/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Captions After Dark (aka the loli tickle caption containment thread) Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 00:35:01 Id: 8e4a19 No. 19983
Fun for all ages!~
>>41161 You're welcome. But nobody posted nothing new, I fail😢
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Anyone wanna have another go at Anya?
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Ok the scenario practically writes itself here lol
>>32439 Shortstack ain’t the same as loli dude
>>42762 Zoe is built like a loli what are you on about
>>32439 The concept is so good that it deserves one.
I had some spare time and looked through the previous caption threads to see if anything piques my interest. Thus, I cooked this up. I decided to reference another piece where Misty gets tickled by Bellsprouts towards the end. I also wasn’t completely sure if this belongs in the loli thread or not, but Misty is (presumably) her normal age in this image, so I decided to put it here. Hope you enjoy it.
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Anyone else here a fan of The Owl House?
Hi, anons, I'm new to this 8-chan thing, but I'm also into the tickle fetish (and also the foot fetish). I'm a fan of writing, I've written a couple of tickling stories, and I'm interested in this caption thing. I like lolis too, so if anyone has a suggestion give me a tag with the image in question and I'll see what I can do. My only condition is no male ler
>>48713 >My only condition is no male ler Based newfag. How about any of these Amphibia ones? Sasha prefered, Marcy a very close second, and Anne and very welcome third.
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>>48713 I think this might just be what you're looking for
>>48713 Handful of past images I liked to see if you have any interest in them >>35288 >>36253 >>32814 >>29767 >>24315 >>20312
>>48713 Hello would like to request this >>20789 or this >>21147
Any of these would be fine
Take your pick my friend.
>>48939 I'm not an art guy, and not the guy you're talking about. But I'll just write a paragraph or two for Zoe (I love chibiusa, but the situation in pic isn't my vibe for writing) and someone else can add it to some sort of complete pic or something, I dunno, just keep in mind I am thinking of dub Ranamon for this. "Mhmm, I have to congratulate myself. Didn't know ticklin' could be so fun and so tantalizing at the same time." Ranamon said with a giggle as she sat down on a stone chair, enjoying her handiwork that stood before her. Zoe, poor little Zoe, was held to the wall by her disembodied hands, a wild smile affixed to her face. Her body had already been stripped bare. Nothing was left untouched, It was like being tickle molested by a caterpillar. So many hands and feathers tickling her smooth belly, little ass, petite breasts, and even her fresh pussy. As much as she hated it, all she could do is respond with laughter. Ranamon was already enjoying recounting how it became so kinky in her head. "Pleeasehehahaha! I'll talkhahaha! Just sthahahap alreadyyyhehehe!" Zoe pleaded. She had been tickled for hours at this point. What started as an interrogation had turned into a play time for Ranamon. She became curious about the cuteness of this human's body, how weak she was to the feathering and prodding from her floating hands. If just a belly button feathering was enough to make her giggle like a little girl, then what would happen if she added more and more? "Oh, interrogation is already over, sugar. I'm just doin' this for fun. What, you're not havin' fun? Could just destroy you here and now if you want, and your little friends too. What are you complaining about, anyway? Lookin' down there, it looks like that smile is comin' from more than just my tickling." Ranamon said with a gentle yet sly giggle. Indeed, from the moment she had become entranced with Zoe's tortured giggles, she knew she had to have more and more of it. Her body, so soft, still maturing, it meant that she would be ticklish like no other. The squeal Zoe made when her top was taken off and vest removed was extravagant, Ranamon actually enjoyed being called a dirty pervert before a feather attacked Zoe's right nipple in flitters as another hand groped her other breast in such a way that it was like a gripping motor boat, vibrating in its hold and interrupting Zoe's desperate insults and turning them into mirthful pleas of mercy. "Oh me, oh my, these are smaller than mine. And just as ticklish as your tummy. Is this your first time? Does it feel good, or does it tickle? Or maybe you should be asking me if I care how you feel. Because I'll tell you, darlin', I don't." Those words, Ranamon remembered how Zoe reacted to those words. It was like she had given up and threw her head back in wild and girlish laughter as her body trembled from her little breasts being tickled and toyed with. Ranamon remembered her words well. "Nooohahaha! Sthahahap! This is wronghahaha! Leave them alonehahahaha!" Ranamon would just give her a cruel chuckle, she didn't understand just how 'wrong' Ranamon really was. Ranamon was a digimon, after all. In a situation like this, if she could make her opponent die laughing, she'd do it. But Zoe was a special case, she was so delicious, she loved how she laughed and struggled, it was a sexy dance she couldn't keep her eyes off of. "Oh, honey, it ain't even started yet." Ranamon said with a sneer. She remembered how Tommy reacted when her one hand was tugging at his shorts, and with Zoe, decided it'd be more fun to go the whole way. "Bottoms down!" Ranamon said with a mocking cheer as she pulled down Zoe's skirt and panties in one pull, being rewarded with a loud squeal before she broke back into laughter, even more so, as if being exposed made her more ticklish. "Nooohahahah! Noohahaha! Not therehahaha! Pleasehahahaha!" Zoe begged in