/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Pics and ticklish fates Anonymous 09/01/2021 (Wed) 03:48:28 Id: 7caf9c No. 206
I’m doing a copycat thread here because I’m impatient and 8kun is having a temper tantrum. If you haven’t seen the other thread, the purpose of this thread is for people to post pictures of various body parts, and have other people reply with what they would do to them. The original one was made for feet but I’m not so into that so I’m opening it up a little bit more. Let’s start with me. I’m 19, female, and yes I know I’m a little chubby, I’m working on it. Also sorry for the bug bites the mosquitos get vicious at this time. I’m pretty ticklish and have always enjoyed it, but not so into the whole borderline non-consent type deal, though you can say whatever you want, I won’t stop you. I’ll tell you that my ideal scenario is being treated softly, cuddled, and teased. I’m a big baby and I might cry if you’re too mean to me. I also have lots of giggles to go around and will probably start laughing before you even touch me.
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Fuck it. Here's my sweaty gym feet. Try me y'all, if you dare.
>>44345 Kek, dare what, anon? Make a sweaty gym bro howl with laughter? I'm sorry, but those look so soft, I can't really take you too seriously. You wouldn't have posted such pretty soles if they weren't awfully ticklish anyways, would you? I have a feeling you know very well how no amount of muscle training is going to make them any less of a vulnerable tickle spot, and furthermore, you can't help but feeling an electrifying tingle of submissive pleasure at knowing if those were locked in some sturdy stocks and someone's nails were going absolutely crazy all over them, you'd turn into a crying ticklish mess in no time, absolutely melting in begs for mercy and helpless screams of delicious out of control laughter. Heh, I'd even go as far as betting that a couple of minutes of the brush moving up and down non-stop with just a bit of oil over those soles would have you asking for forgiveness amid crazed laughter, wishing you'd never submitted yourself to the lust-crazed ticklers of /tkr/... Now tell me, how right am I, sexy gym feet anon?
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Not super ticklish in a lot of places but I am so ungodly sensitive here... would love to know what u think ;)
>>44401 What I think, anon, its that it's quite lovely to see you so... excited to show off that 'ungodly sensitive' belly of yours. Call it a hunch, but I think you wouldn't really mind if I were to straddle you and have my way with that pale, slightly muscular midsection- at least not for the first couple of minutes. Once I got to really digging into those sides, massaging your hips with my thumbs, skittering my nails over your abs, blowing raspberry after raspberry on that bellybutton, and tears of laughter were streaming down the sides of your face as you laughed harder than you've ever laughed before, non-stop, for so long your head was spinning and your smile was getting painful, and you couldn't breathe because the tickles just wouldn't stop... Well, you might have a different opinion at that point, but I suppose it wouldn't matter, would it? After all, it'd be up to me to decide when I've had enough of using you as my tickle toy, and sexy teases like you can't get too upset if someone chooses to ignore their pleas for mercy and tickle them halfway crazy. Not to say I wouldn't reward you for receiving my ticklish love and attention until you were reduced to a breathless little puddle of sweat and tears. If that second pic is any indication, I'm sure after all that I could just move my nails slightly down from your belly and find other ticklish ways to pass the time you might find a bit more pleasurable.
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I’ll toss my size 16’s back into the ring, now that the threat is back. What do you “evil” ticklers got?
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Trying to bump this thread. She's a size 8, some of the most immaculate ticklish soles I've ever seen in my fucking life. She gets bi-weekly pedis so they're always smooth as fuck. Would love to hear how yall would torment the fuck out of her feet :) no answer is wrong as long as it's as brutal as possible
>>44528 >>you “evil” ticklers Oh, we're nothing like that, I can assure you. You'd get nothing but the most sincere appreciation for those gigantic, sensitive soles. Why, they look so awfully delectable, we'd all be remiss if we didn't shower them with kisses and bites every single day. Hell, every single second. Every inch of them, being caressed by eager teeth, raking against them on every sensitive spot, and warm, rough tongues, pressed harshly against the supple pale skin. Nibbling on every toe, licking against the arch, biting on the ball of the foot, the heel... repeatedly, without mercy, without any concern for how ticklish those hypersensitive soles look. Eager, desperate mouths. Unwilling to stop, even if the owner of the terribly ticklish skin being subjected to their loving attention is howling and kicking, laughing too hard to beg, losing their mind asking in gibberish for a second of rest from the sensations melting their brain and pushing their deeply submissive desires to their limit. Yeah, I imagine we'd have to lock them in a pair of stocks to show them our true fondness. With some nice toeties, surely. Hours on end of being ravaged by lusftul mouths that want to make out with those beautiful big feet, caressing them with their soft breath, punishing them with the sharp canines tantalizing the nerve endings, so vulnerable right under the thin skin, fighting over every inch of big, ticklish sole to get their owner to scream and laugh the hardest. Hmm, I'd bet we'd never let them go. After all, big, sensitive, sof-looking feet like those belonging to a tickle slut that'd put them in our care so readily are surely meant to be in some sturdy stocks, being worshipped by cruel ticklers forever. >>45156 >no answer is wrong as long as it's as brutal as possible Now, isn't that a proper motto for this thread? Pens, anon. Sharp-tipped, harhsly pressed pens, all over the pale, smooth and perfectly taken care of skin. Not randomly, of course, but making careful markings over every inch of her skin: writing, reflecting the clinical examination of those