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Shameless Venting your Tickling Fantasies! Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 03:57:16 Id: 53cd5c No. 15941
Excuse the picture I think it's funny... This is a thread for venting your tickling fantasies, this started from talk in whyboners thread about our m/m fantasies involving tickling mafias and the like.
A big fantasy of mine revolves around a “Serial Tickler” who has been terrorizing people throughout my local area. They break into peoples homes at night, gets them bound and tickled them practically to death. The victims aren’t physically harmed and nothing is stolen. The Tickler just wants to act out their sadistic desires. Well, one night as me and my wife are sleeping, the Tickler breaks in and slowly, and methodically gets us bound, mummy wrap style (don’t ask how lol), so just our heads and feet are sticking out. We are secured so we can’t move at all. We are both awoken from light tickling and we are so confused. It’s pitch black except a little bit of moonlight coming through the windows. It’s angled so the Tickler can see our soles perfectly but we can’t see them. They start tickling us both at the same time with fingers, and has a whole bag of toys waiting to get used. They start focusing on my wife, her laughter, screaming, pleading, yelling for me is so hot, hearing it all is getting me hard. The Tickler notices, so they start focusing on my soles, tickling the fuck out of them, now I’m howling and begging them to stop. My wife can do nothing but lay there listening to her husband cry and scream for this torture to stop. The Tickler takes it further by making an opening around my crotch, so my diamond hard cock is out and they can stroke me while vibrating brushes are attached to my wife’s soles. This goes on for what seems like eternity. Finally they offer my wife a deal; they will free her if she agrees to help them. She can’t take the tickling anymore and says yes. So now my wife is at my feet tickling my oiled soles, knowing all my worst spots, while the Tickler edges me. The “Tickler” is always a guy in my fantasies too.
>>42666 I NEED to know the video of the last gif
>>67470 twice; here >>33975 and also here >>56332 + there's another one right above this from the same artist(s) that anon also translated🙏 i don't think anyone added the translations to n/ehentai
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This one goes out to all you guys talking about your fantasies of some flavor or other of tickle cuckoldry. I want to tickle your wife. I want to tickle your girlfriend. I want to tickle your sisters and daughters and that one friend you always liked but never had the cojones to ask out. If she's an attractive lady, I probably want to tickle your mom. I would 100% be more into tickling someone if I knew there was a guy close to her that would get off to it. Doubly so if he wanted to watch. Triply so if his wife/girlfriend was absolutely helplessly ticklish but never lets her man have fun with it. And if she has big, soft, adorable feet? I may never want to leave. I want to tickle the shit out of the woman you love.
>>67601 Based
>>67601 I don't know how to feel about this.
>>15941 Someone spoke about tickle bullying which one of my all time deepest desires, the idea of trying to get through my day then getting mocked and teased for being smaller or weaker then getting tickled ruthlessly. Knowing it's my fate, especially being encircled and pushed from tickler to tickler, getting carried, raspberries or pinned publically. Knew someone that used try to embarrass people by act macho once held me and made his girlfriend tickle me from behind and I was an actual mess. He tickled ne a few other ways.
>>67601 Only if you get shot at the end, just like the olden days. :)
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>>67657 Ooo, did I touch a nerve? Calm down there slick, I'm just out to bully cucks (and their women). Your masculinity is safe.
I have a lot of culturally insensitive or just flat out racist fantasies although I don’t consider myself to actually be racist; I’m cool with everyone regardless of culture, ethnicity or religion. Sometimes I’ll imagine I’m from a traditional wealthy family in the Middle East, China, India, etc wherein through an arranged marriage I end up with a sexy and flawlessly obedient wife who has no choice but to submit to my tickling desires whenever I wish. Other times I just fantasize about being a full on southern plantation owner with a handful of sexy black slave girls who receive sadistic tickle torture for the most minimal of infractions. I think it’s more the inherent erotic aspects and genuine sense of true helplessness behind them that get me going. Plus it’s the ultimate power trip that excels beyond any dom/sub scenario you can imagine while still being acceptable or at least tolerated on a social awareness level. But either way…I fap…I cum…and then…shame.
>>67672 Unreasonably based. Tfw no tickle plantation.
