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e-celebs, STAs, etc Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 06:23:25 Id: fa281d No. 8466
what are the ethics around tickleporn of ecelebs/their avatars? is it much different than that of normal celebs or vtubers? and who would you wanna see get it?
The worst thing I’ve seen is some guy go to a convention dressed as Mario and have a picture taken with some VA and her boyfriend. He then went on to have a picture commissioned where, dressed as they are in the photo, he’s tickling her feet. -and he titled it some unhinged shit, trying to be wistful and poetic, implying that this was a what-if in his life, a reality where the two of them had gotten together.
>>59496 holy shit lel
>>59496 mother of christ, I NEED this image Placing a bounty, whomever delivers to me both that pic and the image it's based on ITT, I will draw them whatever they want. include your req with the delivery so no one snipes you claiming to be you.
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>>59511 Pretty sure it’s these two. Laura Bailey is the actor. Don’t think a real image exists but the descriptions are arguably worse For an art request as a reward, draw Laura Bailey tickled, but not super cringe like these ones
>>59554 The first picture isn't drawn as badly as I expected so it's hard for me to cringe at it
>>59557 Neither of the pics themselves are bad honestly. I just can’t stand this “omg what if we married its a me Mario” setup. But I’m a fan of Critical Role and Laura Bailey’s work so take what I can get
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I want fucking demolish Hopeless Peaches with tickle torture that belly is way too much of a tease and I just know she’s hopelessly ticklish
>>59654 Try Yodayo, I'm getting good with their AI artwork. Check the AI artwork thread
>>59554 I *swear* I saw the image but just as well it was presumably removed from his gallery (I can’t help but feel bad). He was very awkwardly hunched at her side doing a peace sign, mustache in the drawings is accurate. What got this guy on my radar to begin with was him being a big commissioner of an artist I like. -but that was a reason he was on my shitlist too, I hated that he made a point of reserving uploads of those commisions to his account (another user was like 5x worse in that regard though). I refused to give him any sort of attention in the form of favorites or follows so it was a manual effort to assault myself with cringe checking in. Dude’s obsession with a few Tales characters cemented that series into my consciousness I guess though.
>>43112 And as such we need a tickle art of her. She's pretty cute tbh
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i know their channel is hella inactive nowadays, but im incredibly fond of the sona of redbuddi (formerly robobuddies) sorry if it looks bad, i aint an artist
There's no way this streamer isn't into feet, she needs to be stocked, oiled, and scrubbed until she screams for being such a teasehttps://twitter.com/Saruei_/status/1772730404627210408?t=CP0aY3qbOk54QMXU8ihYtQ&s=19
>>8466 It's the same as most stuff. Don't make porn of underage people, don't spam at people who are uncomfortable by it, and control yourself under the comments.
>>63994 ...where the fuck is this even coming from?
>>46296 come on bruh i wanted to see your stuff
I'd love to see Bizabizow get wrecked. She's so dorky and cute and her laugh is just adorable! :3
Some tickling clips with Korean twitch streamers. There's a lot more that I've seen over the years (especially ones with this one streamer called Magenta, she has about 10-15 clips) but I've either lost track of them and one vid is too big to be posted here.
Nobody really talks about her cause she's pretty cringe and her wikifeet page keeps getting deleted despite the fact that she's like 19 or something but Charli Damelio has some pretty great looking feet
>>66138 I like her because she is confirmed to be ticklish.
>>66139 Someone needs to lock her up and find out just how ticklish the rest of her is
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Bumping this thread to say that OnlyJayus needs to be wrapped and have her big ass feet fucked and scrubbed
>>66610 Do we know for sure how big her feet are or is this just a "they look huge any time I see them, so they must be huge" thought?
>>66615 She's mentioned her feet being too big on a few different tiktoks in the past, she's also a pretty tall girl so it wouldn't be shocking if she's got like size 10 or 11s or something around that range
hot take
>>66699 I see the vision
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Jenny Nicholson would be insanely fun to tickle. Not only would she be super ticklish, she'd be totally helpless and very submissive in any tickle-related scenario. The type to not only completely fall apart in cute giggles if you so much as start poking her sides or wiggling your fingers near her feet, but to barely fight back with anything but flailing around and letting out gibbered pleas for mercy once you start letting her have it. Her composed on-video persona would quickly give way to a giggly girl with a super cute laugh that would try to hide her face into a pillow as you force her to make all sorts of adorable embarrassing noises for you, but that would readily forgive you afterwards as she catches her breath with a dumb smile on her face. All this knowledge is factual and final. It was revealed to me within the depths of my slumber. In all seriousness, I'm not even the type to go "OMG! CUTE NERDY GIRL THAT TALKS ABOUT STAR WARS!!!" or anything, but I swear, there's something about her... It makes my tickle-weirdo senses tingle.
>>67156 Yes, yes, yes. There is no youtuber who I need to see completely demolished with tickling than Jenny. Sarcastic girls always need it
I have a random urge to contribute so: Mel Marie ASMR - Makes ler audios for coomers on patreon, needs a taste of her own medicine. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/56075056?q= Flavia Sayuri - Adorable, shows feet only OF, tiny. Basically asking for an intense tickling. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/fleivinha Mushroomnymph - Cute dorky OF model who without a doubt would be hyper ticklish. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/mushroom_nymph Links provided to spread the degeneracy
I feel conflicted on this one. His face is so ugly... but that tummy is BEGGING for it. This picture is destroying me.
>>67743 I'm more disgusted this dude isn't doing the cosplay correct...and because dude.
>>67747 >cosplay cosplay of who
>>67743 skill issue im afraid i think this is a godly leporine presence who happens to be a Final Fantasy charactee. agree on the tummy. pits too actually. Just in general.
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>>67755 I wonder if it's accurate to call it cosplay when it's your OC. >>67743 Esteemed bastards, shitasses of the jury, I rest my case. See the attached extras. I don't think you believe in women. Sometimes the alt girl wasn't always a girl. That's actually pretty common now.
>>67743 I don't know, man. I just have an overpowering urge to tickle whatever skin is covered in fishnets, so the face would be the last of my concerns, maybe my standards are just that low.

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