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Obviously ticklish. Anonymous 11/09/2022 (Wed) 01:48:57 Id: c70a5c No. 33133
Share characters that you know are very ticklish. They can be male and female characters.
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cute fox girl is 1 million percent ticklish
>>33138 DVa v Kiriko tickle tapout when. Loser gets tortured by Sombra, winner gets Mei.
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Literally canon.
>>33149 If it's canon, is there a scene that demonstrates that?
>>33236 She says shes ticklish during the opening dialogue for the battle, but its nothing major
>>33236 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h__y5gyJZKw for context, they're a ghost who has possessed an anime doll. you fight them earlier in the game when they possessed a combat training dummy.
Both radiate big ticklee energy
>>33240 Oohh, now I get it, thanks for the context.
fix title : "Share the characters you WANT them to be very ticklish. They can be male and female characters."
>>33246 I absolutely agree with Mina, everytime I see her on the show, I can't stop having tickle fantasies with her as a lee, especially when she is on her hero costume.
I feel like this thread should be titled “characters you hope are ticklish” or something because saying anyone is “obviously” ticklish is kinda stupid. Canonically ticklish characters are a different story of course.
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Warrior from Dragon Quest 3
>>33282 I think this thread is more of a 'yeah this character might not have any confirmation, but they're definitely ticklish' instead of hoping they're ticklish. With that being said, Lissa Fire Emblem is most definitely ticklish.
>>33293 >33293 And you base that on…what exactly? Your argument makes even less sense. There’s no confirmation but they probably are anyway?
>>33303 Didn't realize the tism made it so hard to think conceptually
>>33246 >>33279 GOD SAME
>>33303 anon do you know what a vibe is? You can look at a characters personality, the way they carry themselves, and go "oh yeah she's definitely ticklish" in much the same way you can look at a white girl and go "yeah, she definitely fucks dogs"
>>33303 You seem kind of dumb so let me spell it out for you... The topic isn't necessarily for characters that are confirmed as ticklish via scenes etc. There are like 4 other topics like that already. They can be included sure... but they aren't the only ones you can bring up This topic is for characters that just give off "I'm ticklish af vibes." The character you are replying to is a spunky priestess girl that's very high energy etc. You can expect her reaction to tickling would be as high energy as she is. She also just without context looks cute and sometimes that alone is enough to fill headcanons for some people. As my first selection to keep this thread going I select Kaguya Shinomiya. In the show it is explained that she is "hyper sensitive" and can't handle harsh sensations. She also gets flustered by affection almost instantly. Pretty much a prime candidate for tickling and being too ticklish to handle it.
>>33309 Yup! Exactly what I was sayin! We don’t need confirmation and all that, there’s probably a thread for canonically ticklish girls. We just wanna talk about cuties who would probably squeak when you squeeze their sides based on their vibes. Kaguya is a prime “is definitely ticklish as hell” candidate for all the reasons you listed out. Hopefully >>33303 gets what we were saying! Anyways, Flayn Fire Emblem is definitely ticklish. Naive, short, and kind, I bet she’s the type to get commonly get told to raise her arms for something before her sides and pits are tickled~
Definitely Starfire (not to mention canonically ticklish)
You think she’s ticklish? I bet she is!
>>33325 NGL, I wouldn't be opposed to someone drawing this stick figure getting tickled.
I can only imagine how soft and ticklish Oceanus Shenron's feet must be due to them never touching the ground. Turning her into a giggling mess would be a ton of fun.
>>33327 I mean I'll give it a shot
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>>33327 I may not be an artist but I AM an autist
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While the image is small, this scene from the 3rd Episode of the show (RWBY) shows that Yang is in fact ticklish. So now it goes to my head canon that her feet are hidden in thick boots and thick socks, keeping them plush and sensitive as all hell.
>>33342 cultured af. i know her feet are so damn soft and sensitive from those big ol boots
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>>33346 Indeed, and adding to it is also her sister Ruby. With equally thick boots that hide slightly chubby, plush and even more sensitive feet. Probably so plush that a marble sinks into the soft skin.