>>67672 Imagine feeling shame, couldn't be me
>>67672 >>67672 Opposite here, I wanna get tickle tortured for being a white boy
>tfw you will never be a girl's plaything
>>67690 I feel that. Whether a fetish toy by white-boy obsessed asian pixie girls or the subject of teasing torture by big black diva mamas. And for some reason the idea of a latino chick pegging and tickling me out of contempt is hot as hell. Like there's that TA vid where one of the girls I think it was Tasha tickles a guy and makes him say how she's so hot and sexy and then ends it by saying he's weak and ugly for being so ticklish. I'm not into degrading domme stuff but just a little taste of that with tickling across racial lines is hot.
>>67697 Literally, white girls are ticklish is my favorite Yk honestly a huge turn on for me is getting tickled by someone that contempts or wants the worst for me. Giggling and laughing and squirming in someone's arms or under their fingers knowing they think I'm stupid and they dont like me DAMN
Getting back to ticklecest, for a while now I’ve imagined a scenario involving a brother and a sister (sometimes two brothers or a son and mother, but I keep going back to brother-sister) being kidnapped separately, knocked out and having hoods placed over their heads. The kidnappers then take the siblings into a room consisting a nondescript ceiling and floor, along with four walls covered with mirrors, with one of those walls having two-way mirrors behind which the kidnappers operate a control panel. Once siblings wake up, a pair of metal claws descend from the ceiling and remove their hoods. At this point, the brother finds he is being forced to stand by a soft, basic harness suspended from the ceiling and going under his arms, while his ankles are shackled and chained to the floor. He’s then shocked to see he’s completely naked and straddling a pair of ankles with the feet beside his genitals. Each ankle is wearing a shackle that is connected to a shackle on each one of his wrists (i.e. right ankle-right wrist, left ankle-left wrist). He then hears a scream behind him and looks in the mirrors to see his sister fully naked and bound to an armchair with her legs extended forward and her feet being the ones beside his genitals. The siblings are horrified and deeply embarrassed, closing their eyes so that they don’t have to see the situation they’re in. They’re not sure what to say or what to do, but then the brother hears his sister start to laugh and feels his penis being stimulated, causing him to open his eyes and see that a panel has opened in the floor in front of him with a pole extending upward out of the hole and a pair of robotic hands on the end tickling his sister’s feet, causing her to kick them around and inadvertently give the brother a footjob. Despite himself, the brother gets hard, but he tries to think of how to escape. At least, until two more poles and hands extend up from the floor behind him and proceed to tickle his butt, causing him to thrust his hips forward and unwillingly participate in the footjob. After a few minutes, the brother has given up on any hope of escaping and has been reduced to shutting his eyes and biting his lip in a desperate bid to ignore the sensations overwhelming him, while the sister can only laugh out loud after being broken by the tickling. They’re overwhelmed by humiliation…until they aren’t. He’s not sure when it happened, but the brother opens his eyes and sees that the shackles binding his wrists and his sister’s ankles have been released and fallen to the floor (thanks to a remote command from the kidnappers), and now he’s holding her ankles with his hands. As the robotic hands continue to tickle the sister’s feet, albeit more slowly, he wonders why he’s just now noticing how pretty those feet are, and how wondrous those smooth soles feel against his manhood. As he looks in the mirrors around him, he sees the robot hands still tickling his butt (slower, but still) and wonders how much fun it would be if they could, how to put it, go a little deeper? More than that, though, he sees his sister and is overwhelmed by just how irresistible she looks in that moment. For her part, the sister is leaning back in her chair, her arms freed, her nipples erect and her womanhood thoroughly wet as she giggles. She wonders how something like tickling could get her so turned on, but more than that, as she looks forward and in the mirrors around her, she wonders why she’s just now noticing how…impressive…her brother’s body is, and she feels oddly empowered by how she’s getting her brother off just by stroking him with her feet. Eventually, they stop speculating and embrace it all. The tickling, the footjob, and eventually, the climaxes. They’ll never know what lifted the veil concealing the feelings they had for each other and their fetishes. They never even had any previous inkling that that those feelings even existed in the first place, but it doesn’t matter. They’re aware of those feelings now, and even after they escape from the room via a door hidden behind one of the mirrors, they know this will not be the last time they indulge in those pleasures together. Granted, those feelings were never really buried within them in the first place. No, they were cultivated by the kidnappers and their control panel. Those incestuous feelings? A result of the siblings inhaling a highly potent aphrodisiac in the form of a colorless, odorless gas pumped into the room via a vent. That tickling fetish? A result of tiny concealed speakers in the harness and chair, speakers through which the kidnappers used AI to whisper to the siblings in their own voices, giving voice to those unconscious desires they “never knew they had.” Regardless, the siblings have fully embraced their shared fetish and mutual lust, and who knows, they may even come back to that room thank to a little post hypnotic suggestion planted in their minds by those AI speakers. Those kidnappers could use the footage, after all. Yeah, my mind’s a little twisted.
