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/ss/.Literature Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 01:56:39 No. 180
Books, fanfics, scribbles of blood on the wall of a dungeon. Cartoons, anime, or IRL; If it has relations between an older woman and a younger man, I wanna know about it.
is there any granny x shota stuff?
I'm looking for writers that are open for requests with little boys having realistic little dicks. I have few ideas, and some good writer is what I need. I would be very grateful for any help, or where to look.
>>1492 I can write. What did u have in mind?
This is one of my favorites, I read it every once in a while. It's about a teenage girl fucking her younger brother during family vacation. I personally like how realistic it is. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107116
What are some /ss/ ideas that haven't been done yet? Like i thought of a muscle girl working as a goon for a mobster family and she gets to protect the shota son of the main mob guy
No idea if anyone posted this but I shall, its a good one https://pastebin.com/W6qtJKxq
>>1777 You have any works I could read and see your style?
Latina cheats on husband by doing /ss/ with her manger's son https://archiveofourown.org/works/43880839/chapters/11 0330080
Basically everything I post is /ss/, so I’m just dumping my works page here. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Huran/works https://archiveofourown.org/works/43437498 (Milf/Boy) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44470351 (one shots, handjobs only, second person) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46181251 (Aunt/Nephew) https://archiveofourown.org/works/45545626 (OMORI fanfic, Babysitter x Sunny, female reader) These four are the works that I like the most.
>>2429 Oh, hey Huran. Found your stuff a little while ago on my own, quite enjoyable. Any recommendations for writing in general, and writing /ss/ and smut in particular?
>>2486 When writing the buildup, don't rush straight to the sex scenes, it'll feel incomplete and abrupt. Don't drag it out either, you'll just write several thousand words of filler that just waste your time and the readers.
>>2486 (Double reply since I forgot) Which of my stories did you like the most?
>>2489 >>2490 Probably the most, the barista one from /b/ requests. That and the Under the Influence ones were real good. The Omori one was also pretty good, not used to the female MC and perspective with /ss/, it was a nice change of pace.
>>2524 That's interesting to know.
Completed the first ten chapters of a new smut work. Big Sister's Cum Fetish https://archiveofourown.org/works/49950373/chapters/126111715 The next 9 chapters will be rolled out as the days go on.
I’ve finally published my cousin incest story. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51721297/chapters/130753549 Seven Days With Your Bikini Babe Cousins >tags:Second Person POV, Self Insert, Cousin Incest, Shotacon, FFM threesome, Bikinis, Edging, Handjobs >Tags for completed future chapters: Blowjobs, Titjobs, Assjobs, Thighjobs
Straight Shota One Shots: Part One Under The Table Fun With The New Kid >Tags:Straight Shota, Underage Rape, Public Hand Jobs, Milking, Cum As Lube, Multiple Orgasms, Midriff Kink https://archiveofourown.org/works/51961219/chapters/131397154
>>3812 >Let's not fuck where we eat. I disagree.
>>1007 I'm interested
I would like to see it, too!
Here's one I found out through another anon https://archive.org/details/tampa0000nutt/page/1/mode/1up Tampa by Alissa Nutting
https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107116&chapter=1 Another one, this one with sister and brother action
https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109720 Boy and his older next door neighbor find each other become lovers. Highly recommend it, especially towards the end.
>>424 Nice. I just started reading it. In the middle of chapter 2. I'm already thinking I'd love to see it illustrated or as a comic.
I'm about to finish Chapter 6 of Pam and Jeremy. My thoughts so far: I'm loving the very slow burn and build-up. Six chapters in, and this is the first time we see Jeremy get a complete handjob from the babysitter. He didn't even come until the previous chapter, and it was by himself. Everything else up to this has been teasing, doubt, guilt, will they/won't they. Also putting them in constant awkward, but easily believable situations, where it's like they're almost destined to fuck. It also makes total sense that the parents aren't paying attention to what's going on because they are fighting. Otherwise, Pam wouldn't be around anymore. The author has clearly had some practice with writing before this. The prose is clear and engaging. The characterization is wonderful. Though it's entirely told from Pam's third person POV, we see Jeremy as a totally separate personality from hers, by way of his behavior and his actions. I try not to expect too much from free online erotica. I've hit the back button more times than I have finished stories. My standards are as simple as "have good grammar" and "split your fucking paragraphs." This is really good. THAT SAID...the age of the boy, and the fact that he only has dry orgasms, took me out of the "stand-in" feeling a little bit. We all bring our own preferences and niches to ss. In my personal fantasy headspace, I would be shooting ropes all over the place, hopefully aiming my cock at the babysitter's tits. What is about authors always wanting the boys to be 8-10? My ideal vicarious living is when I started getting really horny, and wanted to be fulfilled. It's a little weird. But I'm so engrossed in the actual story, I'm not ready to bail out yet.
So guys I just had a flashback to a story some anon posted in 4chan supposedly a a biographical one about his experiences with a early 20's girl (he was like 9 when it happened) it was very good and emotional and I remember he even shared a drive document for everybody but now I can't find it anywhere hell he even said he found the girl again (now a woman) and was trying to reconnect with her (as a late 20's man) this was like in 2016-2017 does it ring any bells to any of you?
>>4794 You mean this? >>1993
>>4795 ANON thank you SO MUCH i owe you one I thought it was lost forever
>>4799 It was my bad for not giving it a better description, enjoy it. Its a true classic
>>1287 kino taste anon but that's seems to be very niche even among straight shotacons
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not exactly /ss/ but is the closest thing in the mainstream is gonna get to the genre romance between a 30yr old and a 16 yr old
>>4800 thank you anon will gona save this one forever this the great straight shota epic (for me at least)

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