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be me Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 18:05:58 Id: 56f293 No. 57976
>be me >have zero interest in men >have foot fetish, almost exclusively male kink that gives 100% of women the ick >into tickling as well, most women (people in general) HATE being tickled >years of social isolation and mental illness have driven me down the weeb/furry path, total sausagefest fandoms where the only females are uggo landwhales (or they're into dumb yaoi shit) Do I exist just to suffer?
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:11:49.
So is this whole “there are no women into foot fetishism or tickling” thing like some casual joke that just got embraced as truth over time? Because I personally have met a few girls in my life who loved foot worship and at least one who genuinely loved being tickled. I mean they aren’t common; a girl who loves to be tickled especially is incredibly rare but both do exist. Feels more like people here convince themselves of that to rationalize the “real” reason why they’re forever alone rather than something being wrong with them. However yes I will fully acknowledge that physical attractiveness plays a huge part in all this.
>>58179 It may be a subset of the cuck/humiliation fetish where they just get off on moping idk OP is a faggot as always
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man what the fuck is he lurking here
>>58194 Based. Wouldn't you know it, one nice thing came out of the mopey incel thread. >>58158 Two actually, this WAS pretty good.
>>58179 Physical attractiveness plays a big role yeah. But grooming and attitude can do a lot for a guy. Have you ever seen a couple? There are these perfectly decent looking girls with absolute ogres. Confidence, grooming, personality, communication--all do a lot. The "girls don't like tickling or foot fetish" thing is a huge myth. *Most* girls I've dated have gotten into it--you just have to know how to introduce it. It helps to go for alt/bi girls because people in counterculture or nonmainstream subcultures tend to be kinkier. The reason you don't see more women in spaces like these is because, well, they're not exactly woman-friendly. *lefty opinion alert* Women are never going to feel comfortable in spaces that are largely objectifying, see them as outsiders, and are full of people who think saying slurs is peak comedy(not that slurs aren't at least *kinda* funny sometimes.) Keep hope weirdos
>>58199 >Women are never going to feel comfortable in spaces that are largely objectifying, see them as outsiders, and are full of people who think saying slurs is peak comedy(not that slurs aren't at least *kinda* funny sometimes.) Really anon? you think thats the reason? Not because, the MOMENT someone shows signs of being a woman in this 'community', she gets a million and one thirsty autists trying to RP with her and asking her for feet pics? Or those people insistent that she MUST be a tranny because theres no possible way for a bio-femm to be into this cringe and childish fetish. There are loads of chuddy types who have girlfriends, It's got far less to do with 'objectification' or 'slurs' and everything to do with the fact that this autistic fetish is full or moronic dipshits that can't control themselves the moment they get a whiff of a woman who might be into the same thing as them
>>58202 That is kinda what I meant by objectifying lol. Incel see girl, incel brain say incomprehensibly stupid shit to drive her away cause horny
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So it looks like the takeaway really is >yes it is just unending misery in every direction >and your depression is your fault bc other people aren't depressed so you must be wrong Thanks 8chan gonna rope ig. gghf
>>58209 Go get therapy, bozo.
>>58209 Find a hobby and stop stressing about women
>>58158 Holy shit my phone was never bombarded by so many new tabs opening in my life. Not gonna be watching that one any time soon.
>>58213 Skill issue, you gotta be running the ones with those tabs.
op are you a lesbian? because same
>>58211 I've been. It doesn't help. >>58212 What's the point in that when I'm going to die alone without ever experiencing happiness?
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>>58209 >"my life is lacking and it makes me sad!" >"have you attempted to change things?" >"I can't and I won't" >"ok then deal with your misery" >"ALRIGHT COOL AWESOME I'LL GO FUCKING DIE THEN..." what the fuck did you expect? A circlejerk about how messed up it is the normies reject us en masse and how nobody, anywhere, ever could ever hope to achieve anything resembling a normal life?
>>58218 How do you expect me to change my genetics or my formative experiences? Who wouldn't turn out bitter and cynical after a lifetime of rejections and emotional and physical neglect? I kind of hoped someone else with this accursed degenerate fetish would relate but you all want to be just as spiteful as the normalfags so whatever
>>58220 This reads like such a flagrantly bad parody, like holy shit.
>>58220 You have free will, anon. Maybe you think you don't and that you're just a slave to upbringing and genetics shaping who you are, but this is defeatist bullshit. The fact is free will is real, but it requires a level of introspection and self awareness most people are unwilling to exert, because humans naturally want to take the path of least resistance. Stop being a fucking bitch and shape yourself into the person you want to be. Make yourself into someone who a woman will look at and go "oh, he has a tickle fetish? I hope he thinks my laugh is cute!"
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>>58222 >trips in post >trips in ID The anon speaks truth. Whether or not you suffer in life is out of your control. Whether you find meaning in your suffering isn't.
>>58194 Waiting for the other version. (:I
>>58220 No one can relate because those people end up going on mass murder sprees. At this point, you need desperate therapy.