>>33348 All I’m saying is that the interrogation at the beginning of RWBY should’ve been Glynda stroking Ruby’s soft feet with her sharp nails to get the info out of her-
>>33293 Hard agree. Lissa definitely is the type to snort with laughter. I can see her dishing it out but not being able to take it back.
>>33354 Exactly! She’s the type to initiate tickle fights but never finish them. Though sometimes Chrom, Maribelle, Robin, etc enjoy pinning her down and tickling her whenever she pranks them or if they just feel like hearing her snort with laughter~
>>33353 That would've definitely been fun. Also adds a sort of irony since you see her zipping about so quickly earlier in the episode only to wind up in a situation her quick feet can escape from
>>33342 >>33346 >>33348 >>33353 >>33354 >>33362 >>33380 Just find a CG animator who can track down the assets/models from the series and pool your moneys to commission something. I’ve seen tons of RWBY porn using said assets so I know they’re out there.
>>33382 I don't want it done using the assets, IMO I'd rather just commission someone to actually draw it happening. I'm already not a fan of SFM stuff and the like. >>33353 Absolutely this. Her boots off to the sides, arms behind the chair and Glynda holding one foot as her nails are just stroking those plush feet of hers to get as much info out of her as possible.
>>33380 >>33401 The cutie who is always moving around and probably can’t stay still to save her life now completely restrained as her captor utilizes those cruel nails to torment her soft, plush feet. Ruby would definitely be giving all the info right away, as she just can’t handle a good tickle torturing! >>33382 We could for sure, but I’d rather draw Ruby myself one day. Too poor to commish anything atm and even if I did, I’d just give it to someone to draw it, and even then I’d rather do an untickled FE cutie instead.
Not to mention characters like Applejack and Rainbow Dash who are canonically ticklish. Clearly Pinkie Pie and Fluttlershy are quite ticklish.
>>33419 it's been 10 years, anon, it's time to stop pretending you're too good to fap to cartoon animals just because their fanbase is cringe.
>>33418 Fluttershy just gives off ticklish vibes for some reason.
>>33424 Her usually soft-spoken, meek self belies a hyper ticklish pony who would be a screamer. At the same time I think a quiet type like her could be a pretty wicked tickler if the situation calls for it.
>>33422 Nothing wrong with furries but you could have at least posted hot ones
>>33435 which ones are the hot ones, anon
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>>33437 The ones with nice tickleable feet, pits and tummies
>>33438 Those bare feet are asking for a tickle.
>>33440 you are a lout, a coward, and a rube. you are WEAK your genes are WEAK your children will be WEAK and will not survive their first winter. A drain, a sad drain, a pawn to the archons of yaldabaoth the reptilians pull your strings and you will dance their dance. will you cut them? or leave them to their puppetry?
>>33444 Look anon, all I'm saying is that hooves are a poor replacement for feet as they cannot be tickled. And since these are quadrupedal beings they don't have armpits either. At best they're left with 1/3, which is not too bad but still incomplete.
>>33445 >all I'm saying is that hooves are a poor replacement for feet as they cannot be tickled have you tried, Mr. Raindancer?
>>33447 No because the pones are fictional.
>>33449 skill issue
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This scene is iconic.
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Oh, let's not forget Bulma. She knew she was ticklish, until she became canon.
This thread was already awkward, now it’s just full on cringe.
>>33495 >tickle fetish board >"oh no, this thread is cringe" anon.
>>33495 Anon, don't forget that: >Tickling is childish and cringe
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Asuna from SAO is canonically ticklish on her feet. Source: https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Asuna_Yuuki
Perona is definitely ticklish. Her over the top reactions to everything and somewhat “squealy” nature makes it incredibly likely.
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Sucker for Love girls. Specifically Ln'eta and Nyanlathotep. I like the juxtapostion that the unfathomably powerful elder gods are ticklish, but also... I mean, look at thems bodies.. is it really a far fetched concept?
>>33444 unfathomably based.
>>33438 >>33443 She's clearly such a brat because she's trying to frustrate those around her into tickling her.
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>>33562 I bet Estir is plenty ticklish too.

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