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Artstyles you really enjoy Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 21:41:14 Id: ce0350 No. 2153
For me, Sharky-B's artstyle is really cute.
Such a soft artstyle, too bad she disappeared off the face of the planet
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>>2153 seconding Sharky, theres something really appealing about it. real colorful, dynamic poses, draws really cute looking feet really like giggle&blush/bluebuns stuff too, cute characters, good ropework
>>2157 I'm a bit out of date, what exactly happened to Starevolet? she was a great artist who had a lot of potential ahead of her.
>>2176 There used to be another DA artist who had this anime girl with cat ears and a tail as her OC who vanished as well. I'm almost certain "Starevolet" was her, just under a new name as the art style was identical. My guess is the first account got spammed with your typical DA creeps foaming at the mouth begging for requests (which she did) and dipped when it got too much for her. And likely the same thing happened with her new account. Real shame, she was improving quite a bit with each drawing and had a cute art style.
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Spanktoons is excellent, I really wish he was on more platforms than twitter
I hate to be a bummer, but my all time favorite was and will always be RepulsionSwitch and ever since he left, no one has quite hit the same buttons he did. Very few people so perfectly blended male and female lees in their style with feet as well as he drew. The only downside was he would never take commissions, and while I respected why he wouldn't, god DAMN I would have funded that boy's next house payment if he'd have let me.
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>>3064 you know who's really good? Andekya_1941 on twitter, they've got a solid art style and they got some really nice concepts too
>>3066 Fuck me that second one is good
Quintonquill is amazing
>>3066 >Andekya is finally no longer underage Maybe now she'll draw more
you know there actually is already an "artists you like" thread, but you wouldn't know it because the sudden burst of negativity and shitty troll replies to every thread have pushed it past page 3 or so and thus it may as well not exist honestly I think that really sells the problem this board is going through right now more than anything else
>>3072 Well I'll be damned >>2153 Still, no need to be overly pesimistic mate, as far as I can tell there's like two shitty/baity replies in the front page if you discount the drama containment thread. Most of the posts by the sperg that was running amok yesterday were deleted too. >sells the problem this board is going through right now Can you elaborate on this? You're not just saying people pushing drama or being overly nasty is the problem right? Because that's how things tend to be on these boards a lot of the time
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DDD is mega based. Great taste in girls and does stuff for all tastes. His Stock Party sets take the most overdone concept ever and does unique stuff with it.
>>3071 >her >not underaged anymore How do you know that much? Genuinely curious.
>>3078 She stated she was around 16-17 a few years ago, so I assume she's an adult now.
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>>3082 I don't remember her mentioning anything about herself in twitter so yeah. Speaking off twitter, @pontamonja draws amazing art.
>>3083 Are you the admin of this board by any chance?
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>>3067 Can't go wrong with azu chan
>>3066 >>3066 link? i cant find that name on twitter
>>3088 Nah, I'm just an average ticklefag. What makes you think so? Lmao
>>3110 It's andreyka. Anon misspelled
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I like the artstyle but the artist is really protective of their work against filthy gaijins
Honestly Wossa is my fav artist out there stylistically, but these are like their only tickle centered pieces and one of them is just an anticipation piece. I love bondage as much as the next guy, but tickle your victims feet man!

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