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Artists you hate 4: the sperg awakens Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 11:39:57 Id: 50ccb9 No. 29239
last thread hit bump limit, continue ridiculing spergs
>>37100 She released another pic just a couple of hours ago, too! >>37112 That Narly Jinn idea is honestly kind of genius.
so like what the fuck? why do we get so many spergs doing this kind of shit?
>>37122 Probably because it's easy. I imagine you still get some engagement from people who want to RP and it's so much easier to just slap a picture up and go "RP!' rather than to learn to write or draw. And we all know everyone will just go with whatever the easiest option is.
>>36448 Frisk, why are you such a dick to your watches? like bruh DA is filled with annoying autists, no shit. You legit don't care about your watchers and are now insulting them by saying they're boring you like bruh who died and made you miss thang? Lmao
>>34816 this base pisses me off every time I see it anthonygoody go fuck yourself
>>37219 I'm glad someone else agrees that that base is horrendous. If you use that base (i.e. slapping a pair of low quality feet in front of some pre-existing image) you're not really an artist if you ask me. Copying and pasting stuff especially hands/feet and using bases without any change other than color seems extremely lazy.
Reviving this thread, because it's one of my favorites despite the debauchery that goes on here. MLP Thread had me remember this guy. I don't know why they have as big of a fanbase as they do outside of MLP fans eating this shit up, because his art-style's disgusting as hell.
>>37808 i like the artstyle, it makes the feet look soft and chubby
>>37808 >>37813 yeah, it's not great but very easily could be if he refined it. Potential is there, if nothing else.
Does anyone other than her give a fuck about these characters?
>>37912 At first I didn't think it was anything notable, but now its gotten to the point where it's actually concerning. Like looking at her DA, the last time she drew a piece that include a Sun/Moon-like animatronic was in August. I mean sure, you're allowed to draw whatever you want but we have now surpassed PF and Caroo levels of fixation and stateless that I didn't think were possible. FNAF doesn't even have quality characters for fetish art imo other than Roxanne.
>>37914 I can understand having a hyperfixation on a character, being obsessed and doing a bunch of stuff involving them for a bit. Like sometimes you just have a character that stays in your mind for a hot minute and you get ideas going. But it's gotten to a point where I can't remember a time where she drew anything other than the Sun/Moon characters or variations of them
>>37912 >>37914 >>37915 >"her" >"she" kek
>>37915 Right? Like I don't know how she doesn't get at least a bit bored of using the same character over and over again. Idk maybe it's just me, but variety is what makes doing artwork fun. I could never find myself just sticking to one character every single time I draw for months on end. It just leads to stale creativity and art block
(5.05 MB 436x640 critkid7139-critkid.gif)

>>37914 >FNAF doesn't even have quality characters for fetish art imo other than Roxanne. beyond shit taste, let me introduce to you.
>>37917 She is a girl. Just an ugly one.
>>37919 Creepy-ass mouth, pupils but no eyes, circular head that looks like an egg... top that with the fact that it needed to be modded to look remotely fuckable. I'll fucking pass, no thanks
>>37919 Based taste. Draw her more.
>>37924 what's wrong anon, do you not like girls with simple designs so you gravitate to borderline furfag bait?
>>37935 I'm a furfag so yes. What gave you your first clue?
>>37919 Dunno why tf she has to take out her beak. Really takes away from the furry factor. Looks like Pax Man on a body bruh On the other hand...Monty tho. I'd put that in stocks.
Probably should have spent less time worrying about pronouns
>>37948 .......I don't get it. Never seen that artist post about pronouns.
>>37948 >especially energy bills Thank putin
>>37948 Wow you’re a petty piece of shit, even for this boards standards, get a fucking a life dude
>>37959 Found Hugh Mungus boys
>>37948 I’m genuinely confused as to what this is doing here. Not defending her, just when compared to everything else in this thread this feels more like a “Oh look at this bitch having normal human problems. What a cunt amirite?”
>>37948 Fuck man, I don't care how much you don't "prefer" an artists. This is just incredibly petty. I suppose you kick puppies and orphans for fun when you're not being a demon, right?
>>37960 much meme, very lol, wow
>>37959 >>37968 Watch, he’s going to turn around and accuse us all of being the same person.
>>37948 HL is kind of annoying but nothing she's done is worth this much venom, jesus man. I could picture this level of contempt for other artists but what did HL do to piss in your cheerios? tell us your story. is that you, Diesel Rose Valentine?
>>37938 Monty is hot but also downright psychotic, which just means he absolutely deserves any ruthless tickling that comes to him.
(58.67 KB 1024x768 grampa.jpg)

>>37948 >>37951 >>37959 >>37960 >>37963 >>37968 >>37974 Psychotically screaming about random artists with little to no justification has been a ticklefag tradition since DeviantArt. This guy is never going to come back and explain what his beef is because as far as he is concerned he didn't think he needed to have to justify it. Autistically flipping the table over any perceived wrongdoing is just "what we do".
>>37978 Greatest comment ever. I applaud you good sir.
>>36575 i talked with the artist about this…. and i agree with him
to add on to the previous comment

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