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>>67791 I gotta commend you for putting that fantasy into words. An excellent short erotica even. I very mush have the same tickle footjob fantasy. Where both giver and receiver are kidnapped unwilling participants. Even the double-sided mirror thing like you plucked straight out of my brain is a crazy coincidence. Same with the AI voice subliminal messaging though I imagined using one victims voice against the other's as to make them say thing they never would given their circumstance. The story and characters are nebulous and ever-changing every time I revisit it, like you have prefaced. But dude. Does it have to be incest? There are work-arounds here, man. Make it a friend or a crush. Girlfriend and boyfriend. Finances or husband and wife. Any sort of professional relationship like a boss or co-worker. A captured pair of spy agents, cliché, I know but it works. Hell. Just put the all important 'step-' in front of 'sister' is shit's Gucci. I don't know. I don't know what I'm trying to convince you of. You set yourself up from the start with "ticklecest" so I don't know what else I was expecting when reading through it all.
>>67590 Wanted to update my fantasy with pics of me and my wife’s soles. Hopefully there’s no Ticklers out there that will break in and torture us…..
>>67797 For me, the incest just adds a tantalizing taboo element to it, especially given the subliminal/externally suggested origin of it. Any of the work-arounds you suggested would fly, though. Kinda crazy the number of parallels between our fantasies, eh?
>>67800 Both of you would be so in for it. Mummified, toe-tied, and howling with laughter. Especially that adorable wife of yours. I could spend hours just on those arches.
>>67601 I've always loved the idea of someone else, who actually enjoys tickling, going at my wife's soles. Good for people like you!
>>67835 Oh no, not that, anything but that!
from the first coom thread. >>56912 >I was 13, my sister was tickling my feet and I thought I peed myself, ran to the bathroom and yeah...taking that to the grave. >yeah, not gonna lie. Long haired pretty tomboy with maybe the most feathered touch I've ever felt, who loves to torture guys and makes this little tongue poking out smirk when doing so.
When this influx of smug findom “paid to exist” social media cunts peaked, it tweaked that sadist node in my brain way more than I expected. So another fantasy I often have is about tickling the ever loving shit out of these “I’m hot so give me money because I have no other use in society” cam whores. Said fantasies usually includes kidnapping, bondage and excessive tickling to which they start out arrogant and cursing me out but inevitably they become whimpering, sobbing little bitches begging for mercy with teary lines of black mascara drying against their flushed red cheeks. In some cases I imagine myself tickling them to the point where they piss themselves (not into that sexually but just adds to the humiliation) and/or pass out entirely. Other versions I tell her the tickling only stops if she begs me to fuck her (more humiliation) as she’s bound on her back with her legs up. I keep tickling as I fuck her but then of course after busting that nut I laugh and keep tickling as they scream and weep. In all versions I’m wearing a mask to hide my identity and filming the whole thing (more humiliation) usually ending with her passing out, being dumped somewhere and after coming to, having no idea where to even begin finding me. In this fantasy the fear of the video surfacing forces her to disappear off the internet and hopefully eventually find something more meaningful to do with her life. In another version I tell her if she tries to pursue legal action then the video goes online for all to see. Since all she cares about is her social status and popularity she’s basically sworn to silence and I can even use the video to blackmail her further. Plus she has to keep doing the internet findom thing since I want to keep admiring her from afar. One more variant has it set up like a livestream on a private server where people vote on what I do to get next so she can see just how sadistic her fanbase really is. Based this one off of an old episode of law and order I saw… I know that any of those endings absolutely would not work in real life and I’d totally end up in prison while she gets even more money from simps out of sympathy but suspension of disbelief regarding sexual fantasies is a beautiful thing. Disclaimer: and yes I know these women are totally exploiting pathetic cuck worshippers and they wouldn’t be as prolific if not for the thousands of simps who want to be treated this way; they caught the golden snitch of life. I guess the fantasy exists in a bubble of sorts where they’re just spoiled rotten smug bitches who deserve to be punished.
