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Youtube channels Anonymous 09/08/2022 (Thu) 14:37:25 Id: 3f7be2 No. 28665
Share youtube channels about tickling or similar
i don't know if anyone remembers this youtube channel, but there was this one animated tickling channel that was 3d models, and it had tickling, sticky feet, and other animations. anyone still know where it is?
>>28678 I think you're talking about PUNDS. Pretty sure he made all his videos private. I think I might have them somewhere, but without the subtitles
>>28679 no, the youtube channel was something like Promoteundshare
oh wait, that's the same name XD my bad. yes, that's who i was talking about
Who remembers the 2009 tickling youtube?
>>28730 Yeah. I remember at some point he had the ability to email him and ask for the videos he didn't cut short or something. Not sure if he still does it though. I'll look on my hard drives to see where I stored the videos, I can post them if that's something people might be interested in
>>28735 No. I remember DailyMotion used to be the place for full length tickle videos way back in the day.
>>28741 And that one german site
Can we talk about the bizarre world of tickling videos on youtube for just a sec? Like, YT will issue takedowns on popular creators for saying the F word, but merely typing tickle torture in the searchbar will net you hundreds of videos of straight up tickle porn, some with amounts of views that seem unreasonable. I mean picrelated (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gpd4kF-2QY) is over 1.2 MILLION Also, some of the comments on these man, Jesus Christ. You think the shitposting thread gets autistic? Some of these read like actual CWC quotes.
>>28762 I remember that comments used to be normal on these videos. But now they are turbo autistic as you mentioned.
>>28762 >>28773 These are the kind of childish and cringe comments one can expect from tickling fetishists
It's bizarre what is immediately pulled from YouTube and what has been allowed for a long time. I posted a bunch of old Terri Tickle f/m, most of which is fully clothed and zero or extremely minor bondage. Videos were pulled almost immediately and the channel was nuked. Meanwhile a full copy of Silver Cherry's relentless, which features a woman in bondage on a table wearing see-through lingerie and is very obviously aroused, has been up for a decade with over million views. And the comments are full of totally real girls asking for tickles. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Cv1KT9M9bPE
https://youtube.com/c/ArtemisWishfoot He is soooooo better than us
>>28800 Narcissist
Any insight into the odd abundance of animated manga youtube videos featuring fairly obviously fetishized tickling? I haven't taken a dive into these because they still look a bit trash, but I am curious. Do we have some folks in the inside or is it just a weird youtube thing where the algorithm likes tickling art in the thumbnail or something? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkgrPChYK2A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiTIhZiDqdQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylhjQMZmB7k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4SHKqNSUts
>>34392 is it bad that these videos actually do it for me sometimes?
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Speaking of channels that somehow still exist, there is Youtube channel of this guy https://twitter.com/hiiragi_minato where he has uploaded lots of his tickling animations about Touhous mindbroken in a fleshy tentacle tickle hell, some of the videos also imply orgasm torture mindbreaking. Some of these videos have over a million views. https://www.youtube.com/@RENON50

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