/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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MHA girl tickling Anonymous 01/09/2022 (Sun) 16:50:24 Id: 760cbb No. 11338
Heroes need to smile
>>39118 Wow! Where did you find the second image? because I never really believed that the artist would make a sequel to that drawing.
>>39122 Believe it or not, Bad-Pierrot didn't make the second pic! It was done by a smaller artist named 0lezhe.
>>39118 I love pics like these, where you just get so many different personalities reacting to tickling (or impending tickling). Like you can see Yaoyorozu's figured out what's happening and is trying to put up a resistance, Tsu's mostly clueless, Ochaco's got a strong suspicion and is partly embarrassed and partly excited about getting tickled. Et cetera. Something about these just does it for me.
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Decided to do an edit of a pic from BP. Sorry that it looks kind of sloppy.
>>39418 Nice one! Just some constructive criticism: maybe next time change the eyes a little? Maybe scrunched shut or wide with surprise/mirth? Great job nonetheless.
>>39125 That guy is doing the lord's work. I just wish one of them was in hysterics for a bit of variation, but that's just me being greedy.
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>>39445 Thanks, and will do! Btw, are there any drawing apps that you'd recommend? I've been wanting to properly edit their eyes to be different, but each app I use only seems to make things worse.
Anyone love specifically Uraraka tickle art? She just looks like she'd have big meaty soles, and those boots rarely coming off makes her such an amazing target in my eyes
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>>41431 >Tsuyu Always welcoming one from the frog girl which is actually cute, artist?
>>40935 Absolutely amazing find
>>57677 Source?
this little sketch by bluish is just too cute i have to put it here
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