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Anonymous 05/26/2021 (Wed) 02:14:25 No. 3340
What happened to /kind/?
>>4935 Also get off with the echochamber excuse, I'm searching for friendly conversation, not to become a sponge of hatred for randoms I have nothing in common with
>>4934 Thanks I'll check these out
>>4939 Fair enough. But particularly in (((these trying times))), people tend to drift into things that are profoundly important individually to humans; ie, religion & politics. And, since opinions/viewpoints differ ie, everybody is wrong but me :^), things will invariably get into a muddle when talked out long enough by adults allowed to speak their minds freely. This is the nature of global communications during Current Year. I blame Steve Jobs & the goyPhone. >>4940 >Also get off with the echochamber excuse Let's pretend you just want to talk about your favorite plants/animals/cooking/animus. The broader the experience of the participants (ie, the older they are, in general), the more opinionated the views become. Add into the that mix the views on conservation/exploitation, style-A/style-B, ad infinitum..., and you have a formula for disagreements (which may become quite strong). >tl;dr Fascist approaches to moderation are really the only viable means to keeping a community healthy & strong. Otherwise, Filthy Commie hog swollop will muddy the experience for everyone. :^)
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>>4942 We are on /kind/ to avoid your type.
>>4944 >I have no interest in talking in circles with someone whose malicious intentions are clear, there is really no value to get out of this, actually replying to the first post was already a mistake You are enlightened. >Exactly, ironically, or probably just to stir things up, he's confirming the points I was trying to make He really didn't. I mean, he agreed with you from the start that he wanted strong moderation (for no reason at all) and he is actually right that any genuine discourse is going to involve disagreement. The tone of the disagreement is going to depend on the culture the conversation is taking place in but the inability to even suggest a culture to outsiders isn't a problem of a lack of moderation, it's a lack of any kind of culture to transmit. >I'm interested in talking to likeminded people, not in becoming an entertainer for millions of people who've seen Demon Slayer If you're unwilling to even discuss the merit of one thing over another, what are you even looking for beyond just saying "I saw XYZ" with no elaboration? >deleting your posts wew >>4939 >In the end I want to mostly exchange or read about others opinions on subjects that I'm interested in Subscribe to blogs.
>>4943 You confirm my points exactly. Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you Anons preserve your little safespace infobubbles by pointing out the difficulties. And odds-on, I've been at this game longer than any of you. You might take my points into consideration w/o the typical Leftist, feminine, knee-jerk reaction. >>4945 >but the inability to even suggest a culture to outsiders isn't a problem of a lack of moderation, it's a lack of any kind of culture to transmit. Perhaps, perhaps not. Perhaps my definition of kindness is a bit different than yours. Maybe I'm the kind of man whose love would just wade in and rudely jerk someone out of the water with no explanation to save their life from a terrible imminent danger; as opposed to politely and gently begin a discourse of "Hey, maybe you should think about getting out of the water now... like there's this giant shark bearing down on you and all. I mean, if you don't mind and all..." while of course your victim is already dead from the attack. Sometimes love is tough. If all of you want to just make /kind/ some kind of wishy-washy, Filthy Commie CHAZ, then have at it and who am I to intervene amirite? OTOH, if you want to have a community of actual supportive kindness one to another you might consider being a bit more in your face like Jesus Christ. Or at least like Adolf Hitler.
>>4946 I love you too anon. God gave me a shot at this life stuff sorry if I'm a failure. I never liked the /kind/ board for the reasons you've described I just don't think a board called "kind" is ever going to attract the sort of people who adore hip-fired paternal advice... Truth dropped on your head is unkind after all, at least initially.
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>>4946 >Maybe I'm the kind of man whose love would just wade in and rudely jerk someone out of the water with no explanation to save their life from a terrible imminent danger It isn't my conduct that doesn't bear scrutiny, but your judgement. The reason it's rude is precisely because you're wrong (or could be wrong, but you are). You don't understand the situation, you don't understand the dangers in the situation, you don't understand my tolerances for those dangers, you don't consequences of your actions. You aren't saving people from threats in the water, that the people you try to disturb don't drown is a testament to their resilience in the face of your concerted efforts to disrupt their activities. >Sometimes love is tough. It isn't love. You aren't interested in my welfare; you don't understand the concept of 'my welfare'. To you it means something different, which is counter to my aims. You're a cunt and a loser, and to drag me down to your level would be truly a horrible thing to do. Of course, you aren't able. >Perhaps, perhaps not No, it's precisely that. You fail to convince people with your constant tranny sperging and reddit format spam because you don't have any kind of rhetorical skill or developed cultural goods to deliver therewith. The greatest extent of your achievement is create an eyesore, but in that regards you're being thoroughly outpaced by even the bots. >Believe it or not, I'm trying to help you Anons preserve your little safespace infobubbles by pointing out the difficulties. And odds-on, I've been at this game longer than any of you. Problem is, you're a fucking retard. You can't give these dweebs useful advice because even if you were acting in good faith, you're barely even able to string a sentence together in your native language.
