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Neuron Activation Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 03:52:42 Id: 35f244 No. 31571
Ok, but like, for real, what is THAT thing that makes you say a video/image/story/whatever is good?
Proper distress scenario and the atmosphere it brings. I can tolerate dangerous amount of cringe and lack of artistic skill from my cooming material as long as the setting is hot enough.
>>31571 You posted it already, I love that shit.
>>31571 I think I've narrowed it down to 'reactions that convey genuinely intense ticklishness'. In videos, loud laughter, struggling, stamina decreasing, unbearableness building, etc. In pics, hot expressions, sweat, struggle physics, well drawn tickling (the physical aspect I mean), etc. In writing, descriptions of physical reactions and what the tickling feels like, mental state, well written laughter and proper spoken reactions, etc. Other stuff like bondage or lack thereof, how sexy or cute a 'lee (or a 'ler) is, how they feel about tickling and what tickling brings out of their character, bad end scenarios, cute scenarios, creativity etc. really get me going too, but the one thing is what it all comes down to in the end.
genuine crying and begging honestly. there's like, 3 maybe 4 good videos where it genuinely happens. 2 of those being of the same model.
>>31586 >pic sauce?
>>31571 About stories, I prefer true stories, or stories than even if make I might close an eye and pretend I'll believe them. If it's too bullshit it will bore me. Not sure yet what I would like about fictional stories. I can't remember which, but for sure I've read some good ones. Videos tend to bore me, and also generic images or whatever. I think I like the context and to be in-character, so the most accurate reaction, the better. Like, a character can be completely destroyed or just slightly teased, but the reaction has to be represented accurately to the personality and intensity of the situation.
>>31596 Juzi
For me it's subtle insinuations that the torture/captivity has been and will be going on for much longer. It's the "show rather than tell" approach to Redscript and Caroo's thing where they just have a text bubble that says, "and then the torture happened for 5 billion years." Especially if there is an attitude change shown where someone who was haughty or resistant before is shown broken, timid, and scared. The three pic related where just a grab bag of things that came to mind. With pic 1 (and Bebob has this interpretation in the description), she's still wearing the cuffs and prisoner clothes from being in Peach's dungeon for weeks on end. Pic 2 if you know the story (and this specific picture is why I decided to translate this manga way back like 5 years ago for an 8chan thread), the older lady had shorter hair before, so you know she's been there awhile since it's grown. Pic 3 is kind of obvious but I think the dejectedly marking days in the dungeon on the wall is simple but kino. It can also be pulled off in text. Featherheart22, AFnull, and ProRainDancer all do it well imo.
https://youtu.be/Rv6UIy16CPM This video. Its in the official game, of course. It isnt directly tickling, moreso headpatting and groping but, argh it makes my 2 braincells glow like melting metal. Something about it turning her on and making her more obedient and liking it.
Amateur vids. Bonus points for talking/begging/teasing. The “nl-ho not the toes! In this vid is top tier. https://youtu.be/p2MMtNw7S-o
Reposting from another thread, I think it covers my thoughts sufficiently. >I like all types of tickling content but I have to say that navel tickling is by far my favorite. Not just any old tummy tickling, but navels specifically. The fact that there's a cute little knot full of sensitive nerves to be poked, prodded and stimulated right in the middle of the body is too good. Even better that so many female characters are just casually designed showing it off like it's nothing. I'd love if it was more popular but the fact that it isn't doesn't bother me that much because it kinda adds to that appeal, like it's not the first thing you think of when it comes to tickling so it just makes it all the more special.
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Cute delicate girls!
>>31693 Diamonds over this one

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