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Guilty pleasures general Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 23:23:08 Id: 0435b4 No. 33692
We got a artist thread so why not make a thread for every other part of the fetish? I'll go first JenniTheClown is one of the hottest characters in this fetish community and also one of the best writers of tickle smut. It's like she was designed to be a ticklefags dream come true but I don't see nearly the same amount of love for her as I do for other sub-par characters. >Massive tits >Playful and torturous personality >Clearly getting horny too
>>33692 I didn't even know who this was so I googled it. Turns out she's almost entirely a story character with very little art, so no shit she's "underrated" in a community that's almost entirely tilted toward visuals. But keeping more in the theme I'll also say clown bitches. YHNC's clown girl is pretty hot for the second two reasons you've listed for Jenni. Although I can see the hyper-comic stylization not being everyone's thing.
>>33694 >"Turns out she's almost entirely a story character with very little art" That's the thing that really surprises me. She's given plenty of physical descriptions and has even gotten commissions by somewhat well known artists so the fact that nobody is drawing her throws me for a loop, especially with all the love that Kitchy gets.
I fucking hate TwoMario and Sodiepawp and every other kiddie-diddler that tries pretending they aren't one but god damn do those two draw good slime tickling, which is one of my favorite types. TM especially has his lignum blobs that just tickle and milk their victims forever, which is another of my big weaknesses.
>>33705 Twomario did a piece with one of pleple50's OCs and Sodiepawp's and it's one of my favorite pieces. Not normally a fan of the itching powder stuff but something about the scenario is so fucking hot. Considered posting the comic in the Tickle Hell board
>>33692 I think she's not very popular because F/M is a pretty niche subject.
>>33694 >lebowitz
>>33692 My experience with this writer is she reached out for a collaboration, and immediately after I finished my part, she deleted her part and blocked me without a word. With that sort of conduct and how she has deleted herself multiple times in the past, I can see why no following has been built despite the talent.
>>33694 horrible artstyle interesting concept though, f/m isnt popular either like the other anon said
>>33707 >>33737 As an avid f/m lover with velvet soft size 12s it sucks to read. Not a lot of f/m stories, especially foot-focused. But Jenni and Kitchy rock for sure. Kitchy reminds me of my first gf except she wasn't a switch but a lee. Same slim leggy piece of adorable.
>>33705 Twomario makes me more mad since I think his style is cute and he can draw older characters/characters with a grown up design but he never gonna give up shota anytime soon. Sodie is alright but the way he does eyes make them look fake and he has a shota/loli problem too.
>I have paid for someone to RP with me. >It was a really fun session that we both seemed to enjoy. >I feel like both of us probably nutted during it It was 60 dollars. I'm fucking paying someone to pretend to be interested in me while I beat off but the (cyber) sex is too good to quit. I have another planned session this Saturday.
>>34076 lmao, that's 60$ worth it. whatcha gonna do, buy fucking scarlet violet
>>34076 you could probably pay a real whore to let you tickle her for that money, anon not with bondage though.
>>33694 It's because clowns are childish and cringe, no one who is mentally past the age of 15 is still into clowns.
>>34107 >Implying that wanting to make someone laugh is cringe >Has a tickle fetish You don't want a big tiddy gal playing with you anon?
>>34107 >being filtered by clown girls Clussy is based, faggort
>>34108 >>34113 >Newfags
>>34113 Pixi Payasita erotic
>>34108 Tickling is so childish and cringe, aren't you embarrassed having this fetish? I can't believe there's a whole community around something like this
>>34157 >Kinkshaming anons >Humiliation is a big part of their kink Top kek Bet you couldn't last as a giggle slave
Not sure if this is the right place for it but I fucking love seeing amateur shit. Like that dude that just tickles his girlfriend in public and records her reactions or that one person on Reddit that shows their collection while tickling dildos. Those types of videos get me so fucking hard. It feels strange to like those low quality things more than most high effort studios
I know that tickle torture hazing is sometimes a thing in frats and sororities, I just wish I knew which ones so I could've potentially handed myself over to them to take some of their abuse
>>34265 I had a family friend talk about how one of their initiation things was stealing a paddle from a fraternity and they grabbed a member and tickled him until he agreed to steal it for them. I wish I had gotten more details but it was such a hot story.
>>34277 do you know any other details about the story?
>>34281 Mostly those, she talked about how they blindfolded him and used a truck to move him to a sports field and tickle him there. She mentioned she had 2 sisters helping her so I imagine one was likely just there to hold him in place.
>>34352 god damnit, fml they took him to a second location to torture him I would win the lottery five times in a row before I would be so lucky, motherfucker probably didn't even enjoy it
>>34378 >you will never be blindfolded and captured by women, driven to a secondary location, and tickled relentlessly until you give in to their demands why even live
>>34378 Based on the fact that tickling was their go-to solution, I guess he may have already had a reputation for being sensitive. I tried asking for more details and she sort of laughed it off and said she couldn't remember much. This was in the 70s so I guess maybe things were different but the first time she told the story it became immediate fantasy fuel.
>>34378 The biggest agony of a ticklefag is seeing someone who regularly is subjected to tickles and doesn't enjoy it. When I was younger I was part of a church youth group, and there were three girls who relentlessly tickled a guy there. I mean like, all the time. It was clearly some way they worked out their horniness since their religious upbringing closed off all other outlets. And for whatever reason they had converged on this one guy with a common release. It was especially huge on this long trip to a youth gathering. It was like every five minutes on the bus one of them would start it up again. And by all accounts, the guy hated it. Fucking bastard. I would sit there every time and just seethe hearing things like "oh, it's 2:00, I think the time to torture derek sign is back up!" I did get some tickles from the two women who supervised the youth group though. One of them got me real good on the trip when I was leaning over. She said "I saw some sides open, I had to do it".as her nails dug into me. I still wonder if that's a regular thing among churchy chicks, substituting tickling for typical sexual activity.
Anybody really into itching powder and oversensitivity? I wish there was a way to actually get some of that stuff... Just thinking about all the fetish applications is so hot.
>Met an adult escort >Paid her 100 bucks to tickle me >Does a shit job and just hurts with her nails >Sucks my dick instead >Tickles my sides while sucking >Best nut ever... Did I crack the code?
>>34645 Not into itching myself but growing up in the countryside, i can confirm "itching powder" exists, if not in the way you imagine. If you live near a forest, or even a park honestly, there's a good chance you might find stinging nettles. One brush against those bastards and you'll be itching for a good few minutes. Try that...
>>34645 My number 1 fetish currently is being locked in a chastity belt and having itching powder poured in. The idea of that itching so much and not being able to do anything about it seems like the ultimate torture.
>>35066 I have a recommendation then... Get some tingling lubricant and rub it on, make sure it really gets in there... And then put the chastity cage on. It's impossible to keep from getting hard and the tingling and stimulating effect of it will drive you mad. I tried it once to see if I could have a handsfree release and I lasted an hour before I had to wash off in the shower... Couldn't cum with it on but the cleaning made it happen twice
>>35070 Any example of the lube? I’ll give it a try
>>35013 maybe! very interesting
>>35072 https://www.amazon.com/K-Y-Sensorial-Lubricant-Intensifying-Sensations/dp/B07Z6RRHV4 Here's the one I used... It helps to go a day or two without cumming beforehand because if you shoot... It gets so much more intense
>>35116 So i haven't ordered it yet. Is it just a mentholated feel, or something different?
>>35246 Honestly not too sure if it'd be different for different people. For me it felt kinda like when your foot falls asleep but a lot warmer

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