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Lost art Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 11:39:37 Id: e6f93c No. 5200
Time is cruel, post the art that you were able to rescue. First 5 images by color-arcano Last image by reati
>>47843 Nvm, found it and I'm putting it in the other thread lol
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>>45407 I found it at last! This is parts 1-5
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>>49217 Parts 6-10
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>>49218 what the fuck
I am commenting just to get that cursed-ass art off the front page.
>>49240 Thank you
>>38067 >>49217 >>49218 This is terrible, why did you even want this?
I've realized it too late that Kanahiyori (https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/31085087 ) deletes his art every month. Did anyone happen to archive his artwork from the past months, please?
Here's some stuff from TWACC.
TheGifTickler deactivated his account. Does anyone have an archive of his stuff? I'm particularly looking for his animated version of Slenderwoman.
>>63539 Quite the whiplash I got seeing an OC of mine here, the kitsune I mean. I know TGT pretty closely, could ask if he has any old gifs saved.
>>63540 The Kitsune girl is really cute, did she have a name?
>>63551 Ukkino. I still use her in RP to this day actually, she's a favorite of mine.
>>63561 What's her personality like?
>>63539 Here you go, friend! Unfortunately, I can't say that I have everything, though.
https://e-hentai.org/g/2879565/7a57da838c/ Download before this becomes true lost media. Had given up hope on getting any of these but some gigachad uploaded them to this site. No idea what the OG creators name was or why he deleted his account but the Yamato stuff has to be new. There is info in the bottom left corner of every picture but google searches turn up nothing.
>>64547 I've been looking too. I found a pic here: https://www.deviantart.com/lucas235863/art/Tsunade-tickle-feet-937639112 He links it to a pixiv account that doesn't exist anymore running it through a translator brings the text: Works by Hei Hei Xiaobai. Search "Hei Hei Xiaobai" on iDian. All works are only 20 yuan.
>>64567 I'm sorry what website??? Nothing shows up when I try to Google it not the name you have. Do you have a link by any chance?
>>64576 I don't, that;s just what I found when I put the images in Google and translated the text.
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>>64576 >>64580 He used to be on AFDIAN. What was uploaded is essentially all he'd done, minus a bunch of alts.
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https://nhentai.net/g/504136/ Has some alts of his,,
>>63673 Lots of lore to her given she's from an original world I made, let's just say while very dominating some days, she's a very hard switch in terms of preferences. an 8chan board about lost art doesn't seem like the best spot for sharing random OC lore that no one cares about
>>64588 That one's super cute, love her subtle changes in expression, from concern, to worry, to her lips starting to curl, to laughter.
from someone called Ghostely on dA. according to saucenao, first one is titled 'Giggle Ranch - Bargirls' and the second is 'Giggle Ranch - Tickle 3some'. does anyone know if there was more of this or if this was a comic?
>>24606 Seconded
Hey, does someon have the pic of Yellow (from Pokemon) tied to a bed and tickled by Jessie and her pokemon? It was on Asa's stash
>>65785 maybe stop spamming every thread with the same fucking question
>>65798 Bro chill. I just asked it in a few threads that were related to that pic
Does anybody saved the stuff from 69ingchicken? He deleted everything
There used to be an amazing AoT tickling story on DA until recently, a trilogy about Mikasa being interrogated by Annie in a dungeon setting. I'm talking real S tier, fantastic fucking tickle torture, unironically peak fiction. Artist name is idontwanna99. For unknown reasons, he deleted all his shit. Does anybody have the stories saved, or maybe knows him on any other platform? I fucking NEED my fix of cute plush Eldian soles tickled. Pic related
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Anyone got some of the old Tydos pics before he deleted a ton? Would be greatly appreciated.
There was a really old picture on Deviantart of Ms Krabappel from the Simpsons getting tickled with "I like my feet tickled" written over and over again on the blackboard. Does anyone have it? It was in an anime-esque style. The artist also drew one of Lisa getting tickled as well.
This piece appears to have completely disappeared from the internet. Putting it into google image search yields literally zero matches. I've had this saved on my computer for a while, I don't even remember who made it. I do remember that there was a few alts, though. If anyone has them, please share!
>>68124 I don't have the alts, but I do know the artist https://www.deviantart.com/wizterboyd/

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