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/k/ Anonymous 12/10/2020 (Thu) 18:55:18 No. 2787
Get in here, streloks, and stop posting under the watchful eye of glowniggers. Where should we go now?
>>5711 Drama in this case clearly means meta-niggery as has been ongoing in /shelter/ for months whenever a board the zzzynagouge/blacked group wants to poach comes into their line of site. We need an NTR site. A site who's sole purpose is to NTR both of them by taking boards from them. Trashchan should have been the promised land but then Chobitsu was made a global and it's untouchable now. As black as zzz/blacked.
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>>5712 It could be much worse, I assure you. I could imagine being a mentally deficient nigger so incapable of taking any criticism I fabricate a narrative that has all my opposition be the result of samefagging, criticism made hours apart addressing different points done in different styles. I could be the mentally deficient nigger who did that after going on a vacuous monologue about how I'd been "broken" and how Reddit is just so much better guys before crawling back with my tail between my legs like the little bitch I am, ultimately resigned to the fact that I can only receive attention from places I've designated shitholes incapable of progressing. Had a good nap, did you? Where's your board, you little queer, safe and isolated from the shambling corpse that is the webring? Don't you have a subreddit to open?
Oh, also(this is still me, >>5714, in case you're asking), I want you to actually elaborate on your flimsy excuses for not simply making your own board entirely separate from the webring. You bitch and moan about how >I'd just get shit on by the remaining webring memebrs... and > if I ever establish a colony on an island of my own then the tribals nearby will come and desecrate it... but boards like Kissu and the like exist, far from the reaches of the webring. Go ahead. Give me one reason to stop assuming that ultimately, despite your bluster, you have done nothing for imageboards as a whole, contributed nothing, created nothing, because you lack the ability to create itself. Do it, bitch.
>>5714 >everyone who disagrees with me is one person
>>5716 meant for >>5712
>>5716 >falling for such easy bait
he mad lol his ivory tower ain't getting the pee pee aches he want
>>5706 >>5707 I don't have much to say on this matter that hasn't already been said, but I agree with you. All of this shit has been terrible beyond belief. I don't even care if imageboard users are autists, virgins, incels, losers or some type of scumbag or not, but I hate that so much discussion revolves around being an autist virgin scumbag loser, or about having some sort of superiority complex for being that way. Keep that shit contained in /r9k/ where it belongs. I just want the autists to have cool and weird obsessions and serious, interesting discussions about shit no one else but an autist could talk about. Who the fuck else would be talking about the hidden gems of vidya, obscure moeshit from the 80's and 90's, Iron Age European tribes I would post about things I like more often, but I'm deeply conflicted because I know at the end of the day it'd be a waste of my time and effort because it would be shitposted to death, and a dozen gay bait threads would bury it in the catalog. It's so demoralizing to see. Why would I want to post when you don't have anything interesting or noteworthy to discuss, or when you don't do anything other than shitpost? >but at some point you realize you've become the "outskirts" in your own community This is the most important part of your rant. It's mind-boggling how much the culture has changed. I remember how 8chan used to be, how lively it was, how great it was despite all the problems. If someone told me back in 2014 that I would grow to hate the 8chan community, I would have called him a retarded motherfucker. Looking at it now, I would have to bow my head in shame and agree with him. >and can't understand why people stick around. The only reason I'm still on imageboards at all is that I still have this faint hope that the embers of what made 8chan great could once again spark into a glorious bedlam of autistic discussion, absolutely retarded shitposts and, above all, fun. But I know that the spark is gone. Everyone who made 8chan great, the OC makers, the master shitposters, the activists, have since moved on for better things. To be quite blunt, the only people who remain on the webring and 8moe are the drama-addicted trash who helped destroy 8chan and strangled the webring in the crib, a few newfags who have never known .net, and the stubborn autists with nowhere else to go. Some other anon described the webring as an imageboard retirement home: a bunch of tired old men who whine and bitch and moan about the other tired old men while the nurses clean our piss and shit and the visitors look at us in pity. I should go outside and touch grass.
>>5720 >Everyone who made 8chan great, the OC makers, the master shitposters, the activists, have since moved on for better things What better things are those exactly? The rest of the Internet is even worse, and it's getting increasingly harder to keep the Internet from intruding into real life. >>5713 >Trashchan should have been the promised land but then Chobitsu was made a global and it's untouchable now What's wrong with Chobitsu?
>>5720 Redditchan was never great This is some low effort bait
>>5721 >What's wrong with Chobitsu? I wat to know myself now. Despite the Guy is vol on lot of boards, I can't say much about him.
>>5713 >whenever a board the zzzynagouge/blacked group wants to poach comes into their line of site. obsessed, winners just win, losers obsess and whine about winners, guess which one you are
>>5721 >>5723 >What's wrong with Chobitsu Are you newfags here for E-Bloodsports or part of the CIDF? He advocated for Tengu deleting /k/, he advocated for antichristhater69 (redditor "Christian Janny" who banned 2/3rds of /christian/), he is known to doxx people who disagree with him, and he has a history of autistically scrolling through anons' post histories among other shit. He's a fucking sperg and the definition of a "nice guy" who's an abusive piece of shit while putting on a smiley mask. Now fuck off.