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>>4947 >I just don't think a board called "kind" is ever going to attract the sort of people who adore hip-fired paternal advice... Yeah it's a conundrum. I think such things can be dealt with properly (after all, it's actually been done before -- and is -- /comfy/ comes to mind and there are others), but it largely comes down to expectations set by the moderation team. You can't enforce good morals on people (and would be silly to try), but you can at the very least enforce decent behavior within your realm of authority. Anyway, I wish nuKind (or w/e you're going to mold yourselves into) all the best. Cheers! :) >>4948 Lol. Thanks, y-you too Anon! :D
>>4945 Except he did, like the point that you didn't quote from my post I deleted a few minutes after because of that exact reason. You can stir every conversation in any direction you want, if I wanted to talk about an anime then I won't fight a war with someone who talks over my points and instead rambles on about politics that have nothing to do with the actual topic, so basically what he did. And my mistake was that I was taking too long for my post that I only re read what he wrote after I finished writing and decided that adding fuel to the fire was just a foolish thing to do. In the end I will decide about what I want to talk about, saying that if you're not open to every bullshit means you're living in an echochamber is a cheap generalization and not worth discussing. About the point I was trying to make with Demonslayer, it's my problem with many large userbases: If I want to talk about a slice of life show, then I want to talk to people who also know those kind of shows, not to someone whose only frame of reference is a completely different genre and perhaps their majority of interests also lie in let's say sports. Which would be fine in itself, if the answer wasn't just, well slice of life sucks and you should do sports, I have nothing to gain from that kind of interaction. It's not about the disagreement in itself or the tone, it's about basic conversational skills, I'm not responding to a politician who shouts nonsense into the void while pointing the finger at the opposition. The 'culture' a conversation takes place in is subject to the ones having it, just because I'm from the hood doesn't mean the only way I'm allowed to communicate in college is by rapping, just like being in the hood shouldn't mean that anything except rapping falls on deaf ears, it's an excuse to basically not having to show empathy towards others and thus having a fruitful conversation. Yo, peace out
>>4951 >Except he did He didn't at all. His point (and your point) wasn't "you shouldn't reply", which was the solution, but "some retard should delete his post for me". >In the end I will decide about what I want to talk about, saying that if you're not open to every bullshit means you're living in an echochamber is a cheap generalization and not worth discussing. But that's not what you said. You trying to decide what you see, not what you discuss. His post being up in no way requires that you reply to it. >I'm not responding to a politician who shouts nonsense into the void Then don't reply nigger. Holy shit, this is rocket science. Do you literally need someone to hold your hand and delete the post because you are unable to quell your raging desire to be a huge faggot and make retarded replies to retarded posts? >The 'culture' a conversation takes place in is subject to the ones having it, just because I'm from the hood doesn't mean the only way I'm allowed to communicate in college is by rapping, just like being in the hood shouldn't mean that anything except rapping falls on deaf ears, it's an excuse to basically not having to show empathy towards others and thus having a fruitful conversation. Yo, peace out What the fuck does this have to do with anything that was said? I can't help but notice that a post that whines about not being quoted refers literally not at all to anything in any post in this or any other thread ever made.
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Hi all. The 402 error given was just because I was using it as a test error in nginx since setting up php-fpm was giving 404s and I wanted to see where in the config the errors were coming from, and I forgot to remove that in when I moved everything. Then I got real busy with real life stuff for a few days before I could finish the move. Will make a news post in a bit. >>4927 >>4929 Heh. While I do want to experiment with the direction of the site, having anonymous boards be paid isn't one of those. Unfortunately, lynxchan was breaking hard, with the majority of images being uploaded and posts being made simply not working, so I felt it was necessary to expedite the software move. The old posts will be moved manually, since theres only around 6k so its feasable. Here's a snapshot of the site right before the move. https://web.archive.org/web/20231101182455/https://wapchan.org/
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>>4953 Can you next time please put up some static html page or something that it is planned downtime so that we don't have to fear for the worst?
Always makes me think how unkind the shelter thread is. How many here actually use /kind/? I have a hard time to believe everyone posting here is also posting on /kind/. The tone of it is so different. Or are we all that awful and it's just the maids keeping everything in check?
