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Julay.world is down Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:11:30 No. 8
Julay is throwing a 502 Bad Gateway error. Panic?
>julay deleted /v/ again The shitshow that just keeps on giving. >>1029 Consider learning how to read then >b-b-but I would never! Keyword in my statement being "might". Really should have added "some of" in front of "which", though. You're either not part of the group that would go over that edge, or you're appeased by your masturbation habits. Probably both. But being incapable of realizing not every statement has to apply to you necessarily is a sign of autism. Might want to get a diagnosis for that, bud. >>1058 I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong, or at least if it's wrong for the average CP spammer even if it's right for some, but it's a sound theory as far as I know. What're your theories?
>>1061 Theories about what recreational sex is, and why people are sometimes attracted to someone who is way below the mature "procreating" age. I won't discuss it here, since it delves into pedophilia, and I want loli to stand on its own (you can make a 2D little girl as mature and "old" as you want, something you cannot do with a real person).
>>1059 9chan (dot) tw is the bunker, but it's currently empty anon
>>1070 Of all places they choose Josh's shithole? Thanks for the información though.
Does /ck/ have a board anywhere? I know /a/ and /k/ have threads, but is there a board?
>>1074 Not as far as I know. I don't think they had a strong enough independent community to seek a separate board on the webring. There's one on balkanchan but it's unrelated. There's a cooking thread in /comfy/ and /k/ but that's all I've seen.
>>1060 Goyimgoobers are annoying faggots, and take vidya way too fucking seriously. Take that shit to /pol/ if you want to talk about the state of journalism.
>>1076 At least gaymergayters kept that shit in a thread. I couldn't give a shit about them, but at least they brought in free drama to laugh at.
>>1077 I still cannot comprehend who you are talking about. GG lasted for a year, and died. Anyone crazy enough to think it is still somehow going in 2020 is insane, and/or giving out free rent.
Are there any /loli/ or /delicious/ bunkers?
>>1080 >actual pedos >being weebs >not being turbonormie boomers
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>>1076 >>1077 >muh gaymergayters >muh goyimgoobers years of irrelevance and it still lives rent free in your head. learn to move on muses
>>1087 >learn to move on I don't have to move on, the shit wasn't ever a problem for me. They generally kept it in their containment thread, and they at least contributed in the form of retarded game dev articles.
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>>1076 Veiling your knee-jerk fear of any kind of political talk behind "this is for video game discussion." You're just giving me more screencaps for my collection. If it really didn't bother you, you wouldn't bitch about it so much.
>>1090 >being this assblasted over gg after all these years how mentally unhinged do you have to be? >>1089 that's the thing, I don't get the massive hateboner for something that was easy to filter and move on. fags have their hateboner over all the wrong things these days
Julay is up, why are you all still in here?
>>1094 because we don't want to be next to you
Julay giving a 502 under http, "connection closed" under https... Anyone else getting this?
>julay/v/ wants to talk about a video game >nu-un you can't talk about this video game T. mods >... >julay /v/ is now dead That's literally all it fucking was, there wasn't anybody trying to set up gamergate generals it was the same fucking thing that caused the "first" exodus from fourchan all those years ago. if the moderation didn't try to fucking stomp down on it nothing would have came from it you fuckers even managed to kill julay /k/ >>1094 but julay.world isn't up anon, it's spqrchan.xyz now :^)
>>1076 take a look around nigger. everywhere that it isn't jewbook, shitter, and kiketube is /pol/ now
>>1102 Well, looks like it's time for the babby to learn how to TOR.
>>1102 Maybe if it wasn't spammed and shitposted to death it wouldn't happened, nigger
>>1107 maybe if the board wasn't shit it wouldn't have been spammed and shitposted to death
>>1094 yougay is ded like your post
Is there a good /v/ alternative now that the Julay one is down? I just went there for the RTS threads.
>>1123 Never mind, /geimu/ has one up now.
>>1123 What's wrong with /v/ Prime on 4chan?
>>1136 Your question contains your answer.
>>1123 >>1124 There's also now a /v/ on zchan owned by the pasta BO from fatchan. The /v/alkanization continues.
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>>1090 >>1091 I just keep a folder of gamergoober variations. I've been collected these for years.
Gosh, if only the babby knew what a "TOR endpoint" was...
>>1009 >topbane.ru Fucking LOL

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