/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Powerful Lees Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 14:05:01 Id: 6ec623 No. 33788
Tickling is a power dynamic kink, and as such its all about dominance and control, and I've got a thing for lees that usually wield these. Turning it on them and driving them crazy with something as childish and cringe as tickling is pure fap gold. (Even better if theyre into it and like being powerless). Post lees that are nobles, rulers, goddesses, queens, businesspeople (corpo types), politicians, etc. Basically if the lee is used to being at the top of the food chain and wielding power over others, they belong here.

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More of my faves that didnt fit the original
Azula to be sue.
>>33788 >(Even better if theyre into it and like being powerless). i was right there with you til that part. nothings better than them hating it and being humiliated by the fact that it’s tickling that’s defeating them. this is one of my favorite sun-genres of the fetish though. rulers, superheroes, spies, cops, whatever, anyone who’s used to being strong and powerful being reduced to a ticklish begging mess is hnghh. posting the dA favorites gallery i have for this specific niche bc i’m too lazy to comb through and pick out individual pieces : https://www.deviantart.com/hi-pie5/favourites/59719987/breaking-the-tough-girl
>>33809 plus a few select goodies that aren’t on deviantart yet i don’t think
>>33809 Great fucking gallery my man, exactly what I was looking for. Although I'll disagree with you about the consentual angle. Noncon is hot af ofcourse, but theres just something about someone so powerful and above your station yearning for you to turn them into a barely cohetent cackling mess and strip all control away from them. Even more so if they love the humiliation aspect if it and the embarassment of being so damn ticklish is also hot to them. Idk I guess I have this taste due to me liking dom/sub relationships. Mixes well with tickling. Here are some Tri captions that awakened this in me lmao. https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/Behind-the-Mask-F-F-TK-Mara-Sov-Sjur-Eido-923472616 https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/Of-Secrets-and-Truths-F-F-TK-Mara-Sov-Sjur-Eido-925130442 And some hot stories too. Theyre a bit on the long side, but super worth it.
>>33809 But yeah lees like Azula that are villains or shitty fucking people deserve to be tickled until they go insane lmao. Better if they absolutely despise it but cant help it.
>>33822 I'm with you on this too. nothing like slowly stripping away the tough facade and watching them realize that for all the power they got, deep inside they're horny little sluts begging to be teased and tickled.
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Briel7 has some good shit for those that like this subfetish. Heres a hot CEO girl getting wrecked.
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And of course, my fav characters of his are his dark souls inspired goddesses with gigantic ticklish feet
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>>33868 This CEO girl is 10/10 but Briel lately has been going too deep into the face stepping and foot smelling. Feels like he’s one step away from the Redscript foot gunk level stuff.
>>32098 >>33788 These two threads should probably be merged into one, they're exactly the same
>>33892 Theres some overlap, but I dont think the threads are exactly the same. For example, Peach and Daisy here are powerful people (powerful as in they wield power because theyre royals) but they arent going to kill you if they break out of their bondage here. When I mean powerful lees, its not necessarily powerful in the sense that they can beat the shit out of you or are dangerous victims to keep. I mean those lees also have a place here, but its not the only trait thats valid.
https://www.deviantart.com/colorpandora/art/Torment-of-the-Body-Part-1-862462371 These come with stories of Wonder Woman being stuck in Tickle hell until she pledges herself to Ares. Pretty hot ngl
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