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Exotic drinks served mid the relaxing decor of a South Pacific paradise

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Hella Cheep Mahu 12/02/2014 (Tue) 20:30:30 No. 130
What is the cheapest way to get and stay a while in Hawaii, this board made me want to go there.
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If I knew that I would have packed my bags already instead of making this board :'^(

Sometimes you can be a passenger on a cargo ship, which is incredibly cheap, but incredibly slow, and there's not much to do in the ship. Sometimes you even need to help with chores.
I heard the food is great on cargo ships though, they usually got a Chinese cook.

You can always try to make friends with a Hawaiian on the internet and ask if you can couch surf there, that would be the cheapest option lodging-wise.
There's also couch surfing websites like: https://www.couchsurfing.com/

Cheapest hotels I can find are around 700 dollars for 7 days.
Most all-inclusive travels from my country seem to be around 3000 dollars.

That's all way too much money for me right now.
So no pineapples for me :'^(

I wish I could've helped you more with that, Mahu!
I heard hawaii exports homeless to the mainland because theres no way for them to come back.

i suggest building a raft out of wood and sailing to hawaii. If the ancient polynesians can sail from new zealand to south america (over the course of several generations), im sure you can too. never give up your dreams mahu
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Friend, even though Thor Heyerdahl proved in 1947 that it is possible for pre-Columbian Peruvians to travel all the way to Rapa Nui with their boats, there is DNA evidence that suggests that Polynesians, and Rapa Nui included, actually descend from South-Asian tribes. :^)

Despite this, I have a lot of respect for Heyerdahl and his Kon-Tiki expedition, mahu :^)
*South-East-Asian tribes, to be more exact

Indonesia, etc. :^)
dutch Caribbean is cheaper and nicer IMHO

I was in St Maarten on a short layover and it was lovely. I went to the French Virgin Islands after that, but it was identical.

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