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zzzchan technical difficulties Anonymous 09/08/2020 (Tue) 18:15:17 No. 2394
sturgeon here, somethings gone wrong with the proxy server. It's intermittent now and I'll be keeping an eye on it while I try and find the cause of the issue. I've also made a minds account : https://www.minds.com/sturgeonfish/ I'll be posting on minds once they get around to sending my confirmation email.
one exists but only for the movers and shakers
Then make one for anons, it would be useful having a quick way to comunicate.
>>4222 >quick way to communicate post on /b/ >>4220 Ah yes, just what zzz needs, more indentityfag drama We have such a shortage of that
>>4223 Fucking retard you can change for name anytime you want on irc.
>>4223 hi eden!
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zzzchan servers are in Belarus, shouldn't be any problems
>>4229 Well there are.
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Identifying down: yep, it's down.
>>4219 Sturgeon is likely still asleep under the deep blue see at this time. >>4226 Did the Vesuvius erupt in Italy? What the fuck is going on?
>>4231 Onion address is down too. >>4232 I blame the Chinese.
>>4232 >Did the Vesuvius erupt in Italy? What the fuck is going on? I did a big stinky s-o-rry
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Sturgeon here. ZZZcuck is finished. I was furiously masturbating to Yaoi mangas when an epiphany struck me: Jews are literally invincible and there is nothing I can do about it. I no longer have any pretense of running a no profit site independent from our Jewish overlords so I'm pulling the plug for good and moving to Thailand to receive sex reassignment surgery. I hereby urge everyone to make all your future postings under the official supervision of the Government of the United States at www.8chan.moe the one and only, true Kosher successor of 8chan. May infinite fortune forever bless Mark Mann (PBU) and all my Jewish friends at www.8chan.moe as I humbly plead for forgiveness for ever daring to stray from the path destined to us filthy goyim. Shalom, and good bye.
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>>4235 Soygull here. I can confirm everything Sturgeon says. We have literally no chance to win against Jews and it's in our best interest to just bow down before our rightful masters and make it easy for everyone involved. I would also like to join my friend Sturgeon in endorsing www.8chan.moe, which is thankfully run by the same Jews that ran 8chan, hallmark of trustworthiness, safety and joy and joyfulness. Furthermore I would like to humbly and most respectfully extend my gratitude to Mark Mann simply for blessing us all cattle with his Godly existance. Here are some words that in my opinion best describe him: honest, excellent, perfect, golden, considerate, sincere, magnificent, qualified, responsible, powerful, iron clad, intelligent, glistening, philanthropic, magnanimous, sincere... All hail our most benevolent leaders Mark Mann & Acidman and hope they will be charitable with the punishment they should inflict us for ever doubting the Jews victory.
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>>4235 >>4236 Thank you for your service, filthy goyim Sturgeon and Seagull. I for once welcome our new home at www.8chan.moe/v/ with the true heir of old 8chan at helm, Sir Mark Mann, fellow member of the Tribe of the one and only G-d. May Y-hv-h be merciful of my soul for having sinned by posting in an imageboard not approved by the United States of Israel's federal Bureau of Intelligence such as 8chan.moe, which surprisingly also hosts a /v/ board just like the now defunct Z--ch-n.
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Here come the /cow/ and /tv/ retards doing this stupid shit
zzzchan seems to be back up on my end.
>>4239 Confirmed, it's back. 10 bucks it was those retards DDoSing the site
>>4295 Doesn't look like it
If anyone is here wondering about 8moe, the servers are hosted in Moldova, which>>2394 gets power from Ukraine. So likely Ivan managed to blow up a powerplant, either legit Putin humping vodka niggers or a jewkrainain false flag. Either way, servers are down and so is Markchan.
>>4387 >Either way, servers are down and so is Markchan. I admit that's yet another surprise pleasant outcome of Ukraine's (((puppetmaster)))'s bullshit manipulations. Cutting off one of their own tribe, lol. Evildoers will always shoot off their own feet, it's simply a matter of time.
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>>Either way, servers are down and so is Markchan. >I admit that's yet another surprise pleasant outcome of Ukraine's (((puppetmaster)))'s bullshit manipulations. Cutting off one of their own tribe, lol. >Evildoers will always shoot off their own feet, it's simply a matter of time.
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>>4387 The onion address is still up on my end.
>Webring broken >captcha refuses to load >file embeds not working Migration success.
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moshi moshi it's fucking dead again
Hello sleepy fellas!1
>>4561 Lewd!
fix it
Site's down
zzz went down the minute I was gonna post the new Sleepy Station #7... FML
>>4742 Is there a place where you guys archive those? I'd love to read them all.
>>4743 I don't now if it's every single release, but there's at least one version of each issue in this zip. https://pixeldrain.com/u/Awi2WziX
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>>4743 >Is there a place where you guys archive those? Yes, all issues published so far (minus the new issue) are archived here: https://archive.org/details/SleepyStation There are also zipped links in the OP of every Sleepy Station thread: https://archive.today/p3RGh
tor link on zzzchan is dead. I can't access zzzchan with tor now. Fix when?

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