soles' sensitivities. Separating every area and determining how crazy it drives their owner as the pens dig so deeply into their plush skin, they can feel them tickling their nerve endings directly, sending crazed forceful orders straight into their brain to cause them to convulse and screech with laughter, to tense the muscles of their entire body and make their face contort into a painful smile, just because of a single, tiny surface contact that won't stop moving up and down their pale and hypersensitive arches. All being carefully recorded, of course, so we can later identify and access those delightful sensitive spots and we can figure out which possible tickle tools make their owner cry and beg for mercy the loudest, so we can truly drive them insane. And don't you worry about the accumulation of ink, anon, that would surely happen as we'd need to clean those soles and start the process a hundred times over before we can finish mapping every vulnerable nerve ending we could tantalize to make drive their owner into an endless ticklish frenzy. Some soapy water and some wide, slightly rough brushes will probably do the trick. They'd clean those smooth as fuck soles and leave them pink, raw and sensitized again for the next cycle of the process. They'd tickle like hell, of course. Like a literal tickle hell of stimulation brought upon every inch of her soles, relentlessly, without mercy, for so long her she'd pass out laughing only to wake up again and come back to the same ticklish torture of her nightmares. Now, if they snap her mind too bad and she ends up laughing like a maniac for the rest of her days non-stop, well, that'd make the process of mapping all the sensitive spots on those soles a bit harder, wouldn't it? But no matter, we'd press on the endeavor. It'd be our duty, really. After all, if someone keeps their soles that perfectly smooth, soft and sensitive, aren't they essentially begging for someone to make them their tickle toy?
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>>45307 I can only agree with you anon ;) she deserves nothing in this world but to be driven insane for showing off her well-treated soles as she does. If she sculpts them to be as soft as possible, then it is only fair that they are proportionally treated to the highest degree of tickle torture. I say we lock her in some kind of wall, with only her feet exposed with the rest of her hidden away wrapped in heavy bondage inside her prison. I bet you could figure out where we should take that though, yes? ;)
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How we feel about tickling dicks and assholes? I'm feeling spicy.
>>45489 damn boy you got a smurf living in that thing?
>>45156 Would have her tied up face down, while her soles are upwards in the air toward me. The sniffing and tickling would be so climactic, would get drunk off the smells and sweats she would probably make. Rubbing my face sometimes, I would rub my chin whisker shaved face up and down those soles.Fingers dancing, tongue going in and out of those yummy tootsies. Sniffing and rubbing my face all over her feet, feeling her soft textures on my face whiling drinking in Women’s scent of feet. My God Anon, I hope you’re tickling her well. Her first session with me would be a LONG one, just want to put those feeties up afterward and put my Dick in between and tickling and fucking till I Cum all over you feet. Lastly, to make her feel liike a Queen, would liike up the Cum while it’s on her feet. Her laughter would become my pleasure. Simply yummy feet Anon. :3
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Just looking at random Anon soles are niice, I’ll put my di k in between your feet while I be running my hand and tools across your soles. Hear your laughter would cheer me up. :3
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This dumb bitch kept complaining that I was "blocking her sun", so please, jerk off to her soles, write stories about how she gets buried in the sand and punished, do what you gotta do For reference, she looked about 25, had brownish hair with blonde highlights with her hair tied back in a knot, and she looked vaguely Norwegian/Swedish/Polish
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>>50599 >dumb bitch told me to fuck off before she pepper sprayed me, let's all crank it to her feet pics i snapped before i waddled away footfags post shit like this then wonder why they can't land any dates or sessions with women. you sound like an actual sociopath talking like this
>>50608 Strawman defeated!
My honest reaction to all the shit you post here
>>50599 Based.
>>50599 Would be nice to jerk to if I knew what her face looked like
Are there any women here anymore? I'd like to know how good my body is if that makes any sense Nothing sexual tho
>>50875 You're telling me the girl in a stock image is the same girl you found at a beach, and you happened to draw the connection to this random stock image
>>50953 ....yes, I managed to stumble across the same exact girl in this random stock image... small world, I guess
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how do ya like necromancy? and more feet pls tease. i love the tickle talk, its just so dhagjfbdksjj
>>52638 Your toes defiantly deserve to be feathered
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>>52645 anon that’s very cute of you to say, but there’s more to them than just the toes ;>
>>52638 Nah, those toes deserved to be toetied until those soft soles are seamless. Then they'd deserve a nice set of feather-like skittering from the base of your toes down to those heels... Up and down, up and down...
Had a friend who made a tickling video for me not too long ago. She's a size 6 1/2 in U.S Women's, and pretty damn ticklish to boot. Figured I'd share some screencaps, to see if anyone felt interest in this poor girl and her feet :)
>>56652 You're damn right I'm interested You have discord?
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Got my girlfriend the paw socks and she won't stop teasing me in em. Do your absolute worst, she's most ticklish on her feet, thighs, hips and ass. Show no mercy
>>56656 Yup, username is oliv.hud
How do you hide a thread? Tired of seeing a fat man's stomach in the catalog
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>>56665 >>56657 Some more plus tum and thighs

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