/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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General thread Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 22:20:58 Id: 5136cf No. 9420
For things that don't deserve their own thread, or if you just want to socialize
>>60834 dude thanks so much
There is a new anime called "mahou shoujo ni akogarete / gushing over magical girls". The first episode has the best anime tk scene I ever watched. They really cooked and fed us well
>>61163 That tk scene is certified S tier and the whole show is unironically amazing. Basically fetish hentai with some very solid comedy throughout. What a fucking goldmine of degeneracy
>>61036 no problem mate
Did someone ask for knee tickling...?
>>61621 Nobody, but deep down we all wanted it
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>>61621 The back of the knee is so unironically goated.
>>61624 it's just armpit 2.0, stop lying to yourself
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>>61738 >armpit 2.0 And this is supposed to be an indictment, as opposed to cause for celebration?
>>61624 Bruh Caroo behind the knee vagina when?
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This was an ad on my Instagram. Fuckers are getting wild.
>>63391 So is that game any good?
>>63414 Dude, it‘s a mobile ad. It has nothing to do with the game
no idea if this cosplayer is a dude or a chick but I want those feet in stocks immediately
Any idea about this error?
>>64490 it's a spam mitigation measure it's annoying but all you can do it wait for it to go away
>>49746 show your big soft soles please
Since fetish discussion boards are all about finding niches within niches, I got another one I've been looking for. Scenes that explicitly show the tickler or bystander getting off to the tickling. That being they have their cock out hard, jerking it, or jilling themselves too. Looking around you actually don't see this as common. Probably because you, the viewer, yourself is meant to be the one masturbating to this pics.
Is pixiv breaking for anyone else on NIghtly Firefox?
>>65455 Pixiv is blocking adblock... though ublock lite works around it
Does anyone know why videos on kemono or coomer take ages to load? Or does anyone have a solution to it? Shit’s mad annoying
Does anyone have any saved work from SymbionTickles. Used be on deviantart before getting taken down
>>65451 Second this I need more
Hello, I have a girlfriend who knows about my kink. She's willing to indulge occasionally but the problem is she is not that ticklish. More than below average ticklishness that is. Will it cause problems in the future?
>>66782 Have you tried tickling her belly button?
>>66782 If you only get turned on by tickling her, it may be a problem, otherwise, if you are a normal person with a kink and it doesn't represent your whole sexual identity, it sucks a little bit, but it's not the end of the world.
>>66782 I knew a girl in high school who wasn't very ticklish but she still enjoyed the feeling of having her feet tickled. It wasn't the "haha tickle torture laughter" reaction I expected, but it was still enjoyable in its way. If she enjoys it in any capacity it's at least something of a win.
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I have a question for you guys, might be a really dumb question but I don't care, it's driving me nuts. What the hell do you guys call these parts of the toes? I'm writing a tickle story and I'm trying to describe tickling these parts here, and I don't want to keep saying "the parts of her toes between the toe pads and the balls of her feet" or some shit like that. If I just say "tickling her toes" people will just think of tickling the pads or tips of her toes. So what word do I use for these? Slang or actual anatomical terms are both accepted. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me any ideas.
>>66846 that's just 'under the toes', I don't think it has a formal name. like the back of the knee doesn't have a real name. some people call it a 'kneepit' though. guess you can call them 'toepits' but that sounds pretty weird.
>>66849 Tickle fetish shit is weird and creepy as fuck anyway. What's one more awkward construction?
>>66846 stems
Anyone else ever wonder about how much physical tickle media still exists out there, like magazines & VHS? How much has been trashed over the last 30 years, and is truly lost forever. Who has held onto stuff, but doesn’t have the knowledge or means to convert to digital.
>>66846 Stems, as a previous comment said. Base if you want the skin right where the toes begin, stems if you want the length between base and tip, and tip if you want...well...the tip of the toes. Hopefully that makes sense!
actually great suggestions guys. I like "toes stems", I think that sounds good. Thanks everyone

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