/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Futanari tickling Anonymous 09/28/2021 (Tue) 04:44:11 Id: 0c90b3 No. 1819
i know some of us turbo degenerates have been waiting for someone to make this thread, so i may as well make it, i've been craving for some of it lately.
>>64082 Brecause girls with dicks don't exist?
>>64082 Because you're watching a girl get tickled, which you find hot and then she has a dick getting jerked off and it looks like it feels good and makes you want to jerk off. And TA doesn't do that because Futas aren't real. Duh.
>>64082 >>62770 From what I remember, MFS has always done Futanari. In fact I've rarely ever seen him to F/M stuff.
>>64082 >"And why can't some studio toss a girl with a dick in the stocks" This is the "community" we are in... This is the reality that we live in...
>>64082 t-girl tickling is the closest to futa and the studios who have made those videos have said they didn't sell for shit. Though part of that is they can't find any good models it seems. They get fuggos who wouldn't pass even to a drunk and/or who aren't ticklish or don't have much reaction. For whatever reason most t-girls I've been with had absolutely no interest in exploring tickling and weren't really ticklish themselves.
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Last pic here may be getting colored soon. I'll post it if it does.
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Do you guys ever think women want to be this horny if they had dicks? I mean don't most of us get one shot and then just fuck off to something else?
The way I see it, women can go multiple rounds at a time, so just compound that with a penis and you’re going to have a pretty fuckin rough time if you aren’t a power bottom willing for a long night. Unless women aren’t stupid sex fiends and porn lied to me, but porn wouldn’t ever lie to me
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>>67892 would you happen to have a source? thank you
>>67925 For fuck sake do a god damned reverse image search bruh; I found it in like 30 seconds. It’s Deebo on pixiv but I’m not posting the link here as it also has straight up child fucking art; in fact this one looks like the only tickling piece he ever did.
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Who drew the third one??? Was it Twomario??
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From TWACCs twitter
>>68019 Sauce for the first two?
>>68043 FTiggle on twitter. A commission they did for me recently, they haven't posted it anywhere as far as I know.
>>68047 who's the 2nd character in the fourth pic and the first character in the fith pic
>>68048 2nd character in the 4th pic is Jem from Jem and the Holograms. First character in the last pic is Stevie, she's an OC of Freetzo
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>>68047 whoever is commissioning these foot-cock-head boxes, please keep going, this is the hottest stuff ever.
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>>68100 Will do
>>68047 source on the mario pic?
>>68144 Where did you find this pic?
>>68164 Probably Bombers Twitter page more than likely

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