>>58173 nah, they right, i’m not going on a tickle fetish board to see losers bitching and moaning about how miserable their life is and how woman don’t like them for whatever reasons
>>58220 As someone who got dealt a shitty hand in both genetics and upbringing, it's just learning to emotionally develop: accepting and move on from your problems. Then finding a more centered identity that can get through life and make friends easier. You sound like you were at a disadvantage growing up and didn't develop emotionally like a lot of people do, so you've just got to make up for lost time and get that up to a higher level. Therapy can help, but it's there to facilitate your change, which you have to learn to want and then make happen. Usually it's through realizing and recognizing what it is to exercise true will, which takes some practice and involves a whole lot of complicated shit. This can be accomplished without therapy but it's harder. If that seems impossible or like things are harder for you than others, then remember that even the most mentally healthy people in the world can be stubborn as hell about changing their ways, even when it's for the better. Everyone can act like an immature ass. You are not broken or doomed to be some kind of monster. You're a human being who is behind on some of the key aspects of emotional development, and need some help getting them up to snuff.
>>57976 Have you considered going out and trying to interact with trans people? Perhaps there is a trans person out there perfect for you?
>>58236 ooh, yeah, thats a good idea actually practice talking to real women by talking to fake ones
>>58235 Didn't expect to be motivated in life when I came into this site. This is really great advice, anon!
I can't guarantee this works for everyone, but it has worked exceedingly well for me. If you really want this you have to work for it. 'it' being a relationship with a woman which includes tickle & foot faggotry. A normal relationship takes a shitton of work by itself. This takes more. If you want both you have to work extra hard for it, there's no way around that. Otherwise have fun dealing with the fucking nutjobs who do tickle stuff without relationships. With that in mind, never call it a fetish or a kink. Establish the relationship, be a giver in bed where possible (but not so much that you're a pushover pussy because she'll either get tired of you or will take advantage and never feel she has to reciprocate). Try to steer the sex life towards experimentation, but in a very subtle innocent sort of way, asking if there's anything she's ever wanted to try. Don't come out and be like hey what's your fetish or crazy ass kinky thing you want to do. If she has something like that, you need to coax it out gently. The whole idea of this is that you get her to break the ice on kinkiness, and ideally you'll get to indulge in something she likes so that she'll be pliable to do the same in return. And here's the clincher - when you already have a physical intimate relationship established and she's attracted to you that way, introducing an activity such as tickling which puts the cock she loves into hyperdrive will be such an easy sell. Shorter version. Get a relationship first, get her attracted to you being aroused, give her a means to make you diamond hard. Don't ever call it a foot fetish or tickle fetish. It's just the thing you like. It's worked for me. Sidenote: those uggo chicks make some of the best ticklers if you ever want to swing that way. Tap into that crazy tickler horniness they have from being deprived.
>>58239 OP sounds ready to troon out as it is Though at least (some) trannies and femboys put effort into appearing feminine
>>58015 >The key is to not be too degenerate and This. It's only cringe when she feels that it's separate from the experience and not in the flow of what's going on. Yes, occasionally it's a hard no. At best, they just go with it. Don't introduce it until she likes sex with you and you consistently get her off. In that context, women are very adaptable.
I replied in a whole ass other thread but as a chick with these fetishes, it’s hard but not impossible to find a girl to indulge you. I got driven off of most if not all tickle communities so my slut days are over, but statistically speaking there’s more than one chick like me so don’t lose hope?
>>63903 The majority of ticklefags go tickle-less due to extreme autism, not "because of my fetish". Guarantee you yourself were driven out of those communities due to their intense retardery and not because of any specific thing you did. Most ticklecels will remain that way because of their extreme, overwhelming awkwardness with women and try to pawn it off as "Uh... th-the fetish makes me a weirdo. Yeah, that's it."
>>63909 I’d hardly even call it awkwardness, it’s like a whole other level of spergdom lol. I find that I can carry conversations and be pretty forward/flirty and do most of the work? I’ve even sent pictures of my tits and my feet before. It’s just that they then take it to this whole other level, feel entitled to me and it becomes very stalker-ish. Weirds me the fuck out because I don’t want to get beheaded by some ticklecel over a fucking tickle fetish lmao. Anyway, I can sorta relate because I’d sooner die than admit to any guy I’m seeing that I have a tickle fetish. If he comes about it organically or already has it then I’ve hit the jackpot but otherwise I just lurk or reach out to people myself (usually through TKLMaps I guess, but Reddit is full of soy dudes and TKLMaps has kinda boring lers/more spergs/boomers)— I find the cringe weirdos tend to flood my shit when I leave a form of contact no matter how anonymous it is.
>>63927 To be fair, I wouldn't date you just from your zoomer grammar.
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>>63927 >fearing death from a ticklefag pretty sure that would defeat the purpose since the whole fetish is based around getting a reaction out of someone
>>63949 True but I mean, you’re being purposefully obtuse. If a guy shows up to my house/fixes me I think he’s past the point of tickling.
>>63976 *doxx

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