her laughter, her legs trembling and trying to break Ranamon's grip to close and protect her precious and sensitive slit. "What's wrong? You don't seem to want to let boys look at it. My my, it's so cute! I wonder if this hole is as ticklish as the one on your tummy" Ranamon said with a lick to her lips. Ranamon had moved away the hand still assaulting Zoe's belly button and slowly brought her face to her belly button. Ranamon blew on her belly lightly, noting Zoe's belly reacting with some retractions as her giggling became as sporadic as her begging. "Oh goody, I know this is going to be fun." Ranamon said with an innocent smile as she leaned in and began to lick along and inside Zoe's belly button, tasting her while feeling her body jerk and attempt to turn from how ticklish it was. "Nooohahaha! I can't-I can't-nghhhhahahahahahahaha!" Poor Zoe was having trouble finishing her words at this point, uncontrollably breaking into laughing fits as Ranamon swirled her tongue inside her ticklish button as her disembodied hands squeezed her sides, toyed with her breasts, and now, unfortunately for Zoe, spider crawling along her ass and sliding fingers along her hairless and smooth pits. It was a false euphoria in which most would already lose their mind. Ranamon blew a single raspberry on Zoe's body, and it was enough to invoke screaming laughter as she was able to move her torso away from her tongue by a whole inch. "MMmmm, impressive. Now then, let's see if we get the same reaction when we lick THIS hole, shall we?" Ranamon giggled as she trailed her tongue down to Zoe's crotch. She kissed each lip of Zoe's petals, making Zoe struggle at her hardest. "Nonononohahahahaha! I'll do anythahahaha! Don't do this to mmeeeeehhahahahaha!" Zoe cried. She wanted to stop laughing, she was tearing up as her sides began to split. Crying from the pain of laughter and the impending violation of her nethers. "Time for a taste" Ranamon gave a lick... And only one lick on Zoe's pussy, gently pushing her tongue inside for but a moment to feel Zoe's body tighten up and a single moan escape her giggly lips. But that was it, Ranamon pulled away as she looked at the still laughing girl with an evil smile. "Oh please, as if I'd degrade myself pleasuring a useless human. You may have not wanted it, girlie. But trust me, me having you like that would have been a mercy. Now then, I suppose I should give you some consolation prize. Oh, I know! How about more tickles? Cootchy coo!" Ranamon snapped her fingers as another disembodied hand appeared in front of Zoe's face. Zoe was sweating, her face deep red, her laughter still bright and cheery and full of distress as she watched as the hand waved at her and slowly sunk down, and put itself between her legs. It was over, Zoe began to laugh deliriously, unable to form words. The hand began to squeeze her inner thighs, jumping from one to the other with ease. It placed fingers on her folds and ticklishly vibrated along them to make her body heave forward in a terrible laughing fit, and even spread her walls to ticklishly wiggle a finger along her inner walls. Mixed with everything else and Zoe was finally broken, looking into nothing, laughing with a wide smile on her face. Ranamon didn't care if Zoe was never herself again after this, she didn't even care if the tickling would make her cum anyway. All she cared about was... "Oh, I hope you don't think this is the only session, sugar. I don't want you to break until about a year in. I gotta get myself off to your giggling too, ya know?"
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>>34522 Made a caption for this.
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Found this on Discord, idk who made it tho.
>>48943 I wonder why there hasn't been any comments on this this. Great writing dude! Loved the focus on her embarrassed reactions and how the tickler is getting off on it. Can we expect more from you?
>>62173 it depends on whats posted and if i can personally think of something i myself can get off to
>>62180 You heard the man, post lolis you faggots
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Hey! I took a few requests from the captions thread about a week or so ago, and I figured, why not do the same on the dark back alley version of it? So, I'm now officially taking reqs here. And yes, I know there's a bunch of old ones, but I'd rather see some new ones, so... Would you kindly?
>>66439 Biting once again, here's a bunch of options
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>>66439 Any of these look good?
>>66439 >>66443 Sauce on the first one?
>>66444 Found it on Discord, apparently this is the artist? https://www.deviantart.com/xeiss
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>>66439 This scene is one of the most viewed and popular, in addition to being my personal favorite, I still remember when I saw this scene in the movie and it caused me both hilarity and excitement due to the protagonist's bad luck. Therefore, I think that recounting the events or describing the thoughts and feelings of the unfortunate Kiki would be pleasant to read.
>>66443 I love Wonder Loli, so here's this! Hope you like it! Thanks for the other requests too, everybody, I'll see if I can get something going at some point later on.
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>>66439 Have ones that include a loli or only a loli
>>66443 Sauce for the WW pic?
>>66469 Nice one man. Like how you got creative there, you built a whole back story around it. Also, irrespective of the writing itself, it's refreshing to see a caption writer who doesn't reliably pick the worst suggested image everytime lol
>>66471 Source on soul eater pic?
>>66487 original source is deleted, but it is also part of this https://www.deviantart.com/solesgoodman/art/Some-drafts-about-Medusa-948916819

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