>>4955 >How many here actually use /kind/? Significant minority. You faggots are printing to the frontpage. People see niggers being niggers and swing by to call a spade a spade, with the added bonus that /shelter/ is a /meta/ spinoff and the tone of /meta/ is colored by waranted anger. If anything, /shelter/ even moreso since it brings in bullshit not even covered by kindmins autism. >Or are we all that awful yes >it's just the maids keeping everything in check? lol lmao
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>>4951 For continuity's sake I am not that other anon but I have read your post. Well... if you ask a leftist why an anime is good, then the disassociative disease of his will always implore him to say *how* it's good instead, while the 'Why' is concealed or disassociated. I like Hajime no Ippo and not Love Hina. I'm not a sports chad I'm a 5 foot nothing asthmatic but, if you ask me how it's good, then I'll list it's features. But if you ask me *why* then the difference is both apparent and substantially unfiltered. It's because women aren't in it. Or rather they are not forced into the ring, or into boxing, or into the story in any distracting capacity. There is no crowing about representation. It's a story written for men, about men, with no compromises made to appeal to a demographic who wouldn't have liked it no matter what efforts you might have employed. Women should have and enjoy similar things for them too. Love Hina by comparison is about a man who lives with several women but where the women are in control, and is therefore epic funny lmao. It's still written for men, I think, and it's still not as bad as things made in the west but a Hajime no Ippo it is not. Why do I tell you these things? Where's the "I win" satisfaction over debating this man? Well... there's very little. I just want you to have a better lot in life. "Toxic" paternalism is to say that you're never good enough or you did not try hard enough. Whereas /kind/ has the opposite problem... A "toxic" maternalism if you will. Anything that is not accepting support is /unkind/. Saying that your inability or disdain for entertaining certain topics does not an echo chamber make is telling because the opinions that you do want back are those similar to or mirroring your own with only slight variance in degree. Have I successfully dominated you with politics and religion? Have I baited the thread into being about something else? Or have I not expressed a degree of care for you or for how you fare when stepping into the world? Bear in mind empathy and genuine care are not the same. The empathetic can use their skill in defeating their opponents. Genuine care is something else. Truth hurts less than perjury that bears consequence (lying to a child about Santa is inconsequential). These things need to be understood because the world is a fallen one and on the whole it is cruel.
Why does /kind/ always have the worst luck? You guys are some of the few anons who don't deserve it.
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>>4955 >Always makes me think how unkind the shelter thread is. I've always viewed /kind/ as a refuge from the usual kind of angry bickering you tend to get on imageboards, but I don't see why anyone would have to refrain from engaging in that kind of behavior outside of the board. >How many here actually use /kind/? I'm the fag who made this thread and I'm still here. >>4957 >Whereas /kind/ has the opposite problem... A "toxic" maternalism if you will. Anything that is not accepting support is /unkind/. Saying that your inability or disdain for entertaining certain topics does not an echo chamber make is telling because the opinions that you do want back are those similar to or mirroring your own with only slight variance in degree. There has been a decent amount of debate over the years about what it even means to be /kind/. /kind/ wasn't originally some kind of hugbox where nobody could disagree with each other. There would still be points of contention between posters, but there wouldn't really be heated arguments where people call each other double niggers. Otherwise the moderation was pretty lax in the old days from what I can remember.
Bye /rude/ Wapnet kind is back
>>4960 I'm hoping all the old posts show up soon.
Lol some here acting like lunatics and then getting butthurt that others search for alternatives, i wonder why hmm, have fun tearing yourselves apart
>Lol some here acting like lunatics and then getting butthurt that others search for alternatives, i wonder why hmm, have fun tearing yourselves apart wew really puts >Or are we all that awful in a new light
>>4957 What are you on about, my point was simple, if I want to talk about a show then I want to talk about it with someone who also wants to talk about it, not someone who goes on to talk about something completely different and acts entitled when the conversation dies. If my whole point gets ignored while one sentence gets twisted into some kind of propaganda then the conversation dies. When I'm sitting in a japanese subway and calmy discuss stuff with fellow people there, then I'm in no way obliged to endure the drunk americans who crash in shouting and acting like they now own the conversation by derailing it. If you are the one replying to me, don't expect me to suddenly play ball with you differently in the only way you understand it. If I'm here to say something really simple, like that I prefer a place where decency comes first, and I get replies about 10 different things talking around stuff justifying it with oh the world is cruel, cool if you want to philosophize or in your words win the argument, but I don't care and just feel confirmed about my points.
>>4964 3/10 I almost replied earnestly apply yourself
>>3340 Typical discordnigger infighting. The site itself was a fed honeypot anyway
>>4964 I know you like Team B and would like to talk about the dynamics of that Team B, but you shouldn't be wearing Team B's shirt at the train station. Team B bans people from their ground for wrongthink, they kettle their fans when they come out of the stadium, they record you on surveillance drones for purported crowd control measures, they are just not good for you and if you're to engage in their means of a hobby then you should find those with some greater reverence and appreciation for your support and I can reccomend you some. You need contrary opinions anon. You need them for want of what's best for another and to make sure a desire like that is sufficiently weighted and expressed.
Post texts have been restored. Images will be restored soon enough.
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>>4966 Do you have a single fact to back that up? >>4968 Thanks for letting us know. Is /vnt/ next?
>>4969 Just finished it.
>>4969 >Do you have a single fact to back that up? He's just the niggerpill tranny. It comes through occasionally and shits up several webring boards in a swath, generally all within a few minutes. I'm sure he'd love to be a glownigger, but even they wouldn't have xir. I expect it will be yet another tragic case of 41% soon.
>>4958 /kind/ has always gave me pedantic and passive aggressive energies. Like the same I get from those retards on smuglo; which is a shame, I'm really into european comics and TV shows but they only post weeb shit so why bother?
Is Wapchan being reverted to the old board software right now?
> kind.moe currently does not have any sponsors for you. Okay? What does this mean? Was the domain name sold?
>>4982 I don't know what happened to the domain after the BO sold it and /kind/ became a Wapchan board.
>>4981 Site is back up now on the old software.
>>4984 Yeah, I was just going to come into this thread to post about it.

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