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Drawthread Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 11:36:08 No. 864
Never had one before so, here's one
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>>13785 I love them both!
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Requesting Carl Gould (Rabbit boy with Asperger syndrome from Arthur) While he was in his underwear, and in the same pose as on the right side image. https://arthur.fandom.com/wiki/Carl_Gould
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requesting the 2 boys in the left image (the one with green and orange spiky hair and the other with a blue bowl hair cut) done similarly as yugi >both naked, with similar proportions as yugi >showing their spread asses, anuses, dicks and backs to viewer >both their heads are turned, so they look at viewer >both their asses are huge >one of them might have lotsa butt freckles optional: both boys have multiple lipstick marks in their ass cheeks, that are colored green and blue
>>17244 bonus for hags to the sides
>>17241 not the requester but this looks nice
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>>17252 Trash.
>>8806 This request have been here for 2 years. Anyone like to do it?
Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham from Magi Labrynth Of Magic. Aladdin is in his Magnoschdatt uniform. His shota soles are oiled up and glistening. Hes giving a footjob to an ikemen. Its nighttime and theyre in his room.
>>4147 bump for this request
>>17252 Good job
Requesting nate from Nate is Late ple
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>>14283 Probably not exactly as you wanted. >>17271 You are welcome.
Fully naked boy - Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum (character of game Ni No Kuni II) have sex with Roland Crane.
i wonder if anyone tried to get this thread to be seen more like, would it be weird if someone on baraag told shota artists about this thread? >>17346 i think it looks nice not the requester
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Requesting Ronal (the skinny blonde hair and blue eyes one) and Alibert (the chubby black hair and brown eyes one) from the Danish animated movie "Ronal the Barbarian" wearing those loincloths/ jockstraps/ g-strings like the ones in the movie (the ones that show off a bulge in the front and expose the butt a little in the back). Both wearing brown headbands, brown wristband, brown armbands, brown jockstraps/ g-strings, brown legbands, and brown sandals. Ronal also wears a brown harness connected to his jockstrap, while Alibert doesn't, and Alibert's jockstrap is different from Ronals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX6WTAYSz-s&pp=ygUZUm9uYWwgdGhlIEJhcmJhcmlhbiBtb3ZpZQ%3D%3D
>>17363 This was my request! Who are you, copycat? But I would like to see this done by anyone. I've been requesting this for years now.
>>17363 these are grown ass men tho not shotas
>>17168 You got any blog or gallery?
>>17355 >would it be weird if someone on baraag told shota artists about this thread? No, in fact, it might help. There's endless artists on /cake/ but, for some reason, it seems like even shota artists are avoiding here.
>>17395 i have a baraag but i swear the site made me invisible
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I made these ones
>>17346 >You are welcome. Thanks, I like your art and the way you shade his hair. >>17458 Cool, I found your Baraag. We need more artists here.
>>17458 Gorilland?
>>17458 looks awesome also, could you tell other artists about this thread?
>>17474 Most if not all the artists I know are into loli only tho, but I'll try
>>11072 I heard you guys needed drawfags. I need more practice so let's brush some dust off of some of these requests
>>17521 Good drawing
>>17349 they're cute!
>>17521 >>17523 not any of the requesters but these look good do you have an account anywhere?
>>13684 here's another >>17522 >>17524 thank you! I don't have any social media
>>17521 >>17523 >>17547 Incredibly clean work anon, would you be interested in a trade? (I'm >>16765) It's fine if not, no worries. Just figured to shoot my shot since I like doing trades but there's not much anons here that don't do western shit only lol
>>17547 Nice! I may or may not be the original requester. I can't remember. Regardless you did an amazing job.
>>17554 Thanks! I can for sure do a trade with you. For your half perhaps a shota Kuya from NU Carnival? He is a mischievous and somewhat sadistic fox boy. Sorry he doesn't have much art to go off of. Pic on the right is his regular adult version so you can see certain shared details of his design better. sfw or nsfw is up to you! >>17555 Thanks and lol I imagine most people have completely forgotten about their requests here
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>>17558 Omg of course!! What a cute design. He canonically wears a skirt that's so adorable.. I went for something cutelewd, hope it's alright. Sorry for the small delay also I'm very bad with specifics, but anything solo and not-gay with Miyao >>16765 works. I really like his fangs so some focus on them or maybe something with how skinny he is like lifting his sweater and showing his skinny ribs/nipples, I really like his bodytype.. Ultimately it's up to you though lol, I can even give you another character from the same series too if Miyao's design doesn't speak to you Some extra Miyao colored panels too just in case; https://catbox.moe/c/4p39y3
>>17576 omg you drew him so cute! Thank you soo much I love him!! His underwear... TOT No worries about the delay. I haven't had time to work on yours in the past few days but I finally finished it. Hope you like it!

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