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Ticklishness Database Anonymous 07/13/2022 (Wed) 16:27:07 Id: d664c6 No. 24841
This thread is meant to the collection of information on the ticklishness of any notable people or fictional characters. Celebrities, popular internet personalities, anime and comic book characters, etc. are all allowed here. I'll start the thread off with Fernanda Lima, a Brazillian ex model/show host who once did a segment on Tickle Abuse. Her feet are either completely not ticklish or close to it, as Brooke couldn't get a giggle out of her even when using a brush, but her armpits are extremely ticklish.
Tohru from Dragon Maid is canonically super ticklish on both her feet and armpits. She can hold in her laugh for a little bit, but it doesn't take long for her to lose control. However, it seems like she actually enjoys being tickled, since she asks Kobayashi to do it to her too when she sees Kanna getting tickled. Her friend Elma appears to be just as ticklish as she is, and I believe all of the female dragons have been tickled at one point or another.
>>24843 What chapter is that from?
Is this only for canonically ticklish characters or whoever?
>>24846 yes anon, it's for canonically ticklish characters. please read the op next time
>>24847 Not a single line in OP mentions the phrase canonically ticklish. Want me to greentext it for you?
>>24843 All of them? Even lucoa?
>>24841 I mean, I don't wanna dunk on the thread or whatever, I like the idea of it, but this is likely going to turn out a little too similar to the mainstream tickle scenes thread, right? Given those are 90% of the sources of information on how ticklish any character is. Unless you add some sort of rating system for tickle spots or techniques or something. Anyways here's my favorite canonically-insanely-ticklish-fanservicey-tickle-fetish-bait character ever!
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>>24841 >They supposedly shot like 5-10 minutes of a session with her. >It will never, ever come to light.
>>24859 Imagine being a superhero at a prestigious academy and yet the only thing you're known for is the fact that you happen to be particularly ticklish.
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>>24880 >you will never be a tickling-themed hero who gets personalized tickle torture training with classmates and get to intimately know everyone's levels of ticklishness and potentially find someone into it
>>24884 >Not being a tickling themed villain who even other villains are scared of because they are unbearably ticklish
>>24877 I still hope it will, some day
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>>24877 Shy & Wild shot like a full session with Malin Gramer for a Swedish fetish documentary with a revenge bit and everything. He promised he would make it available for free sometime after the episode aired, then he didn't, and when someone asked about it on TMF he threw a hissy fit, saying that people asking for the clip is so annoying that he would simply just never post it. One could almost suspect that he accidentally deleted the files or something and thought it was too embarrassing to admit it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHpvDbcYCKk
>>24965 >TMF begged and moaned for a Shy and Wild video I don’t know how, but this makes sense
>>24968 Is he the most cringe producer? I feel like he is at this point.
Just resurrecting the thread to tell you all that Madison Beer has so sensitive armpits she has a ticklish reaction to stick deodorant.
I thought it was eventually posted
>>24965 Any sauce on this? Only yt vid is down

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