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VTubers Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 00:42:04 Id: 0e4815 No. 9225
Post any stuff you got involving Vtubers
>>67096 I literally have no clue who any of them were but did this on and off for a little while (forgot to add this to the post) Nina, Olivia, Bao, Numi, Cottontail, Megalodon, Pillow, and whoever is the more ticklish one in Nerissa+Shiori would be the best lees imo Reiyu obvious best ler
>>67097 Bao needs to be put in one of these for mentioning tickling so much. Or I need to learn how to draw
13:59 https://youtu.be/AJiXMFUpVgo?si=YXyXutneVfVNo_ue SmugAlana wanting to tickle an AI
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beribug just got side-tracked in her metal gear stream talking about fetishes, and tickling came up. hearing her say tickling and tickle so many times… hwhjsjsjdj https://www.twitch.tv/beribug around the 1 hour mark
>>67812 Not worth sitting through ads just to hear the word a few times.
>>67819 fair. so basically, she talks about the “tickled” documentary a bit, wildly overestimates the amount of tickling the average person can handle (several hours, lmao), and confirms that she’s ticklish, especially on her feet. she also reveals that her older sister used to frequently pin her down and tickle the shit out of her.
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i need to see her get fucking obliterated
>>67826 This is the fashion equivalent of crack cocaine, and somehow it ends up still feeling mid. It requires talent to fuck something up this much.
>>67832 Not as bad as Tidus of Squaresoft Fame. But yeah, that looks retarded as fuck.
>>67834 Bro, those shoes alone are more of a crime against humanity than anything Tidus could ever accomplish. Yeah, he looks like he has three or four different outfits into one and looks goofy as fuck, but at least it looks like a mix of NORMAL outfits (in-universe) instead of this abomination of zippers, cat-themed clothing, and shit that looks as if it was cut in half just to put even more shit into the space that somehow ended up unocupied in that already over-the-top outfit, all that without even mentioning those power gloves that look right out of a cheap steampunk novel just on top of it all.
>>67826 I can't tell what her real hair color should be.
>>67836 Maybe she's taking the Kingdom Hearts route of vomit inducing zipper approach.
>>67869 You say that as if she was the one that designed it lol, it was made by her mama which also also made Rin Penrose, Debi Debiru and some shadowverse illustrator
>>21930 I didn't know Korone got tickled on her streams! Does anyone have any clips or links? Also, does anyone know if our favorite Filipino Frank Boy, Filian, is ticklish or has been tickled?
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>>67826 Forget about the wannabe Loli and instead welcome the Automaton battle maid >>67876 Here's the clips I posted before about Korone being tickled >>61191
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>>67877 automata would be pleasant to feel. And anything to make the maid not so lazy
>>67812 Which video exactly?
>>67913 Fuck, her laughter is so hot...
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have two juniper actias commissions. nude piece by clancey366 (twitter @clancey366) and the two-parter is by baby___chi on reddit.
>>67065 Are all of the links gathered in a single file? Do you mind sharing them through mega or some other file hosting site?
>>68130 They are *being* gathered in Excel. The list is fucking humongous so it'll take a while, but here is a preview of it. Currently I'm at B on the alphabet, so it's not nearly ready to upload. I'm making this cuz I'm sick of having to go back to unorganized notes that I make every time I come across something. Also, yes, I know I'm fucked up for this.
>>68137 Jesus that's a lot of effort, I'm genuinely super impressed. I just put mine in a notepad file with the links gathered under the vtuber names.
>>68138 Same, but that got old quick cuz my notes turned into a giant wall of text. Then I started using discord to send it to myself and well, that's inconvenient too. So at least this way I know wtf I'm looking at.
>>68137 Bro even rated them
>>68137 Forgot to ask yesterday, but could you drop that first Anny link here in the thread? I'm guessing this is still months from being finished and I'm really interested in hearing that one in the meantime.
>>68157 https://youtu.be/gfWTma6tBu8?t=1837 I also need to update that tier list sometime soon. A lot of new stuff to add
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>>68137 This is serial killer tier effort.
>>68201 At least they're doing that instead of killing people afaik
https://youtu.be/rBYoG1EwZN8?si=4AD8-kRrnKjtjEX3 Rikamii 7:30 He doesn't like it which just makes me wanna do it more
>>68201 The funny thing is I'm the furthest thing away from a serial killer dawg. It's just degenerate horny fetishist tier effort. I was planning on keeping it to myself anyway and not publicizing it

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