>>68016 Absolutely based fantasy. Smug, spoilt bitches with no talent other than flaunting their bodies make the most deserving of lees. Love the idea of letting a smug foid's 'fanbase' choose her tickle punishments. I know most of these girls are under no delusion of what kind of people are following them but if they really knew how depraved they can get this would really open their eyes and make them think twice about their 'career' choice.
>>67852 >>67872 I'm gonna need both of your wives barefoot in the stocks right this second.
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>>68039 Definitely, she deserves it for always being barefoot anyway
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>>68039 Sounds great, hopefully you can handle her stompers. BTW they're genuinely feather ticklish.
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A recent one that's been on my mind: A lesbian stalker tickle torturing my gf and I For context I post hella feet and tickle content of my gf. My fantasy is a lesbian stalker who has a crush on my gf developing a delusional parasocial relationship with her and dislikes the way I keep tickle torturing her. So she captures us both. She “gets revenge” on my girlfriend's behalf by tickling my feet and indulges in worshipping my girlfriend's feet. Problem is, gf is actually so ticklish that worshipping ends up tickling her. The stalker realizes that lickling my girlfriend + tickling me is actually turning me on. But she wants me to suffer. So she somehow rationalizes that the quickest way for me to stop enjoying it is to cum as quickly as possible for that post-orgasm torture. So she puts her smelly feet in my face and gets me off, all while still enjoying my gf’s feet and sending her into hysterics with each lick. Then, because I’m a switch, we get out and tickle her in revenge till she breaks. Happy ending all around >pic related, is us
This story perfectly captures my fantasy: https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/julia-the-interrogator-f-m-feet.434572/ Basically, having my feet tickled by an attractive female dom who's clearly into this. The fact that I'm 20yo with size 12 feet just like the story's lee and keep my feet as pampered as possible sure helps lmao. I even thought of applying to TickleIntensive become a tickling/foot model but I'm too much of a pussy to star in actual porn. The pic seems to be AI-generated, and it's the best AI tickling piece out there IMO. The ler's joy of seeing and teasing those flawless soles mere inches from her face, the cute lee trying his best to supress giggles as her hands barely touch his heels. Some tools on the table along with a bottle of what I assume might be some sensitivity enhancing lotion like Teeva's T-Oil. Everything implicates that he's there for a long ticklish ride. And judging by the ler's expression, she would love to worship his feet if he'll be a good boy and submit. Or use her teeth/tongue/lips as tickle tools otherwise.
>>68066 Based fantasy, I rarely thinking of cucking but when I do it's a lesbian tickling the fuck out of me then making me watch her make out with my gf, if I try to protest she tickles me or they both do
Few days ago I realized that I really want to tickle my gf's older sister.. She is like 10years older than her, no kids, crappy bf, thick and very fun to hang out with. We were at the aquapark and she shortly and joyfully tickled my gf from behind and also another girl who was with us so I tickled her back on her ribs shortly too and she laughed happily. I know for sure that she loves tickling, takes it more like a way how to have a bond with someone but she also is kinda kinky (on one of our visits my gf found cuffs under her bed accidentally) and I'm dreaming I could tickle her someday even more. Maybe while someone would hold her arms too. Tying and tickling her would be too ambitious and she would have to be drunk for that haha, but I can always fantasize about that...
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>>67872 >>68053 So you’re that couple that’s been positing videos for the better part of a decade on porn streaming sites right? I recognize those size 11 lady feet immediately.
>>68158 it's funny, i dont even consider this a cucking fantasy necessarily, more of a f/mf tickling fantasy but i guess there are elements of cuck shit here

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