Most importantly he namefags in places where he has no business namefagging.
>>5721 >The rest of the Internet is even worse I'm not falling for your relative privations any longer. You're part of a cult. Being too lazy or too autistic to separate the wheat from the chaff does not mean that your private circlejerk is somehow better. Sportschan is better and that place is 70% shitposting.
>>5725 I thought /christian/ liked him.
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Avdiivka has fallen. >>5728 The board had about 25-40 UIDs at any given before his tenure and dropped to 3-15 UIDs at any given time during his tenure after it was finalized. There were three /shelter/ threads (the site admin had to delete one of them because of the shit storm) and several /meta/ threads that had to be closed because they started doxxing the BO out of pure rage. You do the math.
>>5729 Except the shelter threads hate the BO that also hated Chobitsu.
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>/k/ nuked Glad I archived most of anon.cafe including /k/ (In a poor format) a little less than a month ago. Is a sane BO too much for current year? Where to now?
>>5732 You have the zzz bunker (run by one of the former board volunteers from the older /k/ here who left because of disagreements with the admin), and the /k/ bunkers on Endchan that were posted in the paste link. Other than that, can't tell you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-s9V4FPCcM THETI does a good breakdown/review of what happened. >>5732 You have the zzzynagouge, blacked, endchan, or you can just retreat to youtube/forums and tell anon to eat shit.
>>5721 >What better things are those exactly? Going outside and doing things in real life. >>5722 Even at its lowest point, it was far better than 90% of the webring.
>>5734 endchan seems like the path of least resistance
>>5732 https://boards.4chan.org/k/ Come home, White man. Come home.
>>5737 I'm not paying for a 4chan pass just so I can use a VPN nor sharing a board with the Ukrainian 69th reddit brigade.
>>5734 >JewTube Is it a good idea though?
>>5738 Come the fuck home right fucking now, White man.
>>5722 It was great during the Exodus era before things started petering out. >>5725 >Are you newfags here for E-Bloodsports or part of the CIDF? He advocated for Tengu deleting /k/, he advocated for antichristhater69 (redditor "Christian Janny" who banned 2/3rds of /christian/), he is known to doxx people who disagree with him, and he has a history of autistically scrolling through anons' post histories among other shit. He's a fucking sperg and the definition of a "nice guy" who's an abusive piece of shit while putting on a smiley mask. Now fuck off. I'm not part of those circles and wasn't aware of his role in the /christian/ drama or the fact that he did anything like that. >>5727 >Sportschan is better and that place is 70% shitposting. I was thinking about shit like Reddit, Discord, or 4chan.
>>5725 >Are you newfags here To be honest, I've never been involved with dramashit and even less with /k/ or /christian/. His work is good even if I suspect he's sometimes a bit too fussy and can be a pain if he disagrees with someone.
>>5713 >>5725 >>5729 Produce evidence for your claims, Anon. I did none of these things. AFAICT, you are a. Inventing this out of thin air for whatever reasons -- whether knowingly or not. b. Misunderstanding some circumstances or other. c. Maliciously lying about me (again, for whatever reasons). I hope this is just b), a misunderstanding of some sort on your part. Regardless, I wish /k/ well finding a good home. This was a board I frequented from time-to-time, and found some of the threads there quite good. My apologies, my archives from /k/ are older (Jun '22), so I can't help anyone with anything newer than that. BTW, why did the BO Tengu kill his own board, did he exer say?
>>5743 All he said was "Might delete /k/ early, you've been warned. I'm tired, not bitter." some time in january. I think he's deleted other boards he was in charge of, like /japan/, without warning too.
>>5744 Thanks, Anon. Well, at least he gave some advance notice then, it turns out (if somewhat mysteriously). Why didn't he just leave though if he was tired? Someone else could have made a claim on it to the Anoncafe Admins. Why delete a board that plainly was still active? Makes little sense to me.
>>5745 >Someone else could have made a claim on it to the Anoncafe Admins. That didn't go so well. >>>/meta/16511
>>5746 I see. Well, that kind of sucks. But if that's their position then I guess there's little to be done at this stage. Clearly he had logged in on Feb 11 according to your capp, so the Admin's primary argument would still stand AFAICT. OTOH, perhaps they themselves do have some kind of backup. If Tengu doesn't log in between now and March 15th, the that may fall within their guidance for 'ghosted' -- especially in this extraordinary set of circumstances. Maybe they'd have a change of heart and restore any reputed backup so that it can be saved/migrated by a new BO claimant? Pretty shaky reasoning on my part, I know. But who knows? Might be worth the effort of asking at the least, say after March 1st or something.
>>5743 I never know who to believe when it comes to this kind of drama, but it's good to get your side of the story at least.
>>5754 >he ate the dindu muffins

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