cleanup and get the system in a state where it'll be easier to fix if it breaks again.
>>4892 (me) Srsly tho I'd not do that if were real..... believe
>>4896 Just make sure you don't delete data or accidentally leak secrets like config files or the appserver IP.
>>4883 Things to try: >Try connecting to mongodb via mongocli with your creds and see if they work >Try connecting to mongodb via node directly and see if it's jschan's problem or yours. Eg const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb'); const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://jschan:password@'); await client.connect(); I suspect >>4884 hit the jackpot. Report back with output if it doesn't work.
Site is up in a cached state, it's still busted don't celebrate yet.
>>4901 I was ever so briefly able to connect.
It appears to be working. GET ON /B/ AND TEST IT https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/171703.html#postform
>>4903 Works on My Box(tm)
>>4840 (me) Also quest: brain's journey, and, though I hate this, shantae gayme was on it but the gba makes her look more white. Some things are too obvious. Megaman xtreme if autistic enough to not just play the snes game too... Actually, the wario games were remade for the gba were they not? Even wario does not count......but by that logic Zelda LA does not count as the gbc dx is there..... /blog
>>2179 Mark Mann being interviewed by some old Gamergator, hilarity ensues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvltTiO92Is
>>4924 >that censorious jewtube >caring >that censorious faggot >caring >games when they censor too >caring

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